Tyringham Park (25 page)

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Authors: Rosemary McLoughlin

BOOK: Tyringham Park
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The reason he’d chosen Cormac as a tutor in the first place, Waldron said, was because he was an artist and Waldron knew Charlotte was good at drawing horses even at a young age and
presumed she’d inherited it from him, and she might as well paint as do needlepoint.

Charlotte was grateful the dining-room table was twenty feet long – she wasn’t missing a word as they projected their voices at each other to cover the distance.

From what he could see, continued Waldron, Cormac had done wonders for the girl. Anyone could see how slim and happy and accomplished she had become under his tutelage. This evening he had been
jolly proud of Charlotte’s success and appearance and thank goodness Cormac hadn’t asked permission as, if he had, it wouldn’t have been granted and they might never have found
out about Charlotte’s talent.

“Finished?” asked Edwina.

“Of course I’m not finished,” answered Waldron, refilling his wineglass. “Just warming up.”

“In relation to Mr Delaney, there’s something I should mention,” said Aunt Verity in a small voice. She sat at the far side of the table, opposite Charlotte’s place, and
had to twist her neck backwards and forwards to follow the arguments.

“Is it important?”

“I think it’s very important.”

“What is it, then?” asked Waldron, his voice full of exasperation.

“I just happened to be passing the schoolroom the other day –”

“I thought I told you to stay away from there.”

“Oh, shut up, Waldron, for a minute and let Verity speak. What did you see, Verity?”

“The door happened to be opened. I saw him kissing her. And they walk close together when they’re out on excursions.”

Waldron laughed. “Is that all?”

“That’s not the response I’d expect from a father.”

“What response do you want me to make?”

“If that’s your attitude I’ll keep the rest to myself.”

“No, go on. Sorry. I can’t wait to hear more,” said Waldron.

Even Charlotte could hear the playful tone in his voice. He was enjoying this.

There was a pause.

“Well,” Verity continued more reluctantly, “he had his arm around her at the exhibition and she pulled away when she saw us. Then later she looked at him in a special way with
her hand on her heart. She removed the hand when she saw me looking. If that’s not a sign of guilt, I don’t know what is.”

“And that proves Cormac has wicked designs on Charlotte?” Waldron laughed.

“I don’t know why you find it so funny,” said Verity in a voice that trembled as if she was about to cry.

“My apologies, dear sister-in-law and cousin.”

“Why don’t you address Verity by her name?” said Edwina. “It would save time and be less irritating.”

“There are lots of Veritys in this world, but for me only one sister-in-law and cousin, that’s why. I’m sorry about the laughing. Of course you’re right to concern
yourself with Charlotte’s virtue, dear cousin. Just where did Cormac kiss Charlotte, presuming your eyesight is good enough to give an accurate account?”

“My eyesight is perfect, thank you. It was in the classroom.”

“I mean on what part of her person did he kiss her?”

“On the top of her head, no mistake.”

There was an explosion that was a cross between a sneeze and a splutter, followed by coughing.

“Ring for a servant, Vee, to clean up that mess.”

“Stay where you are,” said Waldron with difficulty. “They can do it later.”

“Perhaps you could desist from drinking until we’ve finished this discussion. Red wine obviously doesn’t do your reasoning or the table any good.”

Waldron’s voice was back under control. “There’s nothing wrong with my reasoning. It’s not my drinking causing the trouble, it’s your sister’s

There was the scrape of a chair. “I know when I’m being made a fool of,” said Verity with tears in her voice.

“Sit down, Vee, and behave yourself, Waldron,” Edwina snapped. “Though I can’t really see why we’re bothering to talk at all seeing there’s no way we can come
to any agreement. I think Mr Delaney should go, Waldron thinks he should stay. I think the paintings should be removed, Waldron thinks they should stay.”

“I’m not looking for agreement,” said Waldron. “And why are you speaking to your sister as if I’m not in the room? I’m commanding you – Cormac Delaney
stays and the paintings stay. I forbid you to go back to the salon to badger and hector that poor man who is only doing his job.”

Charlotte could hear him taking big gulps of liquid. She couldn’t imagine the expression on her mother’s face, as she’d never heard her spoken to in that way before.

“Why can’t you let the poor girl experience a bit of joy? Don’t bother answering. I’ll answer for you. Because you’re jealous of her, that’s why. You can
never resist a dig. You’ve always been jealous of her.”

Edwina snorted. “That’s preposterous. What’s there to be jealous of?”

“Her riding ability for one. Bertie couldn’t praise her highly enough, and everyone who saw her at the hunt was amazed by her horsemanship. All this talk of superiority and a trade
– it’s all balderdash – silly arguments to cover up your jealousy. And you never pass the chance to make snide comments about her every time her name comes up in conversation.
Just remember that if it wasn’t for you she’d still be at the Park riding Mandrake as happy as the day is long.”

Charlotte’s heart somersaulted.

“Let’s clarify this.” Edwina’s tone was slow and menacing. Charlotte shivered to hear it. “Are you saying I’m to blame for my accident?”

“Well, of course I am. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“I don’t believe I’m hearing correctly. It was Charlotte who jumped in front of me and knocked Mandrake’s legs from under him.”

“She was only nine, for God’s sake, and who instructed her to ride that treacherous, pig-headed, half-mad mongrel of a horse with no mouth when she had a perfectly safe one of her

“Half-mad mongrel? How dare you? I trained Sandstorm myself.”

“Exactly. Ruined him, more like.”

“So that’s it. Now it’s all coming out. Showing yourself in your true colours. Admit it. It was you who was always jealous. Of me and my horsemanship.”

“Jealous of you? There’s a laugh. When did you ever hear yourself described as a good rider?”

“I’ve had plenty of compliments.”

“Yes, I’ve heard them. Fearless, tough, strong, but never
Any word except

Verity contributed. “She’s been told she rides as well as a man.”

“What man?” Waldron scoffed. “The mad major who sits on a horse like a sack of potatoes? Or Marcheson, who wears out his mounts before they turn eight? Or Partridge, who
crippled his prize filly? Not me, anyway. No, it was you, jealous of Charlotte. Why else put her on an unmanageable mount and then blame her for not being able to manage him? Don’t interrupt.
I haven’t finished. Charlotte has a rare ability that you don’t have, and because of you it’s wasted.
There was no need for her or Harcourt to be relocated here.
It’s not as if you ever see them. They should have stayed at the Park. It’s their birthright. Charles always said he would love to have them. It was spite that made you do it. Nothing
but spite.”

“Now I’ve heard everything!” Edwina screeched. “The next thing you’ll blame me for is Victoria’s disappearance!”

“Now that you mention it. Let’s put it this way – if you were in the army you’d be court-martialled. It happened on your watch. Nothing you can say can alter that.
watch. Responsible.”

“You’ve gone too far. Vee, would you mind? I can’t stay here another minute. We would have all been a lot better off if you’d stayed in India. We’ve managed
perfectly well without you over the years. Come on, Vee.”

“Managed perfectly well? Looks like it. Harcourt is still only a child and he’s all right so far,” Waldron slurred. “Give it time. You’ll think of

The door banged and the women were in the passageway. “Drunken loud-mouth. Twisted liar. If he thinks he can tell me what to do he’s got another think coming,” said Edwina,
loading each syllable with venom. “Charlotte, Charlotte, always Charlotte!”

“He might be a lord, but he’s not your master, Edwina. There’s a higher authority than his so you don’t have . . .”

Charlotte strained to hear more but the swish of the wheels of the chair obscured the fading voices.

So it wasn’t my fault? Could that possibly be true? Her father had said the most beautiful words she’d ever hoped to hear and he sounded as if he knew what he was talking about.

Until she was twelve she’d believed Nurse Dixon had caused Mandrake’s accident by screaming the curse, ‘Mandrake will die,’ but after Charlotte outgrew her fascination
with fairy stories and accepted with sadness that they were all make-believe, she had to conclude that curses fell into the same category as the stories and had no power, just as Miss East and
Cormac had repeatedly told her. So if it wasn’t the curse, she had to accept it was her poor horsemanship that had caused the clash. Until she heard her father’s pronouncement through
the wall tonight, the conviction that it was all her fault hadn’t wavered during those years.

There was a thud and sounds of shattering glass next door and then more sounds of fumbling and smashing.

She heard the sound of footsteps entering the dining room and recognised the voices of two male servants.

“There now, easy does it, sir,” said one. “Just put your arm around my shoulder.”

“There we go, sir,” said the other.

Wishing to avoid what would obviously be slow progress, Charlotte slipped out of the dark room, silently closed the door, and disappeared around the corner. She could see herself staying awake
all night – so much to think about and so much to tell Cormac in the morning when he returned from his night of celebration. He would be pleased to hear how her father had stood up to her
mother over the matter of exhibiting. About Mandrake she would say nothing.


It was five o’clock in the afternoon when Cormac arrived back from his revels to find Charlotte waiting for him in the classroom.

“She did it, my little colleague,” he said. “She did it. Can’t call you ‘apprentice’ any more after last night. She did it. Blast her, anyway.


“Your mother. Afraid so. Paintings gone. Wait till I sit down and I’ll tell you the story, then I need to go to bed for a long time.”

According to David Slane, Edwina and Verity were waiting at the door at opening time. Edwina insisted the paintings be removed as her daughter was underage and had not been given permission to
participate. A few other members of the Society tried to talk her out of the decision, saying if only she knew what a sensation the paintings caused she would be bringing more in, not taking them
down. They said not being an artist herself she couldn’t appreciate how difficult it was to sell one piece, let alone four, especially if you weren’t an established name and not
regarded as an investment as yet. Charlotte was the talk of the town already, showing such talent at a young age, and when word spread there would be a lot of people turning up to see them and
leaving disappointed. Did she have any idea that the Society was considering offering her daughter full membership at the next meeting – the youngest member ever – and what an honour it

“No luck, then?” said Charlotte.

“Not a bit. The more they argued the more intransigent she became. But David had to stand firm in not declaring the sale null and void – said it was out of his hands. That collector
won’t be able to believe his luck. David said in the end it was the wheelchair that won the day – you can’t argue with a person with a disability — and he gave in about
taking the paintings down. But he was upset. Now he has to face people who weren’t lucky enough to be at the opening pouring in to get a look at this artist’s work, and all
they’ll see is a blank space. He’s going to have to make up some story to placate them but it won’t be easy and he’s not looking forward to it. Your four masterpieces are
hidden away in the back of his office where they’ll have to stay for three weeks until the exhibition is officially over and the owner’s agent can come and collect them. That’s
how the system works. David begged me to try to get your mother to change her mind.”

“No chance of that,” said Charlotte, relating what she’d heard in her hideout the night before.

“You’ll have to try to look at it in a positive light seeing as you have no choice. In a strange way she might have done you a favour. The city will be buzzing with the story by the
end of the week and the demand for your pictures will grow out of all proportion. To capitalise on it, you can work hard and build up your stock and then when you come of age you can burst back
into the limelight and your mother won’t be able to do a thing about it.”

“But that’s five years away.”

“It will pass quickly.” He leaned over and put his good hand on her head as if to bless her. “Promise me you won’t fritter your life away in trivia like most of your lot.
Promise me you’ll use those years to experiment. Try new approaches.”

“I don’t have to promise,” Charlotte said.

“Of course you don’t. I know I can count on you. Good girl.” He removed his hand and stretched as he yawned. “Now I really must go and pass out. Great night – pity
you were too young to join us.”

“Just as well, actually. I heard last night that Aunt Verity thinks your ways are too informal with me and you’re not her idea of a schoolmaster.” That was the most innocuous
way she could rephrase Verity’s accusations.

Cormac laughed with genuine delight. “Does she now? And she’d be an expert, would she? You’ll have to enlighten her that I never claimed to be a teacher. A soldier who took
orders from his superior, that’s all I was.” He gave her a mock military salute. “But we did all right, didn’t we?”

“Better than all right,” Charlotte smiled.

“So there you are, then. Congratulations on last night. You were great, so you were. Now go and tell your Aunt Verity I’ll hardly be seeing you at all over the next six months as
I’m expecting your father to be a hard taskmaster, so she can relax.” He stood up and took a few seconds to steady himself. “And after that I won’t be seeing you at all,
unless you come to see me in my bohemian area of Paris. Now
would give your aunt something to pray about.”

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