Tyrant's Blood (49 page)

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Authors: Fiona McIntosh

Tags: #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Tyrant's Blood
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‘So here’s cheers, Evie. Wish me luck.’ He clinked cans, watched her drink again, a long draught this time. Fortunately, her nervousness was making her thirsty.

‘Evie, do you remember earlier today when I mentioned there might come a time when I ask something strange of you?’

‘That was only a few hours ago, Reg. I could hardly forget.’

He nodded. ‘I know you’re angry—’

‘I’m not angry. I’m perplexed, confused, perhaps even disturbed. I’m only angry about the loss of my phone. And that’s fine because you can pay for—’

‘Do you trust me?’

She took a breath, not showing offence at being cut off once again. ‘Should I doubt you?’

‘That’s not what I asked.’

‘It depends what you ask of me, then,’ she said, glowering at him. ‘I want to understand what this strange behaviour is about.’

is our past and our future.’

She regarded him gravely. ‘That explains nothing. You’re talking in riddles. I said I want to understand.’

‘You will, if you trust me. Look up, Evie. See how the sky is darkening?’

She looked up and back again at him in silence.

‘In a few minutes it will be night and too late.’

She frowned again. ‘Too late for what?’

‘For us.’

‘For us? For us to what?’

‘To return.’

‘You’ve lost me, Reg,’ she said in a stern, far more irritated voice than he’d ever heard from her previously. ‘I have to go.’

‘I’ve never lost you, Evie. I’ve always been here, protecting and watching over you. I would never lose you.’

She ground her jaw and he could see her thinking over everything he had said, presumably wondering whether she should call the fire department or mental services. ‘Why are we up here, Reg?’ she asked.

‘Because it’s tall enough to give the magic time to work after we jump.’

She stepped back, horror ghosting across her face. ‘Jump?’

‘You mustn’t be frightened.’

‘Why not? You’re frightening me!’

‘Have I ever given you cause for fright before?’

She shook her head.

‘Have I ever struck you as insane?’

‘You’re the most sane person I know.’

‘I haven’t changed. Evie, we have but minutes. You need to make a decision. Take my hand and follow me. I am going to take you back to where you come from…to where we both come from. Remember our conversation about how we always feel as though we don’t belong, but that somehow we belong to each other?’ She nodded, blinking. ‘That’s because neither of us belong here. This was a haven…a place to hide. Nothing more. Your father—and I don’t mean the man who adopted you, but your real blood father—sent me to be your champion, to take care of you always. Now it’s time. We must return. We are needed.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ She staggered slightly and he leapt to her, offering a steadying hand. ‘Reg, I feel dizzy.’

‘I can see that. Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ve always been here.’

‘I think I’m going to be sick. Did you do this? Did you drug me?’ she asked, making all the right connections, injuring him with the accusation in her look.

‘I had to be sure.’

‘Are you going to kill me?’ she said, leaning harder against him now as the drug worked.

He tried not to show how much that comment hurt him. ‘No, precious one. I would never harm a hair on your head.’ He lifted her into his arms. ‘Hold on tight.’

She grabbed his neck. ‘I’m tired and frightened. Everything feels strange. It feels like electricity in the air, as though a storm is brewing. It’s crawling over my skin.’ Her voice sounded wan and confused.

Reg climbed onto the ledge of the building. He had to trust it now; trust that the magic Evie could feel swirling around them, reaching for them, coaxing them, was real. ‘Hold tight, Evie. I’m taking you home.’

‘Home? Where’s home?’

‘Penraven, my princess,’ he murmured into her hair. And then, holding her tightly, he stepped off the roof.


King Cormoron: The first Valisar king.

King Brennus the 8th: 8th king of the Valisars.

King Darros the 7th: 7th Valisar king. Father of Brennus.

Queen Iselda: Wife of Brennus. She is the daughter of a Romean prince from Romea in Galinsea. Comes from the line of King Falza.

Prince Leonel (Leo): First-born son of Brennus and Iselda.

Prince Piven: Adopted son of Brennus and Iselda.

The De Vis Family

Legate Regor De Vis: Right-hand of the king. Father to Gavriel and Corbel.

Eril De Vis: Deceased wife of Legate De Vis.

Gavriel (Gav) De Vis: First-born twin brother of Corbel. He is the champion of the Cohort.

Corbel (Corb) De Vis: Twin brother of Gavriel.


Cook Faisal: Male cook of the castle.

Father Briar: The priest of Brighthelm.

Freath: Queen Iselda’s aide and right-hand man.

Genrie: Household servant.

Greven: Lily’s father. Is a leper.

Hana: Queen Iselda’s maid.

Jynes: The castle librarian (steward).

Lilyan (Lily): Daughter of Greven.

Morkom: Prince Leo’s manservant.

Physic Maser: The queen’s physic.

Sarah Flarty: A girlfriend of Gavriel.

Sesaro: Famous sculptor in Penraven.

Tashi: Sesaro’s daughter.

Tatie: Kitchen hand.

Tilly: Palace servant.

The Penraven Army

Brek: A soldier.

Commander Jobe: Penraven’s army commander.

Captain Drate: Penraven’s army captain.

Del Faren: An archer and traitor.

From outside Penraven, but still in the Set

Alys Kenric: A resident of Vorgaven.

Claudeo: A famous Set painter.

Corin: Daughter of Clovis.

Danre: Second son of the Vorgaven Royals.

Delly Bartel: Resident of Vorgaven.

Elka: From Davarigon—a giantess.

Jed Roxburgh: Wealthy land owner of Vorgaven.

Leah: Wife of Clovis.

Princess Arrania: A Dregon princess.

Tomas Dole: A boy from Berch.

The Vested

Clovis: A master diviner from Vorgaven.

Eyla: A female Healer.

Hedray: Talks to animals.

Jervyn of Medhaven: Vested.

Kes: A contortionist.

Kirin Felt: Can pry.

Perl: Reads the Runes.

Reuth Maegren: Has visions.

Tolt: Dreams future events.

Torren: Makes things grow.

The Supernatural/Other

Abbess: The head nun of the convent at Lo’s Teeth.

Algin: Giant of Set myth.

Aludane: A Steppes god.

Cyrena: Goddess. The serpent denoted on the Penraven family crest.

Deren—a baker from Green Herbery.

Quirin (Quirin Vervine): Deaf, blind and mute seer. Also referred to as the ‘Mother’ of the convent in Lo’s Teeth.

Ravan: Also known as Vyk, the Raven.

Roddy—a young boy, saved by and drawn to Piven.

Sergius: A minion of Cyrena.

Tod—one of Roddy’s friends in Green Herbery.

Wikken Shorgan: The younger of only two wikken left alive in the Set. He can ‘smell’ magic.

The Highwaymen

Jewd: Friend to Kilt Faris.

Kilt Faris: Highwayman, renegade.

Tern: One of Kilt’s men.



Outside the Sets

Emperor Luc: Emperor of Galinsea.

King Falza: Past king of Galinsea.

Zar Azal: Ruler of Percheron.

Loethar and his followers

Barc: A young soldier.

Belush: A Drevin soldier.

Bleuth: A soldier.

Brimen: A soldier at Woodingdene.

Dara Negev: Loethar’s mother.

Darly: A soldier.

Farn: A Mear soldier.

Fren: A page who spies for Valya.

(Captain) Ison: A soldier.

Jib: A soldier.

Loethar: Tribal warlord.

Roland: A servant in Dara Negev’s retinue.

Ronder: A soldier at Woodingdene; close to Stracker.

Shev: A soldier at Woodingdene.

Steppes (Plains) People: From the Likurian Steppes. Known as Barbarians.

(Lady) Valya of Droste: Loethar’s wofe.

Vulpan: A Vested working for Loethar whose talent is ‘cataloguing’ and tracking people by knowing the taste of their blood.

Stracker: Loethar’s right-hand man and half brother.

Vash: A soldier.

Vyk: Loethar’s raven.


Aegis: Possesses the ability to champion with magic. Is bound to a person by the power of trammelling.

Binder or Binding: The person who binds himself to an Aegis.

Blood Diviner: A reader of blood.

Diviner: Gives impressions and foretells the future.

Dribbling: A small push of prying magic.

Prying: Entering another’s mind.

Reading the Runes: Ability to foretell the future using stones.

The Valisar Enchantment: Powerful magic of coercion peculiar to the Valisar line.

Trammelling: Awakening an Aegis’ power.

Trickling: Low level magic.


Willow sap, Comfrey balm (for pain)

Clirren leaves (powerful infection fighter)

Crushed peonies (for pain)

Henbane (for pain)

White lichen (used for dressing wounds)

Dock leaves (soothes itching skin)

Bermine: A painkiller

the seven realms are sovereign states, self governed with a king as head.








The Hand: The continent that the Denova Set sits on.

Cities/towns within the Set

Berch: Close to Brighthelm. Home of the Dole family.

Brighthelm: The city stronghold (castle) and capital of Penraven.

Buckden Abbey: Religious place South of Brighthelm.




Deloran Forest: The Great Forest.


Dragonsback Mountains: They separate Penraven from Barronel.

Droste: A realm not part of the Set.

Francham Garun Cliffs: Where chalk is mined.

Green Herbery

Hell’s Gate


Lo’s Teeth: Mountain range in Droste.

Merrivale: Where shipbuilding is renowned.

Minton Woodlet


Port Killen

Rhum Caves: Caves found in the hills outside of Brighthelm.

Skardlag: Where the famous Weaven timber comes from.


Vegero Hills: In the realm of Barronel. Famed for the marble quarried in its hills.


Places outside the Set


Galinsea: A neighbouring country.

Lindaran: The great southern land mass.

Likurian Steppes (or Steppes): Treeless plains. Home to Loethar and his tribes.

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