Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6) (3 page)

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Razar’s family was wonderful and she didn’t want to subject them to her oldest. Careena thought her daughter had come here but it seemed she’d changed her mind. She didn’t want to ask and look like she didn’t even know where her own daughter was. Narcissi would show up when she needed something like she always did because she knew her mother couldn’t tell her no. It had been like that for a long time now.

They’d finished eating and Careena had insisted on helping clean up since Tylar had her mischievous boys in hand. Normally she kept up with them just fine but she hadn’t rebounded since her illness and surgery. Oh, she’d improved, but she just wasn’t where she ought to be. It worried her since she had two young boys counting on her so she had to get better, she just had to. Narcissi was not mentally fit to take over the raising of two rambunctious boys and Lista had her life settled. She had a mate as the Mazlans called them and was starting her own family.

Tylar was interested in her and heaven knew she was attracted to him but she was hesitant to take a leap after failing to find her prince charming three times on Earth. It wasn’t like she’d had a choice any of the three times. Men on Earth had all the say which meant when a female they chose bore them a daughter it was good bye. Not that she was sad to see the first two go. She hadn’t even liked either of them.

Now the cleaning up was all done and she was able to sit down. Hopefully no one would notice how tired she was. “Why don’t we talk for a few minutes?” Gildra asked.

“Of course. What did you want to discuss?”

“Your health because it’s obvious you’re not feeling well.”

“Nonsense, I’m just tired for the move.”

“Darling girl, I’m a mother and I can see things others try to hide. There is no need to allow yourself to be on death’s door before you seek help. Tylar will be more than happy to see you to the doctor tomorrow while the boys stay here and play.”

“The boys can be a handful.” Careena began with excuses.

“I raised ten of them with only a year or two in between. So I think I can handle two.”

“It makes me feel like I’m failing when I can’t manage things. Everyone tells me it’s silly to feel this way if I’m sick but I just do.”

“I understand completely. That’s why I’m taking this out of your hands. Females often push themselves too hard and too far. Tylar cares for you, your sons need you, and your daughters will need you for advice and help. Sometimes a female just has to see to her needs first or she won’t be around to help those she loves.”

Sweet words, but when had Careena ever been able to put herself first? Earth was a harsh place for women and women with daughters were just screwed. She saw the wisdom in Gildra’s words but under normal circumstances it just wouldn’t have mattered. Now though the choice was taken out of her hands. Careena would get the help she needed despite herself. A cry sounded from the other room.

“Looks like we have a grandchild.” Careena commented. They both got up in a rush to run to the other room. A quick wave of dizziness rushed over her but she fought it and won. She was on Gildra’s heels as they entered the room.

“It’s a girl.” Razar said with immense pride. It dripped from his words in a way no one could mistake it. He sheltered the baby in his arms kissing her cheek softly.

Relief rushed through Careena. It was true, they valued females here. Praise everything that was good and right because now she had hope for her daughters and granddaughter. The baby had a large amount of dark hair, no surprise since Razar’s hair was black and Lista’s was just a little lighter. Careena and Gildra stood waiting for the baby to be passed to them. Razar seemed reluctant to relinquish her.

Gildra stepped forward holding out her hands. Reluctantly he passed his daughter to his mother who took her with great joy. “What will you name her?” Gildra asked. By this time the room was full of family.

“Trina Kaye is what we’ve chosen.” Both mothers got teary eyed.

“Trina is my mother’s name.” Careena admitted.

“Kaye is my mother’s name.” Gildra added. “It is common among our people to take names from among our ancestors.”

“It is not as common among mine as it once was but neither is it unheard of.”

The baby was perfect as Gildra passed her to Careena her thumb found her mouth and she sucked on it. The first of a new generation of human/Mazlans. A female born on a world in need of them with plenty of males to provide for her and eventually she would find one that was her own. There would be a balance her that both worlds currently lacked and even if there was more of one or the other sex, a person would be valued regardless of sex. Careena was filled with such great hope for her children and now her grandchildren. Dizziness rolled over her so she quickly handed the baby back to her daddy.

It was a sad thing that she might not live to see this new world accomplish all the things she saw it had the potential to do. “Are you alright?” Gildra asked as Tylar came in and looked concerned.

“What‘s wrong with Careena?” He asked coming to a stop that caused to two active little boys behind him to run right into the back of his legs.

“We don’t know but she needs to see the doctor tomorrow.”

“Who needs to see a doctor?” Tera asked. She was the doctor who had delivered Trina Kaye.

“Careena. She doesn’t feel well and recently had surgery on Earth.” Tylar informed.

“Was the doctor a male?”

“Yes, he was the only one available at such short notice.” Careena admitted.

“Please tell me it wasn’t Dr. Marks.” Tera said.

Careena looked upset. “It was him. Is that bad?”

“He’s not a very good doctor and he hates that they make him work on women. He’s not considered good enough to operate on men.” Tera explained.

Tylar growled low and angry. He’d stopped at Careena’s side. Her hand snaked out and gave his arm a squeeze. She felt he needed it and it seemed to calm him. Now if she could just find something that worked on her. A feeling of unease had grown inside her since the operation that made dread roll over her. It made her fear she’d not see her boys raised. Whatever the doctor had done had helped her but only temporarily. Careena figured he removed the cancer but did something so wrong that now his failing would be the death of her.

Tylar’s arm slid around her protectively. He was staking his claim and she was too weak to fight him. She wanted him, wanted to be able to lean on him. Had she not been ill her strength wouldn’t be in question but she would still want him. The difference would be that she wouldn’t feel like she was using him. There would be a future ahead of them but now, she didn’t know if she would be around that long.

“First thing in the morning you come into the clinic. Eat, rest, and even though I know it’s hard, try not to worry. I need you in the best possible condition because we may have to go back in and fix whatever he did or didn’t do.” Tera explained.

Careena felt faint with fear as her worst nightmare was about to be realized. The relief she’d felt when she’d survived the surgery initially had slowly begun to leave. “Tylar take Careena somewhere quiet, to her house if you’ve no better idea. See to her and we’ll keep the boys here.”

The boys hooped and hollered showing their excitement. Careena tried not to feel bad because they were so willing to let her leave without them. They were just kids and they’d never been able to stay over at friend’s homes in the past. Of course they were excited. Her boys also had no idea how serious the situation was because she’d kept that from them. She just allowed Tylar to lead her away while she hoped for the best. For just a little while she would allow herself to borrow his strength.

They made it to her house in no time and he carried her in like she was an invalid. “I can walk.” She tried to insist but she enjoyed being held with such care and concern. The threat of death hanging over her made her object with less resolve when he took her to her bed and undressed her.

It was when he pulled the cover up to her chin that she realized his plan was only to take care of her, not to
take care
of her. “Hold me?” She whispered low but he heard her.

He undressed his beautiful body visible to her only for a second before he slipped under the blanket to wrap himself around her. Thoughts of sex slipped away as comfort and warmth filled her relaxing her. Maybe later she would seduce him. For the first time since she had gotten ill her mind was calm and sleep was easy.

Waking was another matter entirely and if her stomach hadn’t protested loudly its need for food, she would have probably slept on. “I think I should have fed you before we slept.” Tylar noted amusement in his tone.

Careena blushed like a schoolgirl. “I guess I’m a little hungry.”

“Me too. You just stay where you are and see if you can rest a little more while I fix us something to eat.” Tylar hurried out of the room so fast her protests died on her lips.

It felt good to have someone look out for her but she was used to looking out for herself and others. Not Lista, no Lista was born independent as hell learning to do for herself at a young age. Narcissi was different always needing her but at some point it had become more than that. Cissi had become selfish and drained the joy from all those around her. Something had happened to her, but since she had decided not to share, Careena couldn’t help her the way she wanted to. That left the twins who were young and would need her for a long time provided she was alive and in good enough health to do so.

Careena smelled the food before Tylar came into the room. Everything was on a huge tray. There were several plates and two mugs of coffee. “Um, that’s not the local coffee is it? It’s a tad strong for me.”

Tylar chuckled. The sound was rich and deep making her spirits lift. “No, Sweetheart. Lista has let us know few Earth females like our version of coffee. Even our mother has joined in the love of earth coffee.” Setting the tray on the table after handing me my coffee first, he’d fixed the coffee as Lista liked it. While Careena liked a little more cream in hers, she drank it gratefully.

Never in her life had she had a male cook for her and wait in her. There was no denying that she liked it. A few wicked thoughts on other things he could do for her swirled around in her brain making her feel wanton. What did she have to lose when she might not be alive much longer. Even now with a momentary reprieve from the pain and tiredness she could see her time running out. Never had she wanted to live more and felt less hopeful that she would. Tera knowing the doctor that had done her operation had a bad reputation had really been a hard hit to any hope she tried to feel.

Now the feeling she found growing was the one that told her to take whatever pleasure she could find to feel alive for whatever time she had left. Was that selfish? Maybe but she had never been that way before so maybe she was entitled to a little bit of enjoyment and putting herself first now. He’d made her what looked like a typical breakfast at home. Lista had clearly made her mark here and it was visible everywhere from the food and drink, the conveniences, the little Earth words and phrases, to the baby items. Little touches of the home they’d left behind could be found here if she looked.

She ate her bacon, eggs, and even some of the pancakes before she set her plate to the side and considered the male sitting on the bed next to her finishing off the food on his own plate. He seemed unaware of her scrutiny. Tylar was tall and lean, but with bulging muscles that signaled his strength. His full lips and whiskey colored eyes gave his face personality. His short dark brown hair looked silky making her want to touch it. Should she?

Her hand reached up to stroke his hair but he turned toward her and she poked him in the eye making him jump dropping his plate. “Oh my God, Tylar! I’m so sorry.” Careena was red with embarrassment.

“It’s alright Careena.” He picked up the plate setting it on the table. Tylar sat back down next to her but now he was turned her way. A look of confusion was on his face as if he was trying to figure out what Careena had been doing that caused her to poke his still red eye.

“I just wanted to see is your hair was as silky as it looked.” Careena said cheeks red with embarrassment.

Tylar reached out to take her hand and place it on his lowered head. She stroked his hair which felt every bit as silky as it looked. Maybe they could move passed her first clumsy attempt to touch him. Slowly Tylar moved closer until their lips were almost touching. He brushed his lips against hers then came back and his mouth claimed hers. Heat flooded her as his tongue explored her mouth finding every secret nook and cranny. Her tongue stroked his, damn the male knew how to kiss. His hands stroked her back, soothing her while her desire continued to spiral.

Careena knew in that moment that she wanted Tylar. It was a desire she normally wouldn’t allow herself, but tonight she was going to take what she wanted. Her hands stroked his naked back since he was only wearing a pair of shorts. He rolled them over so she was on her back with him on top. His weight was held off her by his forearms but she could feel his heat and the prodding between her legs of his hard throbbing member. She’d never wanted anyone or anything more than she wanted this male right now. Right or wrong, this was going to happen.

Her hands skimmed down his back to his shorts as she slid them lower and her fingers felt the smooth skin of his ass. His cheeks flexed in reaction to her touch. It made her want to squeeze them so she did. “Ah, Careena.” Tylar moaned. Somehow he slid out of his shorts and his rigid cock slapped her between her legs.

He grinned at her. “Sorry about that.”

“That’s alright.” She giggled like a young girl. Her worries were far away while he was here, close at hand. Careena felt wild and alive for the first time in years. A flame was lit that only Tylar could fuel or appease. Her body ached with want and she could feel the answering need in him.

“This will be fast and hard the first time, Careena.” They gasped and groaned together as he speared her with his rock hard cock. It burned as her sheath stretched to accommodate his big staff. He slid in easily, her channel slick with her honey.

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