Two Women (2 page)

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Authors: Brian Freemantle

BOOK: Two Women
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Carver lowered himself into a facing, button-backed chair. ‘I happened upon some current working figures for three of our oldest clients … your oldest clients … Companies that for years have made up the bedrock of our business …' He hesitated at the moment of commitment. ‘Mulder Incorporated … Encomp … Innsflow International …'

A flush began to suffuse Northcote's face, accentuated by the pure whiteness of his hair, but when he spoke the loudness had gone from his voice. ‘None of your business … How …?'

‘In the vaults. Your safe was open. And it is my business, because I'm taking
this business, which I intend to do as a memorial to you.'

‘Spy!' accused the other man.

‘I went to close it properly. Which you hadn't done.'

‘My personal clients …' The unaccustomedly subdued voice trailed away.

‘Yes, George,' picked up Carver. ‘Always your personal clients. And still your personal clients, whom no one else had anything to do with.'

‘Retained with the full agreement of the partners. Yourself, my successor as senior partner, included. In signed minutes.'

Why, wondered Carver, had Northcote felt it necessary to remind him of his succession to the chairmanship upon his father-in-law's semi-retirement? Or of the minutes acknowledging Northcote's continued handling of the three accounts being officially signed and recorded? ‘They never went through general audit: haven't done for years. Always your personal audit and you always personally signed them off.'

‘There is no regulation – Security Exchange Commission or otherwise – requiring that they should go through general audit. Everything was perfectly legal.'

Carver decided that Northcote wasn't sufficiently outraged – offended – at his having gone into a safe to which he officially had no right: wasn't even asking the proper questions. ‘All three are offshore.'

‘Which is declared. There is no contravention of any regulation.'

‘They've all grown, since their formation all those years ago.'

‘Well-run – well-audited and well-accounted companies – all grow and return profits.'

‘Mulder Inc. has a seven hundred and fifty million dollar entertainment investment, worldwide. Encomp has five hundred and fifty million dollars of utilities supply portfolios, again worldwide. Innsflow International is diversified into publishing, hotels and entertainment in Europe, the Far East and even Russia.'

‘You've spent a lot of time checking on me.' There was still no outrage.

‘I did check, George. In-house. Called them up, on the computer. They're on the client list. But that's all, just listed as names and holdings. There aren't any details, apart from that.'

‘They're offshore. There don't need to be computer records – any records – on file for offshore countries.'

Carver sighed heavily, feeling like an irritating fly bouncing from impenetrable window to impenetrable window. ‘You're a legend on Wall Street, George. I want it to stay that way. You
for it to stay that way.'

‘I'm still waiting for you to make your point.'

‘The figures don't add up, not the ones you left in your open safe. They
, on what's been submitted by their accountants for independent audit by you. And which you've signed off. But they don't if they're audited properly. You've legally attested their accuracy. And by doing so exposed this firm,
firm, to criminal investigation! You've sanctioned a massive profit-inflating operation. On a scale that I haven't been able yet to calculate: am frightened to calculate. They're being floated, right? Blown up to suck in the punters: open at ten, finish the week at two hundred, insider traders getting out with enough to buy the villa in the Caribbean or South of France before the bubble pops.'

Northcote snorted a laugh. ‘You want my advice, on that assessment don't try to calculate anything.'

‘It's not advice I want. It's explanation. I told you we were talking about you, me and the firm. About everything. And that's precisely it. If this ever became public: if …' Carver actually just stopped himself from saying that if it ever became an innuendo in the sort of financial commentary Alice Belling was so adept at compiling. ‘The house – this house, all our houses – would come tumbling down.'

‘You think …' started Northcote, lost his way and then managed: ‘… believe I haven't worked all that out!'

‘I'd like to know exactly – very exactly – what you have worked out. And where you – where we all – are going from here?'

‘Nowhere,' declared Northcote. ‘That's precisely and exactly where we're going. Nowhere. At the annual meeting I am going to announce the reluctant severing with this firm of Mulder Incorporated, Encomp and Innsflow International. Their choosing alternative, independent auditing accountants will be based upon their long-standing personal relationship with me, which the partners already know about and recognize. And which is being brought to an end by my finally – and fully – retiring …' Northcote smiled at last. ‘Which is what I am going to do. Live in the country, cut my grass, help Jane with her charity fundraising and start playing with my new golf clubs.'

‘Just like that!' said Carver, snapping his fingers.

‘Just like that,' echoed Northcote, mocking the finger snap with one of his own.

‘What's it all about, George?'

‘You don't need to know that.'

‘I do, if I am going to protect this firm: keep it safe.'

‘I'm protecting the firm.'

‘Who are they?'

‘You don't need to know that, either.'

‘They know what you're going to do?'

‘That's why I stayed on, for the extra year. To tidy things up and to bring it all to an end. You think I …' There was another familiar hesitation. ‘It's all going to be resolved.'

to be,' seized Carver, at once. ‘Hasn't it been, yet?'

‘It's my problem. I'm sorting it out.'

Carver gazed around Northcote's mahogany-panelled, leather-Chesterfielded office with its corner-window glimpse of Battery Park City and the intervening pillared monuments to wealth and power and corporate cunning, for once – for the first time – not feeling the comfort, and the pride, of being part of it. He said: ‘I'm aware of a possible criminal activity. There are regulations governing that. Quite a lot, in fact.'

Northcote looked blankly at him. Then indignantly – close to being big-voiced again – he said: ‘Don't be

‘I'm being professional. In everything you've said – every inference you've made – you've assumed I'll go along with what you've got in mind: everything you've got in mind but won't tell me.'

Northcote held up a hand. ‘A long time ago, when I was first starting out and needed every break I could get …' The block came but he made jerky gestures with the still raised hand against Carver intruding. ‘I got caught up in a situation which developed as it did … innocently caught up, with no idea what was happening until I
involved. Couldn't get out. I've lived with it, all these years. Now it's over: I'm promising you that it's over. I'm leaving you with one of the foremost accountancy firms in the financial world. You're already a rich man and you're going to become richer. You've got it all and not just because I'm handing it over to you: because you're
– the successor I hoped you would be – and because you deserve it … I … you …' he stumbled once more to a halt. ‘You earned it. You trying to tell me you're now going to tear it all down – pull all the houses down, to use your words – by going to the SEC or whoever to put the gun into your own mouth and pull the trigger?'

At that moment Carver wasn't sure what he was telling anyone and certainly not what he was being told. ‘We're involved with organized crime! The Mafia!'

Northcote took a long time to reply. Finally he said: ‘I'm handling it.'

‘You going to be able to give me an unbreakable assurance that by Friday it'll all be over?' What was he saying? Why was he accepting it?

‘Dead and buried,' insisted Northcote, at once. ‘Who I'm seeing tonight is their representative …' He looked at his watch. ‘And I'm already late.' There was another brief smile. ‘I telephoned, to warn him. He'll be waiting.'

‘I want to come with you,' announced Carver.

Northcote snorted yet another dismissive laugh. ‘It began and it ends with me. Only me. The protection for this firm – and for you – is your knowing nothing, your meeting no one.'

‘I do know!'

‘You're staying away. Out of it.'

‘You said you were staying over tonight?'


‘We have to talk tomorrow. I need a lot more guarantees.'

‘You've got them.'

‘Tomorrow,' insisted Carver. ‘Tomorrow we talk specifics.'

‘Lunch,' agreed Northcote. ‘It'll be our own farewell celebration.'

Nothing had emerged the way it should have done. The way he'd wanted. What he'd wanted – fervently hoped for – was booming-voiced offence and a provable, point-by-point, figure-by-figure denunciation of his every suspicion. What he'd got instead amounted to a confirmation – a near-immediate admission – of fraud and false accounting and involvement in organized crime – which meant Mafia – and criminal conspiracy and criminal complicity and probably a lot more indictments he couldn't, and most certainly didn't want, to think of. It was all too much, too overwhelming, to contemplate. What did he want to think of? The best answer. Or was it the right answer? And was the best and right answer the easiest way out? Or the most difficult? He'd examined George Northcote's argument from every which way and from every which way what the older man had said about bringing the house down around him – throwing his own words back at him – made the only logical sense. Of course he would prove his professional integrity and rectitude by disclosing the indications of crime to the SEC – to every governing authority – but in so doing he'd bring about the collapse of one of Wall Street's most prestigious and internationally trusted financial names. Every sort of criminal and governing-body investigation would take months, during which they would most likely be suspended and during which any proper work would in any case be impossible. And there would also be the personal fallout. No matter how right and correct his actions, he would publicly be seen – and despised – as a man totally destroying his own father-in-law by exposing the man at the age of sixty-seven to inevitable imprisonment and an inevitable multimillion-dollar fine. And even if George Northcote accepted every responsibility, in Wall Street – in the global financial village – the mud would stick and those clients who didn't despise him personally would rush to wash their hands of all and every association. George W. Northcote International would be relegated as another greed-driven, illegally operating financial pariah.

‘Hello. My name's Jane and I'm your wife.'

So engrossed was he that Carver physically started at his wife's voice, smiling apologetically across the dinner table. ‘Sorry. I was thinking.'

‘Darling, you were so deep in thought you were out of sight! You haven't said a word for at least the last thirty minutes. Or eaten a thing!'

Carver sipped his wine, setting his knife and fork aside. ‘I ate a big lunch,' he lied. How would their marriage withstand his blowing the whistle on her father? Her mother had died when Jane was fourteen and practically from the time she was sixteen until their marriage – and even after – Jane had been at her father's side at all the charity events he'd sponsored and hosted, which were literally beyond count. The feeling – the bond – between father and daughter was umbilical. Jane, whom Carver sometimes thought to be even stronger than her father, would be the person to despise him the most.

‘I don't ever remember you like this!'

‘Trying to sort out one or two things in my mind. Making choices.'

‘Involving me?' she asked, with coquettish confidence.

‘You know the answer to that.' He smiled back, trying to match her lightness. There was no feeling of hypocrisy or guilt, both of which he'd long ago rationalized, as he had all the uncertainties about morality.

John Carver was not a promiscuous man: indeed, he'd sometimes considered himself undersexed. His affair with Alice was his first and he was sure it would be his last. And hopefully lasting. He'd never consciously set out to seduce Alice Belling, nor she him. George Northcote had introduced them when Alice had come for the first interview session and he'd asked Carver to handle any subsequent questions, which he did on three occasions, twice over lunch. The fourth occasion, at her apartment on the West Side, had been to read the finished article, which was immaculately factual and in his opinion brilliantly written, which he told her, and her intended joking kiss of gratitude had become something more when he'd inadvertently turned towards her. She'd said, ‘Why did you do that?' and he'd said, ‘Why did you do that?' and they'd kissed again, intentionally this time, and after they'd made love they'd solemnly agreed it was one of those unexpected, accidental things that had been wonderful and should be immediately forgotten. He'd telephoned the following day and they'd lunched together and gone to bed together and the excitement – the flattery – of his first sexual dalliance had become a deeply loving affair.

Which was what it was. Quite simply he loved two women, neither of whom were endangered by the other. Carver would never leave Jane. Nor did he want – nor intend – ever to leave Alice. If their relationship ended it would be Alice's decision – which she insisted she'd never make – and if she did he knew he would consider it an unsought and very much unwanted divorce. The word – divorce – lodged in his mind, refocusing it. Carver was sure Jane loved him as much as she was able: as she ever would. Maybe, even, that there would be love – bruised, wounded, but still some love – if Jane ever learned about him and Alice. But he was equally sure – surer even – she wouldn't be able to love him, stay married to him, if he were responsible for publicly ruining and humiliating a father she adored. At once the conviction that Jane would reject him overwhelmed his fear of what effect any disclosure would have upon the firm and even more upon him, personally.

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