Two Strangers (29 page)

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Authors: Beryl Matthews

BOOK: Two Strangers
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‘You handled it well, Bill. Inviting him to ride with you was the kindest thing you could have done. Have you arranged to meet again?’

‘Yes. He’s part of my past, and I’ve got to piece it together somehow.’ He put the empty glass on the table with a crash. ‘When I met Peter, I tried to remember him, but it was like looking into a thick fog. There’s nothing there! I think all along I have feared meeting someone who knew me, knowing I would have to put myself through this torture.’

‘Tell me the first thing you remember.’ Bill was opening up, and Harry wanted to keep him talking. He poured a little more whisky in their glasses and waited.

‘I was in a boat – a fishing boat, I think. They dropped me off on a beach. I don’t know where it was. When I walked into the town to get something to eat, no one understood me. I wasn’t speaking the same language as them.’

Harry’s head shot up. ‘What language were they speaking?’

‘English. I was speaking French.’

‘Ah, so you were in this country. What time of year was it?’

‘I saw daffodils growing, so it must have been spring.’

‘Was the war over?’

Bill nodded. ‘While I was having a meal, I heard someone say that it was a relief that terrible conflict was over.’

‘So you had lost months. Where on earth had you been all that time?’

‘I haven’t the faintest idea, but it must have been France. And I had obviously been used to speaking that language, because for a while there I thought I was French.’

Harry was astounded by what he was hearing and desperately tried to fathom out what it all meant. ‘You were badly injured – we know that – so someone must have been looking after you. But why didn’t they take you to a military hospital? When you regained consciousness and your memory was a blank, you obviously knew the language and, hearing it spoken all the time, you did the same. Carry on. What did you do then?’

‘I changed to English.’

‘Just like that?’

Bill gave a wry smile. ‘I was hungry, and I soon realized that I understood what people were saying to me.’

‘Did you have any belongings with you?’ Harry was probing, he knew, but Bill was talking freely. ‘What were you wearing?’

‘A suit. It had been cleaned and repaired, but it had once obviously been quite good, and it fitted.’

‘Quite likely your own, but why you weren’t in uniform is a mystery. You said you had a meal; how did you pay for it?’

‘There was English money in my pocket, enough to buy me food for a while. I used some of it to buy a ticket to London.’

‘That’s extraordinary! Can you remember anything else that happened before you came back to this country?’

‘I’m afraid not.’

‘From what you’ve just told me, it would appear that someone in France nursed you back to health and then brought you back here.’

‘That seems possible, but who they were and why they did it, I really don’t know. And I can’t confirm that your hypothesis is correct. My memory only seems to start from the time I stepped out of that boat.’ Bill sat back and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, his mouth set in a grim line. ‘What about my parents? Do they know I’m alive?’

‘Yes, they know. They live in Yorkshire, and Charles has invited them to stay with him. They are on their way now. I’ve held them off because I wasn’t sure how you were going to react, and your first meeting with Vicki didn’t fill me with confidence. When I was certain you were going to stay with us, I told Peter he could meet you.’

‘I appreciate you trying to introduce me to my past a little at a time, Harry. It would have been overwhelming to be faced with this all at once. I hope you have made it clear that it is unlikely I will recognize them.’

‘I’ve explained that to them.’

‘Thanks.’ Bill finished his drink and began to stand up.

‘Before you go, something is puzzling me. When Peter mentioned that there had been three of you growing up together, you didn’t ask who the other one was.’

‘I didn’t want to know. If he had been alive, he would have come with Peter.’

‘Now that’s interesting. You knew that without being told. I think you ought to know his name.’

With only a slight nod of his head, Bill waited.

‘James Ashington.’

A momentary look of anguish crossed Bill’s face, and then his composure was back.

‘That means something to you?’

‘The crest on the book Vicki returned to me is that of the Ashington family.’

‘That’s right, and I’m pleased to see you have looked it up. James probably gave you that book. You served together in France.’

‘No wonder I didn’t want to know his name.’ Bill sat down again. ‘I think I need another drink, Harry.’

‘Just a small one, then.’ Harry poured the drinks, smiling encouragingly. ‘That fog in your mind might not be quite as impenetrable as we thought.’

‘I’m not sure I want you to be right! There could be things there I don’t want to relive.’

‘I’m sure there are. If that fog starts to clear, there will be pain – I won’t deny it. But there will also be joy as well – remember that.’

‘Do you know I was living a peaceful life until you walked into that classroom, Harry? Now you and that little girl have turned my life upside down. I don’t know whether to thank you or punch you on the nose.’

They looked at each, smiled, and downed their drinks.

It had been such a busy week that Vicki hadn’t had time to visit Harry, but they had seen Charles, and he had given them all the news. The boys were fine. Bill was fine. Harry, Edward and Pearl were fine. The school was doing fine. There wasn’t a thing to worry about.

Taking a look in the mirror, Vicki grimaced. It was all right for Charles to say that, but she did have something to worry about, and that was starting her training today at the posh salon. Why on earth had she agreed to this?

‘Ah, you look lovely.’ Bob nodded his approval. ‘We had better go. It wouldn’t do to be late on your first day.’

She managed a smile. He was taking her the first time to introduce her to Don James, and show her how to get there.

When they reached the salon and looked inside, she wanted to run. It was all glass, chrome and pink leather! She thought it was appalling. The man she was going to be working with was tall and thin, wearing tight black trousers and a pink shirt.

‘Oh dear,’ she murmured.

Bob laughed at her expression of horror. ‘Comes as a bit of a shock, doesn’t it? But he’s a first-class hairdresser, with a reputation for excellence. He’s considered one of the best in the business, and his client list proves that.’

‘Really? If he’s that good, why is he going to train me? He’s never seen me before.’

‘I told him you were gaining a good many faithful clients who always asked for you to do their hair. He said he had a vacancy at the moment and would be interested in training you.’

‘Really?’ She couldn’t take her eyes off the salon.

‘Is that all you can say, Vicki?’ he laughed. ‘You’ll enjoy the challenge. Come on, let’s go inside.’

She followed reluctantly, muttering, ‘I hope he doesn’t expect me to wear that shocking shade of pink!’

‘Ah, good morning, Bob. I see you’ve brought my pupil.’ He studied Vicki from head to toe, and then back up again. He stepped forward and ran his fingers through her hair. ‘Beautiful, but let it grow longer.’

‘I like it short,’ she said defiantly. ‘It’s the fashion.’

‘I’m well aware of that, young lady, but very few women have hair as lustrous as yours. It needs to be shown in its full beauty, and that can’t be done if you keep chopping it off.’

Chopping it off! ‘We don’t
hair, sir; we

He studied her for some moments, and she waited for him to show her the door. This couldn’t have been a worse start, but she wasn’t going to put up with his pretentious posturing. She always tried to please Bob and Flo, but this was going too far!

Suddenly, he laughed out loud. ‘I like her, Bob. You leave her with me, and I’ll make a hairdresser out of her.’

Vicki seethed. She thought she already was.

‘Would you like me to come and collect you?’ Bob asked, a broad smile on his face.

‘No, thank you. I can find my own way home.’

When he’d gone, the salon owner said, ‘Stop scowling, Victoria. You don’t have to like me – just do as I say.’

‘Yes, sir! What would you like me to do?’

‘Try smiling for a start, then stay by my side and watch. I’ll explain what I’m doing. You may ask intelligent questions, but apart from that I don’t want a word out of you.’

Oh, this was going to be a long day.

‘Jennifer!’ He called to a young girl. ‘Get a gown for Victoria. Everyone to your places – it’s now time to open the salon.’

The girl hurried over to Vicki with a gown, and she was relieved to see it was cream and not pink. When she looked around, it was clear that only the stylists wore pink; everyone else was in cream. The clients began to arrive. The salon was soon filled with talk, and all the staff had permanent smiles on their faces.

As ordered, Vicki stayed close to Mr James and watched carefully to see if he was as good as everyone said. It didn’t take her long to realize that he was, and she became fascinated.

Without being asked, she began handing him the tools he needed. He took them without comment, devoting his whole attention to his client.

The day flew by, and she was the last one of the staff left when the shop closed. She was putting on her coat when Mr James walked into the staff room.

‘Make me a strong cup of tea before you leave, Victoria.’

‘Yes, sir.’ She was talking to his back as he left the room.

The tea was made by the time he returned, and she just stared at him in surprise. He was wearing a very smart navy blue suit and a white shirt. He looked like a different man!

‘Ah, lovely.’ He sat down giving a huge sigh, and waited while she poured him a cup. ‘Thanks. You did well today, Victoria.’

‘Thank you, sir. I found it interesting. Many of the procedures you used I had never seen before.’ She studied him, confused. Was this the same man she had been working with all day? There wasn’t a sign of the flamboyant stylist with his exaggerated gestures.

He looked at her puzzled expression and held out his cup for a refill, an amused glint in his eyes. It was then it dawned on her, and she laughed. ‘It’s all an act, isn’t it?’

‘I wondered how long it would take you to work it out. Showmanship is what the clients expect. Must give them value for their money.’ He sat back, sipping his tea. ‘Are you going to come again?’

She pursed her lips, giving it some thought. ‘I’ll give you another chance.’

He tipped his head back and laughed. ‘Oh, Bob was right about you. I’ll try not to disappoint you.’


By Sunday, Vicki couldn’t wait to get on the train. She was anxious to know how Bill was and looking forward to seeing the boys again. The last time she had been at the school, Jack had started to talk to her about his past, so she must see him on his own if possible.

John Steadman met her at the station and had brought Dave and Alfie with him. They had so much to tell her that she hardly managed to get a word in during the ride to the school.

‘Where’s Harry?’ she asked Pearl when she came out to meet her.

‘The men are off somewhere with Charles. I’ve just made a fresh pot of tea. Would you like to join us, John?’

‘No, thank you, Pearl. I’ve promised to take some of the boys riding.’

‘Ah.’ Pearl smiled at Dave and Alfie. ‘So you don’t want tea either?’

They shook their heads and followed John to the stables.

‘It’s just us, then, Vicki.’

‘How’s Bill?’ she asked the moment she sat down in the kitchen.

‘He’s been spending quite a few evenings with Harry. They’ve been talking late into the night – and drinking whisky. Don’t ask me what they’ve been discussing because Harry hasn’t said anything. What Bill is telling him he considers confidential.’

‘I understand. Is he with Harry now?’

‘No, he went riding with Peter early this morning, and now they’ve gone to lunch with Peter’s parents.’

‘Oh,’ exclaimed Vicki. ‘That sounds good. Did he recognize Peter when they met?’

‘I’m afraid not. His mind still appears to be blank, but Peter is spending as much time with him as he can, so Bill can get to know him again. It’s hard for both of them, but they are getting on well.’

‘I can’t imagine what it would be like to meet people who have known you all your life and not be able to recognize them. Has Harry done anything about Bill’s parents?’

‘Yes, they are here and staying with Charles. They are going to meet Bill at the Harmonds’. It could be a difficult meeting.’

‘Isn’t Harry going to be there? He ought to be there!’ Vicki was alarmed.

‘Don’t worry, Harry will be taking Bill’s parents to see him at the Harmonds’. Charles is going as well.’

‘Thank goodness!’ Vicki breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Does Bill know?’

‘Of course he does, my dear. Harry wouldn’t have arranged this without Bill’s permission. Now, what are you going to do while the boys are out riding?’

‘I want to find Jack. The last time I was here, he began to tell me what had happened to him, and I promised to see him when I came again. Would he have gone riding as well?’

‘Unlikely. He’d rather play football or roam the countryside.’

Vicki stood up. ‘I’ll see if I can find him.’

Jack was alone on the playing field, kicking a ball about. As she walked towards him, he looked up, ignored her and carried on playing. ‘Hello, Jack.’

‘You didn’t come last week.’ He looked up then.

‘I couldn’t make it, but I’m here now. Didn’t you want to go riding with the others?’

‘Don’t like horses.’

‘That’s a good enough reason not to go, then. I’m not too keen on them either. Would you like to go for a walk?’

He shrugged. ‘Why not.’

It was obvious she was going to have to work hard to gain his trust again. He was quite upset she hadn’t come last Sunday.

They strolled along, and she told him about her first two days at the posh hairdresser’s. By the time she had finished, he was grinning.

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