Two Spirits (4 page)

Read Two Spirits Online

Authors: Jory Strong

Tags: #gay romance, #mm romance, #native american romance, #fated mates, #male male romance, #fated lovers, #thunderbird chosen

BOOK: Two Spirits
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He lathered his hands, wrapped one of them
around his dick and cupped his balls with the other, giving in to
the fantasy that his hands were Trey's hands.

Fuck, he had it bad. But short of
handcuffing Trey—

Exquisite agony raced along the length of
his cock. Shit, cuffing Trey to the bed and getting him to confess
he was gay would be the sweetest confession he'd ever heard.

Tenino closed his eyes and let his head tilt
back. He tightened his hand on his shaft, stroked, ass clenching at
the feel of foreskin over penis. Was Trey cut? Left natural?

Either way he'd use his mouth on Trey. He'd
use his hands on Trey. He'd take it slow at first, build the need,
the anticipation. And then he'd use his cock on Trey and by the
time they'd gotten to that point there'd be no doubt in either of
their minds that Trey was gay.

He'd make Trey's first time so good the only
place he'd call home was the cabin and the only bed he'd want to be
in was the one in the next room. There were teaching jobs close
enough to Hohoq for Trey to commute back and forth. It could

Getting a little ahead of yourself aren't

Except… Hadn't Tenino thought Trey's showing
up was like Marisa's and Clay's and Jessica's? Hadn't
felt a sense of rightness that'd had him looking for the Creator's
cup, hoping to see it even believing that Trey was bi?

Tenino slid his hand up and down on his
cock. His buttocks flexed. His thighs bunched. Pleasure whipped
through him with each stroke.

He panted, thrust through the tight fist of
his fingers as hot water struck his chest. Damn, just having Trey
in the next room was making action with Mr. Hand fucking
incredible. Not that he intended to make Mr. Hand a steady workout

Hell no. Trey wasn't leaving this cabin a
virgin. And if he had his way, Trey's first male lover was going to
be his only male lover.

He stroked faster, his breath quickening,
need building as he imagined Trey taking his cock, rocking back on
it, begging for it. Oh yeah, oh yeah…

Exquisite relief came with the rush of semen
through his dick.

He moaned, swayed, was lightheaded from the

He freed his cock and testicles to press his
palms to the shower wall so he could stay upright. Damn, if that
was what happened when he came just fantasizing about Trey, then
the reality of coming
Trey was going to make him pass

Yeah, well, he'd deal with it.

Pushing away from the shower wall, he
lathered his hands, this time to clean up the semen on his chest
and abdomen. Now that he'd gotten a little relief he could think
with the big head.

He needed a plan. The trouble was, he'd
never been in a situation like this one. His past lovers had all
been experienced, some openly gay, others more discreet about
it—but none of them in denial about wanting another man as a
partner instead of a woman.

Growing up, his sexual preference wasn't an
issue, at least among those belonging to the Thunderbird. There was
a name for it among The People. Two Spirited.

He'd never denied his sexuality. Sure, he'd
kept it private when he was a cop in L.A., and to a lesser extent
when he was in San Francisco. It'd just been the easier course of

So he got how Trey's denying being gay might
have seemed like the right path. Probably wasn't easy to be out and
a teacher. And he'd been caring for his mother.

But the sleeping with women and pretending
he was straight—time to stop. He was willing to cut Trey some slack
on the denial.
being the operative word because a phone
call might come saying Patricia Veron was in custody. Meaning he
had to make every minute count.

Tenino grinned. He could do that. In fact,
it'd become his personal mission to get Trey so hot and bothered
that the guy would either have to retreat to the shower and jerk
off—or face up to the chemistry.

He wouldn't even make Trey beg to find out
what it was like to be with another man. Well, he wouldn't make him
beg very much.

Tenino's cock hardened. For a split second
he was tempted to take himself in hand and give in to the fantasy
of Trey on his knees, blond hair freed from his ponytail, mouth
delivering sweet torture and mind-blowing ecstasy.

He fisted his hand rather than reach for his
shaft. The grin turned into a grimace with the realization that his
plan was going to involve a whole lot of suffering—for Trey
for him.

Turning off the water, he left the shower
and toweled dry. The jeans were still wet but even if they hadn't
been, there was no way his cock would stand for him putting them
back on.

He wrapped the towel around his waist.
Don't want to spook the schoolteacher,
he thought, the grin

How perfect was that? A cop and a
schoolteacher paired up and playing house?

He snickered, which was better than a moan
of pain. 'Cause as soon as he opened the bathroom door and Trey
looked up long enough to get an eyeful, fire streaked through his
cock and up his spine.

Tenino crossed to the area that served as
his bedroom and put on navy blue sweatpants. He left the shirt off.
More clothing wasn't consistent with the plan to get Trey to admit
to being gay.

He had a good body and he wanted Trey to see
it—up close and
personal. And that wasn't vanity
speaking, just self-awareness and a confidence that came with being
completely comfortable in his skin.

The Creator had blessed him with nice looks
to begin with. Being a cop and taking physical fitness seriously
had honed that body into something other men had found attractive
in the past, though what he really wanted was for one particular
man—Trey—to find him irresistible in the present and the

Tenino rubbed his palm over his nipple. His
dick jerked and his abdomen quivered. Oh yeah, this plan was going
to involve a whole lot of suffering.

He dropped onto the couch right on the edge
of violating Trey's personal space. "You play video games?"

Trey closed the book. It was absolutely
pointless to pretend he could read a single word, much less a
complete page with Tenino in the room, shirtless and sitting so

"I play some," he admitted. He didn't prefer
video games over reading, but he enjoyed them and they gave him a
way to connect with his students, especially the boys. And time on
the Xbox during the school day was a powerful reward for helping
some of those boys achieve academic and behavioral goals.

"How about a game then?" Tenino asked. "We
can keep it tame, something like racing cars."

"Yeah, sounds good." Anything to keep him
busy and his thoughts and hands off Tenino would be good. He was
hyperaware of Tenino's smooth, bare chest and hardened nipples, of
the erection pressed against the sweats—Tenino's and his own

It was all he could do not to look toward
the bed, not that the wide, comfortable couch wouldn't serve, or
the thick rug in front of the fireplace. He shivered and it wasn't
from cold. His heart thumped loud and hard, tapping out the same
Morse-coded message it had when Tenino had stepped into the
sheriff's office.
Touch me. Suck me. Fuck me

Tenino pushed off the couch, heading for the
bookcase lined with games and holding the controllers. Trey took a
shaky breath. He felt exactly like what he was, a virgin on a first

Just go with it. Just ease into it. Let
Tenino make the first move.
Because there was no doubt in his
mind Tenino would make a move. He may have backed off, but it
wouldn't last.

And I don't want his restraint to last.

His stomach fluttered at the magnitude of
that admission. The entire time Tenino had been in the shower he'd
imagined going into the bathroom, stripping, stepping underneath
the hot spray of water and admitting he was gay, admitting to the
attraction as soapy hands explored and lips touched for the first

Here was a chance to stop denying the truth
about his sexuality. He wasn't a kid anymore, didn't have to worry
about schoolyard bullies. He didn't have to be scared about what
acting on his fantasies would do to his career. His students, their
parents, and his school administrators were a long way away from

The place probably wasn't even on the map.
And if it was … So what.

Tenino might be gay, but he had
law-and-order protector stamped as thoroughly on him as his Native
American heritage. He wasn't going to be posting pictures online or
bragging about conquests.

Tenino returned to the same place he'd
claimed previously, close enough for his body heat and the scent of
soap to become a sensual assault. He offered a game controller,
Trey took it, looked away quickly when Tenino stretched his legs
out and used the coffee table for a foot rest, the position making
his erection press boldly against the front of his sweatpants.

It was a subtle dare, a blatant
acknowledgement of attraction.
I could end the suffering now by
just saying something.

He knew why he wouldn't. Understood why he
couldn't make himself lift the book off his lap and place it on the

He set the game controller on the book.

Tenino laughed, let it go and the sexual
tension faded to manageable as they raced and the heat of
competition dominated.

Trey lost, more than once, but he made
Tenino sweat for his victories.

At a few minutes past midnight, Tenino
tossed his game controller onto the coffee table. "I've had enough
of that kind of entertainment."

Their eyes met and Trey's mouth went dry
while the rest of him went up in flames. He might as well have been
a rabbit in a snare. He couldn't have moved if he tried. Couldn't
have stopped Tenino from taking the controller and tossing it onto
the coffee table next to the other one, then lifting the book and
dropping it onto the dark wood.

Trey's cock bobbed and licked across the
inside of the sweats. His lips parted and he didn't resist when
Tenino pushed him backward onto the couch cushions and then
positioned himself on top, hard cock touched to hard cock and
separated only by soft material.

Pleasure shuddered through him. He moaned,
and heated dark eyes stared hungrily into his as Tenino thrust,
rubbing cock against cock. "You still want to claim you aren't



* * * * *




Trey thought, exquisite sensation
engulfing him in molten waves of needy heat. His hips lifted, his
cock rubbed against Tenino's in silent acknowledgement of his

"I can cuff you, work a confession out of
you if that's what it takes," Tenino threatened, his breathing a
little ragged. "Answer the question. You still want to claim you
aren't gay?"


Tenino rocked against him and Trey's thighs
widened. Another shudder of pleasure originated in his cock.

"Say it, Trey."

The heat in Tenino's eyes and feral
tightness of lips that'd probably made hundreds of other guys
scream warned that he'd pursue this confession relentlessly.

Trey's ass clamped. A pulse traveled the
length of his cock and exited as precum. "I'm gay already.

His heart stuttered, fluttered like a caged
bird about to panic. Shouldn't admitting it out loud, confessing it
to someone else for the first time free him?

Tenino's eyes darkened. His mouth lowered.
"You ever been with another man?"

"No." It came out husky, needy, a lifetime
of want held in a two-letter word.



The fluttering in his chest migrated to his
stomach, had his cock lifting away from his abs and straining to
get clear of the sweats. He thrust upward. Tenino's mouth swooped

An expert tongue parted his lips, drove into
his mouth. He moaned, eyes closing with the onslaught of pleasure.
Scent aside, cocks aside, a flat chest instead of full breasts, and
he'd still know he was being kissed by a man and not a woman.

A dominant, take charge man. Any possibility
of denying his sexuality again burned away in the scorching heat
that was Tenino.

It felt so good to have Tenino lying on top
of him, their cocks pressing together as their tongues thrust and
retreated, tangled. It felt better than anything he'd ever
experienced; it felt profoundly right.

And there was no reason to deny himself. At
least not tonight, or tomorrow, or for however long he remained in

His hands went to Tenino's hair and undid
the braid. His heart thrilled at the shudder of pleasure that went
through Tenino.

He swallowed Tenino's groan and wanted to
coax more of them from him. He combed through Tenino's hair,
fingertips sliding over deeply tanned skin and firm muscles.

Tenino's hips jerked. Without breaking the
kiss, he lifted onto an elbow and freed Trey's ponytail with a tug
Trey felt in his cock.

If he could have, he'd have gotten rid of
the sweats, made it easier for Tenino to reach between them and
grasp his cock. And he'd go off the instant he felt another man's
hand on his dick.

More precum wet the tip of his cock. By now
it'd probably soaked through and was visible at the front of the
light gray sweats.

He didn't care. No point in caring when his
being turned on was already obvious.

Tenino gripped Trey's hair, deepened the
kiss, turning it into something dominant, possessive,

Trey moaned. He pushed his hands beneath the
waistband of Tenino's sweats and grabbed a taut, muscled ass.

Tenino thrust and Trey matched it. They
fucked against each other, tongues thrusting, rubbing,

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