Two Shades of Seduction (54 page)

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Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Two Shades of Seduction
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“God in heaven, woman, do you want me to beg?” He groaned.

“Would you?” She held her breath as she watched his jaw flex with tension.

“Yes,” he rasped as he caught her shoulders in a rough grip. “I’d move heaven and earth for you. I’ll give you anything you ask—just let me love you.”

Her hand slid off his erection and she pressed her body against him. The tip of his phallus pressed into her curls as she pulled his head down toward hers. Brushing her mouth against his, she laced her tongue over his lips.

“That’s all I wanted to hear,” she whispered.

The groan rumbling deep in his chest reverberated over her skin, and she melted into him welcoming his hot kiss. Beneath her hands, the soft fabric of his shirt interfered with her need to touch him, and her fingers frantically undid the buttons as his tongue swept into her mouth.

Eager to feel his hard muscles beneath her hands, she tugged his shirt open and glided her fingertips across the hard ridges of his chest. A hot need uncurled in her belly and sped through her limbs until it consumed her. As he discarded his shirt in a rough movement, he pulled her closer, and her nipples tingled as they rubbed against his chest.

His mouth slanted off hers and blazed a path of heat down her throat to one breast. The moment the heat of his tongue swirled around her nipple, her legs wobbled beneath her. The masculine, spicy scent of him filled her senses as her body cried out for his possession. A moan parted her mouth as her fingertips dug into his shoulders in an effort to remain standing.

“Oh God, Morgan. I want you. I want to feel you inside me.”

Lifting his head, his thumb continued to stroke the sharp peak of her breast. He shuddered against her, but there was a determined look in his eyes as he stared down at her.

“Say it, Julia.” His words made her stiffen as he wrapped his arms tight around her to keep her from escaping him. “It’s only three words, sweetheart.”

“Morgan, please…” She swallowed hard as she shook her head. His expression tender, pleading almost, he pressed his forehead against hers. It undid her. “I…I love…you.”

The moment she uttered the words, amazement crashed its way into every part of her. She’d done it. She’d actually admitted her feelings for him. It created a sense of freedom inside her. As he exhaled a deep breath, Julia realized he’d been unsure of her. The knowledge startled her.

He’d always presented such a sure and confident façade. To think that Morgan St. Claire, renowned womanizer, might be uncertain of her was astonishing. In the next moment, his hard kiss against her mouth drove all thought from her head, and every nerve ending in her body pulsed with a steady rhythm that cried out for completion.

§  §  §

Morgan pulled Julia down to the large Brussels carpet beneath their feet. The moment they reached the floor, he tore his way out of the rest of his clothing all too cognizant of her feverish kisses along the line of his jaw and down to the base of his throat. He released a harsh breath at the way her touch aroused not only his body, but his heart as well.

His hands cupped her face as he slid his tongue past her lips to explore the warmth of her mouth. She tasted like a delicious blend of sweet wine and fiery cognac. Their tongues mated in a hot duel of desire, until his cock ached to be buried inside her heat.

Unable to wait any more, he fell backward to the floor, pulling her with him. Silky skin caressed the pads of his fingers as he grasped her round hips, then with a sharp tug he settled her slick velvet folds over his hardness. As her honeyed sweetness slid over him, he surged up into her with a guttural cry of pleasure.

Christ, she felt good wrapped around his cock. Her muscles clutched and squeezed him with intense pleasure. It would be fast this time, but there would be plenty of time later to indulge in each other. The spasms rippling over his hard length came fast and furious as she shuddered with each stroke. Arching her back, she pressed her hands into the top of his thighs meeting his thrusts with equal measure. She’d come to him, and after today, she would always be his. As she rode him at a frantic pace, a familiar tightening grabbed at his groin, and as he thrust his body against hers one last time, he uttered a low cry as his cock throbbed hard inside her.

Her release quickly followed his, and she shuddered violently over him before falling forward. For several long moments, they didn’t move as the tremors cascading through her subsided. Spent from the intensity of their lovemaking, he pulled her close against him, nestling her against his chest. He’d never known such contentment as this, and it was all her doing. His life and happiness rested in her hands.

§  §  §

The keen emotions coursing through Julia’s veins frightened her. All the what ifs held the last small vestiges of her heart hostage. Yet despite her fears, she was convinced she belonged in Morgan’s arms. Warm lips pressed against her forehead as a soft laugh rumbled out of him.

“You continue to amaze me, sweetheart. I always knew you had a bold streak in you, but you’ve surpassed anything I’d imagined.” The tenderness in his voice tugged at Julia’s heart. Raising herself up to hover over him, she smiled.

“Does that mean you like it when I’m naughty?” she teased. Morgan laughed and nodded.

“Absolutely. And when we’re married, I’ll teach you how to be naughtier still.”

His words laced her muscles with tension, and with a quick movement, she pulled away from him and climbed to her feet. Marriage. The dragon reared its terrifying head. How could she make him understand how willing she was to be his mistress? Eager in fact. But marriage? It was out of the question. Without looking at him, she found her undergarments and proceeded to dress.

“Out with it, Julia. Tell me what’s going on in that complex brain of yours.”

With a glance over her shoulder, she saw him sit up and arch his brow at her. One leg bent, his arm rested on top of his knee. She’d never seen a more resplendent picture of male beauty. Strong, muscular, and seductive, he stole her breath away. His gaze narrowed when she didn’t answer. Scrambling to his feet, he caught her arm and turned her to face him.

“Something’s wrong.”

“No. Not really.” She grimaced.

What was she supposed to say to make him understand how she felt? She’d come here because she loved him, but that didn’t change her feelings about marriage. Being his mistress would empower her. It would give her the wherewithal to leave him if he ever betrayed her. The matrimonial state would strip her of her rights, her independence.

“I know you better than that,” he snapped. She bit down on her lip as she met his troubled gaze.

“A few moments ago, you told me you’d do anything for me.”

“Is that what this is all about?” Relief eased the lines of tension in his face. “You want me to do something for you.”

“Yes. I want to be your mistress.”

?” Disbelief stiffened his features, and his fingers bit painfully into her shoulders making her wince.

“It’s the best solution.” She flinched at the anger darkening his face.

“Best for whom?” He pushed her away from him then turned to snatch up his clothing from the floor. “Christ Jesus, you came here knowing full well you had no intention of marrying me.”

“No, that’s not true,” she cried out. The bitter accusation sliced into her heart. “I didn’t plan any of this.”

“What do you take me for, Julia? A fool? You said you loved me, what else was I supposed to think?” The icy note in his voice frightened her as she watched him jerk on his trousers with unrestrained violence.

“I do love you,” she said quietly. Sick at heart, she continued to dress while her gaze kept track of his angry movements. She should have known he would react this way. As he shrugged into his shirt, he whipped around to face her.

“Tell me why you refuse to marry me.”

“I…it’s just that…I just can’t be with you in that way, Morgan.”

“That’s not an answer and you know it,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

“I told you I loved you, what more do you want? I will not give up my independence.”

Defiant in the face of his anger, she tugged viciously at the laces of her corset. The man was just being stubborn. Why couldn’t he be satisfied with the fact that she was willing to be with him? Admitting that she loved him had been difficult enough. She grabbed her dress up off the floor and threw it on over her head.

“I’ll tell you what I want,” he said in a tight voice. “I want you to love me with all your heart, not just a part of it.”

“I do love you,” she snapped.

“You think you love me, but if you really did, you’d trust me not to hurt you. Love involves trust, Julia. You can’t have one without the other.” The quiet resignation in his voice said she was losing the battle to make him understand why she refused to marry him. It shot a bolt of panic through her.

“Oh God, Morgan, I can’t. Don’t you understand? I can’t take that sort of risk.”

“Life’s a risk Julia, without it there’s no reward. I want all of your love, not just a piece of it. You’re my passion, and if I can’t have all of you, then God help me, I’ll find a way to live without you.” Without looking at her, he strode toward the study door and turned the key.

“Morgan please…you don’t understand—”

“I think you know the way out.” He yanked the door open so hard it protested with a loud squeal against the violence. An instant later, he was gone, taking her heart and soul with him.

Chapter 15

torming up the stairs, Morgan reached the second floor landing and strode down the hall to the master bedroom. His anger had the force of a steam engine over its limit. The door to his room flew back from his violent rage to crack loudly against the wall. Damn her.

He paced the room, his body tense with frustration. Halting his frenzied stride, he slammed the bottom of his fist into the window frame. In the street below, he saw Julia hesitate in front of her carriage. For a split second, he held his breath as she turned back toward the front door. An instant later, she whirled about and hurried to the vehicle.

Christ Jesus, it had
occurred to him that she might have the audacity to offer herself up as his mistress. He didn’t want a mistress. He wanted a wife. A woman to bear his children, someone to love him in spite of his faults. Someone to grow old with. He wanted Julia.

There had been no hesitation in her when she’d performed that dance of seduction for him. She hadn’t wavered in tantalizing his cock with her mouth or the rest of her delicious curves. And yet, afterward, she’d blatantly refused to commit herself. She’d been unwilling to trust him. Hell, she’d even admitted she was in love with him, but she’d stopped short at making the commitment he wanted her to make. What was it going to take to convince her that he could be trusted?

His fist thudded against the window jamb one more time before he strode to the middle of the room. One hand rubbing the back of his neck, he closed his eyes and remembered the feel of her against him. After all this time away from her, it had been like a taste of heaven to have Julia in his arms again.

Self-preservation had driven him to work nights over the past two weeks simply because he didn’t think he’d be able to stay away from her if he’d seen her on a daily basis in his offices. Stress had eventually taken its toll, and he’d succumbed to a migraine. The past few days had been a living hell of pain and despair.

He’d almost given up hope that she would come to him, and then today she’d walked into his study on the pretense of ensuring he was well. She’d come to him. Even confessed that she loved him. How the Marlborough Set would laugh if they knew a woman had brought Morgan St. Claire to his knees.

God, the irony of it all. How many times had he had women beg him not to leave them? Beg him to love them. He’d never been cruel when breaking off an affair, but now, he fully understood the pain those women had experienced when he’d left them. Now, he was the one willing to beg. And if he thought for one moment that it would make a difference with Julia, he would gladly humble himself again. He was willing to do anything.

No. The one thing he wouldn’t do was keep her as his mistress. The one thing he wanted the most from Julia was her full heart. She loved him, but he wanted her to trust him too. Being his mistress would make it far too easy for her to walk away from him the moment her fear took over.

What the hell was he going to do? Worse yet, what was he to do with this monstrosity of a house? The empty silence of it tugged at him with a wrenching ache. Both hands clutched the back of his head as he stared down at the floor. When she’d come through his study door, it had taken every inch of will power he possessed not to pull her into his arms and overwhelm her senses with lovemaking. But he’d promised himself to let her choose. He just never thought he would lose her. Living without Julia was going to be harder than anything he’d ever done before in his life.

His gut tightened with emotion and he knew the only remedy for dealing with his pain was work. He’d work until he’d driven her out of his head, out of his blood. He’d work until he was numb from everything. The numbness would take away this ache inside him. With a grunt, he strode out of the bedroom to go to the office. There at least he could keep his mind focused on something other than Julia.

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