Two Shades of Seduction (13 page)

Read Two Shades of Seduction Online

Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Two Shades of Seduction
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Slowly she undid the laces, all too aware of his dangerous gaze watching her every move. As she pulled the last cloth tie from its loophole, she swallowed hard at the fire blazing in Quentin’s eyes. The undergarment was only partially open, and as his gaze drifted downward, she immediately felt her nipples stiffen against the linen lining. She flushed at the realization he could arouse her without even touching her. His mouth curled at one corner in the semblance of a smile.

“Show me your breasts.”

Her eyes widened at the command and she gave a slight shake of her head. She wasn’t ready to expose herself so fully to him. She needed more time. His eyes narrowed at her hesitation.

“Afraid, Sophie?”

The mockery in his voice infuriated her, but still she hesitated. An instant later, his large hand tugged the garment open. She gasped as the cool air of the hut brushed over her skin. It hardened her nipples even more, and she heard Quentin suck in a sharp breath.

The raw desire in his face sent her heartbeat skittering out of control, and she trembled as she looked up into his green eyes. When he cupped her with one hand, she drew in a sharp breath. A split second later, his thumb flicked over one nipple, and she moaned from the sheer pleasure his touch brought her.

Without thinking, she closed her eyes and arched her back slightly hoping he would suckle her as he’d done the day before. His thumb continued to circle her nipple, and her mouth went dry at the sinfully delicious sensation it created inside her. It was a heavenly torture that made her body long for more.

He bent his head, and his tongue flicked out to circle one nipple before he blew across the wet skin. A quiet sob broke out of her at the wicked caress. God, if only he’d take her into his mouth. With another flick of his tongue, he circled the taut tip of her.

“Tell me what you want.” At his demand, her eyes flew open to meet his piercing gaze. Hot color burned her cheeks. He knew. But how could he? She gasped as he gently tweaked her nipple.

“Tell me, Sophie.”

“I want…I want you to…”

“There are many things I can do to you, sweetheart. Tell me what you want right now.” A wicked smile curved his lips, and her cheeks burned hotter. She inhaled a quick breath as his thumb circled her nipple.

“You know what…you know what I want,” she rasped.

“Do I?”

The playful note in his voice was emphasized by the way his fingers rubbed over one nipple, massaging it and the flesh around it. A sense of desperation filled her. God help her, but he was going to make her beg for it. She tried to control the fire spreading through her body, but all she could focus on was how much she wanted him to suck on her.

“I want you…oh God, Quentin…please take me in your mouth.”

With pleasure,” he murmured.

An instant later his tongue flicked across a rigid nipple before he clamped it between his lips and sucked on her. The gratification was sharp, intense, and instantaneous. She bucked beneath him as he nipped at her taut nipple with his teeth. The sensation tugged another moan from her as she slid her fingers through his dark hair.

She’d never felt so incredibly wicked in her entire life. Dear lord, was
what it was like between a man and a woman? If it was, then she wanted more. His teeth scraped across her nipple once more, and the cried out at the keen sensation that engulfed her at the gentle bite.

Ever so slowly, his mouth caressed the top of her breasts as he slid his body over hers. The weight of him pressed her deeper into the straw mattress until she was a willing prisoner beneath him. The raw essence of him tantalized her senses.

She breathed in the tangy scent of spice mixed with smoke. It was a seductive male scent that sank into her body like a drug. The moment his mouth touched hers, her pulse skidded out of control. His tongue danced with hers, and wrapping her arms around his neck, she clung to him as she matched the harsh intensity of his kiss.

Strong, warm fingers slid beneath the edge of her corset and tugged the soft linen of her drawers downward until his fingers were stroking the bare skin of first her buttocks and then her thigh. The hedonistic touch made her stiffen against him with a gasp. He quickly smothered her protest with another kiss, and she relaxed against him.

His mouth teased and bruised hers as his hand grazed her skin with the rough pads of his fingers. The intensity of his kiss deepened as a low growl rumbled out of him. A second later, she suddenly realized she was completely naked from the waist downward. Alarm sailed through her. They weren’t married. What if he took what he wanted and simply walked away from her?

Deep inside, a voice reassured her that he would honor his bargain. Even if he didn’t, could she deny herself this one moment of passion? A moment that might never come again. He nibbled gently at her neck then worked his way down to her shoulder. Sweet heaven, the man was driving every sensible thought out of her head. The seductive caress made her sigh with pleasure as reluctance gave way to surrender.

Slowly, he pushed himself up to hover over her. The heat of his hand warmed her calf as he bent her leg. A sharp gasp flew out of her as she suddenly realized she was fully exposed to him. His gaze locked with hers, and what she saw blazing in his eyes made her shudder with excitement. Her body tingled with a longing for something she didn’t fully understand, and as he trailed his fingers down her leg, he smiled. Aroused by the sinful curve of his mouth, her erratic breathing intensified. Oh god, was he going to make her his at this very moment? She experienced no fear at the thought. This was what she’d been longing for since their first kiss.

“Tell me what other delights I should show you, my sweet.”

“I don’t…don’t understand.”

At her response, he lowered his head to trace a small circle with his tongue at the crease of her bent leg. The sensual nature of the caress distracted her from his real purpose. The instant his fingers stroked the nub of flesh at the heart of her sex, she cried out in surprise. His response was to kiss the inside of her thigh as his thumb rubbed against her sex with increasing pressure.

The touch made her thrust her hips upward into his erotic caress as she released a deep moan. Another small cry flew past her lips as his touch increased her pleasure. She wanted to sob at the mind-numbing delight cascading its way into every inch of her body. In the darkness of her bedroom she’d touched herself in a similar fashion, but it had never given her such an intense, wicked sensation of pleasure. This was something new and altogether different.

“Oh God, yes.” She moaned.

The intensity of the sensations coursing through her reached a fevered pitched as he slid first one then two fingers inside her. This new sensation pulled another cry from her as her hips pressed up against his hand in a silent plea for more. With each stroke of his fingers, her body moved in sync with the increasing pace of his strokes.

A crescendo of wild heat rose inside her until wave after wave of sensation crested over her, and she was drowning in a dark sea of pleasure. With a wild cry, she arched her back and thrust her body upward as a violent shudder swept through her. The intense sensation held her hostage for a long moment before she fell back into the mattress, her breathing small ragged gasps. Her eyes fluttered open to see him raise his hand and lick at the creamy coating covering his fingers. Shocked by the decadent act, she stopped breathing for a moment as he smiled at her.

“You taste delicious, sweetheart.”

There was a devilish expression on his face as he reached down to circle the rim of her sex. She trembled at the touch and closed her eyes as small ripples of pleasure spread through her body. Sweet heaven, was he going to pleasure her again? She wasn’t sure she could withstand another sensual assault on her body. Not yet, she couldn’t.

“In fact, you taste so tangy against my tongue I want more.”

She jerked slightly at his words, her eyes flew open to meet his wicked gaze. As he started to lower his head, her eyes widened in shock. Dear god, surely he didn’t mean to put his mouth on her. Horrified, she tried to close her legs, but with a dark growl, he nipped at one thigh. Instinctively, she pulled her leg away from his teeth, which allowed him to dip his head downward.

The moment his mouth touched her sex, his teeth gently bit down on the nub of flesh and tugged on it. The raw sensation forced a guttural cry from her, and she jumped as his tongue drove into her. Once more, sensation tightened her chest as his mouth suckled her, and his tongue stroked then swirled around the nub of flesh at the entrance of her sex. It was the most decadent, wicked thing she’d ever experienced. And she wanted more.

§  §  §

Sophie tasted tangy on his tongue with a slightly sharp bite. It delighted him to know he was responsible for the thick cream flowing warmly into his mouth. He nipped at her sex gently, and a guttural cry broke past her lips. The sound tightened his cock in a pleasantly painful way. With renewed vigor, he thrust his tongue into her and licked her cream while gently rubbing the nub of flesh just above her sex.

Christ almighty, she was the most delightful creature he could ever remember tasting. Triumph surged through him at the way she arched upward into his mouth. With every little whimper of pleasure she released, his lust for her deepened to a painful ache.

If he didn’t find a way to satisfy that ache, he was going to come in his breeches. Suddenly, she bucked against his mouth, and he drank the sweet cream gushing from her as she climaxed once again. Bloody hell, but she tasted wonderful on his tongue.

When was the last time he’d ever had such a delightful time bringing a woman to climax, and this woman had already come for him twice in less than ten minutes, something that excited him. He enjoyed seeing her fall apart at his touch. It only reaffirmed his original supposition. Sophie would provide him with many hours of pleasure.

He lifted his head and kissed the round softness of her belly as he worked his way up to her breasts. As he nipped at first one nipple and then the other, she squirmed against him. Her hands tugged at his shoulders as she silently indicated she wanted him to stop. He raised his head to look at her.

“Kiss me,” she whispered. “I want to taste my essence on your tongue.”

The soft demand stunned him. As he stared down at her in amazement, a blush spread its way across her cheeks, and her expression quickly dissolved into one of embarrassment.

“You’re a quick learner, my sweet,” he said with a grin, pleased to see her discomfort fade from her lovely features.

“And you are slow in your instruction, my lord.”

Without waiting for a second invitation, he sought her mouth in a hard kiss. As her tongue danced along the edge of his lips, he opened his mouth to her. The moment her tongue danced with his, his cock jumped violently in his breeches.

Bloody hell, the woman would ride him better than any tight grip he might use on himself. And when she came, she’d squeeze him like a slick velvet vise until he exploded inside her. Fuck, he needed to remain in control. Maintain his perspective. This was a simple bargain. Nothing more.

As the sweetness of her mouth washed over his tongue, he slid his hand over a lush, silky thigh. How in the hell could she possibly be forty-one? Her body was as firm and ripe as a woman half her age. Breaking their kiss, he sought the side of her neck with his mouth. She smelled of lilac and musk.

Beneath his lips, the racing beat of her pulse told him it would take very little to make her hot cream flow again. The thought of his cock coated with her liquid heat sent blood surging in his body. It tightened his erection to the point he knew he wouldn’t be able stem his release much longer. It wasn’t the first time she’d made him ready to spill his seed.

Lust tightened its grip on him, urging him to assuage his need in her hot, slick passage. The urgency streaking through his body caught him off guard. Christ, he needed to remain in control of his senses. He’d agreed to teach her the art of pleasure, not succumb to it himself. The point was to obliterate every thought from her head so the only images consuming her were of him and his touch.

He wanted to drive her so mad with desire that she’d never want anyone but him. The possessive nature of his thoughts made him falter slightly before her soft moan pushed everything out of his head. The only thing he could think of was to bury himself inside her as quickly as possible. He quickly undid his breeches and his hand guided his cock to touch the hot rim of her sex. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever been so hard.

Although his instinct was to thrust deep inside her, he gritted his teeth in an effort to show restraint. She’d asked for instruction in the art of pleasure, and he had no wish to take her roughly. Slowly, he slid a small way into her slick passage. Her eyes flew open and she gasped in surprise. With a suppressed groan, he leaned forward and swirled his tongue around her nipple then pushed deeper into her.

She immediately arched her back to welcome his touch, and his hand grasped her thigh as he lifted her so her hips snuggly met his. Once more, he retreated from her then pressed deeper into her hot core until he reached the barrier preventing his release and hers. Muscles tight from the exertion of saving her as much pain as possible, he looked down at her.

Her eyes fluttered opened and deep inside he wondered if he had the right to take her like this in an abandoned cottage and not in his own bed. She smiled up at him and reached out to touch his lips with her fingers. The gentle caress snagged something deep inside him. His brain quickly pushed aside the sensation as his body demanded its release. Pulling her close, he pressed his forehead to hers.

“Hold on to me, my sweet. Just a sharp pinch then nothing but pleasure.”

Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and he crushed her lips beneath his as he thrust deep and hard into her. His kiss muffled her brief cry, and he experienced regret that he’d caused her even the slightest amount of pain. With a gentle stroke of his tongue, he kissed her deeply in an effort to distract her from any sensation other than pleasure, while remaining still.

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