Two Men for Piper [The Men of Space Station One #7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Two Men for Piper [The Men of Space Station One #7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You’re lucky you obeyed me about that dorrie. I would have enjoyed spanking that ass rosy red.”

“She would have, too,” Keith said with a chuckle.

“You’re not helping any.” Tripp glared at Keith.

“Hey! No fighting. I was a good girl, so you should both be in a good mood.” She pouted at them then turned on her heel and left them standing in the kitchen as she headed for the office.

They could fuss and argue all they wanted to. She had something to work on now. She grinned and sat down to start viewing the pictures on the viewer. She removed the memory card and placed it in the viewer. Just as they began to show up on the screen, a shadow fell over her. She frowned and looked up over her head.

“We’re about to go outside and work on the fence. We should be back in around noon or so for lunch. Sandwiches will be fine.” Tripp stared down at her.

“I’ll have lunch for you. I won’t forget you, Tripp.”

“Well, you forgot to give us our kiss before we went off to work.” Keith stepped out from behind Tripp with an exaggerated pout.

“You’re both so crazy. Come here.” She held up her arms to give them hugs and a kiss only to be pulled out of the chair and wrapped in arms, squished between them.

First Tripp demanded complete surrender to his kiss, and then Keith licked and nibbled his way around her mouth. She laughed and realized that she was completely happy. In fact, she hadn’t been this happy in a very long time.

“Go, you two, and finish the fence so you won’t be so worried about me all the time.” She gave Keith a push.

She watched them leave the room then returned to the viewer and the pictures. The camera made perfect pictures. You could see every detail of each plant on the viewer. She printed out the best of the pictures and arranged them according to if they were safe or dangerous or edible. She would let Tripp verify them to be safe. Then she printed out several pictures of the dorrie. It was a fierce-looking little thing. The first picture was deceiving. It made the creature out to be cute. Then it opened its mouth, and the double row of razor-sharp teeth could be seen.

She would show the two sides of it so that they knew that looks could be deceiving on Alpha. She smiled. That was a very apt description for everything on Alpha. She hadn’t been so sure about her two men, but they had turned out to be exactly what she wanted and needed.

Now if they could get the fence up so that they could go to work without worrying about her. She had to be able to work outside so they would have food. Once again, the idea of her being responsible for their food for the winter overwhelmed her. She had thought she was over being worried about her ability to actually grow the garden. Maybe she wasn’t.

She checked the time and groaned. Thirty minutes and the guys would be looking for lunch. Piper hurried to the kitchen and rushed through making sandwiches. She had just put the last one on a plate when they walked in laughing.

“It sounds like everything is going okay out there.”

“We’re actually making some progress,” Tripp said.

“How are you coming with your project?” Keith asked.

“It’s pulling together really well. It will take time, but I think I’m going to have four different pamphlets when I get finished.”

“Sounds good, baby. We’re going to go wash up. Be back down in a few minutes.” They walked through the kitchen doorway into the living room.

Piper sighed. They weren’t as excited about her ideas as she was, but that was okay. She didn’t need them to be all in awe of her or anything. She could enjoy it and be fine, right? She frowned and filled up two glasses with iced tea.

By the time they had returned to the kitchen, she was back to normal and not worried about their lack of interest. She set the plateful of sandwiches on the table and passed them their glasses of tea. She took her seat and listened as they discussed the fence and how well it was coming along now that they’d gotten the hang of it.

“We’ll be finished by either late this evening or after a couple of hours tomorrow.” Tripp grinned, obviously proud of their accomplishment.

“That’s great. You’ll have time to relax before you start work.”

“Relax would be nice.” Keith agreed.

They finished up their sandwiches and gave her a quick hug as they hurried back outside to finish up the fence.

“We’ll probably be after dark coming in so don’t fix dinner too early, baby.” Tripp closed the door behind them.

She didn’t like the idea of them being out after dark with all of the different kinds of dangerous creatures around. Never mind that all they had seen around the house had been the dorrie and the muskie. The mantis was still out there somewhere. She needed a picture of it but didn’t want to see one to get it.

She shivered and finished cleaning up the kitchen. Then she headed upstairs to clean up the bathroom after the men had washed up for lunch. They wouldn’t have put anything up. She was right and had to straighten the bedroom and the bathroom. Evidently one of them had cut themselves because there was blood on one of the shirts. She frowned. It was actually a good bit of blood. They’d kept that from her. She would address that when they got back that night.

Once everything was straight again, she returned to her project in the office and lost herself in the pictures.

Late that evening, she had just finished cooking dinner when the men finally walked through the door, looking dirty, tired and grouchy. Neither of them said much but headed straight upstairs to shower. Something hadn’t gone as planned evidently. She couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong. If she were smart, she’d wait and let them bring it up. Unfortunately, she rarely played it smart when it came to something she was curious about.

Thirty minutes later, they tromped back into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Piper hugged both of them then served the meal and sat down to eat with them. They were silent for the first five minutes. She tried, but she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Hey, guys, what’s wrong?”

“Huh, what’s not wrong?” Tripp asked sarcastically.

“The fence isn’t cooperating like it was earlier, and we’ve had to redo four feet of it.” Keith took a bite of his meal and shook his head.

“You can’t see crap out there when it’s cloudy even with two fucking moons.” Tripp wasn’t finished yet.

“I’m sorry guys. I wish I could help.”

“You can’t. The thing is, even with this fucking fence up, we’re not sure you’ll be safe. There was a damn mantis thing out there right before we came in. It wasn’t worried about us at all. The damn five-foot fence comes up midbody on him. For all we know, he can climb the damn thing. Hell, he could even jump over it.” Tripp huffed out a breath.

“I think, from everything I’ve read about it, that it likes the darker part of the day and of course, nights. It was late afternoon when that one rammed us on our way here, and this one you saw was at dusk in the dark.”

“She’s probably right about that, Tripp. I don’t remember seeing one during the hot part of the day either.”

Tripp didn’t say anything. He finished eating and pushed back from the table. He was about to stand up then sat back down.

“Dinner was good, baby. I’m sorry I’m in such a bad mood. I’m worried though. I don’t like leaving you here alone without one of us here with you.”

“I’ll be fine. I’m going to do exactly what I’m supposed to do in order to stay safe. I don’t like the idea of those nasty creatures getting me either.”

She got up and walked around to wrap her arms around Tripp’s shoulders from the back. He turned his head and kissed her cheek before she moved to Keith. He pulled her around to sit on his lap. She laughed and held on tight when he almost lost her.

“I’m all for an early night,” Keith said.

“An early night sounds good to me, too,” Tripp agreed.

“What about you, baby? Want to go fool around some?”

“You know I’m always up for that.” She couldn’t stop the silly giggle. “Let me up so I can clean up the kitchen. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

“We’ll be waiting on you in the living room. Neither one of us is going anywhere without you with us, Piper.” Tripp stood up and stretched. “Don’t take too long, or I might come get you.”

“Now that’s not really much of an incentive.” She laughed and hurried to the other side of the kitchen when he acted like he was coming after her.

Once the two men had left the room, Piper sighed and began cleaning up the kitchen. She didn’t know what to do to keep them from worrying so much. She didn’t see how anything could get in the fence and especially if she wasn’t outside that much. She would work in the garden and then work inside the rest of the day. She had a huge project to work on to keep her busy. She wouldn’t have any reason to want to stay outside, especially during the hot part of the day.

As soon as she finished the kitchen, she checked and made sure the back door was locked and then found the men snoring in the living room. She shook her head. They were exhausted. She decided to let them sleep for a while before waking them up.

She went ahead upstairs and ran a bath. Afterward she would go back downstairs and wake them up. At some point, she must have fallen asleep because she woke up to water trickling on her face. She startled awake, and the guys died out laughing at her. Tripp had been dropping water on her face.

“Teach you to leave us down there all alone.”

“You needed the sleep, and I needed a bath first.”

“Maybe we wanted to bathe you,” Keith said.

“You can still bathe me, guys. I’m still in the tub.”

“True, but you’re already shriveling up like a prune,” Tripp teased.

“No I’m not!” She yelped when Tripp poked her in the ribs.

“Yes you are. Look at those wrinkles on your fingers.” Keith picked up her hand and pointed out her wrinkly fingers.

“Well, that’s just my fingers.”

“Don’t make me pull your feet up in the air and show you those, too.”

“I’m getting out. I’m getting out.” She stood up with their help and stepped out of the tub to the floor.

The men took turns rubbing her dry. She felt more groping than actual drying going on, but she wasn’t going to complain. Piper loved it when they touched her and stroked her. They were so damn good at it, too.

“Let’s get you situated on the bed, Piper. We’ve been thinking about what we’d like to do to you all day long.”

“Hmm, that sounds promising.” She let them position her on the bed like they wanted her.

They had her in the middle of the bed with her legs flayed open so that they could get to her pussy without any trouble. Tripp settled between her legs and massaged her trimmed mound before he licked around her pussy lips. She sighed when he licked the entire length of her slit.

Keith ran his thumbs over her nipples, making them stand at attention. Then he pinched them gently before pulling on them a little less gently. When she whimpered, he chuckled and licked over both nipples, one at a time before sucking in one to flatten against the roof of his mouth. The suction was amazing. It sent tingles down to her clit.

Tripp sucked in her pussy lips, applying enough suction to pull on them and make them burn. She moaned at the unusual thrill it gave her. Then he was licking deep into her slit as he inserted two fingers into her cunt. She couldn’t help but squeeze his fingers with her cunt muscles. They curled deep within her and found her hot spot. Tripp stroked over it repeatedly until she was writhing beneath him.

When he stopped, she begged him to keep going. She was so close.

“Please, Tripp. Let me come. Please.”

“Not yet, baby. We’re still having fun.”

Keith nipped and bit at her nipples before licking them to soothe the sting. She welcomed the sting because it added to the pressure building deep inside of her. Her breasts were so sensitive, and Keith already knew just what she needed to explode. It was no wonder they could keep her on edge for so long.

Tripp fucked her cunt with his fingers as he licked all around her clit, letting the tip of his tongue brush it every few laps. She kept trying to tilt her hips to urge him closer, but he kept pulling away.

“You keep that up, and I won’t let you come until we do.”

“Please, Tripp. I’m dying. I need to come so badly.”

Without warning, he latched onto her clit with his lips and sucked until she was thrashing and screaming his name. Keith caught up by twisting her nipples and then pinching them. She felt as if her insides were turning inside out. She had never felt such heaving pressure that continued to build even as she flew over and beyond.

She hadn’t even relaxed her cunt before Tripp was telling her to change positions.

“Get on top of Keith, baby. We’re going to take you together and make you scream for us again.”

She crawled over Keith’s body as he quickly maneuvered himself under her. She lined her slit up over his throbbing cock. It jerked the first time she tried to impale herself on him. She groaned and tried again. This time she managed to move halfway down him before her spasming cunt muscles locked down on him and refused to move any lower.

Piper whimpered in frustration. Keith played with her tits while she rose up and fell down, trying to take more of him deep within her. His dick tunneled up inside her with each fall of her body to his. Finally, she managed to seat herself fully and ground her clit into his groin. He pumped his cock inside of her until Tripp put a halt to their play.

“Piper, put your hands behind your back for me.”

She lifted a brow at Keith, and the other man just smiled. She put her hands behind her back, and Tripp wrapped something around one wrist, and then the other. Then he tightened it slightly. She realized that she couldn’t move her arms anymore.

“Hey. What are you doing?”

“Making you completely at our mercy, baby. I want you to feel totally dependent on us to take care of you. Do you trust us, Piper?”

“I–I’ve never done this before.”

“That’s okay, baby. Do you trust us?”

She thought about it and realized she did. She nodded her head.

“I want to hear you say it out loud.” Tripp wasn’t letting her get off easy on this.

BOOK: Two Men for Piper [The Men of Space Station One #7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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