Two Loves for Alex (21 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Two Masters for Alex

BOOK: Two Loves for Alex
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“You know, I’ve been thinking about that a lot, Daniel. About love. What it is, what it means. I don’t think love is just one thing. I think there are grades, degrees, nuances. I think we love different people in different ways. Her coming into our lives has really made me realize love comes in lots of forms.

“I can honestly say I do love Alex. Maybe not in the same way I love you but it’s real nevertheless. I miss her. She could drive you nuts but she was always fun and full of life. I feel her absence. Does that equal love? I don’t know. But I’d like to find out.”

Daniel stared at Liam. He’d never said so directly just exactly what Daniel felt. Daniel had hesitated to articulate it so bluntly, still mindful of hurting Liam’s feelings and making him think Daniel was putting his feelings for Alex above or between them.

“You really mean that?”

Liam nodded solemnly. “I do.”

Daniel smiled but then sighed. “Too bad we didn’t figure this out before she left us, huh? I guess it’s a case of live and learn.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Liam’s smile was mysterious. “I wouldn’t write her off just yet.”


Alex opened her mouth and Anthony slid a small piece of meat into it. She ate every bite Anthony offered her, aware the food could suddenly be withdrawn. She’d earned the right to food and drink with Anthony grudgingly admitting she knew how to service a man’s cock.

Apparently she hadn’t earned the right to sit on a chair, however. She was kneeling on the floor in the kitchen, naked with her hands tied loosely behind her back. He had placed a stiff black leather dog collar around her neck with silver spikes jutting every few inches along its length. He attached a chain leash to it, which he jerked every now and then, nearly pulling her over.

The abject terror she’d felt while bound in the dark attic had abated. She felt more numb than anything. The whole thing was so surreal it almost couldn’t be happening. This was the stuff of fiction. Real people didn’t keep other people like this against their will, did they?

The truly scary thing was Anthony really seemed to be suffering under the delusion Alex was into what he was doing to her. He kept telling her how lucky she was to have finally met a true Master who could meet her needs. He really seemed to believe what he was doing was okay.

He fed her another bite and wiped her mouth with a linen napkin. While holding a glass of red wine to her lips, some spilled and splashed onto her breast. Calmly Anthony wiped it as if she were a child. He held the glass again to her lips and she drank as best she could.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re welcome, Alexandra.” Idly he stroked her breast. “I am looking forward to the day when you’ve earned my cock but today is not that day. However I am curious to see your level of orgasm control. I think we’ll work on that this evening.”

He led her by the leash to his bedroom and pushed her down onto the bed. Using her silver cuffs, he tethered her arms to the headboard. Thrusting a pillow beneath her hips, he then tied rope around her ankles and jerked them apart, securing them to the bars at the foot of the bed.

Alex’s heart was pounding again. She hated herself for being so docile but was too afraid to fight him. He was much stronger than she and probably outweighed her by a good hundred pounds. The specter of the dark attic still loomed large in her mind.

No, it was better to bide her time and fool him into thinking she was compliant. He’d made it clear he wasn’t going to let her go. She would have to seize whatever opportunity presented itself to get the hell out of there.

He was fiddling in the chest that stood against the wall. She lifted her head, glancing around the room. She saw her purse on the small table by the chair but not her clothing. The idea of running out of the house naked was not an appealing one but she’d do it if she had to. At least she knew where her car keys were.

He returned with a large penis-shaped dildo and an ominous-looking shiny metal vibrator. “Open your mouth. Suck this cock while I make you come. You will come on command and not a second before, do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She opened her mouth and Anthony slid the penis in, shoving it back until she began to gag. He pulled it slightly forward, and said, “Keep it in, no matter what.”

He sat beside her and pressed the tip of the vibrator into her spread pussy. It hurt. She bit down on the rubber cock. “You’re dry. How
you be dry in my presence?”

He smacked her bare pussy several times with stinging fingers. She jerked and tried to close her legs but bound as she was, she couldn’t. Anthony climbed over her legs and knelt between them. He leaned forward and she realized with stunned surprise he was licking her pussy.

He was skilled, lightly teasing and licking her until, despite her fear, rage and exhaustion, her body began to respond of its own accord. At least it was better than being tied to a rack and beaten within an inch of her life or being force-fed her dinner on her knees.

He continued his inexorable attentions until she was trembling with the need to come. He pulled back abruptly and slapped her pussy. Alex startled and nearly pushed the phallus from her mouth but managed to hang on to it, certain she’d pay a terrible price if she didn’t.

“Don’t you dare come,” Anthony barked. She felt the press of hard metal again at her sex. This time it slid in easily. He turned it on, sending a vibrating hum of sensation through her. Having already been stimulated nearly to orgasm, Alex’s body began to shudder in reaction to the vibrator buried inside her.

She bit down on the dildo, trying not to come, at the same time amazed her body could even consider orgasm at the hands of this asshole.
Pretend it’s Daniel. Pretend it’s Liam. They don’t want you to come yet. Not yet. Do it for them. Breathe like Daniel taught you. Control your body. Breathe…

“Come for me, Alexandra. Show me what a perfect whore you are.”

“Come for me, Alex,” Daniel whispered, moving his cock deep inside her. Alex shuddered and moaned, wrapping her arms around him, parting her lips for his perfect kiss as she tumbled into orgasm…

The dildo was pulled from her mouth, slick with her saliva. Anthony dragged it between her breasts. He was smiling at her. “Very nice. Yes. You have potential. I knew you did. I knew it the moment I saw you.”

He leaned over her and kissed her. The impulse to spit in his face nearly overcame her. She closed her eyes, blotting Anthony from her mind even while his tongue invaded her mouth.

He pulled back. “I’ll claim you in every way you can imagine. You will become my sex slave, desperate for my come, eager for my cock to fill every hole. But now you must be tired. The emotional strain alone of discovering your true Master at last has surely drained you.”

To think, she’d found his flowery language enchanting before. Now it just made her want to puke. She kept her face as neutral as she could and tried to smile. “Thank you, Sir,” she simpered.

He reached up and unclipped her cuffs from the bed and untied her ankles as well. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, revealing a powerful chest covered in a mat of dark hair. He slipped out of his pants and underwear and lay down beside her.

Taking her into his arms, he kissed her deeply. She couldn’t bring herself to respond but he didn’t seem to notice. After a while he let her go. “I hope you will earn the right to sleep beside your Master. But for tonight while I will permit you the honor of my bed you will sleep chained at my feet.”

Chained. Shit!
Alex had been planning a nocturnal escape, waiting until he was asleep to grab her purse and what clothing she could find to make a run for it. How could she do that if she was chained? She would have to find a way to make him release her. One way or the other, she had to get free.

He forced her down to the end of the bed so she was lying on her side facing him. Gripping her arms, he jerked them behind her back, using her own silver cuffs to secure them to the rails of the footboard.

He left her while he went to the bathroom. When he returned, he knelt in front of her and began to stroke himself. She closed her eyes. “Open your eyes. Watch your Master.”

Alex forced herself to obey. He masturbated over her, his hand flying over his cock, his burning eyes raking her body. He stiffened in the moment before orgasm. Despite his order, Alex squeezed her eyes shut as warm blobs of ejaculate spattered her face and chest.

Anthony lay back, pressing his cold feet against her breasts. Alex didn’t dare resist him. Once he began to snore, she wriggled and twisted in an effort to get her cuffs open. All she succeeded in doing was digging them painfully into her skin. Exhausted, she gave up, focusing instead on wiping his disgusting semen from her face onto the sheets.


When she opened her eyes sunlight was streaming through the windows. Somehow this seemed incongruous with the plight in which she found herself. How could the day have dawned beautiful and sunny while she was chained by her wrists and ankles at the feet of a madman?

He was still asleep above her. An idea slipped into her mind. She twisted her head and was able to angle herself to reach his feet with her mouth. She began to lick and kiss his toes.

As she had hoped, he woke quickly. “What’re you doing?”

“Kissing your feet, Sir. I was hoping you would let me kiss your cock as well. I would love to wake you up each morning by taking your perfect cock into my mouth, Sir.”

What man could resist such an offer? Even a crazed dickwad wouldn’t pass up the chance of an early morning blowjob or so she fervently hoped. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“That sounds delightful, Alexandra.” He released her from the bars and pulled her up between his legs. “You may use your hands,” he said magnanimously.

She applied herself for all she was worth, bringing his early morning erection quickly to ejaculation. He came in her mouth and she forced herself to swallow every drop. She continued to lick and kiss him until he pushed her away.

“Thank you, Sir,” she whispered with manufactured ardor. “You honor me with your seed.” He would like that.

He smiled warmly, eating it up. He patted her head benignly. “I need to use the facilities. I’ll be right back. You have earned a reward, Alexandra.”

Her heart began to pound so hard she was afraid for a moment he would hear it. He turned away, rising from the bed and walking into the bathroom. When she heard the sound of him using the toilet, she leaped up and hurtled toward the reading table, snagging her purse under her arm.

She’d realized while lying awake the night before that her clothing was still up in the attic. She could hear the sink water running. Desperately she grabbed Anthony’s shirt, which lay neatly folded over the chair and ran out of the room.

Her heart was slamming so hard she thought it might knock her over. She raced down the stairs, pulling the shirt over her shoulders as she ran. She managed to turn the lock on the front door and pull it open. Sprinting toward her car on bare feet, she yanked the door open, relieved she hadn’t bothered to lock the car.

She hurled herself into the driver’s seat and fumbled in her purse, searching for her keys. Her hands were shaking so hard it took her three times to finally get the key into the ignition. The engine turned and sprang to life. She put the car in gear and floored the gas, tearing out of the driveway on screeching tires.

As she drove, she watched anxiously in her rearview mirror, terrified he might come after her. She realized tears were streaming down her face. When she saw the entrance ramp to the highway, she began to cry, though they were tears of relief, not sorrow.

She had made it. She had escaped from that bastard. She was free and life had never seemed sweeter than at that moment.

Chapter 16

“It’s nice out. I think I might take a run if that’s all right with you.” Sunday morning had dawned cool and clear, the muggy heat of the last several weeks finally dissipated.

Liam smiled at Daniel, secretly delighted. This would make his plan a little easier since Daniel would be gone at least an hour. He liked to drive down to a particular section of the shore and run along the beach. His being gone would make Liam’s absence somewhat less conspicuous. To cover his bases, he said, “No problem. I was thinking of going into town in a while myself. I have a few errands and I wanted to check out the bookstore.”

Daniel smiled indulgently. Liam was an avid reader and could easily spend several hours in a bookstore without even realizing it. Daniel used to accompany him but he would end up dying of boredom though he was too gracious to admit it.

Daniel went to change into his running clothes and Liam retreated to his study to get what he needed. He kissed Daniel goodbye and watched the handsome man climb into his red truck, thinking for the thousandth time how incredibly lucky he was to have such a man in his life.

Once Daniel had driven away, Liam grabbed his keys and headed for his own car. He pulled the folded piece of paper that contained the map and directions of his destination from his pocket and placed it on the passenger seat. If they couldn’t get Mohammed back to the mountain, then he’d bring the mountain to Mohammed.

Liam slowed to a crawl when he reached Alex’s street. It was the ½ in the address that was throwing him. 342½ Baker Street. Then he remembered it was a garage apartment—literally located over someone’s garage. He found 342 Baker Street and pulled into the long driveway, which wound back behind the house to a garage with an apartment above it.

Alex’s little red car was nowhere to be seen. He looked at his watch—eight forty-five. Maybe she was out at the supermarket or having breakfast with a friend. Having already spent forty-five minutes getting there, he hadn’t planned on having to wait for her return.

It was possible she wouldn’t be back for hours or even days. He hadn’t counted on her absence. So determined to seek her out and talk sense into her and so excited by the idea of bringing her home to Daniel he hadn’t worked his way past finding her.

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