Two in the Afternoon (5 page)

Read Two in the Afternoon Online

Authors: Cora Cade

Tags: #military;stalker;Delta Force;Army;Ranger;military;pub;small town;red hair;fling

BOOK: Two in the Afternoon
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“Fellas, get your boy out of my bar and don't bother coming back.” She gave them a stern look. “Or this Ranger over here will gladly show you the error of your ways.”

The men collected their crumpled friend from the pub floor and promptly exited with apologies. Molly just returned to the back of the bar and went about cleaning up for the night.

Cal couldn't take his eyes off Molly. Calm, cool, collected. Damn, she was sexy.

His sister leaned into his line of vision and waved a slim hand in front of his face. “Earth to Cal.”

With a jerk, he snapped his eyes to his sister. “Yeah. What's up?”

“I'm heading back to the cabin now. Are we still on for lunch tomorrow? There's something I want to ask you. I'm thinking about making some big changes.”

Instantly, he zeroed in on Lainey's face. She looked a little worried, maybe even hesitant. “Sure. We can talk now if you want.”

She glanced over at Molly and Chris before saying, “No, that's okay. I actually wanted to talk to Molly about it too. So, I'll see you about noon tomorrow?”

“We'll be there.” He leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Just know whatever big change you want to make, I'll always support you.”

She reached into her bag and gathered her keys, glancing again at Molly and Chris. Something was bothering his sister, but Cal couldn't put his finger on it just yet.

“Here, let me walk you out. It's late and those yahoos might still be in the lot.”

His sister scowled at him. “Cal, you can see my car from the door.” She pointed out the glass to her rental. “I'll be fine.”

“Point taken. Be safe and text me when you get to the cabin.”

“Love you, bye.” She gave a finger wave as she turned away.

He watched her make it to her car and put her seat belt on before heading over to the pair currently laughing behind the bar.

“Hey, Chris, do me a favor and follow my sister back to her cabin. I'd feel better knowing she made it home safe.”

Molly immediately started pushing him toward the door. “Go. I'll finish up here. Make sure Lainey gets back safe. She's staying at the cabins out on Lookout Point. Hurry! She's pulling out of the lot now.”

Looking befuddled, Chris let Molly shove him toward the door. “What about you? When are you coming back to our place?”

Our place?
Oh, hell no. Maybe he had taken a
too long in his planned seduction. “She'll stay with me tonight.” The words came out meaner than he anticipated, but he was definitely feeling a little pissy.

Chris relaxed before heading out the door, and Molly stopped dead in her tracks at his words. She watched Chris follow Lainey's taillights and locked the front door before turning to face him.

“I believe we have some unfinished business, Cal.”

“Do we now?”

“I do recall someone going out of his way to get me all worked up, just to leave me hanging. What, was that almost ten hours ago?” As she stalked forward, she pulled her lightweight tee over her head, dropping it on a table before toeing off her shoes. Kicking them away from her path, she put a hand to the button of her jean skirt and hesitated as he shook his head. He wanted to do some of the unwrapping and wasn't ready for her to unceremoniously disrobe just yet.

She paused and stood before him in a black bra, bare feet and a miniscule jean skirt. Running a hand from her cheek to the back of her nape caused a small shiver to run through her body. Her bravado was wavering as he looked her up and down. Biting her lip and crossing one leg behind the other gave her away.

Cal just stood there and watched her, making her nervous, but when he leaned down to place his lips against hers, everything inside her coiled in anticipation. As his lips brushed hers, there was a moment when their eyes met. The need she saw seared her heart, and coiled anticipation pulled into a hard knot of desire. Sometimes, when they were so close, it was easy to forget he was leaving. And he'd never be back.

Her bra fell away with a deft flick of his wrist, and he palmed her breasts, causing her breath to hitch. He lifted her, sliding her body against his much larger one, letting her feel the power in his chest, the hard press of his erection against the soft skin of her belly.

Wrapping his arms around her, he carried her behind the bar and set her down on the flat-topped cooler. He crowded into the space between her legs, pushing her knees wide. Her skirt rode up her thighs, exposing her black silk panties.

“We've got all night, honey.” His finger stroked against the silk softly. “I'm going to start here.” His finger stopped at the distended nub of her clitoris, stroked there once. “Then I'm going to stretch you.” His finger slid under the silk, touching her smooth skin, meeting a rush of cream. “Because I want to fuck you all night long.”

She was beyond words, his dirty talk always wound her so tight she thought she might break, but they'd never taken any of their make-out sessions this far. All she could offer in response was a soft moan of approval. Unable to wait, she rocked onto his hand, encouraging his movements.

“So goddamn perfect. And all mine tonight.”

His deep voice, the words, caused a shudder to ripple through her core and she clenched tight as she reached for the orgasm that was building.

“Not yet, honey.” With his words he pulled away, and she collapsed to her back on the bar in disappointment. Damn him.

Leaving her skirt in place, he pulled her panties from her hips and down her lax legs. Cal leaned in and she heard him take a deep breath, inhaling her scent before adjusting her legs over his shoulders. Under his scrutiny, her body warmed and flushed even further.

He gave a soft hum of approval and sunk his tongue into her depths. With each stroke the tension of the evening smoothed away and she relaxed into the moment. Molly let Cal tease at length, letting the excitement build slowly instead of rushing toward an orgasm. Finally, with an upward stroke, she erupted, back bowing off the bar. His hands at her hips held her in place as he continued licking at her, drawing out her orgasm until she couldn't take it any longer.

Unable to form the words to beg him to cease, she could only attempt to squirm from his grip. He gave a soft laugh as she tried to break free. Placing a kiss to the inside of a thigh brought her to a halt, and a sigh escaped her lips.

“On your feet, babe. I need to be inside you.”


Not sure if her legs would hold her, she slid from the bar. Limp and sated, she could barely keep herself upright. Grasping her around the waist, Cal swung her around, pressing her against one of the coolers and she collapsed limply on the cool metal, nipples pebbling at the chill beneath her.

Chapter Eight

Molly spread her legs, leaving her ass bare and inviting before Cal. As he eased his erection from his jeans and put a condom on, he watched her pussy glisten in the overhead lights. She was wet and ready for him.

Palming his cock, he rubbed the head through her folds, teasing them both with the slow drag. With a hand on her hip, Cal stilled her movements as she pushed toward the invasion. Another pass through her folds brought a moan to her lips, and she arched seductively.

She turned and made eye contact over her shoulder. “You are the biggest tease.”

In answer, Cal dropped his gaze to the entrance of her pussy and notched his cock there. Her grip on the head of his erection tightened, seeking to pull him further in. Sliding his hands up her back, bringing them to rest on her shoulders, caused a shiver to run through her small frame.

When she relaxed under his hold, he firmed his grip and drove home. Her body gave slowly, stretching to accommodate him, and when he was fully seated he gave a soft grunt.

Molly pushed back with what little leverage she had and then rocked forward, creating a sweet friction that tightened his balls. With her bent over the cooler, legs spread wide, he was hard-pressed to hold back. She was doing her best to bring him to action, rocking back on his cock repeatedly, soft sounds escaping her throat.

When she brought a hand back to grasp his thigh, urging him on, he took over the pace of their lovemaking. It had been a long week of near constant foreplay and he wasn't ready to let her control their first time together.

She dropped the hand from his thigh to fall between her legs, and Cal felt her delicate fingers circle his cock. The sensation of her stroking him as he sank into her body was more than he could take. Molly would never surrender complete control and Cal thought that was the sexiest thing about his little spitfire.

Wanting her with him, Cal let his hands glide down her back and stop at her hips. With fingers digging into her soft flesh, he hung on as long as he could. He was so close that when she finally tumbled over the edge, her pussy milking his cock, he followed seconds after her. Shuddering against her body, he felt his orgasm set off small aftershocks in her core.

Wrung out and blissfully sated, Cal gave a quick kiss to her shoulder. “Come on, honey. Let's get a shower and then do it again.”

In response, Molly gave a groan. Chuckling, he lifted her easily into his arms and carried her up the stairs to the apartment.

The next morning, the unforgiving sun woke Molly earlier than she would have preferred. Glancing around, she realized she was alone, hogging an empty bed without Cal in sight. Stretching her exhausted body along the sheets that smelled like Cal brought a small smile to her face.

They'd spent the night alternately sleeping and enjoying some seriously hot sex. Just remembering how he would wake her with sweet kisses brought a delicious shiver to her body.

Rising from the bed, she found a shirt of Cal's to pull on before making her way from the bedroom into the rest of the apartment. Both Cal and Bo were gone, and she knew they were out for a morning jog. How the man had enough energy to even put his shoes on was beyond her.

She could barely make it to the coffee pot.

Once her first cup of coffee was made, she collapsed on the couch and thought about hitting the shower. That's as far as she got before the dynamic duo returned nearly an hour later.

When Cal stopped by the couch to lay a soft kiss on her forehead her traitorous heart beat double time. “Hey. Are you up for an early lunch with Lainey in about an hour? She asked last night and I forgot to mention it.”

As he stripped off his sweaty workout clothes, she knew she was perched on the precipice of no return with this man. Her heart was hovering on the edge of tumbling into the abyss and she wasn't sure was going to be strong enough to watch him walk away when the time came.

She had to clear her throat twice before she could say, “Sure. I need to swing by Chris's to get some clean clothes, but my day is free.”

“I can drive you over to get your clothes after I shower. Then we'll swing by Lainey's and pick her up.”

She nodded in response, even though she had her car, she wasn't willing to give up this one day with Cal. She could rein her heart back in tomorrow. When their routine fell back into place, she could remember that he wasn't for her. He was a military man and he'd be packing up to leave within another week.

So, she'd take this one day for her.

Cal knew they were running behind by the time they made it over to Chris's apartment to pick up clean clothes for Molly. Not that he really cared. He was grateful that Molly was willingly, and without even a grumble, spending the day with him. And it was going to be a
, of that he had no doubt.

Chris was reclining on the couch when they busted in, obviously in a rush, and he glanced up from the book he was reading. “Damn, is the apartment on fire?”

Molly picked up a throw pillow and tossed it at Chris before disappearing down the hall. She called out, “We're late for lunch with Lainey.”

“That's what happens when you're too busy getting busy.”

Cal took a seat in the empty chair closest to the door and seriously considered tossing Chris off the couch before sitting down. Molly appeared at the end of the hall wearing a long skirt that touched her ankles and pulling a tank over her head. Thankfully she'd tugged it into place before she reached the living room and gave Chris a peak of all that tantalizing bare skin.

“You are ever the gentleman.” She poked him in the chest and snatched his paperback. “Now go get dressed. We're going to grab brunch over in Mumford at that new place you wanted to check out.”

“You are such a demanding woman. You think just because you snap your fingers I'll jump?”

Molly snapped her fingers about an inch from his nose before saying, “Exactly. Now get your ass in gear.” She turned to Cal and said, “Five minutes, promise. I need to brush my teeth and do something with this mop.” She waved a hand in the general direction of her hair, which looked perfectly fine to him.

But if growing up with a twin sister had taught him anything, it was to keep your trap shut when a girl thought they needed to change something that was perfectly fine. Arguments always ensued, and he always lost. So, he sat back and picked up a magazine from the coffee table, relieved to find it was a muscle car magazine addressed to Chris, and began to flip through its contents.

Finally Cal glanced up at Chris over the top of the magazine. “If you don't get your ass in gear, we're leaving you behind.”

“You do realize Molly wants to set me up with your delightful sister.” Chris was grinning at him from the couch, completely relaxed.

“You do realize if you touch her I'll break your face?”

The bastard didn't even miss a beat. “Sure. I'll be glad to fill Noah in on how seriously you're taking your duties here.”

Molly popped her head out of the bathroom and with a toothbrush still in her mouth said, “Christian Ashley Harper.” The man in question winced. “That's none of your damn business. Besides, Cal could crush you like a bug.”

“All true my little leprechaun. All true.” Chris winked at him before getting to his feet. “But it would be totally worth it just to work Noah up.”

By the time Cal had corralled Molly and Chris into the hall they were bickering about the pub's work schedule for the upcoming week. With Chris insisting that he'd take a few days off at the office to pitch in, Molly was near violence trying to convince him she could handle it.

Thankful for any reason to interrupt them he said, “We might have a bigger problem here.” They both paused and stared at him, seemingly have forgotten he was still with them. “My truck can hold three comfortably in the front seat, but four adults will be a squeeze. Any chance you could drive, Chris?”

Molly slid a cunning glance at Chris before saying, “Oh, let's take the Camaro. I bet Lainey would like to take your baby for a spin.”

“No one drives the Camaro but me.”

Molly leaned into Chris and batted her lashes at him. “But Lainey's so pretty. I bet she could convince you differently.”

“Not a chance, leprechaun.”

Molly watched Chris as he stalked down the hall. “He's totally going to let her drive.”

Before Chris reached the door to exit into the parking area, he called out. “Never going to happen.”

Cal threw an arm over Molly's shoulder as they followed in Chris's wake. “How'd you know Lainey's got a soft spot for classic cars?”

Molly snorted, an indelicate laugh bubbling from her. “I didn't. But I do know she's partial to one sexy architect.”

“No way. She likes her men a little more…manly.”

Molly slanted him one of her patented looks. The one that implied he was the densest man she'd ever come in contact with. “Then you're not paying attention. Chris is a total guy's guy. Just because he doesn't cart around weapons for a living doesn't make him any less
.” She rolled her eyes at him before going on. “The man is sex on a stick, covered in chocolate without calories. Women line up to drop their panties for him.”

Well, the woman had a way with words. None of it he wanted to hear for crying out loud. “Not Lainey. She doesn't go for pretty boys.”

Molly tilted her face up to his as she stood on tiptoe to offer a quick kiss. Cal was struck by how stunning she was as he closed the distance to her lips. As she pulled away and dropped back to her feet she said, “Bet me.”

And with a quick pat to his ass she left him standing in the hall feeling like he'd just taken a punch to the gut.

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