Two Guardians for Little May (25 page)

BOOK: Two Guardians for Little May
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"You're hurting my wrist," May whined,
digging her heels into the carpet.

"Then stop fighting me. In you go," Sri
said, gently tugging her into the bedroom and closing the door behind her.

"I don't know how your daddy and uncle
handle your discipline," Sri said, grabbing a hairbrush off the dresser
and pulling May with her to the edge of the bed, "but I am not going to
waste any time with formalities."

She tossed May over her knees without any effort.

"Auntie Sri, I'm sorry. I lost my mind. It
happens sometimes," May begged. Sri ignored her and began to slap her
backside with the large, flat back of the brush. May twisted and squirmed,
clenching her teeth to keep from crying out. There was no way in bloody hell
that she was going to give in and cry! The brush rained down upon the thin shorts
in progressively harder strokes, occasionally catching the backs of her thighs
as the hem began to ride higher.

"Sri!" May howled, "Please
stop." She began to kick, and hid her face in her palms to prevent herself
from crying out loud. "Oh, my God, you are killing me!"

After what seemed like hours to May, Sri stopped.
"It seems that a pants-down spanking is what you are in for, young lady. I
am so disappointed in you."

May squealed and squirmed as Sri grabbed the
waistband of her bottoms. "No! You can't do that! OW!"

Sri forcefully slapped May's sit spots.
"Stop squirming!" she ordered, slipping the shorts down past
May's knees, and taking her panties along with them. May shivered and squirmed
some more, while reaching back to protect her bottom.

"Move your hands, young lady," Sri
ordered. May shook her head, and yelped when Sri snatched her left wrist and
pinned it between their bodies, then held May's right hand tightly, anchoring
it to her side. A sharp smack was delivered to the back of May's thigh, and
another squeal pierced the air. May struggled wildly, trying to free herself
from Sri's incredibly tight grip.

"What a naughty child you are
today," Sri sighed, picking up the hairbrush again.

"Nononono," May pleaded. "No more!
I've had enough! You can throw that damn fucking brush away!"

"It seems like someone is in need of a
little mouth soaping before we resume. Come with me," Sri ordered, lifting
May up by one arm, making her walk on her toes while pulling her into the
bathroom. The shorts and panties were left on the floor as she was hauled over
to the deep sink.

May shook her head wildly as Sri wet the bar of
ivory soap in warm water.


"No," May said through gritted teeth.

"Let me make myself clear, sweetheart,"
Sri said sternly. "You either take this soap in your mouth, or I will prep
an enema and have you take it up your bottom. Your choice."

May looked at her fearfully.

"In addition, the amount of time that soap
stays in either your mouth, or your bottom, is double the amount of time it takes
for you to mind me."

slowly opened her mouth, gagging the second the soap touch her tongue.
"Thith ith awthul!" she cried out. "Daddy would never do thith
to me."

"You would be surprised at to what your
daddy will do if you push him." Sri tapped her foot, watching as tears
plummeted down May's cheeks. She checked her watch several times before she
finally said, "Spit."

May quickly obeyed.
She slumped as she looked into Sri's face and wiped
the suds from her mouth. "I'm sorry, Auntie Sri."

"I am too. We are not done here. Go into the implement closet
and bring me the loop strap."

"W-what's that?" May wiggled nervously, pulling her
shirt down to cover her naked pubis.

"It looks like a belt that's been folded over in half and has
a handle. Yes, that. Hand it to me."

May's lower lip began to quiver at the thought of facing the
wicked looking implement. Sri turned it over several times in her hands,
inspecting it for damage. Satisfied, she sent May back to the closet for mink
oil. She handed the strap to May and said, "Oil it down."

May's hand trembled as she massaged the oil into every nook and
cranny of the well-conditioned leather. Sri shook her head each time May
offered it back, stating that she wanted the strap saturated as much as
possible. After fifteen minutes, Sri voiced her satisfaction and ordered May to
go to the bathroom, wash the oil from her hands, and then return to stand in
front of her.

"Place your hands on your knees, May. You are going to get
six strokes of this strap for your behavior. I promise you that this is one
strapping you will not enjoy, on any level," Sri said, pressing the base
of May's spine to force her back to arch. The cool leather briefly caressed her
flesh, before Sri took aim and landed without warning. The crack reverberated
through the room, sounding like a bolt of lightning. May screeched and stood
up, dancing on her toes as she clutched her hapless nates.

"Owww! No more! Please!"

Sri tsked, pulling her by the arm and sitting herself on the
chair. She dragged May again across her lap and flung her right leg over May's
flailing limbs to pin them in place. "Keep your hands down, May. A strap
on your palms will burn for days. Did you just try to bite me?"

"It's instinctive," May bawled.

"You will now get double the
strokes of the strap. You bit me!" Sri scolded. "You are going to
feel my hand and gain a little respect. After I am satisfied, I will
reintroduce the strap."


May's cries fell upon deaf ears as
Sri's hand began to rise and fall in swift, excruciating blows. The intensity
and speed was so much so that May was not given any opportunity to exclaim her
pain, or ask for forgiveness. The inexpressible need to flee disabled her from
comprehending that the harder she struggled, the harder she was spanked. Ten, twenty,
thirty times, Sri's heavy hand splatted across her backside. It was unbearable;
far worse than she could ever remember receiving from either Layton or Caine.
May's strength and energy was soon diverted from fighting against the
punishment, to enduring the biting pain being inflicted upon her bottom.

Sri continued to deliver blistering
hot smacks to May's scorched, bare posterior. She paused long enough to pick up
the strap and weigh the handle in the palm of her hand. A good twelve inches of
oiled, folded leather drooped before May's glossy, tear-filled eyes.

"You are to count these out,
little miss. All twelve. Do I need to tell you what will happen if you miss a

"No, ma'am"

"I will anyway. If you miss a
count, I begin again. Do you want that?"

"No, ma'am," May sobbed.

"Good girl. Let's begin."

"Argh! One!" May called
out, as the loop made its mark across her twin peaks.

"Say thank you, May," Sri said
calmly. "And I expect you to continue to use your manners."

"Thank you, ma'am," May

The second lash fell over the tops
of her thighs. May pounded her fists into the legs of the chair. "Owww!
Ohmigod! Two! Thank you ma'am."

"Lower your voice. You don't
want to give me a headache."

"I'm sorry! Three! Thank
you," May's words were caught in her throat, "ma'am."

Three more lashes cracked against
her burning behind, and May twisted and turned, crying out the counts, her
thanks and her pleas to be forgiven.

"Six more, darling. Stay still
and you don't have to count."

May fought desperately not to move,
as the folded strap slapped her bottom the remaining six times. She panted
heavily, trying to catch her breath as she went limp over Sri's broad lap. The
woman pulled her up and held her hands.

"No more bad girl

"No, ma'am." May shook
her head.

"I hope you've learned a few
lessons, young lady."

"Yes, ma'am."

"You are to stay in your room
until you are ready to come out and apologize to your daddy and Uncle Layton.
When you are done, I want you to go clean up the mess you left on the kitchen
table. After that, we will decide how the rest of the afternoon is going to be

"But they are going to spank
me again," May wailed.

"If they feel you deserve it,
then you take what is owed you. Come down when you're ready." Sri kissed
the girl's cheek, hugged her, and then left the room.


May ventured down thirty minutes later. Her eyes were still
glazed, and her nose and lips red and puffy from crying. The men looked up at
her from the couch, where Caine had been watching TV and Layton, as always, was
thumbing through files.

"Daddy? Uncle Layton? I'm sorry I was so bad," May
murmured, feeling the heat rise to her face with embarrassment. "Please
forgive me."

"Come here, baby." Caine patted the couch. He wrapped
his arms around her and kissed her gently on the tip of her nose. "Did you
learn your lesson?"

"Yes, sir," May sniffed. "I'm sorry."

"You're forgiven." Caine squeezed her tightly.

May looked at Layton's frown, her lower lip trembling. "Do
you hate me?"

"Hate you? Never. It's going to take a lot of convincing,
though, to keep me from flaying that back end of yours," Layton said
firmly, as he buried his face into her messy hair.

"I'm sorry," May whispered.

"I don't think that will be necessary. I delivered an
appropriate spanking, plus a little mouth-washing," Sri said kindly,
crossing her arms.

"Let me see," Layton said, patting his thighs.

May whimpered as she laid down across them, and hid her face as
her shorts and panties were skimmed to her knees. His warm hand traced the
angry lines that railroaded across her flesh.

"Nice trails, Sri," he commented, squeezing the angry
red globes and garnering a protesting squeal. "I didn't know you had in it

"Keep up the smart comments, Layton Marshall, and you will
see how I handle boys who are too big for their britches."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," Sri answered, eyes locking fearlessly to his.

"May I please get up?" May interrupted.

"No, you can stay right here for a little while."

"What's that?" May asked, as she felt something cool
being rubbed across her aching bottom. "Are you actually rubbing cream on
me?" Her voice was filled with hope. "Oh, sh… It burns!"

"Icy hot has that effect on a reddened posterior. Hands in
front of you."

"What are you doing? No!" May yelled, as she felt him
spread her bottom cheeks and press his lubed finger without warning into her
tight pucker. "No!"

"You will stay put and feel this for a while. When I let you
go, what do you think you are you going to do?"

"Wash it off. Oh God!" May tried to fan her stinging bottom
and burning hole with her hand. She yelped when Layton smacked her wriggling

"I said to put your hands in front of you. No, you will clean
up the mess you made in the kitchen. After that, we are taking the tubes

"We are?" May asked hopefully, thinking how wonderful
the water would feel on her blistered hindquarters.

"Only if you behave. Now, mind me."

"Yes, Uncle Layton," May sighed in defeat. Over his warm
lap, with his hand resting on the back of her thigh, the burn slowly dissipated
to arousal. Should she tell him that she liked the icy hot on her bottom,
especially in her asshole?
, May
decided, hiding a smile,
I'll let him
find that little secret out for himself one day

"Uh, oh," he announced several minutes later, "someone
has a very wet pussy. It looks to me that she likes the icy hot in there. Since
when is she supposed to enjoy being punished?"

"Really? Well, I think we might have another option. I'll be
right back," Sri said. "Keep that naughty bottom exactly where it

"What are you up to?" Caine asked.

"A cure for bratting."

The cure was a very wide, very thick and very long hand of ginger
root. Sri held it up with a smile. "These grow like weeds here. Ever use

"I have," Layton nodded. "They keep naughty bottoms
from clenching during birchings. They are very effective."

"No!" May squirmed. "Please, don't use that. I'm
begging you."

"This will be what daddy and I owe you for right now. How
nice! Sri peeled it for you instead of having you do it yourself. Say thank


"I said to say thank you," Layton ordered, his hand
hovering over her bare bottom.

May mumbled her thanks, and tightened her ass as he tried to pry
her cheeks apart. Grunting, he tilted her forward and lifted his left knee,
springing her bottom into the air.

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