Two Guardians for Little May (13 page)

BOOK: Two Guardians for Little May
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Step carefully," Caine said, helping her into the tub and holding her hand
as she lowered herself under the bubbles.

you coming in with me?" May asked.

baby. I am going to help you, though." Caine kneeled next to the tub.
"Do I have your permission to touch you?"

can do anything you want to with me. I'm not exactly innocent."

not true. You are very innocent." Caine lifted a sponge to her face and
ran a line of bubbles over her left cheek, "That is one thing I love about

love something about me?"

love many things about you. Close your eyes."

ran his soapy hand in agonizing slowness down the side of May's neck and outer
arm. He paused at the gentle swell of her hips, before moving it back up over
her tummy to her ribs. She stiffened when his fingers circled the sensitive
peaks of her breasts, alternating back and forth between the tight, round
nipples. He grasped the left one firmly and rolled it between his fingers,
waiting for her to relax.

my…" May whispered, arching her back. "Wow."

like this. Excellent." He moved to her right side. "Haven't you had
anyone play with your breasts before?"

I mean, just me. Please don't stop. It feels so nice. I didn't know it could
actually feel good."

wrinkled his forehead as he obliged her. He watched her reaction. Something was
not right. "May? Just how much experience have you had? May?"

answer, except for a tiny catch in her throat when she tried to force back her
emotions. The reality dawned on him, and Caine felt his stomach twist. She had
been a virgin when she was raped!

Lord, why didn't you tell us? I am so sorry." His voice was tinged with
both sorrow and anger. "I want your sworn promise, honey. If there is
anything that is scaring you, tell us right away. We are not going to force
ourselves on you. I promise."

know." Her voice was soft as she allowed her body to engulf the new
sensation. "I trust you."

is going to want to kill those bastards when he finds out," Caine said,
wrestling with his own anger. "Those sons of a bitches won't know what hit

in jail, Caine. They will get out in a few years and laugh about how they gang
banged the stupid little drunk whore. I had to come to accept that there was
nothing more that would happen to them. Even if it did, it won't undo what they
did to me. Your daddy taught me that. He helped me come to terms with reality,
and that reality really sucked." May opened her eyes. "Are you

wiped his face with the back of his arm. "Sorry."

May sat
up and took his hand off her breast, holding it tightly to her heart. "No
one has ever cried for me before. It makes me really believe that you, you
know, care about me."

more than care about you," Caine said, locking eyes with her. "I wish
I could have stopped this from happening to you."

we might not have ever met. And I," May replaced his hand on her breast,
"would not be getting this bubble bath. Help me forget, Caine. Show me
that there is something good about my body and myself."

truly are amazing," Caine said, "Stay here and soak. I'm going to get


strained to hear the conversation taking place in the other room. The voices
were low and muffled, and only the sound of a hand slapping the top of the
dresser gave her a clue about the topic being discussed. She bit her lip, sunk
deeper into the tub and closed her eyes. Her breasts still throbbed from
Caine's caresses and her bottom still ached from Layton's spanking. Worse,
though, was the need that radiated from her pussy.

She tried
to push aside the memories of the event and the things that her assailants had
done to her body. There had been no gentleness in the way the first one
attacked her mouth, biting on her lips like she was a piece of meat. He had
slapped her sharply across the face when, in her drunken stupor, she did not
respond. He wanted a response. He wanted her to fight him.

He took
her angrily in front of his cheering friends. Thinking back, May was glad of
her intoxication, for it prevented her from really feeling how he tore her
untried womanhood. He slapped her again, over and over, and she just lay there.
His friend took over after the first one relieved himself upon her, and twisted
her left arm violently, dislocating her shoulder. He then violated her ass.
That produced the desired reaction, and May had screamed out her terror and
agony as his filthy cock drove itself into her body. The other two held her
down on her back and pulled her legs over her head to give their friend full
access to her tortured body. The burning was inordinately painful, like a hot
knife shredding at the delicate lining of her private entrance. Even after he
shot his load inside of her, he did not stop his cruelty, and began to slap her
privates just to hear her beg him to stop. And then the third one—he
could not decide which of her torn entry-ways that he wanted most, diving back
and forth between the two once she had been forced upon her hands and knees.

Sweetheart? What's wrong?" Caine asked, running into the room with Layton
at his heels.

are you screaming?" Layton knelt next to his brother and grabbed her ankle
under the water.

eyes flew open and she stared at both of them with terror on her face. "I
fell asleep. The nightmare—it came back and, oh my God, I'm so
sorry," she broke into anguished tears.

safe now. They can't hurt you anymore. Shhh," Caine pulled her wet face
towards him and kissed her temple. "We will take care of you."

time we undo the past. Caine, change of plans. Move out of the way,"
Layton said, his voice firm and decisive. He reached into the tub and scooped
May into his arms. She continued to cry as he carried her wet body into the
bedroom and placed her gently upon Caine's bed. Soft, fragrant towels were used
to gently pat her body dry, and two sets of strong, warm hands massaged
lilac-scented lotion into her flesh. How did they know that she loved the scent
of lilacs?

need you to tell us everything that happened, baby," Caine whispered, his
hands never leaving her body. "Layton's right. We need to try to undo the

can't," May wept, sitting up. "I'm broken. Ruined. Nothing you can do
will make what happened go away."

quite correct," Layton said, massaging the fingers of her left hand,
"We can't erase what was done, but we can replace it with something
wonderful. Will you allow us?"

scared. I tried so hard to be brave but I can't anymore. I'm sorry."

more apologizing. I want you to tell us if there is something you need to help
you work through this. Speak up."

want you to hurt me." Silence. May forced herself to continue. "I
want to feel pain. It helps me forget. That's why I love being spanked. It
helps me feel something other than fear."

held up his hand as Caine began to protest. "Let her talk. She knows what
she needs more than we do."

already been traumatized. I won't participate in making it worse. No."

difference is that this type of pain is controlled. By her. Caine,
listen," Layton said, still holding May's hand in his and staring steadily
at his brother. "Pain can heal as much as it can hurt. It's cleansing. You
told me yourself that people are wired differently. If she thinks she needs it,
and trusts we will neither harm nor abandon her, then our being hesitant might
cause more harm than good."

refuse to force her. I said no."

not saying to force her to do anything. I don't think that is what she wants,
either. Is it, May?"

came the tiny answer.

always been the daddy in your relationships, and spanked your girls when they
were naughty. This is different. This place she is in," Layton said,
"is one that we have to seriously think about. I can give her what she
wants. I know I can take her to the place she needs to release her anger and
her guilt, but I am not going to fight with you about it. We must be on the
same page."

worried about her mental health." Caine kissed May's palm. "I can't
risk sending her off the deep end. I know you've been in the harder end of
BDSM, but it's something we haven't engaged in together. I'm afraid an intense
session like what you are thinking of will set her off."

hard core doesn't necessarily mean using whips and rubber loops. It means I can
just go a little longer and deeper with a standard session, and not be as
affected by the begging and tears. We have to believe that she knows what she
needs, or at least thinks she knows," Layton said, looking at May, who
nodded. "I trust you to tell me what you want. If it doesn't work, I am
trusting you to say so immediately. At any point, if you are feeling like
things are too intense and panic takes over, you are to tell me."

will. I promise. Thank you."

this give you a little sense of control?" Layton asked.


there anything else you can think of that we can give you?" Layton asked,
studying her face.

well, I really need lots of loving and cuddles. The AP really brings me a sense
of protection and love. I want more of that. I mean, if that's okay." May
asked shyly.

stretched out next to her and stroked her bare breast.

I want to check you out. It will make me feel better to know how your body has
healed, and I don't trust anyone else's opinion."

don't like doctors, remember?" May wrinkled her nose. "I also hate
being probed."

have not forgotten that for an instant," Caine chuckled. "In the
meantime, how about if you just lay yourself back down and relax? I won't hurt
you. I promise."

allowed him to push her back onto the mattress, and watched as he tucked a
pillow under her knees. He reached underneath her legs and ran his hand along
the inside of her right thigh, urging her thighs apart.

turn off the light. I don't want you to look at me."

seen you naked."

uncomfortable with more intimate viewing. Am I right?" Layton intervened,
glancing at May. She nodded gratefully. "How about we dim the lights, just
a tad?"

want to examine her. I need to see, not just feel."

looked at May and tapped her nose. "How about we try something. Let's
blindfold you. What do you think?"

raised her eyebrow and offered a partial smile. "I think that you two are
a couple of kinky bastards."

we kinky bastards both owe you a good spanking for saying that," Layton
chuckled. "Do you want to try it?"

guess. If I start to panic…"

comes right off. I'll be back. I'm going to grab my toy bag," Layton

I will get everything here prepared," Caine responded, sliding off the
bed, walking towards the closet and removing the leather satchel he used for
home visits. May sat up and watched as he set his equipment out on top of a
sterile cloth that he had placed near the edge of the bed.

swallowed dryly. The speculum looked huge, and the glob of lube next to his
rubber gloves made her shiver. She glanced at him through frightened eyes.

will be all right, love. I guarantee that you will enjoy this examination more
than you now dread it. This is what I do," Caine leaned forward and kissed
her. "You will get the special rendition."

we go," Layton said, walking into the room and setting his bag on a chair.
He rifled through it, and pulled out a black satin mask that was still in its
packaging. "Looky here, it's brand new. This should do the trick. Let's
see how it feels." He slipped the satin over May's eyes and adjusted the
material to fit comfortably on her face. "How's that?"

Not too bad." May was surprised by how it instantly reduced her anxiety.
"This type of dark doesn't scare me. How strange."

deprivation is a great way to lower stress if used correctly. Are you doing all
right?" Layton asked, stroking her arm. May just nodded.

going to have Layton sit behind you and hold you in his arms while I take a
look at you. I do this for my home patients since I don't have a table."
Caine said. "Layton, pull her between your knees and let her lean against
you. There you go."

is kind of comfortable," May said, and Layton wrapped his thighs around
her hips.

said you will probably enjoy this. Scootch forward to the edge of the bed so that
your bottom is almost hanging off."

if I fall?"

won't. Layton, place your feet between her ankles and brace her legs. You can
spread her open for me this way. There you go, spread her legs wider. Good. A
little more, please."

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