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Authors: Harry Turtledove

Two Fronts (51 page)

BOOK: Two Fronts
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Once the scalp wound got cleaned up and stitched, it healed on its own. X-rays showed that that mortar fragment might have dented his hard head, but hadn’t cracked it.

His hand was a more complicated, more painful business. Dr. Alvarez kept doing things to it, waiting till it got halfway better, then doing more things. When Chaim complained about operations every couple of weeks, Alvarez said, “I will stop if you like. You will have a claw with a usable thumb. Is that what you desire?”

“What I want is for the goddamn mortar bomb to’ve come down somewhere else,” Chaim answered. “I’d still be in one piece, and they wouldn’t’ve had to plant poor Mike.” Carroll had died on the way back to the aid station. Word took a while getting to Chaim in Madrid, but he knew now.

“I cannot do anything about that now, nor can you,” Dr. Alvarez said patiently. “I
do something about your hand—if you wish me to proceed, of course.”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Chaim said. “I’m sick of getting carved on, but go ahead. You give me something I can use well enough to help me handle a rifle, that’s what I want.”

More ether. More pain. More morphine. He wondered if he’d end up a junkie by the time this was all over with. That was one more thing he’d just have to worry about later.

He was pretty doped up after the latest surgery, his hand elevated and wrapped in enough bandages to make a suit of clothes with two pairs of pants, when La Martellita walked into his room. “Wow,” he said. “
, beautiful! I hope like hell you’re real, not something I’m imagining on account of the drugs.”

“Of course I am part of objective reality. There is nothing else.” La Martellita sounded absolutely certain—but then, when didn’t she?

Chaim started to giggle. “Yeah, you’re you, all right.” No matter how luscious she looked, that uncompromising tone couldn’t belong to anyone else.

She sent him a severe look. “I came to see you because you were wounded in the service of the Republic.”

If she came to see everybody who got hurt on the Republican side, Internationals and Spaniards alike would jump out of their trenches and charge Marshal Sanjurjo’s machine guns. Even woozy from morphine, Chaim knew he’d only piss her off if he said so. Male horniness was a part of objective reality she didn’t much care for.

Instead, he asked, “How’s your Russian boyfriend? Will he get mad if he finds out you came to see me?”

Her sculpted nostrils flared. “I am not his property. I am every bit as much a free citizen as he is.”

“It’s okay by me, sweetie,” Chaim assured her. “How about the kid?”

“He is well. He is happy,” La Martellita said.
And he doesn’t miss you one bit
. Blunt though she was, she didn’t say that, but it hung in the air anyhow.

“Good. That’s good,” Chaim said. “If you come again, I’d like to get the chance to see him.”

“Again?” Now La Martellita sounded surprised, as if he should have known he was damn lucky she’d come once.
I guess I should have
, he thought. But she grudged him a nod. “
Pues, puede ser
,” she said.
Well, maybe
. He knew he had to be content with that. It was more than he’d expected to get.

He tried a different question: “And what’s going on with the Party these days?”

That got him more than he’d expected, too. La Martellita gave forth with a blow-by-blow account of all the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist wrangling she knew about in Madrid, in Barcelona, and in Moscow over the past couple of months. By the verve she used to narrate, she might have been broadcasting the Joe Louis-Max Schmeling heavyweight championship fight. She was just as sure about who was the good guy and who was the crook as any of the clowns screaming into their microphones had been then.

Chaim didn’t have to listen very hard. He could just watch her and admire her. He even seemed to be doing that from a distance considerably greater than the one between him in bed and her at the bedside. He knew why, too. Morphine was a wonderful drug in all kinds of ways. It blunted pain that laughed at medications like aspirin.

Most of the time, though, seeing and hearing La Martellita would have made Chaim want to drag her down and jump on her. Not now. Now his admiration, while still there, felt far more abstract, almost as if he were approving of the way a perfect statue had been carved. With morphine sliding through his veins, he just wasn’t horny.

Anything that could make a guy not horny while he was around La Martellita was heap big medicine indeed. Chaim admired the drug in much the same way as he admired the woman.

In due course, she said, “You’re probably lucky you’re laid up. If you weren’t, your big mouth would only get you into trouble.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Chaim answered, not without pride. “I never did think Party doctrine was like going to Mass, and that only the priests were sure to have it right.” One other thing morphine could do, as he’d already discovered, was to make you say (or let you say, depending on how you looked at things) what you were thinking.

In a land where the Party called the shots, that was beyond merely dangerous. La Martellita’s kissable mouth narrowed to a thin, red line. “I am going to do you a large favor,” she said. “I am going to remember you are my son’s father. Because I am going to remember that, I am not going to ask you what you mean when you make such counterrevolutionary cracks.”

.” Chaim meant it, which saddened him. She really
doing him a favor. He’d heard of men in the Soviet Union who ended up on trial because of stuff they mumbled when coming out of anesthesia after surgery. He didn’t know for sure that such stories were true, but he believed them. Some stuff, you couldn’t make up. It was too unlikely.

De nada
,” La Martellita said, in such a way as to remind him that, if it was nothing, it was a large nothing. “And now I had better go.”

Away she went. Her behind would have drawn a backfield-in-motion penalty on any gridiron in the USA (Canada, too). No doubt she was reminding Chaim of what he couldn’t get his hands on any more. She couldn’t know that the morphine made him stop worrying about whether he got his hands on it or not.

After her exit, Dr. Alvarez came up and asked Chaim, “You know that woman?”

“Nah,” he said blandly. “Who was she, anyhow? Kinda cute.”

His deadpan was good enough to make Alvarez start to answer him. The sawbones stopped with his mouth hanging open and sent Chaim an exasperated stare. “You are being difficult on purpose.”

“Darn right I am,” Chaim agreed. “It’s one of the things I do best. You don’t believe me, ask La Martellita.”

“You do know her, then,” Alvarez said in now-we’re-getting-somewhere tones.

“Doc, I knocked her up. I was married to her for a little while,” Chaim replied. “What about it?”

For the first time, he impressed Alvarez for something other than the sorry state of his smashed left hand. One of the surgeon’s eyebrows twitched a few millimeters. “Oh,” he said. “You’re

“That’s me.” Chaim nodded. “Uh, can I have another shot, please? Damn thing’s starting to bite me again.”

accepted his superiors’ congratulations for sinking the Royal Navy submarine. He shaved off the scraggly beard he’d grown on the U-30’s latest cruise. And he talked shop with the maintenance crews who brought the U-boat up to fighting trim again.

One of the men working on the engines was Gustav the diesel mechanic. Lemp passed the time of day with him as if he’d never got called on the carpet for asking the mechanic a few questions he still thought harmless. He never let on that he knew talking with Gustav had landed him in the soup before. That was how you played the game. The less innocent you really were, the more you pretended.

He got his trouser snake tended to at the officers’ brothel. He made damn sure he stuck to the business of pleasure there, and that he said nothing even remotely political. Like Gustav, and like the veteran petty officer behind the bar at the officers’ club, the girls were bound to report to somebody. He judged that particular somebody was much more likely to be a
or SD operative than the base commandant.

In due course, he found himself back at the bar. He’d known he would. You could drink longer than you could screw. Plenty of officers, from ensigns for whom that might almost not have been true to a commodore for whom it certainly was, filled the tables.

That gray petty officer was tending bar when Lemp walked in. “I hear you had good luck, sir,” he said. “First one’s on the house.”

“Thanks,” Lemp said. “Now that makes me want to go out and sink things, by God.” He waited for the barkeep’s chuckle, then went on, “Let me have a schnapps, in that case.”

“Here you go, sir.”

Lemp knocked back the drink. It tasted more like something that ought to go into a cigarette lighter than proper booze. It went down his throat as if someone had already lit it. If it hadn’t been free, he would have complained about it—or, if he’d already had a few, he might have thrown it in the petty officer’s face.

As things were, he set coins on the bar and said, “That hit the spot. Let me have a refill—and pour yourself one, too.”

“That’s nice of you, sir,” the petty officer said. “I don’t usually—if I did, I’d get too smashed to do my job. But I will this time.” He fixed two fresh drinks. They both came from the same bottle he’d used to give Lemp the one on the house. The man behind the bar clinked glasses with him. They drank together.

“Strong stuff,” Lemp remarked, in lieu of saying

.” The barkeep nodded and shrugged at the same time, which made him look like something out of a bad movie. “What can I do, though? This is as good as we’re able to get.”

“Well, that’s a shame,” Lemp said. Anything more, anything like
is in deep water if
men have to guzzle paint thinner like this
, would have made the petty officer write a note as soon as he stepped away from the bar.

With a nod, Lemp ambled over to the tables and sat down at one. Nobody else was using that little pocket of space. He wouldn’t have minded company, but he got the feeling most of the officers in the club didn’t want his just then. They were pouring down booze with the dedication of men who intended to be swallowing aspirin tablets in the morning.

Here and there, they talked with one another in groups of two or three. They kept their voices down. Lemp made a point of not seeming to listen. He had the feeling that he might have an accident when he went outside if any of those little groups of officers decided he was trying to eavesdrop. Would it be a fatal accident or only an instructive one? That came from the large group of questions more interesting to ask than to answer.

A commander got up from one of those tables. He raised his arm in the Party salute. “
Heil Hitler!
” he said in normal tones that seemed abnormally loud, and made for the door.

” echoed his comrades in … well, in whatever. They also raised their voices to come out with the Party greeting and farewell. Then they lowered them again and went back to talking about something that didn’t need so much noise. Whatever it was, Lemp couldn’t make it out. He could, and did, make a point of not seeming to try.

Whenever men got up to leave or joined groups of friends, they went on exchanging “
!”s. A cynical man might have said they were making a point of doing it so no one with a suspicious, cynical mind would suspect whatever they talked about in those near-whispers.

Lemp didn’t suspect them. Of course not. He didn’t have anything in the least resembling a cynical, suspicious mind. Again, of course not.

While ostentatiously not listening, he got to the bottom of his next schnapps. Foul though the stuff was, it called for reinforcements. He heard it calling more clearly than he heard anything that was going on at those other tables. He raised an index finger and waited for the petty officer behind the bar to notice him.

It didn’t take long—the fellow was back there for a reason. A very young sailor, so young he hardly needed to shave, carried Lemp’s drink over to him on a tray. “Here you go, sir,” he said.

Danke schön
,” Lemp answered, trying not to laugh in the kid’s face. That broad dialect said the youngster was just off a Bavarian farm, a place about as far from the ocean as any in Germany could be. Well, plenty of Bavarians had turned into tolerable sailors—better than tolerable, even—once the
knocked them into shape. Chances were this fresh-faced lad would, too. But, in the meantime, he still sounded like somebody just off a farm from the back of beyond. A casting director in a comedy couldn’t have found anybody who talked less like a sailor.

More of that wicked schnapps snarled down Lemp’s throat. The cynical, suspicious mind—the one he didn’t have at all, of course—wondered whether the kid worked here
he talked like that. If such an obvious bumpkin fetched you drinks, wouldn’t you go on talking about whatever you’d been talking about? Wouldn’t you assume he wouldn’t pay your words any mind and couldn’t understand them even if he did?

Sure you would. And wouldn’t you be surprised when the
started whacking you with pipes and rubber hoses and pulling out your toenails a few days from now? Wouldn’t you wonder how Himmler’s hounds had got their teeth into you? Sure you would. And would you even remember the hick with the thick South German accent who’d brought you a fresh drink in the officers’ club? Sure you wouldn’t.

Maybe I’m all wet. Maybe I’m full of it. Maybe I’m seeing shadows where nothing’s casting them
, Lemp thought. But he didn’t believe it, not for a minute. Things didn’t happen by accident, not in the National Socialist
Grossdeutsches Reich
they didn’t.

BOOK: Two Fronts
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