Two Cowboys for Cady

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Authors: Kit Tunstall

Tags: #threesome, #contemporary, #erotic romance, #bbw, #rubenesque, #western, #kinky, #cowboys, #kit tunstall, #plussize, #rubanesque

BOOK: Two Cowboys for Cady
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Amourisa Press and Kit Tunstall reserve all
rights to TWO COWBOYS FOR CADY. This work may not be shared or
reproduced in any fashion without permission of the publisher
and/or author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is
purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18.

© Kit Tunstall, 2013

Smashwords Edition

After yet another heartbreak, newly dumped
plus-size Cady finds herself at the local bar, where the two
objects of her naughtiest fantasies just happen to hang out. When
she confesses her boyfriend has been cheating and admits she can’t
blame him for picking a slim young chick over her, Jace and Brody
make it clear they both desire her. Cady finds herself with the
tempting, and awkward, choice between the two cowboys who are both
offering her a night of incredible passion. Unable to choose
between them, she selects both. To her shock, awe, and amazing
satisfaction, the men have no problem fulfilling her threesome
fantasy. Morning-after regrets can quickly set in, leaving more
questions than answers and a huge dose of regret. After all, where
can a threesome lead, except to the bedroom? There’s no future in a
relationship with two men…or is there?

Chapter One

Cady entered Maverick’s, still not sure why
she’d chosen to come to the bar. She’d find no genuine relief from
her emotions in the bottom of a pint of beer, but damned if she
could think of a better idea right then. At least the place was
quiet on a Wednesday night. It was still weird to be in the small
bar by herself. The few times per year she ventured out to drink,
she was always with her best friend. Since Ella was two thousand
miles away, meeting Mr. Right in person after a three-month online
relationship, she couldn’t just call her up and invite her to come
along while Cady drowned her sorrows.

She took a seat at the bar and ordered a beer
from the bartender. Sam set a frosty mug in front of her within
seconds, and she drained half the contents in one swallow. With a
small cough, she returned the mug to the bar and blinked as her
head started feeling fuzzy. Yeah, smart move to down the drink like
a sorority girl when she hadn’t cracked a bottle in months. Not
since she’d started dating that worthless bum. She snorted,
thinking how she’d entirely given up drinking to support his
sobriety. He’d sure abandoned being sober fast enough—almost as
fast as he’d deserted her.


She looked up from the amber liquid at the
sound of a familiar voice, one that instantly recalled forbidden
fantasies of the panty-dampening variety. A lump settled briefly in
her throat, forcing her to swallow it down before she could reply.
“Hello, Jace.” A glance over her shoulder revealed Brody sitting at
a table across the room. No surprise there. The best friends rarely
went anywhere alone.

“How’s it going?”

Ah, tell the truth or pretend to be just
hunky dory? She settled for a shrug. “How’re you?”

“Just having a drink. Wouldn’t have expected
to see you here.”

Cady shrugged again. “Not without Ella,

“Or without Garrett.” Jace quickly lifted a
work-roughened palm. “Not that he spends any time at Maverick’s
these days.”

She tossed back the rest of her beer, this
time not choking, though the swimmy-headed feeling persisted. “I
don’t much care where he spends his time, Jace.”

Jace frowned. “Why don’t you join us,

She contemplated the idea for a second. Yeah,
why not? Jace was the older brother of her best friend, and there
was no harm sitting with him and Brody. Neither man knew about her
secret thoughts and fantasies that featured both of them doing
wicked things to her body. Being in the company of two luscious
cowboys just might improve her mood anyway. “Sam, another beer for
the road,” she said with a smile. “I’m taking my act over

Swaying, she stood still for a minute after
gaining her feet, ignoring the hand Jace extended to brace her. A
brief image of that same hand moving over her bare skin made her
shiver, but she pushed aside the thought. A man like Jace wouldn’t
look twice at her. Once steady, she followed him over to the small
table, nodding to Brody. “I hope you don’t mind me joining

Brody shook his head as he removed his
Stetson to reveal tousled blond curls. “Of course not. How you
been, Cady-did?”

She managed a small smile at the old term of
endearment. He hadn’t used it for several years. “Peachy.”

Jace pulled out her seat, and she sat down
with a murmured, “Thank you,” thinking she must be pretty pathetic
in her current state, since they were going out of their way to be
so kind. Not that Brody and Jace would ever deliberately hurt
anyone, but they generally saved their charm for the fillies they
pursued on their free weekends. The slender, confident blondes with
big boobs. Cady’s antithesis. She had long ago accepted they would
never reciprocate her unspoken desire, but that didn’t keep her
from the occasional moment of bitterness. And tonight was a night
meant for wallowing in bitterness.

Sam ferried another round to their table,
setting her mug and two bottles down on the worn wood before
returning to the bar. Cady resisted the urge to chug this one too,
knowing getting drunk and making a fool of herself would do
absolutely nothing to soothe her erratic emotions.

“Where’s Garrett?” asked Brody.

“Not a good subject,” said Jace just before
Cady replied.

She gave Brody a bright smile. “I can’t be
sure, but I imagine he’s still fucking the hot little number he had
tucked into his bed when I stopped by a while ago. They were
halfway through an orgasm and a bottle of wine when I popped in.”
Cady’s rage boiled to the surface again, as she relived the shock
of it all. At least she’d had the satisfaction of dumping that
bottle of red wine all over his pristine white sofa before she’d
stormed out. It was small consolation to offset the sickening
reality that she had devoted the last seven months of her life to a
lying jerk.

Green eyes locked with blue as Jace and Brody
traded a look she couldn’t decipher. “You caught him,

She nodded. “Walked right in. He’d blown off
dinner, claiming to have a headache, so I dropped by with his
favorite from Soda’s Diner.” With a sigh, she said, “I kind of
think he wanted me to find him like that, so he didn’t have to be a
man and tell me.”

“Garrett is no kind of man,” said Jace with a

“Who can blame him?” she said with a note of
defeat. “He was offered a hot young body. Who wouldn’t go for it,
especially when I’m the alternative?”

“Any man who had you would be a fool to ‘go
for it’.” Brody looked disgusted.

Cady arched a brow. “Yeah, sure. What’s not
to love?” She snorted. “Who couldn’t resist my mousy-brown hair? Or
maybe my fat rolls are enticing.” Shaking her head, she said, “It
was inevitable that he’d move on, just like every other man I’ve
ever been with.” Maybe she was being too hard on herself, but it
felt more like she was being honest with herself for the first time
in a long time. What man would want a thirty-year-old woman wearing
a size twenty-two, with lanky brown hair, when he could have a
chick still in her early twenties, with pert breasts, a tiny waist,
and what had appeared to be a mouth that rivaled the sucking
capacity of a Hoover?

“Garrett Long is a fucking moron,” said Jace,
slamming his bottle onto the table with such force that the uneven
legs wobbled. “He was lucky enough to have you and threw it

Cady sipped her beer, finding her eyes
tearing over from his words more than what she’d been through
earlier tonight. “I appreciate the effort.”

“You make him sound like he’s just talking to
hear his own voice,” said Brody.

She blinked. “Nothing like that, but I know
platitudes when I hear ‘em. I truly do appreciate the effort, guys,
but there’s no need. I’m being realistic here.”

“You’re being an idiot,” said Brody.

Cady gasped. “What?”

“You’re letting that bastard off the hook for
his behavior by blaming yourself. He was a damned fool to hurt you,
and to choose some piece of ass over substance.” He leaned across
the table, until their faces were inches apart. “Any man would be a
fool to pass up a chance to be with you, Cady-did.”

Eyes wide, she distracted herself from the
sudden tension by taking another drink of the beer. “Um, okay.”

Jace sighed. “She doesn’t believe you,

“No, she doesn’t.”

Cady didn’t protest. How could she? They were
being sweet, but she knew they were lying through their teeth, just
like every man she’d known. At least their lies came from a place
of concern.

She glanced up to see them sharing another
look. This one was also difficult to decipher. They’d been friends
practically since birth, so it was no surprise they were so good at
nonverbal communication. She watched them trade a nod before they
both turned back to her, eyeing her with an intensity that made her

“We’re going to prove it to you. So, pick

In the midst of another sip, she choked. Once
the burning sensation cleared her throat, she swiped at her
watering eyes. “What?”

“Pick one,” said Jace again. “Me or Brody.
Who’s it going to be?”

“Which one of us is the lucky son of a bitch
who gets to show you just how pleased either of us would be to have
a shot with you, Cady-did?” said Brody.

Cady’s mind raced as she mentally reviewed
the last few minutes, frantically searching for a way to let them
off the hook. “Seriously, you guys are taking this chivalry stuff
too far. It’s nice of you—”

“Fuck nice,” said Brody. “There’re a lot of
things I want to do to that luscious body of yours, Cady, and none
of them are what you’d call nice.”

She swallowed audibly. “There’s no need for
this. Honestly.”

“Honestly, we want to fuck you ‘til you can’t
move, Cady,” said Jace in a sensual purr. “We’ve wanted to for a
long time.”

“I don’t know how many times we’ve talked
about it,” added Brody.

Jace shook his head. “But you’re Ella’s best
friend. She’s my sister—”

“And Ella’s like my sis,” inserted Brody.

“So that made you off limits.”

“What’s changed?” she managed to ask through
her dry throat.

“I’m suddenly not too concerned about
limits,” said Jace. “I’m too preoccupied with the idea of snapping
you up, now that you’re free again, before some other loser comes
along and steals my girl. Again.”

“Hold up, buddy. She could end up being my

Jace nodded. “That’s possible. If it happens,
I’ll withdraw the loser part, but I still won’t be too happy if she
picks you over me.”

Cady evaluated them as they bantered back and
forth, judging their sincerity, and finding she didn’t doubt them.
Not much anyway. Could they really be serious? Could these two
hotties really want a tumble with her between the sheets? It seemed
fantastical, though she’d never known either man to be less than
honest in his dealings.

Maybe it was the second beer, or perhaps it
was just a desire to shock them as much as they’d shocked her, but
Cady decided to call their bluff. “Okay, let’s say I believe

“You’d damned well better,” said Brody.

“Let’s just say I believe you’ve secretly
lusted after my chubby body for years,” she said, ignoring his
interruption. “How’s a girl supposed to choose between you?”

Jace and Brody both shrugged, a motion so
similar it made them look more like brothers than friends. “That’s
your problem, Cady-did.”

“If it’s really my choice, I pick both of
you.” Cady giggled at the way their mouths gaped open, waiting for
them to backpedal now, to say they’d had too much to drink, or

Jace cleared his throat. “Um, how exactly do
you envision that sort of thing working, Cady? Tonight with me and
tomorrow with Brody?”

“Fuck that,” said Brody. “She’s coming home
with me tonight. You can have her tomorrow.”

“You live in the same house,” said Cady,
getting a kick out of the whole situation. “I’d be going home with
both of you either way.”

“True enough. So, you planning to be with me
tonight and just visit Jace tomorrow night?”

She shook her head. “You two always seem like
a pair. You’re always together. I don’t think I could wrap my mind
around the idea of separating you, or picking one of you over the
other. It has to be both of you.” She took another drink of beer,
finishing the last of the second mug. “If it really is my choice, I
mean.” Cady held her breath as they looked at each other, wondering
what they’d say next. Surely, they’d put a stop to this farce now.
Right? A hint of desperation tugged at her, but she wasn’t sure if
she was desperate to get them to recant or to have them accept her
unorthodox proposition.

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