Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Twisted Obsessions (SIN CITY HEAT SERIES Book 2)
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 Marcus was doing his best to lift up and drive into her. His feet braced flat on the lounger as he tried to force her to sheathe his length into her snug depths, but Aleesha was in control. Her pussy offered his dick the sweetest of massages that had him speaking in tongue.


 “You want this pussy, baby?”
 “Fuck yeah! I’m about to cum….”

 With feminine power shimmering in her eyes, Aleesha bounced and down, milking his dick on the upstroke, clenching on the down stroke. All of a sudden, Marcus grabbed her hips and thrust up, and just like that, the control she’d been reveling in a second ago shifted over to him. He dominated and took over, fucking her without mercy until they were both pushed over the edge. Their cries mingled in the darkness of night as the waves of their orgasm rippled through their bodies like a funneling tidal surge.
 When the last shocks of pleasure slowly dissipated, Aleesha slightly shifted to lift off of Marcus and lie down beside him. She wrapped her arm around his waist, kissing his chest as he kissed the top of her head and caressed the length her sexy curves.

 After a few minutes, Marcus stood up to scoop her pliant body in his arms and take her to his bedroom. After he pulled the covers up over them, Aleesha snuggled against him before settling into a deep, satisfying sleep, but Marcus remained wide awake. Although his body was completely sated, his mind couldn’t rest as he thought about their relationship.

Unlike Darrell, he’d always wanted a wife, kids - everything. Darrell’s mother had gotten pregnant when she was sixteen years old and had never wanted a baby. When he was seven years old, she’d blithely dropped off him off at an orphanage and left him without a second thought as she ran away with a local street thug who promised to give her the life she’d always wanted – but it would have to be without her brat, as he’d put it. Darrell had never experienced a family life, but Marcus had until it was seemingly taken away from him in an instant. The memories were vague and fuzzy, and it seemed like a lifetime ago, but he remembered….


Run, Markie…! Go baby!”

Laughing from pure joy and pumping his eight year old legs as fast as they could go, Marcus looked over at his mother who stood cheering him on along with his three year old sister. They were all in the spacious back yard of their home and enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Marcus and his father were playing football and Marcus was on his way to making the game winning “touchdown”.

Marcus glanced over his shoulder with a wide grin when he saw he was outrunning his father. His heart raced in his chest as he crossed the makeshift goal line. Spiking the ball, he did the “touchdown dance” his father had taught him then happily jumped up and down, pumping his fists in the air.

That’s my lil man!” Steven Bennett beamed down on his son with pride. He held up his hand for a high five. “Gimme some!”

Marcus leapt in the air and slapped his father’s palm with his then laughed when his dad gathered him up in a gigantic bear hug. His little sister came toddling over with a toothy smile as she rushed towards the beloved big brother she adored and the father who treated her like a little princess.

Steven released his son and swept his daughter into his arms. He tossed her into the air, eliciting a spree of excited giggles and screams as she called out for him to throw her up again and again. Marcus’ mother leaned down and planted a series of smattering kisses over Marcus’ face. He groaned with exaggerated protests, but his eyes shone brightly and the smile stayed on his face.

Joy, leave’em alone,” Steven teased. “All that girlie stuff has no place on a man’s football field.”

Joy Bennett planted a fist on her hip and responded tongue in cheek. “Oh, really? In that case, I’ll keep the kiss I was getting ready to give you to myself.”

Just as she turned
to flounce away with her head held high, Steven set his daughter down and grabbed his wife by the waist and spun her back around. Joy giggled as he playfully growled and tried to take his kiss . She twisted her head to the side and ended up squealing as loudly as her daughter had. When Steven picked her up and gently tackled her so that she fell down on top of him, Marcus and his sister laughed and joined their parents in the fun until they were all tussling and wresting around on the ground.

The four of them were the epitome of the perfect American family. Steven Bennett was a young, successful, charismatic doctor. His profession enabled him to provide his family with an upper middle class life and allowed Joy to be a stay at home mom and nurture and raise their two well-adjusted children. Life couldn’t get any better.

Three days later, the unthinkable happened.

Steven and Joy were on their way back home from a charity function when a man who’d been drinking at a party sped through a stop sign. His car slammed into the Bennett’s vehicle, instantly killing them. The accident was so horrific, their bodies had to be cut out of the crinkled ball of steel which used to be Steven’s beloved sports car; there was no choice but to have a closed casket at the funeral service.

Both Joy and Steven had no family other than an elderly aunt several times removed on Steven’s side. Being a spry seventy-two, Aunt Maggie didn’t hesitate to step in and take responsibility for the two devastated children whose world was irrevocably changed. In the blink of an eye, they lost their parents and had to leave the only home they’d ever known to move in with a woman who was a virtual stranger to them. It took the better part of six months, but Marcus and his sister eventually began to feel secure again with the older woman.

However, tragedy struck twice. Aunt Maggie died in her sleep of a massive heart attack. Once again, the lives of the two siblings were disrupted. This time, there were no relatives to come forward and claim responsibility for them or take them in, so they became wards of the state and were put into foster care.

Although terrified and not really understanding what was going on, Marcus tried to be brave for his little sister. She clung to him as if he were her lifeline and wouldn’t let him out of her sight. The foster mother was a very impatient, no nonsense woman. She placed them in different rooms, but after waking up and finding that Marcus’ sister had gotten up in the middle of the night to sleep next to her brother for two weeks straight, she’d given up and just let them be.

A month later, the only person Marcus had left in the world was literally snatched from his arms. His sister was adopted by a couple who came by to meet her several times. Marcus wasn’t told about the adoption until two days before his sister was scheduled to leave with her new family. When that time came, Marcus pleaded with the couple adopting his sister to take him too. He fell to his knees and begged them, promised he wouldn’t be any trouble; they would barely know he was there. With tears in their eyes, they tried to explain to him that, financially, they were unable to take care of two children. That was the last time Marcus saw his sister.

Two years later, he was sent to an orphanage, again with no warning, but after everything he’d gone through for one so young, the change barely registered. He’d endured more than some people experienced in a lifetime. As far as he was concerned - he had nothing.

 Sighing, Marcus’ arms tightened around Aleesha
. He’d waited for someone like her his entire life.
He wanted her in his bed like this every night and was determined to find a way to make it happen.


Chapter 2


 Finished with his rounds, Marcus was finally ready to go home. After working eight consecutive twelve hour nights at the hospital, he was off for the next four days and ready for some serious R&R. Hopefully, Aleesha would be able to fly out for a long visit. He hadn’t seen his lady in a couple of weeks and was feenin’ for her presence as well as her lovin’.

 “Hello, ladies,” he smiled at the nurses staffed at the nurses’ station. As soon as he signed the last of this paperwork, he was out of there.
 “Hello, Dr. Bennett.”
 “Hi, Dr.”
 “Dr. Bennett...”

 The respectful greetings flowed like a well-orchestrated song from the adoring women. Marcus was one of their favorite doctors.
 He flashed them a tired but teasing grin as he flattered them. “I swear you ladies are like a much needed breath of fresh air right about now."
 "You don't look so bad yourself."

 One of the nurses, Paula Charles, made no effort to hide the fact that she was openly flirting with him. Marcus never looked up from the papers he was signing. The only indication he gave that he heard her was a raised brow and smirk.

 He and Paula had been involved in a short fling years ago. She was an ex-girlfriend who’d taken a handful of pills the night he’d met Aleesha three years ago, but Marcus found out later it hadn’t been enough to cause her serious harm. He still felt like kicking himself in the ass for ever having gotten involved with her, but at the time, his little head overruled all else. The sex had been great and Paula could suck dick like a pro. Plus, she had been so damn fine and sexy – and full of some serious drama. The woman had become very possessive, very quickly. After the incident with the pills, she’d taken a leave of absence and gone to counseling in order to deal with the break up.

 The shifts they worked together were few and far between, and there hadn’t been any other incidents. For the most part, they co-existed as professionals but sometimes, Paula got a wild hair up her ass and tried to test the waters – like now. She was so close to him that when she leaned forward, her breast rubbed against his arm.

 “Are you sure you don't need any help...relaxing?"
 Taking a couple of steps back, Marcus still didn't look up. "Nope. I'll be just fine."

 The other women covertly watched them, shaking their heads at the way Paula shamelessly threw herself at Dr. Bennett. Apparently he had dick whipped her good. They all knew about her “suicide attempt” years ago, and were aware it had only been a ploy to gain his sympathy. However, if any of the stories she'd told them revering his prowess in bed were true, they could definitely understand her obsession.

But really, all you had to do was look at him
, one of the older white nurses named Maxine thought to herself.
He’s gorgeous
. Marcus stood 6'2 and looked as if he lived in the gym seven days a week. His smooth, dark brown skin beckoned a woman to feed their chocolate addiction and consume him from head to toe – a delectable guilty pleasure. His low, wavy hair and goatee were kept neat and trimmed.

 Simply scrumptious.

And those lips….the things Paula said he’d done with them…
Maxine grabbed a folder and started fanning herself.
If only I were twenty years younger

 When Marcus signed the last of the papers, one of the younger nurses, Katrina, shyly asked, "Do you have anything special planned for your days off, Dr. Bennett?"
 Marcus flashed a grin that caused Katrina’s skin to flush a dull red. She’d had a crush on him since the first time she’d met him. Katrina had only been working at the hospital a week when one of the doctors berated and screamed at her in front of everyone for a simple mistake she’d made. Katrina had been on the verge of tears when Marcus intervened and quietly told the doctor to calm down. The doctor glared, ready to go off on him as well, but thought better of it when he saw the look in Marcus’ eyes that all but dared him to say something.

 Marcus had taken Katrina to the employees lounge and bought her a cup of coffee. He’d made small talk with her until she relaxed, and pretty soon Katrina found herself opening up once she saw Marcus was sincerely interested in what she had to say. He made her laugh at stories he told of some of the staff, including the doctor who’d made her cry. After that, Marcus could do no wrong in Katrina’s eyes.

 “Not really, Ms. Katrina. My woman is supposed to fly out for a few days, so we’ll probably just relax and take it easy. That’ll be more than enough excitement for me.”

 Winking, he waved at them and prepared to walk out the door. He’d call his baby when he got home, grab a cold beer, and then head straight to bed.
 Before he had taken two steps, the chief of staff, Dr. Roberts, called his name. Marcus swallowed a groan. Five more seconds and he would’ve been home free.
He rearranged his features to what Darrell dubbed his ‘professional face’ and turned to the older woman.

 “Yes, Dr. Roberts. How are you this morning?”
 “I’m fine Dr. Bennett. I know you’re on your way out, but I’d like to take a few minutes to introduce you to the newest member of our staff here at Spring Valley Hospital, Dr. Melanie Blalock. Dr. Blalock specializes in cardiology, the same as you, and I’d appreciate it if you would take her under your wing until she becomes acclimated to her new position.”
 Dr. Roberts stepped to the side as she spoke, introducing the woman in question, who Marcus had not noticed until now. Surprise showed in his face before he quickly masked it and extended his hand to shake hers.

Damn! This is one of the new doctors?
The sista was beautiful. Her big brown eyes stood out in her smooth, caramel colored face as she gave him a direct look. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail which fell past her shoulders, and from the interested gleam in her eye, she found him just as attractive. Her smile widened a bit as she held his hand a moment longer than necessary.

 Breaking eye contact with her, Marcus brought his attention back to Dr. Roberts, who was giving Melanie a glowing review of Marcus’ many achievements and accomplishments since he’d been on staff at the hospital.

 Slightly embarrassed, Marcus glanced at Melanie. “Dr. Roberts, thank you. I appreciate your kind words, but I’m sure Dr. Blalock is not interested in the boring details….”
 “Nonsense,” Melanie told him. “I would love for you to tell me all about them yourself….soon.”
 “Good,” Dr. Roberts said. “Well, that’s settled. Marcus, I know you’re worn out from the hours you’ve put in, so we’ll let you go and catch up on some much needed rest. You and Dr. Blalock can continue to get acquainted when you come back to work.”
 Before Melanie followed Dr. Roberts to the next, she paused and held Marcus’ eye. “Count on it,” she softly replied before turning to follow the chief of staff.

 Marcus’ eyes briefly dropped to her hips and watched their sway which he was sure she exaggerated for his benefit.

Now that is one fine woman
, he thought as he turned to leave, but he was definitely off the market.

Marcus glanced over at the nurses’ station. They quickly busied themselves as if they hadn’t been watching the exchange between Marcus and Melanie with extreme interest - everyone except for Paula. Jealousy was written all over her face. Shaking his head, Marcus walked out of the hospital without a word.

As he’d said - drama.
 A couple of hours later, relaxed and showered, he stood in his living room wearing a pair of gray sweat pants and no shirt. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator then picked up the phone to call Aleesha at work. Moments later, a smile crossed his face when he heard her voice on the other end.

 “Aleesha Matthews speaking. May I help you?”
 “Yeah. I’m looking for this little shorty: ‘bout 5’3, 34D, small waist and a phat ass. Think you can help a brotha out?”
 Sitting back in her chair, Aleesha softly laughed and lowered her voice. “Well, let me see. There is someone I have in mind who meets such a description but what's in it for her?”
 “Mmmm…endless orgasms, having her pussy eaten as often as she likes, and nine and a half inches of the best dick she’s ever had….” Marcus grinned as he took a sip of his water. Just talking to her got him hard.
 Unable to keep up the charade any longer, Aleesha burst out laughing. “Hi baby. How are you? Tired?”
 “Mmmm….tired, horny, missing you….and did I say horny?”
 “Awww, my poor baby. I thought I took care of that problem last night via the webcam.”
 “Me jerking off as I watch you on a computer screen is not the same as being all up in that pussy, woman. I can’t wait to see you, Leesh,” he growled in a low, sexy voice. When silence greeted him on the other end, Marcus' voice grew suspicious. "You are still coming, aren't you?"

 "I was just getting ready to call you. I'm not going to be able to fly out in the morning after all. We're nowhere near ready for this upcoming audit, but..." Aleesha rushed to finish when she heard Marcus' long, drawn out moan. "Jerra should be having her baby within the next couple of weeks. She’s overdue as it is.”
 “Damn, Leesh, it’s been over two months since we saw each other. Can’t you take off for a couple of days? Come on, baby,” Marcus urge in a whisper.
 “Baby believe me, I want to, but I have to be here to make sure everything goes smoothly." She paused before her voice rose in excitement. "Wait! Why don’t you call the airport now and book a flight? You’re off for the next four days. You could be here tonight.”
 “Can’t. I’m on call.”
 “Oh, crap. I’m sorry, baby. Maybe we can have another ‘cam session,” Aleesha smiled in the phone.
 Marcus’ mood instantly shifted. His dick was throbbing and he wanted Aleesha -
to be with her. He had accumulated so many damn frequent flyer miles that he could fly free for the next year if he wanted to.

“Nah, I don’t think so. Hey, I’m getting ready to hit the sack. I’m tired and I had a long night at the hospital. Just call me this evening. Okay?”
 “Oh. Okay baby…”Aleesha said, puzzled by his mood swing.
 “I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” Marcus clicked the phone off.
 “Love yo- ” But Aleesha was talking to the dial tone. With her mouth open, she stared at the receiver as if she could see Marcus’ face.

 Marcus angrily walked to the kitchen and threw the water bottle in the trash can before heading to his bedroom. He pulled the bedding down and then took off his sweats. Frustrated, he stared down at his erection.

 “You may as well forget it because we ain’t gettin’ any for a while.”
 Once in bed, he tossed and turned while trying to find a comfortable position, but it wasn’t easy with a hard on that refused to subside. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Aleesha’s naked body, heard her moaning as he hit it from the back. That image had his dick jerking and twitching like an addict. Damn. Doggy style was his favorite position. He loved staring at Aleesha’s ass while it glided back and forth over his dick. He loved to smack it a couple of times and watch it jiggle as she moaned and screamed his name while he worked that spot and made her cream and cum all over his shit.
 “Fuck!” Marcus shouted out loud.

 He knew sleep would evade him until he got some relief. Reaching over, he pulled the drawer of his nightstand open and took out a small bottle of baby oil. After squeezing a silver dollar sized portion in his hand, he proceeded to lie back and jerk and choke his dick. It didn’t take long because he was already on the verge of cumming.

 Marcus closed his eyes and imagined Aleesha head down and ass up as she bucked and convulsed in ecstasy, raining her creamy goodness all over his shaft. In his mind, he was fucking her deep and hard. Her wet pussy was wrapped around his dick like a tight vice. It didn’t take but a few strokes of his hand before cum shot up and out of his slit in thick, white spurts. After catching his breath, he opened his eyes and raised his head to look down at the mess he’d made. Dropping back down on the pillow, he exhaled a long, shaky breath.

This is ridiculous
, he thought to himself.
I’m a grown ass man jerking his fuckin’ meat because his woman ain’t here to take care of it.

 He hadn't jacked off this much since he was a teenager. Running a hand over his face, he suddenly sat up and angrily threw the bottle of baby oil across the room.

This shit couldn’t go on. Something had to change - and quick.



Chapter 3


 The next couple of days passed all too quickly for Marcus. On his last night off, he decided to meet some friends at his favorite sports bar called First Down to watch the game on TV, but he had to stop by Darrell’s house first. Marcus laughed as he remembered how desperate
his friend had sounded when he spoke to him earlier and begged him to swing through. Jerra was miserable because she was uncomfortable therefore she saw no reason why Darrell shouldn’t be miserable as well.
 Marcus glanced at his watch. He’d tried to reach Aleesha several times, but hadn’t gotten an answer; her cell phone kept going to voicemail. She'd been having problems with her car lately, and now, Marcus was starting to get a little worried.

 Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into Darrell and Jerra’s driveway and parked behind Darrell’s Escalade. Marcus would give him thirty minutes. After that, he was on his own. Although he used to just walk into Darrell’s house, now that he and Jerra were married, Marcus showed his respect by ringing the doorbell.
 A second later the door swung open and a harried looking Darrell stood scowling at Marcus. “Man, I told you before, you don’t need to ring the damn doorbell, just walk ya ass in, that’s why I left it unlocked.” Before Marcus could respond, Darrell’s eyes flashed a stormy gray. “And what the fuck took you so long anyway?”

 Marcus slowed to a halt and raised an eyebrow at Darrell. Clearly he’d lost his mind or maybe Jerra’s moodiness had rubbed off on him. Whatever the case, Marcus decided to let it slide because he knew Darrell was under a lot of stress.
 “Calm down, man.” Marcus walked past him and headed to the kitchen to get a beer out of the fridge and grabbed one for Darrell as well, who was slowly trailing behind him. After opening both bottles, he handed one to Darrell and shook his head when he upended it right away and didn’t stop drinking until it was half empty.

Darrell noticed the amusement crossing Marcus’ face and leveled a narrowed glare his way. “What’s funny?”
 “Man…..” Marcus laughed and couldn’t stop. “What is the problem, bruh? You all stressed out and shit like you the one about to give birth.”
 “Marcus, this ain't funny. We had two false alarms already. The doctor says if Jerra doesn’t have the baby by the end of the week, they’ll induce labor. You think I don’t have a reason to be stressed?!” Darrell raised the bottle and finished off the beer.
 “Marcus, is that you?” The two men turned in the direction of the soft voice and watched as Jerra waddled in. One hand rubbed the lower part of her back while the other held the phone to her ear.

 Marcus smiled as he took in the pretty picture she made. Sometimes, pregnancy could be unkind to a woman, but Jerra didn’t have that problem. Already a beautiful woman, she was even more so now, but Marcus noticed right away Darrell was right. She seemed miserable as hell.
 “Hey baby girl, how are you?” Marcus walked over and gave her a kiss and a hug. “You about ready to drop that load?”
 Jerra playfully punched him on the shoulder. “That’s not funny, brother-in-law! Not one bit! Keep it up and I‘m gonna make your woman here get on your ass.” Jerra nodded to the phone.    “She’ll straighten you out.”
 Marcus frowned. “Who is that? Aleesha?”
 Jerra rolled her eyes. “Do you have another woman other than my best friend?”
 “I’ve been trying to reach her for the last three hours. I was beginning to worry. Can I talk to her for a minute?”
 “Sure.” Jerra handed him the phone before carefully sitting down at the kitchen table and turning to Darrell. “Baby, will you bring me a bowl of ice cream with pickles on the side? Oh, and pour a little pickle juice over the ice cream, please.”
 Darrell and Marcus looked at her as if she’d lost her mind, but both men knew better than to comment. Shuddering, Marcus put the phone to his ear and walked a few feet away.
 “Heyyy baby! How are you??”
 Marcus frowned. “I’m fine,” he slowly drawled. “I called you but kept getting your voice mail. I was beginning to worry, baby.”
 “I’m sorry, I should’ve called you. The battery in my cell phone went dead and I’m not at home.”
 Marcus’ eyebrows rose as he heard the loud voices and music in the background. “Apparently not.”
 “Yeah, we finally finished the audit today and things came out perfectly. A few of us decided to go out and celebrate after work for happy hour, and happy hour turned into a few hours of being happy.’’ Leesh laughed at her own joke. She definitely was not feeling any pain at the moment.
 “How much have you had to drink?” A small smile played around Marcus’ lips.
 “Ummm, you don’t wanna know.” Again Aleesha burst out laughing because she thought that was so funny. “But don’t worry, we have a designated driver. How are you, honey? I miss you.”
 Before Marcus could respond, he heard a deep male voice in the background speaking to Aleesha. “Come on baby, you promised me another dance, with your lil fine Nia Long lookin’ self.”
 All signs of amusement left Marcus’ face. “Who is that?” He heard Aleesha saying something to the man, but her voice sounded muffled as if she’d placed her hand over the phone. “Aleesha….”

 “Yes. I’m here baby. I’m sorry. What were we talking about?”
 “We were talking about who’s calling you baby and waiting on another dance.” By this time Marcus had raised his voice, causing Jerra and Darrell to look at each other then over to him.
 Aleesha became a little bit more alert when she heard the anger in Marcus’ tone. “That was no one, some jerk. We were all actually dancing as a group, and then he came over to join us. I told him I would dance with him later just to get him out of my face.”
 Marcus tried to keep his temper in check and waited a moment before he responded. “Aleesha, I’m here thinkin’ maybe you’re stranded on the side of the road somewhere.”
 “I told you the battery in my cell-”
 “You found a way to call Jerra, didn’t you? I was worried and you there having a good ole time drinking and dancing at a club? That’s some straight bullshit.”
 Aleesha knew he had a point, but she was a little tipsy and didn’t feel like listening to the lecture she felt coming on. “Oh, so now I can’t even go out? You act like I’m supposed to check in with you every hour on the hour? I don’t think so!”
 “I didn’t say you had to check in with me.” Marcus snapped his mouth closed and ran a hand over his face. “You know what? Forget it. Do you, baby. Here’s Jerra.”
 “Marcus….” Aleesha called his name but Marcus angrily walked over to Jerra and placed the phone on the table in front of her.
 “I’m outta here.” His voice was tense and controlled.
 “Yo, Marcus….” Darrell went after Marcus.

When Jerra put the phone to her ear, her voice had a chastising edge to it. “Aleesha…you were dead wrong.”
 Darrell caught up with Marcus right before he opened the door. “Hey, wait. Man, what was that all about? Ya’ll having problems or something?”
 Marcus shook his head in disgust. “I don’t know. If you had asked me that question two weeks ago, hell even a month ago, I would’ve told you
all good but now - I don’t know what the hell is going on.”
 “You want to talk about it?”
 “Nah. Look, I’ll holla at you later, ai’ight?”

  In less than thirty minutes, Marcus was walking into First Down Sports Bar. He spied his friends at a large round table near the back and went over to join them. After shaking everybody’s hand, he determinedly pushed the conversation with Aleesha out of his mind. She wasn’t thinking about him so he'd be damned if sat here and worried about her all night.

 Marcus looked down at the caller ID when his cell phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number but saw that the area code was from Atlanta.
Oh, so now she can fuckin’ use someone’s phone to call me? Whatever.

 He hit IGNORE and ordered a drink from the waitress. She flirted with him for a few seconds and suggestively asked him if there was anything else he needed. Marcus smiled and told her he’d think about it, but he knew he was not
pissed off to cheat on Aleesha.

 After a while, he began to get into the game they were watching on the huge plasma mounted on the wall and started talking shit when his team started winning. He was laughing and shaking his head when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Still grinning, he turned around and was surprised to see Melanie Blalock staring down at him.
 “Well, hello you,” she said.
 “Hello yourself. How are you?”
 “I’m good, just here with a couple of coworkers who took pity on me being the new girl in town not knowing anyone. It’s so crowded I didn’t see you until I came from the ladies room.”
 Marcus was aware that his friends had suddenly become very quiet at the table. Turning around, he saw they were all staring at Melanie. “Can I help y’all with somethin’?”
 They shook their head and continued to stare. Marcus glared at them then stood up. “You’ll have to excuse them. They’re not normally this rude…well, yeah, sometimes they are when it comes to a beautiful woman.”
 Melanie tilted her head to the side. “So you think I’m beautiful?” she asked with a small smile.
 Marcus knew exactly what he’d said. “I didn’t stutter, Dr. Blalock. Just stating the obvious.” Thoughts of Aleesha at the club spurred him on. “Can I buy you a drink?”
 Melanie’s smile widened as she nodded. Marcus stepped in front of her to lead the way to the bar. It was so crowded that he grabbed her hand to help her through the throng of people. Once they were at the bar, Marcus bent down to speak close to her ear in order to be heard over all of the noise. “What would you like to drink? “
 “I’ll take a Long Island Iced Tea, please.”
Marcus gestured to the bartender. “Nick. Can I get a Long Island for the lady and I’ll take another beer.”
 “Sure thing, Marcus.”
 Melanie arched a brow when she heard the bartender call Marcus by name. “You come here often?” Melanie asked him.
 “Yeah, not as much as I used to. When I need to wind down and chill, I’ll stop by every now and then.” Marcus held up a bill to cover the tab plus a generous tip when Nick placed the drinks in front of them on the bar. “Keep the change, bruh.”
 When Marcus handed her the drink, she took a sip and nodded her approval. “So, you don’t have a girlfriend to help you…‘de-stress‘?” she asked in a flirty tone.
 “Yes and no.” She looked confused, and waited on him to clarify his answer. “Yes, I have a girlfriend, and no…right now she’s not exactly helping me to ‘de-stress’ as you call it.” Marcus drank from his beer and absently scanned the crowd.
 Marcus hesitated. He had probably said too much already. “Well…let’s just say we’re going through a rough patch, but things will work themselves out.”
 Melanie nodded, looking a little disappointed. Then she took a step closer to Marcus and said, “Tell you what. If they don’t - work themselves out that is - let me know. I’ll be waiting.” She held his eyes for several moments to make sure he understood her meaning before stepping back to leave. “Thanks for the drink.”
 “You’re welcome.” Marcus once again stood there and stared at her ass as she walked away. She had on a pair of tight jeans that she was wearing the hell out of, and he was felt the stirrings of an erection just from looking at her. Before he could stop it an image of her naked, face down and ass up, flashed through his mind.




Chapter 4

 "Heffa, are you
 "Keisha, please...not now."

 Aleesha cringed as she walked into her house. Keisha was right on her heels practically screaming in her ear.

Aleesha had called Keisha to come and pick her up from the club after she'd hung up from talking to Marcus. She could tell none of her coworkers had been ready to leave just yet, but Marcus had brought down her little high because she knew he was angry with her. It hadn’t helped her mood when she'd tried to call him several times, and the calls went straight to his voicemail.
 "‘Keisha please’ my ass! Leesh, what's wrong with you? Marcus is a sweetheart. He's successful, fine as hell, and crazy over you...AND he has a big dick!"

Aleesha stopped in her tracks and cut a look at Keisha that was razor sharp.

Keisha innocently looked back at her. "What? Well, he does. Everyone saw it at the bachelorette party. Granted, you got to see it a little better than the rest of us later on that night...."

 Keisha cracked herself up as Aleesha smacked her lips and kicked off her shoes. "Girl seriously, though, you’ve been acting like you're trying to make him break up with you or something." Aleesha avoided her eyes as she headed towards the bathroom with Keisha still following her. "The man is flying out here almost every other week to be with you, has been for damn near a year..."
 Aleesha stopped when Keisha tried to come in with her. “Do you mind?" Before Keisha could answer, she slammed the door in her face and shouted. "And it’s been about eight months since we've been seriously committed, not a year...!".
 "Bitch, you know what I mean!" Keisha yelled back.
Aleesha rolled her eyes and put her hands over her ears to shut out Keisha’s voice. She was already on the verge of tears, and hearing Keisha go on and on about what a great catch Marcus was wasn't helping. As she washed her hands, she avoided her reflection in the mirror. She didn't want to see it accusingly staring at her too.
 Aleesha opened the door and spoke before Keisha could continue. "I don't know why I acted like that tonight. I just, I don’t know….I find myself pushing him away on purpose sometimes."
 "Yeah. You do. The question is why? How many times has he asked you to move to Vegas to be with him?" Aleesha remained silent. “Well, I’m gonna say this. I wish you'd hurry up because I'm ready. I hope you and Jerra don't think you're leaving me here by myself," Keisha said, rolling her neck at the thought.
 Seeing Aleesha's miserable expression, Keisha's voice softened. "Leesh, let's be honest here. Real talk, okay? We’ve always been able to say anything to each other, so I’m just gonna spit it out. Marcus is a good man, but he's not a saint. I know you told me about the little webcam sessions you two have. Honey, that’s all well and good, but that doesn't take the place of actual sex. You said he seemed frustrated the last time you two talked and you couldn’t come and visit him. How long do you think it’s going to be before one of those skanks in Vegas catch him in a weak moment?"
 Aleesha stared at her with tears welling up in her eyes. Keisha was only stating what she'd been subconsciously thinking since she and Marcus became a couple. "Better now than later like..." Aleesha's wouldn't finish the sentence.
 Realization dawned on Keisha. "Like Amir?" Aleesha nodded. "Sweetie, is that why you've been holding back?"
 "Keisha, I don't want to be hurt again. After Amir and I broke up, the truth about his incessant cheating started leaking out faster than water from a busted pipe. What if the same happens with Marcus?"
 "So…what? You've been trying to help him along?? Aleesha, come on. Marcus is not Amir. You don't get any guarantees with this love thing. If that's what you’re looking for, I'm afraid you're going to be by yourself for a long time."
 Aleesha was silent as she sat down in the chair with her legs curled up under her. "What’s even worse is that I could’ve flown to Vegas when he asked me, but…sometimes I'm just so scared because I love him so much." Aleesha leaned her head back against the chair and stared at Keisha.

 “Hell, Jerra says he practically lives at their house when he's not working. You
her eagle eyes are sharp and watching out for you!" They both laughed as they thought about their girl who didn’t let anything get by her.
 After a minute, Aleesha sighed. "I've been screwing up, haven't I?"

 "Uh, yeahhh..." Keisha grinned as she drew the word out. "Shit, if you don't want him, let a sista know. I’ll gladly take his fine ass off your hands." Keisha laughed as Aleesha playfully glared at her.
 “I will cut a bitch over that man - including you!"
 “Anyway,” Keisha continued. “The way I see it, y’all shady bitches owe me. You go to Vegas and find a gorgeous doctor who's crazy over you and Jerra creeps around and fucks Darrell without anybody knowing. Couldn't you have found a fine, successful stripper for me....or sumptin'?" Keisha laughed.
 "Don’t even get me started on you. Weren’t those strippers the wrong gender? Now, if they'd had tits and ass we might’ve been able to work something out for you." Aleesha tried to hold in her laughter as Keisha gave her the finger.
 "Hmph. You know I swing both ways, Ms. 'So Not Funny'. I'll take some dick as quick as I will pussy. I‘m an equal opportunity bitch."
 "Hmmm. I'm beginning to wonder. It’s been a minute since you've been with a man…" Aleesha’s eyes were full of curiously.
 "You're right, although I've been getting the urge to change that lately. I mean, I love a woman's soft, feminine body, but I have to admit there's nothing like hard muscles and a stiff piece of Grade A prime beef between my thighs that sometimes can’t even compare."
 "Amen! Speaking of which, let me try to call my baby again. Maybe he'll answer now that he sees I'm calling from home."
 "Better yet, you need to take your ass to Vegas and surprise him next weekend. Then give him the best sex he’s ever had to make up for being so damned silly."
 Aleesha’s expression became thoughtful. "Not a bad idea. Not bad idea at all..."




Friday morning…
 Marcus checked his patient’s vitals and looked at her chart again. He was more than satisfied with her progress and if she kept improving, she’d be going home sooner rather than later.
“You get some rest, Mrs. Shalosky. The nurse will be in to give you your medication in about an hour.”
 Mrs. Shalosky grabbed Marcus’ hand. “Bless you, Dr. Bennett. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
 Marcus patted her arm. “No thanks necessary. You did the hard work by fighting and getting stronger. I’ll be back to check on you before my shift is over.”
 As Marcus turned to leave, he spied Melanie standing in the doorway waiting on him. “Your patients love you, you know. You have a rare quality which a lot of doctors lack.”
 Brushing off the compliment, Marcus gave her a teasing smile. “Okay. What do you want? Flattery will get you everywhere.”
 She laughed as she pushed his shoulder. “You are so silly. Well, since you mention it, I was wondering if you’d like to watch a movie tonight. I rented that thriller that just came out on DVD and I’m dying to see it. It would be nice to have a little company…” Her voice trailed off as she sent him a puppy dog look and blinked her eyes.
 Marcus glanced down at the folders he was holding in the pretense of thumbing through it. Neither of them had made reference to the brief conversation they’d had last week at the sports bar. He’d been a little worried things would be awkward between them, but they’d settled into a professional relationship which had the promise of becoming an easy friendship. They’d been spending almost twelve hours a day together at the hospital and discovered they had many of the same interests.
 Marcus and Aleesha got past their disagreement the same night they argued. In fact, she was flying in Sunday evening because they were admitting Jerra to the hospital Monday morning to induce her labor.
Looking at Melanie again, he opened his mouth to decline the invitation. He didn’t want to give her any mixed signals because he had absolutely no intention of cheating on Aleesha. That wasn’t even an option.

Sensing he was getting ready to turn her down, Melanie hurriedly added, “You’re not going to make me watch it alone, are you? I’m so bored, and you’re my only friend.” Her mouth stuck out in a pretty pout.
 Marcus laughed. “I’m hardly your only friend, Mel. I’ve seen the way the men around here ogle you. I know for a fact several of them asked you out, too.”
 “I don’t have time to date right now Marcus. My career comes first until I establish myself, and a lot of men find it hard to be friends with a woman. That’s what I like about you. We’re comfortable around each other.”
 Marcus hesitated for a moment more then gave in. “Alright, but first you have to admit that the only reason you want me to watch this movie with you is because you’re afraid,” he teased.
 Melanie laughed. “Okay. I admit it. So is seven o’clock good?”
 “Perfect.” Seeing one of the doctors he had been looking for earlier, he excused himself for a moment.

 As Marcus walked off, Melanie allowed herself a small smile. Marcus was everything she wanted in a man, qualities she called the 'Triple ‘S Factor’: smart, successful, and sexy. After tonight…he was going to be hers.

 “Marcus Bennett, by the time I’m finished, you won’t even remember you have a girlfriend.”



Friday afternoon…
 Aleesha hurried home from work to change. She was flying out to Vegas tonight to surprise Marcus. He thought she wouldn’t be in until late Sunday, but she was ready to make amends and sex him up for the next few days. Since she had a closet full of clothes at Marcus’ house, she didn’t have to pack very much. Smiling, she held up the sexy lingerie she’d bought specifically to drive him crazy. Aleesha sighed as she thought about how much she missed him. She could hardly wait to see the look on his face when she showed up at his house tonight.


Friday evening…
 Marcus spent a large part of that evening laughing at how Melanie squealed and cringed at the gory thriller. They were sitting on his couch, and with it almost being almost over, Marcus could only shake his head when she clenched his arm in a death grip as she watched a particularly graphic horror scene.
 “Look behind you!!” she screamed at the television, ducking behind Marcus’ shoulder and peeking through her fingers. Marcus glanced down at her and laughed again when Melanie scowled. “It’s not funny, Marcus.”
 Grinning, he said, “See. I knew this is why you wanted me to watch this with you.” Melanie stuck her tongue out, causing him to chuckle under his breath.
 Finally the movie came to an end. Melanie stretched her arms over her head before leaning across Marcus to get the remote. Her breasts brushed against his chest as she sat back down. Marcus quickly jumped up off the couch as if he had been scorched by boiling water.
 “Is something wrong?” Melanie blinked up at him.
 “Huh? No, no! Everything’s fine.” Marcus walked to the kitchen to hide the beginnings of an erection.
 “Do you mind fixing me another drink while I run to the bathroom?”
 “Uh, sure,” Marcus said over his shoulder without turning around.
 He blew out a breath when he heard the bathroom door close. Marcus paced back and forth in the kitchen, giving himself a pep talk. “Come on Bennett, get a hold of yourself. Your baby will be here in two days. Fix her the drink, and then kick her the hell out.”

 Marcus quickly switched his mind to thoughts of the game he’d watched last night to try and stop thinking about how soft Melanie’s breasts had been. His dick was finally starting to go down, when she came out of the bathroom.

 “Be right there,” Marcus called out.
 “I think I’ve changed my mind about that drink….”
Thank God
, Marcus thought.

 “Ok, no problem.” His voice was cheerful as he came back in the room. He came to an abrupt stop, though, when he saw her. He knew his bottom lip was probably touching the floor, but for the life of him, he couldn’t look away. Melanie stood in front of him wearing a lilac lace bra and matching thong.

 “What tha…” Marcus winced.
Damn, she was fine!

 Her dark nipples were clearly outlined beneath the sheer bra and the tiny thong left little to the imagination. Marcus could feel all of the work he’d done to get his Johnson down and under control fly out the window.

 Melanie pranced towards him and pulled the rubber band from her hair. She shook her head  from side to side until the glossy strands flowed in soft waves over her shoulders.
 “Melanie…” Marcus cleared his throat when his voice came out sounding gruff and hoarse. “This isn’t gonna happen. I have a girlfriend…..”
 Melanie didn’t give any indication she’d heard him. She stepped closer until the tips of her nipples brushed against his chest. “But she’s not here, is she?” She rubbed her hands over his pecs before encircling his neck. “If she cared so much about you, she’d be here now….and I don’t see her. Do you?”
 Marcus reached up to pull her arms from around his neck. His lips parted to tell her she needed to leave, but before he had a chance to, a voice sounded from the foyer.

 “Apparently, you’re not looking in the right direction. I’m over here, bitch…”
 Marcus’ head whipped around. Aleesha’s voice was freezing cold and her expression was fierce.
 Aleesha! What are you…?” Swallowing a groan, he threw his head back.
 Aleesha didn’t even acknowledge Marcus; she’d deal with him later. Her attention never left Melanie’s, and when she saw the other woman made no move to step away from Marcus, Aleesha’s eyes narrowed.
 “You want to take your hands off of
 Aleesha’s words spurred Marcus into action. He practically pushed Melanie away, causing her to stumble back with a frown. He took a step in Aleesha’s direction, but stopped when she did a frontal body sweep and zeroed in on the bulge pushing at his zipper. Aleesha slowly brought her eyes upward to glare at him.

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