Authors: Komal Kant
Leaning over, I planted a soft kiss on her neck, making her eyes flutter shut. Then I began a trail of kisses up to her face, kissing her cheeks before moving on to her mouth. Without hesitation, we kissed—deeply. Her warm mouth sought mine, her tongue massaging against my tongue as I pushed her onto the bed.
She fell back, grappling for me as she went. Her legs wound themselves around my hips as I kissed her ravenously. Her lips against mine was eliciting a warm shiver within the pit of my stomach that I had never experienced before.
Kira grabbed a handful of my hair, her blue eyes more alive than I had ever seen them. “Nate, you’re right,” she whispered. “I don’t know why, but this feels right.”
It did feel right. It felt so right that I didn’t quite know how to put it into words. Words couldn’t do this moment any justice. It wasn’t about words. It was about the sensation—the sensation of our bodies fused together, the energy from hers flowing into mine.
There was only one way to make this feeling even more incredible than it already was. Placing a hand on her face, I pushed deep within her, keeping my eyes on her. She gasped, her eyes growing. That was the moment I loved—the look on a woman’s face when she first felt me inside her.
Bringing my mouth to a pink nipple, I sucked on it before licking around the tip. “Do you want more, Kira?” I asked, my mouth hovering over her nipple.
She moaned into the top of my head. “Yes, I want more.”
“You better beg for it, Kira.” I pulled away, staring down at her beautiful face, her creamy body weighed down by mine. Something primal was weaving through my body, setting me on the brink of destroying her little body.
“Nate, please, fuck me.” The words were barely out of her pink lips before I thrust hard into her, making her moan and gasp in the same breath.
Deeper and harder, I pushed into her as far as I could go. Kira’s screams, sweat, and the smell of sex all mingled together. This wasn’t like fucking that blonde in my car; it wasn’t like fucking any other woman I’d had before.
Having sex with Kira was deeper than that—deeper than my dick in her. It meant more than sex with those other woman—and maybe, just maybe, it was because I really fucking loved this girl.
, I mean, liked this girl.
“Harder, Nate,” she urged me, digging her nails into my back.
Pushing harder, I let out a groan as that amazing sensation built up within me. “I’m about to cum, Kira.”
And with those words, I went to town.
Grabbing Kira’s long legs, I raised them straight up into the air as I pushed in and out, faster and faster. Her moans and screams were the most incredible sound I’d ever heard, as the feeling inside me grew and grew until I pulled out at the last minute and came all over her stomach.
With an exhausted sigh, I collapsed beside her, completely out of breath. My heart was pounding in my chest, ready to burst, but not from exerting myself; it was from what we had just shared.
Soft fingers laced with mine. Turning my head, I found Kira watching me, her face glowing as sweat matted her beautiful hair. We lay there for a while, fingers interlocked, neither of us moving, neither of us speaking.
Everything about Kira was captivating. She really had trapped my common sense in a cage. My guard had left me; this was me vulnerable, bare—I was fucking snuggling with her again—and wanting her close to me. This was me not wanting her to leave just yet.
In this moment, with unwavering certainty, I knew this woman had the power to change me—and the power to break my dark heart.
A Fucked Up Future
Is this really how you’re going to treat me? I’m your mother!
Throwing my phone across the room was pretty tempting right about now, but I ignored her instead. I continued to flip through the TV channels, my mind a murky haze as another message flashed across the screen.
If you’re not going to contact me then you’re dead to me!
Maybe if she acted more like a mother and less like a horny teenager I’d be more inclined to call her.
Despite getting knocked around a few times by Greg, my day had turned out pretty fucking awesome. I wasn’t going to let a couple of messages from my mother ruin that.
After cleaning herself up, Kira had returned to the fair to spend the rest of the day with her family, leaving me with strict orders to stay at home so I didn’t cause any more trouble. That was fine with me—I didn’t want to be around Finn and Cass’ PDA longer than I had to.
After making a quick trip to the general store, I’d spent an hour writing in my journal about the incredible sex I’d had with Kira, and then spent the rest of the day with an icepack on my face, mindlessly watching TV and thinking about the, well, incredible sex I’d had with Kira.
Because let’s face it, the sex was amazing and I couldn’t wait to do it again. It was unusual for me to go back to the same girl, but there was something about her that made me want more.
Even though I’d pictured the moment so many times, I wasn’t satiated. It felt like there was more to Kira—more for me to discover—and I didn’t want it to end just yet.
Left alone with my thoughts, I was beginning to realize that it didn’t just have to end at sex. Maybe Finn was right when it came to relationships—except the part about Cass. He was definitely wrong about that part.
It was close to one in the morning when the Walshs returned home. When Cass’ auburn head strolled in through the door, I wanted to shove her right back out again.
“There’s the hero of the day, upon his leather throne,” Joe proclaimed, carrying in two large containers as Cass held the door open for him.
“Oh, Nate,” Theresa tutted when she caught sight of me. She also held a container in her arms. “I’m sorry that boy did that to you. I’m going to have a talk to his mother and have him write you an apology letter.”
“You don’t write a man an apology letter!” Joe spluttered, getting red in the face. “That bruise is a mark of honor!”
“Oh, stop,” Theresa waved him off as she headed into the kitchen. “Let me know if you need anything, dear.”
“Thanks, I will,” I said with a tight smile, trying to ignore the auburn parasite lurking in the entrance.
Joe followed after his wife, shaking his head behind her back. Finn was also carrying two large containers into the house and simply grinned at me as he walked on by. Kira blushed when she saw me and almost dropped the sign she was holding as she hurried after her brother.
Cass was the only one who lingered behind, placing the basket down on the floor as she approached me with sultry steps. The look on her face was one of a predator that had trapped its prey. Very unsettling, but also extremely annoying.
“What is it now, Cassidy?” My tone was brash, but I didn’t really care to be nice to her.
Even though I’d told Finn I was going to be more accepting of his disastrous relationship, it had been an outright lie. Their relationship would never be okay with me.
“Poor, pathetic James,” Cass simpered, placing her butt down on the arm of the couch I was lying on. “All he was trying to do was save the day and win little Kira’s heart.”
It was really hard to ignore her when her overpowering flowery perfume was infiltrating my comfort zone. Also, I couldn’t give two fucks about what she had to say.
“Do you just enjoy boring me with your useless drivel, or is there a reason why you’re polluting my air?” I didn’t turn my eyes away from the TV. Frankly, it was a hell of a lot more interesting than she was.
Maybe if I ignored her hard enough, she would eventually go away. It worked with gods—if people eventually stopped believing in them, they held no power over you. There was no way I was even going to let this 5’1” woman try.
“Oh, nothing.” She tapped her long nails against her hand which was placed neatly over her lap as though she was a lady. “Which is exactly what I assumed is going on with you and Kira.”
I tried not to let my mask crack, keeping my demeanor intact, but the fact that she had been so dead wrong about something filled me with unbridled joy.
“It must be hard being right all the time,” I commented lightly, staring at the TV as I let the bubbly feeling sweep over me.
There was a long pause. I didn’t budge. Then suddenly, she shot off the arm of the couch and got in my face. On instinct, I made a cross with my index fingers, hoping to ward her off, but it didn’t seem to work.
Plan B—I moved as far away from her as I could get, but she seized my arm rather forcefully. Damn. This tiny girl had some strength to her.
“What happened? There’s something different about you.” Her faded grey eyes were searching my face for anything that would give away my secret. Then her mouth formed an ‘o’ as though she’d had an epiphany. “You did it, didn’t you? Somehow, your twisted mind managed to figure out how to sleep with her.”
Smug satisfaction oozed from her, and I couldn’t understand why she seemed so elated about news that I’d gotten laid. Also, the fact she thought I had a twisted mind didn’t sit well with me. Was that how I really was?
Feeling unnerved, I stared into the void of grey that filled her eyes. “I told you,” I said, trying to brush off her comment. “I can make any woman sleep with me.”
“You’re right, James.” Cass’ eyes glittered in victory. “I knew I shouldn’t have doubted you.”
It was strange that she had challenged me in the first place, but was now saying her doubt had been misplaced. For a moment, I wondered if she was bipolar or if she just said things to get a rise out of me.
“Yeah, okay,” I said a little uncertainly.
“Well, congratulations on adding yet another worthless conquest to your list.” She rolled her eyes a little, straightening up again.
The word stung me. Kira wasn’t worthless. She wasn’t anything like the other women on that list. A woman like Kira couldn’t be defined within the pages of my journal. Putting pen to paper didn’t do justice to how she made me feel.
“She’s anything but that.” My tone flooded with vehemence.
“What did you say?” Cass caught onto it immediately. “She’s
“She’s different,” was my rather weak response.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” A sneer curled on Cass’ mouth. “You actually
I didn’t answer, instead staring decidedly at the TV again as though it was the most fascinating thing in the room. It kind of was, unless you counted the sheep-patterned throw rug on the floor.
My lack of response seemed to infuriate Cass further. All traces of her former smug attitude were gone, replaced with an anger that really made me reconsider the bipolar theory. It would definitely explain a lot.
“Her! Small town, Kira Walsh!” Cass’s arms flailed around wildly in the air. “She’s got nothing on me!”
“You’re from this town too,” I pointed out, raising my brows at her over-the-top reaction. “And trust me, Kira’s got a hell of a lot more going for her than you do. She actually has plans to go to college and get out of this town.”
“You know, James, there was once a time when I thought we were like-minded, but now I see you’re weak and pathetic just like everyone else.” She said this as though it was somehow supposed to hurt my feelings.
My mind sifted through my memories of Cass, back to that night many months ago when she had overstepped all boundaries. When alcohol had filled her with too much confidence and she had revealed her true colors.
Once again, she was letting her refined mask slip, exposing the contradiction she was deep down. It was a wonder Finn failed to see this, but maybe he was too blinded by what his dick wanted to gauge her lack of sincerity.
“The last thing I have in common with you is a twisted mind,” I scoffed, dismissing her with a hand. “Now why don’t you go away and put your superior blowjob skills to use? I’m so glad you have that to fall back on one day when your career as an evil bitch doesn’t pan out.”
Cass’ eyes tapered into slits as her face turned red. “You’re a fuc-”
“Hey, guys.”
Finn strode into the room, thankfully breaking the unsettling moment with Cass. He halted beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to his side.
Cass tried to compose herself, but her recovery was unconvincing—she was still red in the face and her hair was slightly disheveled from all the gesticulating she’d been doing moments ago.
“Everything okay?” Finn glanced between the two us, his eyes searching for any indication that something was off.
“Yes, everything’s fine, babe,” Cass said, covering her mouth as she fake yawned. “It’s just been a long day. I’m exhausted.”
Finn leaned over and planted a kiss on her head. “Why don’t you get into bed? I’ll be up soon, okay?”
“Okay,” she echoed in a tone that made her seem pathetic and vulnerable.
Wow, she was good at putting on an act and appearing defenseless. If being a fake bitch was a career, Cass would be a CEO.
“Good night, Nate.” Her tone was sweet as she wriggled her fingers at me and stole past Finn.
Refusing to answer, I simply watched as she made her way to the stairs. It still didn’t sit well with me that she had seem so pleased to hear that Kira and I had slept together. Then again, everything about her unsettled me.
Finn shot me a disappointed look as he slumped into the armchair next to me. “It wouldn’t kill you to try to get along with her,” he chastised.
“Yeah, it would,” was my surly response.
My phone vibrated beside me. I ignored it, already knowing who it was.
“Is that your mother?” Finn asked conversationally.
“Yeah, she keeps wanting me to text her back.”
“Are you going to?”
I shook my head. “Probably not.”
Neither of us spoke for a while, but out of the corner of my eye I could see Finn was fidgeting around in his seat, as though there was something he wanted to say.
“She might come back to the city to be close to me,” Finn finally said.
“My mother?” I asked dryly. I knew who he was referring to, but his statement had completely unhinged me, and acting like an asshole was my coping mechanism.
“No, you fuck.
,” he elaborated, confirming my suspicions. “We’ve been talking about getting an apartment together. She said she’ll go back to waitressing until we can save enough for her to pursue something she really wants to do.”
“And what does she
want to do?” I asked, sitting up now to face him. “Ruin lives? Cheat on you? Do they have temp jobs available for that position?”
“Good night, boys,” Joe called out just then as he ambled up the stairs.
“Good night,” Finn and I responded in unison.
Kira followed after him, waving at us as she went. With a start, I realized she would find the present I had left for her on her bed.
“Nate, I don’t expect you to understand.” Finn returned to the conversation as soon as Joe and Kira were out of earshot.
“I’m getting a sense of déjà vu? Haven’t you guys done this before?
“Well, third time’s a charm,” he said with a strained smile, but he didn’t even seem convinced. “Listen, Nate, I really want you to get on board with this. I plan on having Cass in my life for a long time.”
Worst plan ever.
When Cass had brought up the same conversation, I’d hoped she was joking. Now I could see that my best friend really was stupid enough to think long term. The prospect of Cass being around for a long time was a fucking nightmare.
Still, I bit my tongue. If this was what he wanted then there was nothing I could say to change his mind. “Well, if that’s what you want to do, that’s your decision,” I said grimly. “I’ll be here, like I always am.”
“Thanks, man.” My words seemed to make him relax a little. “Look, I know it’s hard to move on from Cass’ past indiscretions. It definitely took me a lot to open up to her again, but now I’m kinda glad I took that risk. I honestly think twenty years from now we’ll all sit around together and laugh about this point in our lives.”
I highly doubted that. “I hope so.”
“Everything will turn out great, you’ll see.” A sense of purpose seemed to spread through Finn. “I can really see Cass in my future, and it’s gonna be incredible.”
Any kind of future with Cass in it seemed like a fucked up future to me. Of course, I didn’t tell him that. All I did was nod.