Read Twisted Fire Online

Authors: Joanne Ellis

Twisted Fire (27 page)

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Just show me your cards so I can win again.” Which he did.

She tried all her tricks, to no avail. There was no getting through his barrier. Even when she was down to only her g-string, he didn’t waver. When she went down in their final hand, she conceded perhaps she wasn’t as adept at cards as she’d thought.

OK, Monty,” she purred. “Take me to bed now.”

Now, if you wanted to put me off, you should have just used that tone. There’s no way I can concentrate on anything when you use that husky sultry voice, babe. It simply melts me from the inside out.”

He whipped her out of the chair and kissed her fervently before helping her to their bedroom to collect his winnings.

Jared laid her upon the bed and left his clothes on. He started from her neck, kissing and nibbling until she groaned deeply. He lingered on her nipples, enjoying her round, plentiful fullness until she began to beg for more. Her hands were buried in his hair when he took his kisses lower. She grabbed his shoulders hard, her nails biting into his flesh as he took her to the brink and back, over again with his mouth. When he finally gave her release she cried out his name. He hastily removed his clothes and eased himself inside her. He took his time, his mouth never leaving hers and her head cupped in his hands until they reached the peak together.

I have to play poker with you more often,” he whispered to her.

Yes and not just the card game.”

He laughed heartily. “I love you.” His voice was thick with emotion as he twirled her hair around his fingers. “So did my parents and Sammy. You just seem to captivate everyone you meet. I hope it wasn’t too much for you all at once but I just wanted the people that I care about to see how wonderful you are.”

I love you too, Jared, even more so after today. I learnt so many things about you from the people that love you and how they see you, which has simply intensified how amazing I already thought you were.”

They fell asleep holding each other, their hearts full of their future together.



Chapter 28




Before Jared headed over to Chelsea’s to pack Charlotte’s belongings, they spent a lazy Sunday morning feeding each other breakfast on the patio. This was where Mitch found them when he appeared from another night with another model.

Morning, lovebirds,” he said to them cheerfully. “I see you survived our family visit, Charlotte.”

Yes, no thanks to you, Mitchell.”

Did I miss something?” Jared asked.

Your brother decided to inform me that your mum has never approved of any girlfriends she’s met before and that no-one was good enough for her boys. I was petrified until I met her and realised he was teasing me. Mitch has a poker face too.”

Well, he was partly right. She doesn’t always approve and that’s because she can see straight through people. It’s her uncanny ability. She liked you because she saw you as you are and approved,” he said. He rubbed her uncast foot, while her feet rested in his lap. “Still it wasn’t very nice, Mitch. She was scared enough.”

It was worth it to see her face. Besides, I knew Mum would love her anyway, who wouldn’t?”

Mitch,” he warned, “keep away from my girl. You have plenty of your own. Speaking of which, who was she last night?”

I don’t know, some empty headed model, they all are. I’m not interested in settling down just yet. I thought I was when I saw how happy you were, but I’ve since changed my mind. There are so many women out there who can benefit from me being single.”

Spoken like a true playboy.”

Don’t knock it until you try it, little brother.”

Won’t be happening.”

I hope not,” Charlotte told him before digging her toes into his ribs.

Ok, well I’m going to leave you to it. Go wash off my sin.”

Now that he’s home, I’m going to go and help your sister help you move,” he told her easing her feet down slowly. “Where would you like to sit, honey?”

I think I’ll watch a movie while you’re gone.”

Your wish is my command.”

He scooped her up, and after assuring her comfort on the couch, he set up the movie ready to play. He kissed her goodbye and headed off.

In high spirits, she sat back, began watching the movie and relaxed. She heard Mitch in the kitchen before the door bell went and he disappeared down the hall to answer it. She heard him talk sharply to whoever was at the door.

What are you doing here?”

Hi Mitch, it’s been a long time.” Charlotte heard a sweet, melodic female voice.

Not long enough. What do you want?”

Is Jared home?”

No and he wouldn’t want to see you even if he was.”

You’d be surprised.”

I doubt it.”

Is Charlotte here?”

How do you know about Charlotte?”

Jared told me.”

Why would he speak to you about Charlotte?”

Please, it’s important. She has a right to know.”

Fine, but I really don’t think you could possibly have anything to tell.”

Well, I do.”

Mitch was followed into the room by a short, perky, beautiful and petite girl. Her long, straight blond hair was swept up in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes and pale soft looking complexion with full lips on a dainty face were absolutely stunning. She had full breasts and soft features and, to Charlotte, she was picture perfect. She felt envy and fear pierce her heart.

Charlotte, this is Emma,” Mitch said. “She seems to think she has something to talk to you about.” Charlotte continued to stare, curiosity and fear rendering her speechless.

I’m sorry to bother you,” Emma began, “but I think you should know about Jared and me.”

I know all about you,” Charlotte said a little louder than she intended.

I mean recently. He called me after catching you with your boss. He was upset and wanted to see me. I came over last week and he told me about what happened between you. He was very confused and told me how much he missed me. One thing led to another … well you can guess the rest. Then on Sunday after the fire, he called me again and I was here with him all morning and then again on Monday.”

Bullshit!” exclaimed Mitch.

Why would I know all about Charlotte and what happened, if I hadn’t spoken to him?”

Someone else told you.”

No, Jared did. Rick and I are having problems. I think he’s cheating on me. Jared told me he still loved me and wanted me back. He said he felt sorry for Charlotte and was going to have her stay with him until she was better and then cut her loose so we could be together again. He felt guilty about you getting hurt. He’s so sweet.” She smiled wistfully. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but Jared is too kind to let you down while you’re injured and I think, in a way, he wanted to get back at you for cheating on him.” The blood drain from Charlotte’s face and she couldn’t breathe. How could he do this?

Emma, everything that I know about my brother tells me you’re lying.”

Well, I’m not. I love Jared, I always have. I made a mistake and only stayed with Rick because Jared wouldn’t forgive me. Now it appears he has and wants to be with me. I want to make sure that happens. He feels trapped and is too nice to tell you the truth.” Charlotte felt like someone had thrown cold water in her face. The shock, the pain seeped through Charlotte causing her chest to constrict and her hands to shake.

I don’t want to hear anymore,” Charlotte finally spoke in a barely audible voice.

Get out, Emma,” Mitch told her.

I’m sorry,” she said to Charlotte and left.

Don’t believe a word she says, Charlotte. She’s spiteful and is just trying to upset you.”

It worked. How does she know all about us?”

Maybe someone else told her.”

Who, Mitch? Surely no-one that knows Jared would talk to that girl after what she did. Why would he do this? No, don’t answer that, I already know. She’s so beautiful and he loved her once … ”

Talk to him when he gets home. I know Jared and I’ll believe him before her.”

Can you help me to my room, please?”

Your room?”

Yes, not Jared’s.”

OK.” He helped her hobble to her room and then onto the bed. Mitch went to speak but Charlotte silenced him with a shake of her head, so he left her to it.

Hot tears stung her eyes and face. How did that girl know all about them? She’s so beautiful and perfect. She understood why Jared had loved her, still loved her. She felt awkward and gangly compared to her petite beauty, and this would be why Jared would prefer Emma to her. Who could blame him? How was she going to get through this again?

How could he have slept with her so soon after … them? Why did he ask her to stay here? Why would he want to rub it in her face? To get back at her? Maybe he really didn’t believe her. Was she just here out of pity? Feeling sorry for the tall, gawky, plain girl while keeping his beautiful love on the side? She could not, would not, believe that Jared was doing this. Nonetheless, Emma still knew about her, Dr Shaw and the fire. Her heart broke thinking it could have all come from him.

There was a knock on her door and Mitch stuck his head in.

Are you alright?”

No.” Her head ached, her chest felt hollow and her heart was shattered.

Jared wouldn’t do this.” He sat at the foot of the bed. His concerned expression almost set about her tears again.

He might. He’s kind and feels sorry for the victim.”

No, he loves you.”

I don’t know anymore.” She closed her eyes, wanting to block out Mitch’s worried expression for it was so similar to Jared’s.

Just talk to him before jumping to any conclusions.”

Won’t he just lie?”

No, if you know anything about Jared at all, you know he will tell you the truth.”

If what she said is the truth then I don’t know if I want to hear it.” She turned her gaze towards him and winced. “I can’t talk to you about this, Mitch, you look too … alike when you look at me like that. I have to ring my sister.”

I understand.” He paused. “But I kind of have a problem.”

What’s the matter?”

Last night I left my wallet at the model’s house. She just rang me and said she has to leave to go overseas for a job. I need to go and pick it up. I don’t want to leave you here alone. It may not be safe and Jared will have my guts for garters.”

How long will you be gone?”

About an hour.”

I’ll be alright. Really. I’ll ring Chelsea and rest until you get back. I have some thinking to do.”

Ring me if you need anything. The number is on speed dial. I’ve let Max in to keep you company and look after you.”

At the sound of his name, Max wandered in and lay on the floor beside Charlotte.

I will, thanks.”

What am I going to do, Max? He wouldn’t do this to me, would he?”

Max wagged his tail in response.

After Charlotte heard Mitch leave, she rang Chelsea. Even though Jared was there, it didn’t matter. She needed to talk to her sister.


Hi, it’s me.”

What’s the matter? I hear something in your voice.”

Can Jared hear you?”

No, I’m downstairs and he’s up. What’s going on?”

Charlotte filled Chelsea in on her visit from Emma.

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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