Read Twisted Fire Online

Authors: Joanne Ellis

Twisted Fire (11 page)

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Good and bad news, eh? We may be able to trace him if he has used the same MO with a victim somewhere else. I will run the information through our databases to see if there have been any incidences in the surrounding areas or interstate.”

I will see what I can find out for you as well.”

Great, much appreciated. Is there anything else which might help us?”

Well, I saw no indication of forced entry. Even though sometimes the fire damages evidence of this, signs can still be discovered. The doors to the house, apart from where he probably exited, were all closed and locked and they appeared to be intact. All the windows that were broken had been broken by the fire and hadn’t been broken prior. In my experience, I would say these girls probably let the guy in. I’m not absolutely certain of this but from the evidence I found and examined, this is my assessment.”

So they possibly knew him quite well?” Maggie brought a hand to her chin as she absorbed the information Jared gave her before jotting it down in her notebook.

That would be my guess.”

Even if he did break in, doesn’t mean she didn’t know him. This is the direction we’re going at the moment, how the girls knew each other or how they were connected.”

Let me know if you need any clarification on any leads or information you might find. I have seen quite a few arson cases with and without victims involved and sometimes little things can indicate a fire bug.”

Will do, thanks for your info, Jared.”

No problem, I hope you catch this guy. My job is hard enough without someone deliberately setting things alight.” He offered a brief sombre half smile followed by a frown.

After Maggie left, Jared rang Charlotte and was pleasantly surprised at his physical reaction to speaking with her again. He was overwhelmed by the incredible connection he was having with this girl.

Once he finished for the day he went home to change and then headed to the store to purchase what he needed to cook for her again. With an elated smile on his face he headed towards Charlotte’s house.



Chapter 12




The knock at the door just before seven sent a thrill of anticipation through Charlotte. She was still astonished by the strong attraction and connection she felt toward Jared.

In the past she’d kept her relationships fairly casual as she’d usually liked to leave her options open but, for the first time, she looked forward to getting to know one man and wasn’t even interested in looking elsewhere. This was a new experience for her and she was enjoying the ride. Open to the possibility of a long term relationship and filling the void of loneliness she’d been experiencing of late, Charlotte was excited about the prospect of falling in love for the first time. She knew it was too soon to think that far ahead but she was open to the new experience nonetheless.

Hey there, handsome,” she said enticingly as she opened the door. “Oh, sorry, I was expecting someone else.”

You better not be,” he replied.

He dropped his shopping bags, drew her into a strong embrace before kissing her tenderly on the lips.

Which way to the kitchen, I’m hungry?” he said once he’d released her.

She walked towards the back of the house and to the right. The kitchen was separated from the sitting room by the stairs which went up the centre where they also divided the top half of the house.

From the kitchen to the right was the dining room with a sliding door leading out to the back patio and a beautiful garden matching the front. It was a modern, comfortable and charming house.

Nice place.”

Thanks, but its Chelsea and Lucas’s. Oh, but you already know that.” She blushed. “I’m just staying here until I can find a place. I kind of feel like the fifth wheel around here. At least I have the place to myself until they get home next Monday afternoon.”

When they do, you will just have to spend more time at my place.”

Oh, will I now, big man? You are jumping ahead aren’t you?”

I like to plan ahead and I like the idea of seeing more of you.” His intense gaze sent shivers over her skin and desire to haze her mind.

I bet you do,” she said. She took the bottle of wine from his hand and proceeded to open it. “Well, get to work.”

He placed his shopping on the counter, strode over to her and kissed her intensely.

Stop being cheeky, young lady, or I won’t feed you.”

Ok, you win. I’m famished and need to be fed.”

Charlotte poured them both a glass of wine and watched him working his magic on the stove. This only caused her blood to run hot again. She was amazed that a sexy, sweet, romantic man was in her house cooking her a fabulous smelling dinner.

Even though she’d only known him for two days she was already falling in love with him. Was it possible after such a short time? It must be because she was feeling something distinctly new. All thoughts of her early caution flew from her mind. She studied his hard, broad body visible under his green t-shirt. Her eyes then roamed to his legs which were strong and firm. The urge to run her hands over his body almost compelled her to cross the room. Instead she stared and admired.

Get a good look, babe?”

What?” she asked him coming out of her reverie. “Um, no, yes.” She blushed.

God, you’re adorable - cheeky but adorable. Anyway dinner is ready.”

She struggled to keep her eyes away from him as she went to fetch the items needed to set the table. When she re-entered the kitchen, he’d served up, so she retrieved the wine and ice bucket and went to sit down.

He followed her into the dining room to see she’d lit some candles, casting their faces in shadow and light. The flames in her eyes lightened them to a caramel colour and they seemed to glow. As a result he was unable to draw his eyes away from hers.

She sparkled in the candle light and this, along with how sexy she looked in her tight black, calf length pencil skirt and blue figure-hugging strapless top, was making it extremely difficult to abstain.

Eat your dinner, Charlotte, before it gets cold.”

Dragging their eyes away from each other, they enjoyed their dinner and talked about their day. As they discussed a range of subjects, they were pleasantly surprised to discover they had plenty in common. Two people who appeared so different, once uncovered in essence actually weren’t.

After dinner they decided to watch a movie and they again discovered their preferences were the same, from action to romantic comedy. They chose a movie but made out like teenagers on the couch instead, barely watching a single scene. They explored each other’s bodies through their clothes and drove each other to desperation.

I think I should be getting home,” Jared told her reluctantly. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep my self-control.”

Me neither,” she replied, her voice thick with desire.

She walked him to the door and he kissed her softly once more while he cupped her face.

I need to see you again tomorrow,” he whispered to her. “I’ll pick you up after work and take you to my favourite restaurant down the coast near where I grew up.”

You’re spoiling me,” she smiled seductively. “I like it. A lot.”

I’ll see you tomorrow.”

And he left before they both changed their minds.


* * *


The following night it was warm so they took her car, driving with the top down on such a nice evening. Jared drove for about half an hour before he pulled up outside a quaint Italian restaurant.

There were tables and chairs outside overlooking the cliffs, the ocean and the waves crashing to the shore. It was a spectacular view and Charlotte was suitably impressed. They decided on a table outside and after they had ordered wine – white for her and red for him – and had chosen their meal, they both turned to stare at the water.

Jared,” Charlotte said bringing his attention back to her, “you haven’t told me anything about your family and you know all about mine.”

Well you know Nathan and Mitch a little, not much more to them, just what you see. Nathan always looked after me when we were kids and Mitch used to tease me mercilessly. I think he thought it was funny that I’m so serious. He still does, now I think about it, but I just ignore it.” He smiled at the memories. “My dad is a retired lawyer, like Nathan, but Dad was corporate and Nathan is a prosecutor. He is like Nathan and Mitch mixed together, tall and ambitious like Nathan but fun loving like Mitch. My mum is a retired school teacher and is kind and compassionate. My upbringing was very fortunate as we had loving parents. They live not far from here, further up this road right on the water. It was where we all lived before moving to the city. That’s about it, I guess.” He smiled again.

Sounds like you had a happy house just like us. Why did you become a fire fighter?”

Because I wanted to do something important and I always considered the fire brigade to be a life saver.”

Their food arrived and they continued discussing their home life while growing up.

After dinner Jared took her for a drive further along the coast and showed her his parents' house. It was a stunning two storey house with a fantastic view. They began to realise they were more alike than they’d first thought. Although their personalities were vastly different, their interests and family lives were quite similar.

They arrived at Charlotte’s feeling relaxed and content. Not wanting the evening to end, they lingered at her front door and kissed passionately, eventually separating and saying goodnight.

Each evening Jared took Charlotte either to dinner at home or out, followed by romantic strolls as they learned more about each other and their attraction intensified.



Chapter 13




After spending a full week of being indulged by Jared, Charlotte was incapable of wiping the smile from her face.

Today they were driving down the coast again to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach, followed by dinner at her house. She’d already decided she could not, would not, wait any longer and tonight she was going to seduce him. Charlotte was unable to withstand the building pressure.

She glanced at the time and realised Jared would be arriving soon, so she raced off to shower. She decided to wear her new red bikini, knowing it left little to the imagination and that he was partial to her in red. She then added a barely-there white beach dress which gathered at the waist. She’d just finished piling up her hair and applying a little gloss on her lips, when she heard the door.


* * *


When Jared caught sight of her, he was unable to breathe. Her captivating aroma surrounded him, stupefying him. Her hair was a jumbled mess of curls. He craved to pull them free from their bindings to run his hands through the silky waves, as he had done numerous times this past week. Her glossy cherry lips begged to be tasted yet he found himself unable to move. He would not be able to refrain much longer.

Wow,” was all he could manage.

I could say the same about you. I haven’t seen your bare legs before either,” she said giving him the once over in his knee length shorts and singlet top accentuating his broad shoulders and firm legs.

No, I guess you haven’t. Shall we go, then?”

I think we’d better, handsome, or I might drag you to my bedroom and have my way with you.”

Don’t be naughty, young lady. I want to go swimming with you first.”

The half hour drive to the beach was filled with music and laughter. He teased her continuously for singing appallingly off key. Despite his jibes she continued to sing nonetheless and louder, until he told her if she didn’t stop she would be walking home. She stopped and then laughed heartily, which sent his pulse racing again.

After they’d located a spot to unload their belongings, Charlotte removed her dress in preparation for a swim. Jared tugged off his singlet, bundled her up and headed for the surf.

What are you doing?” she cried as he threw her over his shoulder.

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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