Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series)
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Aliah narrows her eyes, but quickly replaces that look with
a smile.  “Yes.  I only
the heartless bitch.”

He watches her fidget with her necklace, and then closes his
hand over hers to stop her.  “You’re a good actress.”

She shoves him backward, taking what he says the worst
possible way.  “Get away from me.”  Though she tries to put some
distance between them, her attempt at moving him is wildly unsuccessful.

He catches her wrist, worried he’s already pushed her too
hard.  With Aliah, there seems to be a fine line between

“I’m sorry…” he starts, but is cut off by Aliah’s pleased

“I am pretty good, eh?  I certainly had you.”

He can’t believe he has fallen for her act.  “I feel
like I have to tread carefully with you.  Should I ask for permission
before saying anything offensive?”

“Hah!  Where would the fun be in that?  It’s all
good.  I’m sure I can handle you in real time.”

“Is that right?”

Her hesitation is sweet, but the smug expression that swipes
across her face makes him want to collect her hands behind her back to restrain
her, while he moulds her soft curves to his hard edges.

Would she respond to him?

He moves his face very near hers and growls.  “You only
you could handle me.”

She doesn’t back away.  “No.  I

His body twitches at her bold statement, only leaving him to
egg her on.  He wants to taste her, when he inhales the sweet nectar
inviting him to her skin.

His breath rushes over her ear.  “Prove it.”

He thinks she’ll retreat, but then he feels her silky hands
discovering the inside of his leather jacket.

“I plan to.”  She spins around, grabs for his helmet
and pulls it onto her head.  Then she straddles the bike and massages her
hands over the length of the leather seat before looking back to him

She looks stunning.  He wants to take a picture.

“Are we going, or what?”

Harley takes a few steps closer and then pulls his helmet
from her head.

“Hey,” she shouts, as it snags her hair.

“That one is mine,” he informs her.

Aliah shoves the helmet against his chest, startling
him.  “Aren’t you Mr. Particular?”

With his left hand now free, he skims his fingertips across
her cheek, sending a shiver sweeping down her body.  His thumb brushes
across her lower lip, and his own lips comes temptingly close.

“I am
particular.”  His kiss sends her
thoughts swirling.  “Is that a problem?”  He kisses her again,
hooking onto her lower lip and pulling.

Her strangled whimper is proof positive that she’s into
him.  Aliah relinquishes the helmet, when his lips curl into the sexiest
of smiles.  She hooks her arms around his neck and leans back, until he’s
forced to toss his shiny black helmet into the grass.

He slides her back onto the cool leather, until she’s laid
out flat on his bike and he’s hovering over her, their bodies mere inches from
meshing.  His voice growls before the words come out.

“You have no idea what seeing you like this does to me.”

Aliah spreads her legs wider, the tightness of her skirt
straining against her feminine curves.  “Why don’t you tell me?”

He presses himself against her.  “I’d like to show

The touch of their lips starts out soft, becoming
increasingly more necessary, until fireworks are exploding between them and
he’s drinking from her lips like it is a life or death situation.  Yes,
their kiss is heated, but the way their bodies are rubbing together is highly
inappropriate for a public parking lot.  Aliah curls a leg over his hip,
flashing her wet panties to anyone who’s watching.

He presses on her again, as if he’s going to give it to her
on the spot.  If he weren’t wearing any pants then he would be fucking her
this very minute.  When he flexes his hips against her, she moans. 
His cock swells even more, but he knows one too many respectful business owners
who could be watching, and he isn’t about to fuck up that arrangement… even if
his cock is ready to bitch slap him.

Her voice turns breathy, as his fingers slip into her
panties between them.  “Yes.”

His fingers slip over her.  She’s slick, but soft like
silk.  He sinks his middle finger inside of her, with his thumb making a
circular motion between them.  He watches her face as he eases his finger
out of her and slides it back in.  She’s going to cum!

He rotates his finger and presses it deeper.  He can
feel her from the inside out.  He grows tighter in the pants as she wraps
tighter around his finger.  It’s a beautiful sight, her pale, perfect lips
parted in pleasure, but it’s not going to happen.  He won’t let it. 
When he retrieves his finger, she whimpers from the loss of warmth.

“Please!” she begs, watching him through half-lidded eyes.

“I will.  Just not here.”

“Where?” she gasps, ready for him to get back to it

He swallows hard, realizing he can’t take her home with
him.  “My sister’s staying with me, so we can’t go to my place.”  He
says it much too casually.  He’s a good actor.  “If you don’t trust
me at your place…”

“I trust you,” she pants, making him harder yet.

He looks away to hide his wince.  If she knew about his
lies, she wouldn’t be quite so trusting.  Once she finds out the truth,
she will never trust him again.

He makes a grab for the helmet and climbs onto his
bike.  He starts to adjust himself, but no adjustment can make him
comfortable at this point.  Until he’s able to sink into that sweet pussy,
he’ll be in a whole lot of anguish.

Aliah pulls herself to a sitting position, as he settles
onto the seat in front of her.  She kicks a leg over his head, to wrap her
legs around the bike and he nearly loses it.

“Here.  Put this on.”  He hands her his prized

She keeps her big mouth shut, and his wild fantasy
continues.  She raises a brow and slides the helmet over her long, tangled
hair.  He rotates forward and turns on his bike.  Her small hands
curl under his arms and clutch onto his chest, as her inner thighs squeeze onto
his legs.

She feels so good on him.

As the rumble of his motor soothes his nerves, he only
wishes it could last.  With a few small unnecessary directions to her
house, he lifts his feet and they speed off.  Neither of them say a word
on the ride to her place.

Aliah’s garage door opens as they pull up to her
house.  Harley turns his motorcycle off and, after taking his helmet from
her hands, he rests it protectively on the seat.

“Nice place.”

“Thanks.  It’s a little on the small side, but it meets
all my needs.  My dad bought me it,” she admits, internally scolding
herself for babbling to her two-night sex toy.

“Your family sounds very giving.”

“My dad?  Yes.”  She smiles, feeling it necessary
to explain it to him.  “My mom’s a heartless bitch.”

“Oh.  So, that’s where you get it from.”  He wears
a pained look as he follows her into the house.  He’d learned his
lesson.  He really had.  But it is too easy to play the sarcastic
asshole all the time, and he’s been playing the part for so long that he’s not
even sure he can turn it off anymore.

She scowls at him over her shoulder.  “She wouldn’t
give me a dime if my life depended on it.  I may be a bitch, but I’m not
that cruel.”

Aliah reaches into the garage and presses a button, then
waits for the garage door to seal shut.

“I was only teasing you.”

She grabs Harley by the elbow and pulls him inside, closing
the door behind them.  “You’re lucky I haven’t been laid in a while, or
that comment would have sent you packing.”  She makes to walk away.

He grabs her wrist and pulls her back to him.  Then he
whirls her around until she’s pressed against the door to the garage and her
arm is pinned just above her head.  She closes her eyes to hide from his
stare.  He wants her to look at him.

“Hey.  I didn’t mean it.”  His breath washes over

He leans down to kiss her, and though his eyes are closed,
he can feel the moment right before their lips meet, when she turns her head
away to dodge his mouth.

“No kissing.”

He presses his lips against her neck and retreats after a
lingering caress of his tongue.  He waits until their eyes connect and
pauses for her to explain.  He’d already kissed her, multiple times. 
Why the sudden change of heart?  Was it something he’d said?

Aliah gives him a pointed glare.  “Don’t ask
questions.  That’s the deal.  You want the sex?  Fuck me till
your heart’s content.  But there will be no more kissing on the mouth.”

It seems like a really odd request, but he doesn’t have a
problem with that.  When he is done with her, she’ll be kissing the ground
he walks on, begging for him to touch his lips to that sassy mouth.

He tilts her head up to make her look him in the eye,
regaining the intimate connection that had been broken.  “That’s it? 
Or do you have other exclusions I need to know about?”

His question heats her to the core.  Just the thought
of him doing things to her has her body vibrating.

“That’s it.”

He nods.  “I’m glad.”  A flash of heat flickers in
his light hazel eyes and the warmth seems to stay in the color.  “We
should probably get this out of the way now.  I’ve been tested.”

“I already told you.  I haven’t had sex in a while,
okay?  I’m not the whore bartender you might think I am.”

“That’s good to know, since I don’t
make love
whores.”  He wants so badly to kiss those feisty lips.  Then he
catches her eyes grow wide at his choice of words.

Most women swoon for a man who uses the word love, but not
this woman.  Nope, the second she hears the damn word, she looks like a
deer in headlights.  Then she pulls out that trucker mouth.

“But I’m sure you
them as you please.”  She
tries to put up a stony front, but he can already read her weaknesses.

“You want me to fuck you?  Is that it?”  Just
saying it out loud turns him on.

“Yes,” she pleads, not even slightly afraid to ask for what
she wants.  Her voice is breathless and her chest heaves with every raspy

She needs this too.

Harley presses his lower body against her, pinning her to
the door, so she can’t escape from him.  He loses his jacket and drops it
to the floor, not much caring for his expensive leather in comparison to the
pleasure he’s about to receive from tasting this woman.

When he removes his shirt, he looks into her eyes and
growls.  “Your turn.”

Aliah’s expression is incredulous.  “You expect me to
undress myself?  Most men would have had me naked by now.”

“You say you’re not a whore…”

“I mean, most men would strip a willing woman with his teeth
if that’s what he had to do to get her naked.”

Harley squeezes his eyes shut, forcing away the delightful
image that slams into his head.  “I like to take my time.”

He sees Aliah swallow.  She’s intrigued.  Has a
man never taken his time with her?  He leans in to kiss her, then
immediately catches himself before she can turn away and throw him out. 
He’s straining against his pants, and her softness only compliments him. 
He wants to sink right into her, but he wants to do it his way.

Harley can see the way her chest rises and falls, as she
waits to see what he’s going to do next.  Aliah acts like she’s a
take-charge kind of girl, but he knows better.  She wants to be taken.

“Why won’t you just fuck me already?”

Oh, he plans to.  But not until he is good and ready.

He skims his hands over her heated flesh, tickling her sides
with the gentleness of his touch.  He flexes against her, demonstrating
how much the anticipation intrigues him too.  Then he finally lifts her
shirt over her body, but leaves it covering her head.

While he kisses her neck, she doesn’t even complain. 
He lets his tongue have a taste of her skin, as his hands warm to her slim
core.  When he cups a covered breast, she gasps for a breath and suddenly
notices the misplaced shirt.

“What the fuck!”  She is not impressed.

Why does he need her face, if she isn’t going to let him
kiss it?

He helps her fumble with her shirt, until it lands on the
floor next to his jacket.  His smiling lips find her neck, but she shoves
him backward.  Not giving up, not even a little bit, he kisses her neck
again.  He feels when she softens beneath him, but he’s not going to let
her forget.

He grasps onto her chin and turns her head away, as he sucks
her skin into his mouth, giving her pleasure bites from her jaw to her
ear.  She’s clearly pleased with his tongue, now that he’s shut his
mouth.  But she still struggles to fight him off, knowing exactly what
he’s doing with his tight grip on her chin.

She pries his fingers off her face.  “What’s your
problem?”  Even while sassing at him she arches her back and presses into
him, to get the full effect of his hard on.

Harley’s only response is a smile.  He kisses his way
across her chest and presses a warm tongue into the hollow of her neck.  His
lips skim up to the sensitive spot behind her ear, and trace her jaw downward,
coming much too close to her mouth.

He knows she wants to stop him.  He can feel the
tension coming off her in waves.  But he revels in the fact that it feels
too good for her to actually spit out the words to make him stop.  His
lips close around her chin and she opens her mouth, to get more air into her
starved lungs.  Then he kisses the corner of her mouth, and she almost
gives in.

But not quite.

She takes his face in her hand and squeezes, searing him
with a glare.  Then she reaches between them and grabs him by the
balls.  He grunts; but not unpleasantly.

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