Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)
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“You are my property Amanda and I won’t be satisfied until you divorce that other man and take my name.”

“I’m not marrying you James, and I am no one’s property.”

“Shut up, I want to christen that bed over there.”

“Go home James and let me get settled in, I can stay here alone tonight.”

“You sneaky little bitch, what are you up to?”



I could feel his hand knotting in my hair as he stared down on me, “Why did he have to look so good?”

“I need to call John, James.”

“No! I’m not going anywhere. In fact you are going home with me.”

He pulled me through the adjoining door.

Shit, I’ll have to wait. I sure don’t want to deal with James watching over my shoulder while I talk to him.






        James felt very good about the ground that he had gained this week. Having Amanda under the same roof was a big step in the right direction. He now held the purse strings to the company ‘Images’ too, and after all, any good business man knows that he who holds the bank account; rules the world. Yes, it had been a very productive week.













Chapter Fif


    It was Saturday night and I had a burr in my ass knowing that my woman was going to have to go and shoot TV in the morning with her husband.

I had pinned her down on the bed and I was right in her face interrogating her.

“Are you going to fuck him, Amanda? Tell me,” I growled. “Are you going to fuck him?”

The thought of that guy touching my woman infuriated me. I could literally feel my blood boiling.

I had stripped her down and was rough fucking her, grinding into her as hard as I could. I sunk my teeth into a breast and felt my cock jump when she screamed out. I knew that I shouldn’t be taking it out on her; but I was pissed.

I couldn’t remember ever being in this much of a jealous rage over any woman. What was it about Amanda that made me so crazy?

I pounded into her mercilessly, as she turned into a weakened puddle beneath me.

‘I’m fucking your brains out! You’re mine! You’re mine! Mine, mine, mine!”

I relentlessly fucked her as hard as I could, until I finally unloaded into her.

I fell off of her staring at the ceiling and she rolled over sobbing and cried herself to sleep. I knew that I should feel bad, but I felt nothing but anger. I hated John Hendricks; but no matter how badly I hated him, it wasn’t right for me to take it out on her.

I pulled her close to me as I listened to her breathing become steady due to sleep and I petted her hair feeling badly about taking my resentment towards John out on her.

I had to find a way to get her away from him; before somebody got hurt; or worse yet killed.











          I sat at my makeup table getting ready and ignored James’s glare as he stood in the door way watching. Being in the public eye meant wearing a game face and that is exactly what I was putting on right now. I couldn’t afford to get into it with James. My eyes were already swollen from crying myself to sleep the night before. My breasts had bite marks and bruises all over them and I still hurt from the brutality that I had endured the previous evening.

I was beginning to see a side of James that scared me
, yet exited me; so I guess that says something about me too. How fucked up was I? I had fallen for a man who blackmailed me, in order to keep his clutches in me.

James stood at the front door grasping my arms so tightly that it hurt. “You had better have your ass home right after that TV shoot Amanda. You don’t want me to have to come looking for you!”

I made my way to my car with my head held high, my back straight, my makeup done, and my bruises hidden, because my public could never know.



     James slammed the coffee cup against the wall shatteri
ng it into pieces.

I hate the thought of that guy touching my woman!

He slumped down with his head in his hands sobbing. Like it or not, James was in love with a married woman…















John and

      John coyly eyed me. “Well Amanda even though we are separated, I still have needs.”

The last thing that I wanted to do was sleep with my husband. James was accomplishing just what he had set out to do; he was making me his, more and more with each passing day. Though sex had never been that great with John, I couldn’t remember experiencing what I was feeling right now, I was repulsed by the thought of any other man than James touching me.

I’m terrible. I have allowed myself to fall in love with my blackmailer.

           There was also the matter of my battered and bruised chest. I didn’t want John to see it, he wouldn’t understand.

I know that it sounds crazy for me to stick up for James, but the bottom line is, I like the things that he does to me. Call it
brainwashed, Stockholm Syndrome; call it whatever you want to. I don’t expect people to understand our connection. The bottom line is: that there is a connection between us.

“Well John my tits are sore from just ge
tting off of my period so if you don’t mind my shirt being left on, then fine by me.

Hell, it won’t take but two minutes anyway.

“Well Amanda, if you expect me to make love to my wife while she is dressed; then just forget it.”

Fine by me, I didn’t want to anyway.

“Ok, let’s shoot TV,” I said, making my way to my studio chair.

The taping went without any hitches and I made my way back to the condo.















    I followed behind Amanda looking for any site of disheveled clothing. I knew that she hadn’t fucked him because she smelled like my Amanda.

She threw her things on her antique fainting
couch in her dressing room and turned to exit, running right into me.

I gently pulled her to me and passionately kissed her. I slowly unbuttoned her shirt and softly took a nipple in my mouth. “I’m sorry Amanda, so very sorry, please, please, oh fuck you make me crazy. Divorce him Amanda, before somebody gets killed.”

She placed a finger over my lips, “Shh, we will figure it out James.”

“Oh God, I love you so fucking much. You are making me crazy girl.”

I picked her up carefully laying her on the bed. I took her clothing off and for the first time that I can remember, I gently made love to the woman that I wanted to be my wife.



Chapter Sixteen

James and Amanda


           James wrestled around on the bed with Amanda playing with her. He reached over tweaking a nipple. “Hey Amanda thanks for buying me those tits for me; before you met me.”

“I bought them for me James.”

“Well they’re mine now. Don’t you know the ‘Creed of the Dom?’”

“No James but please enlighten me. I may need it for my college thesis on ‘The art of a Dom.’

“Well Amanda, it goes like this: ‘If you have it and I decide that I want it; then it’s mine. If it gets broken from being played with too roughly, then you can have it back. If I see that you are having fun with it, then I’m taking it again.”

Amanda busted out laughing, “Thank you so much for enlightening me. Did you make that up?”

“No, I read it somewhere and it suits me, don’t you think.”

“Absolutely, to a ‘T,’ James. To a ‘T

James was still straddling her looking at her with a dead serious look.

, like right now you have something that I want and I’m taking it.”

“You’re insatiable James.”

He peeled her legs back thrusting into her, “When it comes to you young lady, I am insatiable. Oh girl, watching your eyes roll back in your head like that is so freakin hot. Oh you are so much fun to play with. I can’t get enough of you Amanda.”













Chapter Seventeen


      I used the opportunity of James having to leave for work early
, to go by the house and pick some things up. I would regret it.

Snap, Snap, flash, flash, flash, “Yeah there it is; that’s the money shot.” Mike talked aloud
, as he continued taking incriminating shots of Amanda.

Mike dialed James number and continued to take pics
as he spoke on speaker phone.

“James, am I to understand that Amanda is only supposed to be at John’s house on Sundays?”

“Yes, you are correct,” James spoke through tightened lips.

“Well Sir, she is there now.”

“Keep up the good work, Mike.”

“Will do, Sir.”






    I was relieved when I made my way into work and James barely looked up from the phone call that he was on.

Once again I had sorely underestimated my blackmailer. It would be the last time that I ever did so.

James was nobody’s fool. He was a man of very keen insight and had an uncanny ability to read people. His ability to reme
mber the very smallest of details made it extremely hard to lie to him.

James was a man who was very hard to read and it served him well in business. He played his cards close to the vest and his emotions were only revealed to those whom he chose to reveal them to. You just never knew how much information that James held. He was unreadable when he chose to be and today; that is exactly what he had chosen to do.






James and Amanda

          James circled the guillotine type device eyeing his prey, he chuckled as he watched Amanda stomp her high heeled foot as she screamed at him. “I hate this thing!”

He came and kneeled in front of her taunting her by poking his lip out and pulling her bottom lip down with his thumb.

“I hate this thing,” she screamed out once again stomping her feet.

“I hate this thing,” he mocked.

“You bastard!”

He innocently smiled, taking his finger and flipping her lip up and down so that it made a motorboat noise.

“I like it when you call me a bastard,” he coyly smiled and leaned in like they had a secret and said, “It makes my dick hard.”

James rubbed in between his legs and showed her, “See I told you. Do you like it when I call you a slut, Amanda?”

“Hell no, I don’t like it you bastard!”

In a matter of seconds his face completely changed to some cold creature with black orbs for eyes. He viciously grabbed a handful of hair lifting her face to eye level. “Then why the hell are you acting like a slut? That is why I made you
take a shower; to wash his stench off of you.”

As soon as she opened her mouth to talk, he coldly eyed her shaking his head no
, signifying that he didn’t want to hear it.

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