Twist of Fate (21 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Twist of Fate
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The sun was baking hot, but I was too embarrassed to head to the water alone through the vast amount of guys holding up cards judging girls as they walked by. I huffed, then flipped on my stomach to work on my back. Caroline had been asleep for over an hour, and Ellie went to get us a drink at about the same time, and had yet to come back.

The feel of fingers on my back stirred me alive, then a hot body pressed against my back. I instantly tensed, but then smelled his familiar scent. He moved my hair to one side, then his mouth tickled my neck as he blew on it. "P, you're killing me with this suit."

I elbowed him in his gut lightly. "Get off of me," I squealed. He rolled over, but never took his hand off of my leg. I propped myself up, then looked down. "What's wrong with my suit?"

He grabbed my hands, pulling me to a sit, then held them out wide. "Nothing. Unless you're trying to grab the attention of every guy on this damn island."

"Please, I'm the most covered one here. Have you seen what these girls wear? I swear I've seen enough ass to last me a lifetime. And, we've only been here for a few hours."

"Well, some guys prefer to be left wondering what's under those little Billabong suits you wear." He wiggled his eyebrows, but started laughing when he saw the uncomfortable look on my face at his comment.

"Don't worry, P. I'll keep them off ya."
I flicked a handful of sand at him. "Don't you have some girl you need to deflower?"

He stared me in the eyes, his expression serious. "Maybe I'm looking at her."

His comment made me blink a few times, pondering his remark, but then I could see how he was trying to get a rise out of me. "Yeah, well, that flower was gone a long time ago, buddy."

His hand flew to his chest like he'd been hurt. "Ouch! P. That's just cruel."

A few girls walked by, every one had a thong bottom riding up their ass. Ben wiggled his eyes at me, then jumped up, ran in between two of them, wrapping one arm around each. The girls giggled, while I was left puking a little in my mouth.

"Caroline! Caroline!" I kicked her lightly to wake her. "I'm going to get a beer. Do you want one?"

She flipped over. "Thank, God! Where the hell is Ellie?"

I shrugged, wiping the sand from my calves. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

I felt like I was in a meat market. The entire walk different hands reached out to touch some part of my body. Each time I tried to look at who was doing it, they held their hands up to say it wasn't them. Guys!

I'd just yelled out to the bartender for some beers, and showed him the band wrapped around my wrist proving I was of age. Ben got me a killer fake I.D., better than the one I had before. One that I was starting to feel very guilty about using, but I'd made myself put that guilt to the back burner. It was my first real spring break. He poured two coronas into green plastic cups, then handed them to me. My feet just touched the sand to the beach, when someone jumped out in front of me. I almost lost the cups behind me, but gained composure.

"Hey, I remember you. We had Psychology together last year with Professor Payne. Paige, right? We did a paper together. I haven't seen you around campus all year. Did you switch schools?"

I was speechless, as she stared me down. "You must have me mistaken with someone else." I started to walk around her, but she kept following me.

"No. I remember you. You dated that guy from Sig Ep."

I looked around then lowered my voice. "Listen, I said you have the wrong girl. Now please leave me alone." She pulled back from me, and I could tell she thought I was crazy. I gave her one last look, then moved a little faster to get to Caroline.

"Here," I said, shoving it in her hand.

She held her hand up over her eyes, blocking out the sun. "What crawled up your ass?"

I chewed my bottom lip going over the quick conversation. "It's nothing. I'm sure it's nothing." I slammed my beer in one long gulp, then handed her my cup. "Your turn."

I glanced down the beach, and Cindy from psychology was nowhere in sight. I took a few deep breaths, in and out, convincing myself she had nothing to do with Carson. It was a decent size school, and it was purely coincidental that she was here on Padre Island.
I thought about finding Tommy to tell him, but then decided I didn't want a babysitter on Spring Break. I was here to have fun with my friends.

It was the first night and we had decided to spend it at a place called Louie's Backyard. Supposedly, it was the place to party. And, even though seeing Cindy today scared me a little, I pushed it away and jumped in the shower to get ready. The warmth of the water scolded my tender skin, so I made it a little cooler, since the sun hadn't been too kind to me today.
Ellie and Caroline were fighting about getting in next, while I did my best to block it out letting the water soak me. It wasn't until ten o'clock that the three of us had washed, dried, flat ironed, and changed three times and were finally ready to go.

We each flashed our teeth one last time in the mirror to make sure there was no lingering basil from the pizza, dabbed on some extra gloss, then swung open the door. The boys were next door with their door propped open, and music blasting. They were obviously having a great time. I was a little nervous to see Ben with what I had on tonight. It was one of my skimpier dresses, that hugged every single curve that God gave me, and a pair of heels that would make Paris Hilton green with envy. They were a present from my father's new wife. She was a firm believer in the whole shoes make the outfit idea. Right now, I couldn't agree more. I really wasn't trying to get the attention of horny college guys by wearing it, I just wanted one guy to notice. And, he was knee deep in half-naked college girls.

Their room had at least twenty people inside, a keg tapped, and several girls wearing half tops that read South Padre Island. I should've known this was what to expect. Ben wasn't going to change, not for me. He IS one of those horny college guys, and I had no desire to be another notch on his bedpost. He was standing on top of a chair pouring a funnel down some poor girl's throat. Her tanned stomach was the first thing that I noticed, the next was her long brown hair touching the floor as her had tipped back. I felt like pulling her aside to warn her what he was after, but then again, I was pretty sure she was after the same thing. Beer gushed out of her mouth, the rest of the liquid in the funnel splashed all over the floor. She licked her lips, smiling, seductively at him, her hands ran up his thighs, until they rested on his manhood.

I turned away to bolt, but he yelled out my name, pushing her hand away. "P, get your tiny ass in here and show these Chicago girl's how it's done." Then he stopped, like he was actually seeing me. His eyes widened, the funnel in his hand fell to the floor, and the next thing I knew he was standing right in front of me.

He looked at Ellie, then to Caroline, then back at me. "You heading out?"

Ellie grabbed one of the shots sitting on the table. "Hell, yes!" Then she sucked it back like a pro. She handed me one. "C'mon, girl! We are going out there tonight and finding some hot ass guys to take us home."

I grabbed the shot, looked Ben right in the eyes, tipped the glass, letting the tequila slowly slide down my throat. "I'm ready when you guys are."

Tommy came over lighting fast. "Damn, Paige what the hell are you wearing?"

Ben looked happy with his comment as he crossed his arms waiting for a reply. "Yeah, what's with that dress? You realize what guys think when chicks wear those, right?"

I shrugged, stepping so close I could feel the heat of his breath on me. "You're the pro, why don't you tell me?"

He grunted loudly, disgusted."Grow up, Paige. I'm sick of doing this with you. I don't care what you wear." Even as he said he that he didn't care, his eyes were telling a different story. I could read almost every emotion he had just by the look he gave me. This one screamed jealousy.

Caroline came to my rescue by tugging me by my waist. "Louie's is calling, let's go."

As soon as we walked out, the door slammed behind us with a force that made the three of us jump. Ellie was laughing, trying to contain herself from what she really wanted to say, so I stopped dead in my tracks.

I glared ate her. "Just say it, Ellie."

She held both her hands up, smiling. "I just wish you two would have sex already. It's getting painful to watch the foreplay."

"Gross! If I wanted to catch a STD I'd find a better way."

Caroline slipped one arm in mine, and one in Ellie's. "Let's go, the men are waiting."


Chapter 26

I almost shit myself when Paige walked in. She'd never looked sexier, and I didn't know how to handle it. So, what did I do-I pissed her off, and sent her out looking like a fucking goddess to some douchebag who would throw some cheesy ass line at her to get her home for the night.

It was one in the morning, and our party had increased in size. I'd had a ridiculous amount to drink already, and the only thing I wanted to do was to go find Paige.

"Tommy, let's go find the girls?" I said, as I pulled him apart from the brunette dry humping him.

"Bro, you go find Paige if you want. I'm not going anywhere." He pulled her back up, planting one on her. Next thing I knew I was watching her tongue lick his chin, then slip back into his mouth.

I rubbed my face harshly, squeezing my eyes shut trying to think of what to do. I could easily stay, have possibly one of the best nights of my life since three girls have offered to stay with me for the night-all of us together, or I could go make sure no one was groping Paige.

The fake blond who offered up the after party came over helping me with my decision. Her fingers ran around my neck, as she hands off the shaker of salt, and a lemon wedge. She lied back on the table, blowing me a kiss before she laid all the way down, then poured the shot onto her stomach. I didn't hesitate. I sprinkled some salt in my mouth, sucked her stomach dry, then took the lemon between my lips, forcing her to suck it with me. The whole place was going wild, cheering us on that I wasn't even aware that she has her hands down my pants until I felt her nails dig into me.

I jumped back. "Whoa! Easy, girl," I told her. It had nothing to do with me not wanting her, just wasn't down with too many eyes watching. I was never one to put on a show in front of an audience. She sat up, pressing her lips hard on mine, then excused herself to the bathroom. I knew she wanted me to follow her by her come get me eyes, but I needed some air, so I made my way outside. I wasn't in a rush, I knew she'd be waiting in there until I showed back up. I grabbed a beer on the way out, resting my arms over the ledge to the balcony. A few people below were getting cozy on some beach recliners, and I smiled. This had been one hell of a night to kick off Spring Break.
It wasn't until I heard Paige's cute little nervous giggle that I froze. I rubbed my eyes, shaking my head back and forth several times trying to readjust my vision since it seemed totally blurred from drinking. Once I had a clear view, my hands formed into balls at the side of me, because I saw some guy straddling her.

Her hands ran over his shoulders, and he said something I couldn't make out from here, so I quietly made my way to the stairs. It was then that I heard him ask her, "C'mon, let's go to your room."

I waited for what seemed like forever for her answer. "Sure, why not?" He jumped off of her, grabbing her hand to pull her up. I was still too shell shocked from her agreeing, that I hadn't moved. It wasn't until she ran up the steps with her hand still in his that I walked up to her. There was no way in hell I was letting this happen.

She slammed into me. "Hey, Ben," she said like it was no big deal what she was doing. "This is Aaron." She looked at him giggling, and I could tell she was loaded. "This is Ben. Now that we're all introduced," she pushed me aside, "excuse us, Ben."

I grabbed her harder than I probably should've by her shoulder. "Are you fucking out of your mind? You don't know this guy, P."

Paige peeked over my shoulder, peering into my room. "That's funny coming from you. I highly doubt you know any of the girls you crawl into bed with."

I tried to crack the tension that hit me like a ton of bricks by cracking my neck back and forth. "That's different."

Her hands flew to her hips. "Why? Because I'm a girl? I hate double-standards, and right now you are not on the top of my list. Now excuse me, so I can go get laid."

I thought my mouth dropped to the floor, but I wasn't sure. It sure felt like I needed to pick it up to close it. I went to say something to her, but instead he was the only thing in my line of sight. I was seething mad, and I wanted to hit something-hard. "Aaron is it?"

He was smiling at Paige, but looked back up to me. "What's it to you, man?"

I grabbed him by his collar, pulling him away from Paige, throwing him up against the railing. Paige was screaming behind me, grabbing my shoulders trying to yank me away from him. "If I were you, I'd get the fuck out of here and forget where she's staying." To his credit he didn't try fighting me off, however it could've been the sleeper hold I had him in, he couldn't move even if he wanted.
Paige was still screaming obscenities at me, as Tommy and Jack pulled "Aaron" out of my grip, when all I saw was red.

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