I hope you’ll let me know how you felt about this story, and I’d love to send you a signed bookmark or my brochure of Pennsylvania Dutch recipes. You can write to me at Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279, e-mail me at:
marta@martaperry.com, or visit me on the Web at: www.martaperry.com.
1. Can you understand the difficulty Jade experienced in starting a new life in Montana? Have you ever struggled to deal with a major life change like this? If so, how did God and other people help you with it?
2. Jade’s grief at the loss of her sister is complicated by the threat to her and by her own sense of guilt. Did you empathize with her?
3. Jade had drifted away from God at a time when she felt God didn’t hear her. Has this every happened to you? How did you deal with it?
4. Micah struggles with the conflict he sees between his duties as a lawman and his natural empathy for Jade. Did you understand his struggle between duty and love?
5. The depth of her grief over her sister’s death eventually brings Jade back to God. Have you ever experienced something that suddenly made you aware of your need for God?
6. The scripture verse for this story was the first one I memorized as a child, and it never fails to give me strength, particularly the hymn setting for the Psalm that I mention in the story. Do you have a verse that gives you strength in this way?
7. Micah feels he has to choose between his instincts and following the rules in order to protect Jade. Did you understand his actions? Do you think he was right?
8. Jade is touched by the unselfish actions of a perfect stranger when Ms. Carson rescues them in the storm. Have you ever experienced that? Do you feel that God sent someone to you, or that God sent you to be “a raven” to someone else?
9. Because of the chaos of her early life, Jade needed order and permanence surrounding her. Did that make her more vulnerable to the stresses of finding life out of her control? How do you think she coped with that?
10. Did you sympathize with the life Jade wanted to create for herself when she moved to Montana? How do our surroundings give us a sense of peace?
11. Micah compared himself to his older brother and his father and felt he was lacking. Is there anyone in your life you look up to in that way? Is it possible to look up to someone without making yourself feel less worthy in comparison?
12. Which character in the story did you feel exemplified Christ-like behavior? Why?
13. What did it take to bring Jade to the point that she could trust enough to love?
14. Did you end the book feeling eager to read the next installment in the series?
ISBN: 978-1-4268-4690-8
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Document Outline
About the Author
Title Page
Epigraph Page
Dedication Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Questions for Discussion
Copyright Page