Twin Passions: 3 (14 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Twin Passions: 3
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Chapter Fourteen


No decision had been made to her punishment. The Ruling Sashtain Wizards had commanded her Consortors to take her to her room. They were to remain with her, with only a spell of exit placed upon her door rather than actual guards.

That spell would not keep them bound inside; all it would do was notify the Guardian, her Consortors and Garron should they leave the rooms.

On the morn, they would discuss what would come next, the Keeper of Covenan informed her.

What would come next, Astra wondered. She could imagine nothing but banishment from the royal estates at the least. There was always the chance Marina could take from her the gifts Covenan had given her, her place as Keeper in Waiting of the Mystic Lands.

Only Marina herself had the power to do such a thing though, never a mother with such bleak, dark hatred inside her.

To take that power from her would be a fate worse than death, no matter who struck the magickal blow to sever the bonds.

To take her Wizards from her, though, would be death itself.

Marina had sent her to the magick pools beneath the castle rather than confining her with her Delmari Consortors. There, she was prepared for her warriors as she should have been that first night.

The curls that shielded the sensitive flesh of her pussy and aching clitoris were shorn by magick, leaving her forever bare to the forces of her Consortors’ touch, as well as their magick.

She was cleansed thoroughly, Sorceresses in waiting as well as those older, Joined Sorceresses accompanied her, their talks of Joinings and men bringing gales of laughter to the much younger ladies attending Astra.

Would her Guardian have her put to death after ensuring her this night of magick and bonding with the Wizards meant to belong to Astra for life?

Surely she would not. Never had Astra known Marina to have a cruel bone in her body.

She was then taken to a solitary room with orders to rest from her trials. Exhaustion had been pulling at her for hours, but the thought that this might be her last night with her Consortors had kept her strength from waning.

Yet the moment her head touched the pillows and the brushed silk of the sheets drawn to her shoulders, Astra found herself sleeping, locked in dreams of happiness and her Consortors’ smiles.

So much so that the twin moons of Sentmar were rising to herald the end of another day before she awoke to a meal and yet more of the gentle pampering reserved for Sorceresses heading for their Joining.

As the twin moons rose high in the night sky, she was taken to her room where her Consortors awaited her. Marina’s message to her had been such that Rhydan and Torran had been behind closed doors with the Rulers in Waiting for most of the day, giving them much of the information they had gleaned from their attempts to discover how far the dark magick had infiltrated into the warrior sentinel ranks.

Now, after a day of rest without their touch, she found herself aching for them, her need for them settling in the pit of her stomach and clenching the depths of her pussy as she faced them.

“We have this night,” Torran stated as he faced her, slowly disrobing by hand rather than magick. “We will not waste it with worry or doubt of our actions, Astra. This night, we will take as ours.”

Her lips curved at the bit of amusement that statement brought.

“Did we not have the past day, before Alisante’s less-than-polite intrusion, as our own?”

Rhydan gave a small grunt of acknowledgement. “Aye, and I am far from sated, Consortress. I would have far more of you.”

With his words spoken, her clothing melted from her, disappearing and falling to the floor by the simple act of a wave of his hand.

They may have disrobed by hand, but it was by magick they removed her clothing, as though unable to wait to see her nakedness. The brush of air against the curves of her breasts, caressing the elongated tips of her nipples, had a small tremor of hunger racing down her spine.

Would she get enough of their touch?

Nay, she believed it would never be possible.

As she stood before them, their magick wrapped around her, she suddenly found herself impossibly aroused, more aroused than ever, by the fact that she was restrained.

Wizard magick bound her, its strength holding her in place. She was powerless, owning naught but her own magick in which to stroke or to pleasure them.

Breathing in slow and deep, determined to hold to the last thread of sanity, she sent that magick to do just that. To caress and stroke and pleasure them as she knew they would pleasure her.

It slipped along the tensed muscles of their legs, twined along their powerful thighs, then the sensation of her fingers wrapping about the hardened, thickened shafts had a gasp parting her lips.

Sensual magick telegraphed the feel of them, the heat and pulsating hunger in them to her fingertips, along her fingers and palms and had her aching for more.

“Ah Consortress, ease your magick before you steal the last of any control we may have,” Torran groaned, his voice harsh now with his need.

Easing her magick along each hard length of their cocks, it then wrapped along the taut sacs of their balls, tightened delicately and stroked with movements as sensual as the hunger surging through her.

As they neared her, nothing mattered but feeling their touch. But touching them.

She didn’t bother to fight the bonds of magick as they moved behind her.

“So long we have hungered for you, Consortress.” Rhydan moved slowly behind her, his hands and his magick caressing down her back to her buttocks.

“We have ached for you, love,” Torran rasped, his voice low, stroking like roughened velvet over her senses, weakening her with the need that rushed through her.

Behind her, Rhydan’s hands stroked over her buttocks, his fingers gripping the rounded curves, parting them, sending a strike of sensual pleasure-pain at the tender opening.

Astra felt her breath tight in her chest as Rhydan lifted her then and carried her to the bed. Laying her to allow her stomach to rest against the bed, her warriors moved to the mattress with her.

“Ease up,” Torran whispered, his magick lifting her shoulders as Rhydan’s hands gripped her hips and raised her to her knees.

Kneeling before Torran, his hard warrior’s fingers clenching his cock and pressing it to her mouth, Astra opened her lips willingly.

His other hand cupped her cheek as her lips opened over him and drew the hard crest inside. The immediate taste of male passion, a bit salty, all heat, seared her senses.

Behind her, Rhydan’s lips touched the small of her back as his magick eased through the cleft of her rear and found the tender bud of her anus.

The threads of heated sensation had her back arching, a moan vibrating over the cock filling her mouth. This pleasure was insidious, thundering through her veins and igniting her magick with explosive results.

Closing her lips around the thick, flared crest of Torran’s cock, she sucked it deep, her tongue lashing beneath, rubbing, tasting the throbbing excitement that filled it.

Rhydan kissed along her buttocks, parted her thighs farther and slid his hand between them. Cupping the bare mound of her pussy, his fingers found the saturated slit and swollen bud of her clit. Stroking there, rubbing against the side of the delicate bundle of nerves, he had her hips writhing before him.

Only to still, shock racing through her as Rhydan parted the rounded curves and slid his tongue to the tightly puckered entrance of her ass. It was shocking. Exciting. It was every sensual pleasure a woman could dream of.

His tongue licking and stroking, probing at the tiny entrance and pushing against it. Flares of reactive pleasure shot through her, heated her, and had her crying out against the heavy length of Torran’s cock easing deeper between her lips.

“Sweet Sorceress,” he groaned. “So hot your mouth is, wrapped around my cock. Suck it, love.” His voice roughened as his hand slid into her hair, tightened and held her still as he began to fuck her mouth slow and deep.

The slow, inward strokes increased as she tightened her lips and sucked at the hard head. Her tongue rubbed beneath, causing his body to tighten further, his strokes gaining marginally in speed.

“How pretty,” Torran moaned, his dark-blue gaze glittering with pleasure as he stared down at her. “How pretty your lips are stretched about my cock, your eyes gleaming with such magick.”

His words stroked the sparkling explosions of magick running through her veins and intensified the pleasure of Rhydan’s tongue probing at her ass.


“Suck my dick, love,” Torran groaned, watching as Rhydan licked and probed at the sensitive entrance of her rear. “Show me how you enjoy Rhydan’s touch. His tongue fucking your pretty ass.”

Clenching, her body shuddering in pleasure, she could do nothing but cry out in protest as Torran pulled back, taking the treat she was enjoying with such relish as Rhydan’s lips and tongue moved from her rear.

Then they were turning her, laying her back on the bed and trading places.

Torran came over her, his lips moving over hers, taking them, kissing her with a slow, sweet glide of his lips then turning the kiss decadently as his tongue came into play and his magick slid over her body. The caress of his power worked lower, brushing over her breasts, stroking to her stomach before sliding through the narrow slit of her pussy.

His lips traveled from her mouth to her neck. This tongue licked and stroked, moved to her nipples, covered a tight peak and suckled it into the heated warmth of his mouth.

As he played at the sensitive peaks his magick moved about the bare flesh of her pussy, stroking, slipping through the swollen, wet folds, preparing her flesh for his ultimate touch.

Abandoning her nipples Torran’s kisses moved lower, his lips brushing over her stomach, moving to the aching flesh of her pussy as Astra turned to Rhydan, her hands reaching for him, her fingers curling over the length of his cock and drawing it to her as he knelt before her.

The engorged head of Rhydan’s cock slipped past her lips as Torran’s tongue slid through the slit of her pussy. Licking, stroking, probing at the shallow curves. As it circled her clitoris the tip rubbed against it, stroking the thin hood against the live bundle of nerve endings and sending her senses flying.

She was arching. Sucking at Rhydan’s cock with abandon as Torran licked and sucked at her greedy pussy.

“Ah, sweet Astra,” Rhydan moaned. “Show me how much you enjoy Torran’s tongue lapping all that sweet cream from you pussy. Show me, love. Convince me how you need a hard, hot cock filling your little cunt as another tunnels up that tight, hot little ass.”

She showed them. Nursing on his cock with abandon as her hips writhed beneath Torran’s lips and tongue.

The air filled with magick. Strands of the palest blue, the richest of navy and the turbulent, darkening colors of emerald as it stroked over them.

The blues twined about her body, moved between the globes of her ass and the swollen folds of her pussy.

The navy wrapped about her nipples, stroked down her back, while the emerald color of her magick wrapped around their balls and Torran’s cock, torturing them as they tortured her.

“I can take no more of this,” Torran suddenly growled.

Rising from between her thighs as Rhydan drew back from her hungry lips, they lifted her, shifting her body until she was straddling Torran and Rhydan was moving swiftly behind her.

Positioning her, the broad head of his cock pressing into the folds of her pussy, Torran began sinking his cock into her sex. Slow, tortured thrusts. She took him an inch at a time as the feel of Rhydan’s magick lubricating her ass had her bearing down on the cock fucking into her pussy.

She tried to writhe closer, her hips pressing down, desperate to fill her cunt with the wide, iron-hot heat of the shaft impaling her.

A harsh groan left Torran’s lips as he suddenly thrust in hard, taking her to the hilt as Rhydan came closer behind her.

Hard hands held her hips still and steady, keeping her in place as the thick width of Rhydan’s shaft pressed between her buttocks, tucked against the snug, puckered entrance of her ass and began to penetrate slowly.

Pleasure-pain, an agonizing splendor unlike anything imagined, attacked her senses then.

Astra could feel her anus milking his dick inside her, trying to pull him deeper as the feel of Torran’s cock throbbing in her pussy nearly drove her to madness.

She couldn’t move. Her hips were locked to Torran’s, his magick and his hands holding her still, forcing her to experience each shallow thrust, each fiery, stretching thrust inside her ass as she cried out in an agony of need.

“Finish it,” she cried out desperately, her nails raking at Torran’s shoulders. “Mercy, Rhydan. Please, please fuck my ass now.”

She screamed in pleasure. Or was it pain? Agony or ecstasy?

Whichever it was, the narrow channel took every inch of the turgid flesh and sucked at it, flexing around the pulsing shafts that filled her rear as well as her pussy.

Not that she was given but moments to adjust to the feel of them. To the pleasure attacking each portion of her body.

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