Twiggy (32 page)

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Authors: Andrew Burrell

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“It is Swan’s job”: Malcolm Turnbull, “Not Classy, Wayne”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 16 March 2012.

“All it takes for evil to conquer”: “Mining Tax Evil, Says Fortescue Founder”, ABC radio, 16 November 2012.

case should be seen for what it is”: Commonwealth submission, Fortescue Metals Group & Ors v The Commonwealth of Australia, High Court, 2012.

“I think Andrew Forrest is owed an apology”:
The World Today
, ABC radio, 13 February 2013.



“the town’s notorious jail housed”: WA Department of Indigenous Affairs,
Roebourne Report: Issues, Current Reponses
and Strategies for Consideration
, Government of Western Australia, July 2009.

“remarkably strong sense of connection”: Daniel v Western Australia [2003] FCA 666 (3 July 2003).

“My grandfather wanted me to realise”: author interview with Michael Woodley, 2013.

“before welfare ‘destroyed’ them”: Andrew Forrest, address to the National Press Club, 2 May 2012.

“Suddenly, you don’t
have an economic model”: Joel Gibson, “A Way Out of the Wilderness”,
The Age
, 4 October 2008.

“‘welfare lobby’ that is ‘powerful’ and ‘nasty’”: Forrest, interviewed by Peter Thompson.

“idiot, feelgood white Australia”: Victoria Laurie, “Twiggy’s Intervention”,
The Australian
, 20 February 2008.

“When you hear ‘smoke for a poke’”: Forrest, interviewed by Peter Thompson.

bought the most powerful”: Forrest, interviewed by Peter Thompson.

“Ian Black was the prized son”: Andrew Forrest, interviewed by Peter Thompson.

“Working makes me feel like I’ve got structure”: GenerationOne video, 2012.

“We don’t want to be left behind”: Kris Dixon, quoted in “Never, Ever Give Up”.

“We want this contract”: Fortescue, ASX announcement, “Fortescue Awards More
Than $1 Billion in Contracts to Aboriginal Businesses”, 6 August 2013.

“the disparity in living conditions”: Marcia Langton, “Busted by the Boom”,
The Weekend Australian
, 24 April 2010.

“Whenever an Aboriginal group negotiates”: Marcia Langton, 2012 Boyer Lectures, 18 November 2012.

“they are being lured into high-paid mining jobs”: author interview with Michael Woodley, 2013.

“They think we will piss it up the wall”: author interview with Michael Woodley, 2013.

“Yarri’s operations would affect the viability”: Nick Evans, “Forrest Loses Latest Round”,
The West Australian
, 31 January 2013.

“we have always been one Yindjibarndi people”: Steve Pennells, “Red Earth Dreaming,
The Weekend West
, 23–24 April 2011.

“it would not ‘pay quite the same money’”:
“Iron and Dust”,
Four Corners
, ABC TV, 18 July 2011.

“Fortescue had ‘created’ the splinter group”: “Conflicting Information, Interests and Land Owners Dog FMG”,
, ABC TV, 20 November 2012.

“On the face of it, this was an Aboriginal meeting”: “Conflicting information, interests and land owners dog FMG”,

“it did incite racial hatred”: Pennells, “Red Earth Dreaming”.

“more than 20,000 times”: “FMG Great Native Title Swindle Part 1”, video,

“been viewed about 8000 times”: “The True Yindjibarndi Story”, video,

“It’s the same old story”: Stephen Hagan, “A Flawed Native Title Meeting That Could Be Twiggy’s Curse”,
National Indigenous Times
, 14 April 2011.

was the worst, most reprehensible experience”: Paul Cleary, “Miner Tried to Fudge Study: Anthropologist”,
The Australian
, 17 October 2012.

“It is not uncommon for us to raise queries”: Cleary, “Miner Tried to Fudge Study”.

“Lillian Maher did not declare”: Paul Cleary, “Native Title Boss Didn’t Reveal Ties with FMG”,
The Australian
, 17 November 2012.

“Kangeenarina Creek has a story
associated”: Department of Indigenous Affairs, briefing note to Minister for Indigenous Affairs, 23 December 2011.

“FMG’s compliance with the AHA has been variable”: Department of Indigenous Affairs, memorandum, James Cook to Cliff Weeks, 1 February 2012.

“Collier denied that his duty to protect indigenous heritage”: Neale Prior, “Minister Denies Favours for Mate”,
The West Australian
, 4 June 2011.

“unduly influenced by your friendship”: “WA Minister Clams Up on FMG Complaint”,
, 21 December 2011.

“a weak and morally wrong decision”: “WA Minister Clams Up on FMG Complaint”.

“unless she agreed to delete sections”: Sue Singleton, letter to Registrar of Aboriginal Sites, 5 November 2011.

“a ‘local’ archaeological firm could better provide”: Singleton, letter
to Registrar of Aboriginal Sites.

“The heritage department is very focused”: author interview with anonymous former Fortescue consultant, 2013.

“We have spent many millions of dollars to protect”: “Fortescue Rejects Claims of Unlawful Heritage Dealing”, media release, 7 November 2011.

“Under the deal with Anaconda”: Duncan Graham, “Anaconda in Historic Deal with WA Aborigines”,
The Age
, 4 April 1997.

“It shows we can share”: Graham, “Anaconda in Historic Deal with WA Aborigines”.

“That man has a lot to answer for”: Marcus Priest, “Brand New Day?”
The Australian Financial Review Magazin
e, 28 July 2006.

“They have promised the world”: John Flint, “Aborigines to Sue Miner”,
The Sunday Times
, 28 April 2002.

“the new deal removed significant heritage”:
Priest, “Brand New Day?”

“I didn’t know what was going on”: Andrew Trounson & Kevin Andrusiak, “FMG’s Native Title Deal Unravels”,
The Australian
, 13 August 2005.

“They had us in a tight corner”: Trounson & Andrusiak, “FMG’s Native Title Deal Unravels”.

“pushed their way into our offices”: Priest, “Brand New day?”

“constantly being pushed and pulled”: Yamatji Malpa Aboriginal
Corporation, media release, 18 July 2008.

“While mining companies make billions”: Yamatji Malpa Aboriginal Corporation, media release, 15 October 2009.

“the process of negotiating”: Yamatji Malpa Aboriginal Corporation, media release, 4 June 2010.

“It amazes me to hear”: “Iron and Dust”,
Four Corners

“They want to force upon indigenous people”: author interview with Simon
Hawkins, 2013.

“If he didn’t have a mining company”: author interview with Michael Woodley, 2013.

“he has delivered on all his promises”: author interview with Clinton Wolf, 2013.

“When I was a kid”: author interview with Clinton Wolf, 2013.



“One of the reasons I became a Christian”: Andrew Forrest, speech to Pastoralists and Graziers
Association of Western Australia convention, September 2012.

“I get all the inspiration”: Paul Lampathakis, “Twiggy’s Big Leap of Faith”,
The Sunday Times
, 2 May 2010.

“He wasn’t really religious”: author interview with anonymous friend of Andrew Forrest, 2013.

“because that is what gives life to people”: Nicola Forrest chats to Debbie Gould,
Deb’s Place
, TV program, episode 5.

“What all my kids know”: Drummond, “Forrest Fire”.

“If this acts as an accelerant”: Andrew Burrell, “Miner Shows Charity Mettle”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 21 September 2007.

“If the options had been issued”: Neil Chenoweth, “Charity Begins at Home for Forrest”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 19 August 2010.

“The ACT did indeed receive a huge donation”: Neil Chenoweth,
“Charity Begins at Home for Forrest”.

“As I was driven into work”: Forrest v Commissioner of Taxation [2010] FCAFC 6 (5 February 2010).

“When the media revealed the nature of the deal”: Peter Klinger, “Glencore’s $3.5m Anaconda Squeeze”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 11 June 2002.

“These were ‘administrative oversights’”: John Phaceas, “Forrest Gets Trust Cash”,
The West Australian
, 8 June 2002.

“Don’t we all do something for our personal tax gains”: “The Mine Field”,
Four Corners

“Forrest said he was hurt by criticism”: “The Mine Field”,
Four Corners

“The donation that Andrew sought”: “The Mine Field”,
Four Corners

“If we were too sensitive”:
Australian Philanthropy
, Issue 81, May 2012.

“to call the indigenous employment pact a ‘covenant’”: Nicola
Forrest chats to Debbie Gould,
Deb’s Place
, TV program, episode 5.

“50,000 jobs in two years”: author interview with anonymous source, 2013.

“It was a complete hit to the solar plexus”: Sarah Elks & Patricia Karvelas, “Twiggy Eyes 50,000 Jobs”,
The Australian
, 4 August 2008.

“This is the Australian Employment Covenant”: Elks & Karvelas, “Twiggy Eyes 50,000 Jobs”.

“verging on
being slightly dangerous rhetoric”: “Indigenous Jobs, Time to Fix Great Wrong: Rudd”,
, ABC Radio, 30 October 2008.

“claiming Rudd had not followed through”: Andrew Burrell, “Twiggy Ups Challenge in Indigenous Jobs”,
The Australian
, 30 April 2012.

“represented a notable shift in the landscape”: K. Jordan & D. Mavec,
Corporate Initiatives In Indigenous Employment: The Australian Employment
Covenant Two Years On
, ANU, working paper 74 of 2010.

“I’ve shared with the prime minister”: “Forrest Stands by Indigenous Employment Scheme”,
, ABC radio, 4 August 2008.

“The problem is structural”: author interview with Warren Mundine, 2013.

“I just wanted to drag myself out of bed”: author interview with Warren Mundine, 2013.

“A lot of people say all sorts”: author interview
with Warren Mundine, 2013.

“I was blown away”: author interview with David Collard, 2013.

“Cate Blanchett … whom he described as a ‘mate’”: Grant McArthur & Cheryl Critchley, “Cate Brings Ray of Hope”,
Herald Sun
, 30 March 2009.

“In a recession, in a smashed economy”: Nick Lenaghan, “Sounds of Support Touch Stricken Town”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 29 June 2009.

is one of the people”: Paul Barry, “Twiggy’s Bushfire Assistance ‘inspiring’”,
The Power Index
, 14 March 2012.

“He told us to take a ride in the chopper”: Barry, “Twiggy’s Bushfire Assistance ‘inspiring’”.

“I had one of Australia’s richest men”: Julie-Anne Davies, “Magnate Donates Homes to Fire Town”,
The Australian
, 28 February 2009.

“I couldn’t fault him”: author interview with
John Brumby, 2012.

“while Forrest’s generosity was appreciated”: author interview with anonymous Marysville community leader, 2013.

“The Victorian taxpayer was left with a bill”: author interview with anonymous Marysville community leader, 2013.

“Twiggy’s a very complicated individual”: author interview with anonymous Marysville community leader, 2013.

“They [the shares] are
dividend-creating”: Stephen Bevis, “Miner Gives Millions to Support Art Endeavours”,
The West Australian
, 24 August 2011.

“I laughed and said, ‘Mate’”: author interview with Warren Mundine, 2013.

“fastest-growing global online movement ever”: email to author from Nick Grono, 2013.

“We’re able to reach into the most influential families”: Nick Evans, “Miner’s Next Mission is to Tackle
The West Australian
, 3 December 2012.

“Andrew and Nicola’s ‘amazing leadership’”: Julia Gillard, speech at International Women’s Day breakfast, 8 March 2013.

“his boss is highly dedicated”: email to author from Nick Grono, 2013.

“his most inspiring historical figure”: Anthony DeCeglie, “Don’t Write WA Off”,
The Sunday Times
, 7 July 2013.

“Forrest’s favourite book”:
DeCeglie, “Don’t Write WA Off”.

“‘the vast majority’ of their fortune”: Andrew and Nicola Forrest, The Giving Pledge, 2013.

“With laughter we read”: Andrew and Nicola Forrest, The Giving Pledge, 2013.

“Charity is not a substitute for paying tax”: James Massola, “Twiggy to Fight World Slavery”,
The Australian Financial Review
, 2 June 2012.

“He’s not unaware of how philanthropic
issues”: author interview with anonymous former Fortescue executive “F”, 2013.

“I genuinely believe he wants to do good”: author interview with Warwick Grigor, 2013.

“He does not want people”: Michael Sainsbury & Russell Skelton, “Twiggy’s Big Giveaway”,
Good Weekend
, 30 March 2013.

“one of the world’s greatest philanthropists”: author interview with John Poynton, 2013.



“I still walk around barefoot”: Jacobs, “$2 Billion Man Seizes the Moment”.

“Once you can look after your own needs”: Stewart, “The Accidental Billionaire”.

“they dined on quail”: Knight, “Lunch with Andrew Forrest”.

“you have a perfectly good boat”: Stewart, “The Accidental Billionaire”.

“Shoot me if I ever get a private jet”: author interview
with anonymous friend of Andrew Forrest, 2012.

“When I first met him”: author interview with Rodney Adler, 2013.

“During a tour of the station”: Katherine Fleming, “Forrest at Home in Red Dust”,
The West Australian
, 30 April 2012.

“To see the look on my brother’s face”: Fleming, “Forrest at Home in Red Dust”.

“the size of a small town”: WA Mining Warden’s Court decision, FMG
Chichester v Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting, 24 August 2007.

“It was difficult to fathom”: FMG Chichester v Rinehart and Hancock Prospecting.

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