Twice the Love (2 page)

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Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Twice the Love
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“The bathroom is through here,” added Lee,
indicating another doorway.

“Thank you. Should I unpack now?”

Cherry knew exactly what she’d done. She’d left
her home and agreed to come and live here with these two men. Men she’d just
now met for the first time, but who she felt she knew well enough to trust.
Certainly they couldn’t have been kinder to her, but it was all very new and strange
and just a little bit frightening, too. Although maybe that was the jet lag

“Would you like to do it yourself, or should we
help you?” asked Harry.

“Maybe if you just talk to me while I unpack?
Tell me about this area and your neighbors. Where do I go to shop, and that
sort of thing?”

The men carried in her luggage and sat on the
bed as she unpacked. Cherry noticed their English became a lot smoother and
less stilted as they talked, and she realized that they’d been as nervous about
meeting her as she was about meeting them. Now they sounded just as they had in
their many online and Skype conversations. Cherry recalled when she first
realized she no longer had any reason to stay in
. If she was ever going to
live out her dreams, now was the time to start.

“Mr. Wang is an elderly widower. He doesn’t
speak English and his unmarried son was killed in the War of Liberation just
before it ended in 1950. That was such a tragedy for him,” Harry said soberly.

“Mr. Zheng is single, in his forties. He speaks
business English. He travels to
frequently with his company.”

“We’ll take you to the shops and introduce you
to the shopkeepers tomorrow morning. Our houses are three rooms, as that is the
government standard. Originally a mother and father would build a house and
plant two pomegranate trees by the door to ensure fertility. As each son
married he would build his house in the courtyard too, until the land was fully
used, or they needed to move away somewhere else. But since the one-child policy
was introduced in 1979 many houses have become vacant, so people can move from
apartments into houses, as we’ve done,” said Harry.

“Since both Lee and I are only part Chinese,
neither of us comes from a traditional family property. Our parents lived in
apartments and so did we until we bought this house.”

“And that’s why I’m here,” said Cherry softly.
“Because of the one-child policy, which has led to female infanticide, and
abortions of females, and
gender imbalance. One hundred million missing girls in

“We are some of the ‘bare branches’––the one in
six Chinese men with no partner. And homosexuality was a crime here until 1997,
and it was officially considered a mental illness until 2001. Since we are
bisexual and enjoy women as well as each other, we wished to become a triad.”

“And you have come to make that possible. We are
most grateful,” added Lee, returning to his stilted English, and bowing to her

“I, too, am grateful. I’m here willingly. I have
nothing to keep me in
As you both know my parents separated when I was a child and neither of them
ever really wanted me, so I’ve been on my own for many years. In a few months
I’ll turn thirty. It’s time for me to settle down, and arranged marriages have
been successful for millennia. There’s no reason why this relationship between
us shouldn’t work. No one need ever know you made the second bedroom into a
bathroom and larger main bedroom. No one need know you have a relationship with
each other as well as with me. I won’t share our personal matters with anyone.”

She continued. “I’ve always wanted to travel and
live overseas, to really see another land, and not just be a tourist tripping
through, here one day and gone the next. To live within the culture, and truly
get to know both the people, and the place. I’m so pleased we met on that
message board. I do think our life goals mesh and that we can make this
relationship work.”

“And you don’t mind having us both together?”
asked Lee in a diffident tone.

“No, not at all. You may have to teach me how to
please you both, but I think likely it’s every woman’s dream to have two men
making love to her. I’m ready to start my new life.”

“Is tonight too soon?” asked Harry with a catch
in his voice.

“I think I’d like that. But I’d better shower

“We will all shower first,” said Lee, bending
down to take off his shoes.


Chapter Two


The enlarged bathroom allowed the shower to be
surprisingly spacious for such a small house, and the three of them fit inside
it quite comfortably. Cherry felt a little embarrassed to be standing naked
with two men she’d only met a few hours before, but they’d been emailing each
other for over six months, so in another way she felt she knew them quite well.

Lee indicated that Cherry was to stand in the
center of the shower and then he and Harry filled their palms with shower gel
and began to wash her.

Lee kneeled on the floor and picked up her foot,
gently soaping over her arch, her instep and then each toe separately. Next he
ran a soapy hand up her calf, massaging the muscles as he went, and circled his
hands around her knee.

Gently he rubbed and massaged behind the knee,
and then began a slow exploration up her thigh.

Cherry couldn’t believe how erotic this felt and
unconsciously opened her legs wider, taking a broader stance so Lee could rub
the tender insides of her thighs and move his hand up closer to her pussy,
which was already clenching and aching to be touched. Lee took advantage of her
unconscious movements and washed her leg with both big, strong, hands circling
her thigh, his fingers rubbing her hip, then down to where her thigh met her

Cherry gasped and thrust her pelvis up, wanting
him to touch her there, but he didn’t. He finished soaping that leg then moved
across to wash the other one, first filling his hands with shower gel again,
and shaking drops of water out of his shaggy, straight black hair.

As Lee began on her other leg, Harry began
washing her arm.

He started by washing her hand, carefully
anointing each finger with a drop of shower gel and massaging it into the skin.
Then he progressed up her forearm, spending a lot of time on her elbow and the
tender skin on the inside of it.

By the time he got to her upper arm her breasts
were aching and she was longing to have them touched, but just as Lee had done,
he stayed on task and began again with the other hand.

Every one of Cherry’s nerve endings was on fire
with need by the time the men finished with her arms and legs and began on her
torso. Lee stood behind her and began to wash her shoulders and finally he
pressed a light little kiss onto her neck.

“Mmm,” murmured Cherry, but then his hands
dropped down a little to wash her back. Harry washed her sides and moved his
hands creeping up slowly toward her breasts.

“Please, touch me. I want to come,” she said

“We want you to come, too,” replied Harry. “But
not just yet. My Chinese name, as you know, is Song Hao.
, and we
want this first time to be very good for you. Just relax and let us show you
how delighted we are that you’re here. Words aren’t needed. Feel. Enjoy the

Lee’s hands reached her ass, and he gently
soaped the globes then slipped his finger into the crack. Cherry thrust back
into his hands, whispering, “Oh yes, please,” as he twirled a finger around the
rim of her anus and finally slid his finger inside her dark hole. “Yes, yes,”
she gasped, pressing back into him but wanting much more.

Lee’s other hand reached between her legs and
began to play with her labia and her cunt.

“Yes, yes,” she moaned, thrusting into his
fingers, wanting him to move inside. Wanting them both inside her, now. Harry
joined in, sliding soapy hands all over her breasts, rubbing the nipples,
palming the heavy globes, lifting them and holding and squeezing them together.

“Oh yes, more,” said Cherry, pushing her hips
and breasts into the men’s hands, feeling an orgasm start to coil in her belly.

Harry’s mouth descended on hers, kissing gently
at first, then more urgently. He licked along the seam of her mouth and she opened
to him, wanting more. Wanting to come. Harry thrust his tongue deep into her
mouth, showing her exactly what his cock would be doing later that night.

It was all so carnal, so incredibly erotic, that
the orgasm burst over Cherry from her breasts, her pussy, her ass, her mouth,
seemingly from everywhere at once, and she exploded in release. Lee’s fingers
kept thrusting inside her, encouraging her body to keep releasing until every
ripple finally stilled. Then they turned off the water.

Lee said, “Now I think it is time to go to bed
and fuck. You’re ready now.”

“Yes, I’m ready. You’re both very good and I
want you two to come, too.”

Cherry lay on her stomach, her legs wide apart,
as the two men took turns rubbing gel deep inside her rectum and playing with
the rim.

She was gasping and panting and wanting to come
again by the time they decided she was fully prepared, and they stopped to put
condoms on their cocks, which were long, hard, engorged, and red with need.

Lee lay on his back and she sat on his hips as
he gradually inserted his cock deep inside her. When he was seated in her to
the hilt she rested flat on his chest, enjoying the hard wall of his muscles
against her softer body, his olive-toned skin against her paler color, as Harry
parted her butt cheeks and pushed his cock in, past the tight ring of muscles.

Her cunt walls were stretched wide to accept Lee
inside her. She already felt so full. But as Harry gradually pushed into her
ass the tension in Cherry’s body increased ten-fold.

They’re so big. I can’t believe they’re both inside me. I’m so full. So
stretched. They feel so very, very good.

When Harry was resting deep inside her ass, Lee
pulled out of her cunt until just the head of him remained inside her, then as
he drove back in Harry began to withdraw. The sensual feeling of their cocks
dragging against her walls almost made Cherry come on the spot.

Slowly they reversed the procedure, Harry
pushing in as Lee withdrew. Then again and again, faster and harder.

The tension was ratcheting up in Cherry’s body.
Her nipples, pressing into Lee’s chest, were like hard little berries. Her
nerve endings were screaming for release and her toes were curled back tight
against her soles.

The two men were taut with tension, their bodies
slick with perspiration and their cocks like iron bars inside her. Suddenly
they changed the pace, both nearly pulling out together, then simultaneously
slamming hard inside her to the hilt. Cherry’s orgasm exploded through her,
crashing into her like a freight train and shaking every bone in her body. She
pressed her mouth tight against Lee’s muscular shoulder so she didn’t scream
with the power of it. Her rippling, quaking muscles grabbed the men’s cocks,
holding them and milking them as they withdrew almost all the way again, then
thrust deep inside her, once, twice more. Then they, too, exploded into a
climax and she felt the heat of their cum through the thin latex barriers.

The men rolled the three of them onto their
sides and almost instantly, Cherry sank into a deep sleep, exhausted by all
that had happened that day, only vaguely aware of the men wiping her body clean
and squirting soothing gel into her ass. Caring for her. Demonstrating their
affection once again, without words.




It was full daylight when Cherry awoke to the
feeling of hands playing in her cunt curls, fingers pulling her labia apart,
and sliding into her slit, a thumb pressing on her clit, more hands on her
breasts tweaking her nipples.

“Sheesh, you men are better than an alarm clock
any day,” she mumbled.

“We want to both claim you, but first you need
to be ready for us,” replied Harry.

“Well, you are doing it right. I’m ready.”

“You do feel wet,” said Harry, curving his
fingers up to scrape his nails across her G-spot, sending tingles down her

“Your nipples are awake,” added Lee, pulling one
of the tight points into his mouth and sucking hard on it.

Cherry gasped and came fully awake as Harry
sucked her clit into his mouth and sent a flood of cream through her pussy. Lee
was licking and nibbling on her breasts, sucking first one areola then the
other into his mouth, switching back and forth so she never knew where the
sensations would come from next.

Lee kneeled over her body, placing his hot, hard
cock between her breasts and pushing them together over it. Holding her breasts
together firmly, he slid his cock up and down between them, the head of his
cock just reaching Cherry’s mouth when she tilted her head forward. Each time
his cock approached her mouth she thrust out her tongue and swiped it across
the head of his shaft, licking the tiny drops of pre-cum off him.

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