Twice Driven (43 page)

Read Twice Driven Online

Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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I blushed furiously. Neither of us had really brought that up since that night on the phone, as if talking about Tyler would also bring up a conversation about what had happened on the phone that night.
“Oh, uh, no, of course not,” I said quickly.

Anna grinned. “Oh relax, I’m only teasing.” She picked her book back up but then dropped it to arch a brow at me again. “But you
been thinking about it.

All the time

I thought about what I’d seen and heard that night at Tyler’s house
all the damn time
. Mostly when I could hear the sounds of Anna’s breathing as she slept across the room, when I let my fingers slip over my clit and held my breath to keep from moaning out loud. I still had the panties he’d jerked his cock with, too. I mean, I’d washed them, but I still brought them out sometimes late at night and held them in my hand, feeling my pulse jump as I imagined him wrapping them around that huge cock of his and moaning my name.

Yeah, you could say I’d thought about Tyler Weaver
a bit at school. And the prospect of seeing him while I was home was...well, an
. It was playing with fire, and I knew that. But the thought of seeing him again, knowing what I knew, was thrilling.

“So I’ll call my mom to pick us up Friday night after class?”

I looked up at Anna’s voice. “Hmm?”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, yeah, not thinking about Tyler Weaver at
, huh?” She grinned as she brought the book back up. “Guess you better pack a spare pair of panties.”

I threw a pillow at her as she convulsed into giggles.

Chapter 8


“Another beer?”

I glanced at the near empty bottle in my hand and shrugged at Bob. “Yeah, why not. Thanks, man.”

“You bet.”

Bob Ames wasn’t the type of guy I’d ever thought I’d be friends with. For one, he didn’t have a musical bone in his damn body. I mean the guy owned fucking
CD’s for Christ’s sake. In any other world, or if I was still the guy I used to be, we’d be neighbors who smiled and said hi, and that’d be it. But he and I clicked when Rebecca and I had moved here. The accountant with
taste in music who liked watching cspan, and the former rock star with a platinum record; buddies.

Getting older is strange, man.

But Bob and Helen were good fucking people, especially after the whole Rebecca thing had started to unravel. Helen was an attorney, and even thought I had my own guy on retainer, she’d definitely done a lot during the filing process.

Which, I might add, made the fact that I’d jerked off into their daughter’s panties even worse. It was like this weight on me whenever we hung out now.

Not, of course, that it stopped me from thinking about Christina. And I still did, weeks after that whole incident. Fuck, she was
I could think about. I’d even had some guys I used to know from the road call up wanting to take me out and get me laid - get my mind off Rebecca. Except my mind
off Rebecca.

The problem was, it was firmly on my sexy, off-limits, barely legal college-girl neighbor.

“Here you go, bud.”

I jerked my head up as Bob came back out onto the front porch with beers. “Thanks.” I frowned. “Hey by the way, where’s Helen tonight?”

“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” He beamed at me. “Christina’s coming home for the weekend, she’s off picking her and Anna up at the train station.”

Holy fuck.

I could feel this raw sort of energy roar thought me. And of course, it was right then that the car turned into the driveway, headlights washing over the two of us up on the front porch. It pulled up the driveway, and as I glanced over the railing, we suddenly locked eyes.

Fucking hell, the girl that I couldn’t get off my damn mind, the one I’d been jerking my cock to literally every night since that day was right here.

The car shut off and she opened the door and stepped out.

did she look good. She looked
than good. I mean, I thought girls were supposed to go off to college and come back looking like they partied too hard or didn’t sleep enough. Not her thought. Christina just looked fucking
, like she had this glow about her or something. Yeah, she’d been this flirtation with temptation before, this fantasy angel that got my dick rock hard.

now it was worse. The second she stepped out of that car, I could feel the world blur away around me as she flashed a big wide grin at me. She was in jeans and a long-sleeve shirt, but God did she look every damn inch as sexy as she had in that bikini in my backyard. She was all bounce and pep, all lively and
. She was wicked temptation, standing right in front of me.

She bounded up to the porch and hugged her dad before turning to me. “Hey Mr. Weaver!” She said it with this little sparkle in her big blue eyes, and I almost couldn’t find my damn voice to say hi back. I felt like some dipshit teenager, getting all fucking tongue-tied over a girl. I mean what the fuck? I was more than twice her age, there was no reason for me to get all dopey like this around her.

Except I knew why, and it had to to with me blowing a load every night since she’d left thinking about her.


“So, school’s good?”

Bob and Helen had refused to take no for an answer after asking me to stay over for burgers in the backyard. Yeah, like I needed much convincing to have an excuse to be around Christina.

She grinned as put down the glass of water in her hand. “Oh my
, we’re having so much fun!”

I growled inside at her words. The idea of her and Anna having “so much fun” with all those college-boy jackasses suddenly had me seeing red. The idea of any of those pieces of shit getting to lay their hands on this
creature - getting to taste her, or getting to
her - had the rage boiling up inside. I felt possessive, and animalistic, like I needed to
mark her
and make her mine.

You’re being ridiculous.

I forced a smile to my face, nodding as kept telling us all about school and classes, and living with Anna. Jesus I needed to go before I started acting like a total weirdo. I’d never even
this girl - it wasn’t even a damn
, actually - and she had me like that, all twisted up inside.
had girls on the road get me this hard or stick in my brain this much, and there had been a
of girls.

I slugged back the rest of my beer and sighed. “Well, I should get going and let you all play family here.” I smiled at Bob and Helen. “Thanks so much for dinner, guys.” I turned and grinned at Christina. “Welcome back to the neighborhood, Chris.”

She blushed, just a hint of it, and I had to shake my head as I forced myself to stand.

“Hey is it okay if I run over to Anna’s real quick?” Christina said quickly.

Bob chuckled. “Separation anxiety?”

She rolled her eyes. “She’s got my phone charger.” She stood from the patio table at the same time I did. “I’ll walk you out!” She said with a cute little smile at me.

We were at the bottom of the driveway, about to walk in separate directions, when I said it before I could stop myself. “Hey, listen, if you or Anna want to come over and use the pool this weekend, be my guest.”

Her eyes flashed at me in the twilight, that cute little blush washing over her cheeks. “Thanks,” she said quietly, biting her lip. “I might.”

I wanted to reach out and slide my hands around he waist. I wanted to yank her against me and crush my lips to hers and claim her mouth. I wanted to tear those jeans off of her, rip her panties off, and taste that teenage pussy. I wanted to bend her over and bury every inch of my cock inside of her until he honey trickled down my balls.

You need to get the fuck home.

“Well, come on over any time.”

She smiled and started to walk away, with my eyes following every small sway of that tight little ass as she went.

Chapter 9


Anna was out doing something with her mom the next afternoon, but Tyler’s offer to use that glassed-in pool was too good to pass up.

I wore my bikini under a skirt and tank top as I made my way up the driveway and around to the back of the house. And I was just coming around the corner when I could hear him swearing.

I froze, and for a brief, hot second, I had a flashback to hearing him swear like that before,
time when I’d walked in on him. Slowly, I peaked around the corner, and I actually felt
when I realized he was fully clothed. He swore once more into the phone in his hand before he dropped it onto the patio table, shaking his head.

"Is everything OK, Mr. Weaver?" I said, stepping through the door to the pool area.

He looked up, as if startled to see me. His gorgeous blue eyes instantly went to the bare expanse of thigh on display for him beneath my small little skirt, and I could see him struggling as he practically physically dragged them back up to my eyes. "Oh- yeah, yeah honey everything's fine. Just- you know, just fuckin’ divorce shit."

He'd never actually sworn around me, and I grinned as he realized what he'd said. "Sorry" he smirked, raising his eyebrows. “Potty mouth.”

I giggled, “Oh that's okay, Mr. Weaver, I don't mind swearing." I grinned at him. "I
an adult you know.”

“Yeah I noticed.” He said it gruffly. I could see his eyes flash for a moment with something before he quickly coughed and looked away. “Uh, yeah, so, pool is all yours.”

I bit my lip, feeling my pulse jump from what he’d just said. “ you want to join?”

I could see that same flash in his eyes that I could only describe as
, and it made my whole body shiver as I felt it pierce right into me.

“No, thanks. I gotta get some work done.” He cleared his throat quickly as he dragged his eyes back to mine. “But you go enjoy.”

I could see his jaw tighten again as his eyes dipped across my body before he flashed me a grin and headed inside.

was I wet.And it was just from that look too. That piercing, smoldering grin of his that had my pussy buzzing and my nipples hardening under my bikini.

I swam quickly to cool off, doing laps back and forth across the pool until I felt my arms and legs screaming at the exertion. I climbed out and sank into one of the pool chairs, feeling my pulse thumping quickly in my ears and my breathing heavy as I panted from the swim as I closed my eyes and let the sun slide over me.


I didn’t remember falling asleep, but it was dark when I suddenly awoke with a gasp to a hand on my arm.

“Mr. Weaver!” I sat up quickly, looking around in confusion at the dark sky and the glow of the string lights out by the pool. “Oh my
, what time is it?”

He chuckled. “Late. Sorry I let you snooze out here so long but I managed to do the same thing on the couch inside.”

, my parents are probably freaking ou-”

“I called them and let them know you and Anna were over here.”

I grinned. “Than-”

Me AND Anna?

I bit my lip as I glanced up at him. “Anna?”

Something seemed to flash in his face as he quickly swallow. “Oh, right.” He grinned and shrugged. “Habit I supposed. Guess I’m just used to the two of you being over here for a swim.”

I wanted to read more into it, even though I knew how ridiculous that was. I wanted to think about Mr. Weaver
making it up
that Anna was over in order to ease any suspicions my parents might have about me being over there so late
with him.

But that was silly.

"Listen, I'm- do you want a ride home? I'm going out for a drive anyways, and I'd be happy to drop you off."

I instantly felt my whole body glow at the offer; I lived barely a half mile away, but a chance to drive alone with him? Uh, yes please.

“That’d be great. Let me change real quick.”


"Sorry again that you had to hear that," He said as he we drove down the block. “The phone thing earlier I mean."

“Oh, it’s fine.” I gave him my best attempt at a sympathetic look. “It must be hard.” I could feel my pulse start to beat faster and faster, as if the air itself inside the car being alone with him like this was getting me hotter and hotter. I
to be sympathetic, but it was hard, mostly because I didn’t at all want to think about him and Rebecca. What I
to think about was that day before, and my name on his breath as he came.

Tyler snorted. “Actually, it’s not.” He laughed and shook his head. “I know I
be all bent out of shape about her leaving like that, but the truth is, I feel
. Shit, I feel the best I have in years, and it’s not some some ‘oh I’m in shock’ thing either, it’s real.” He turned and gave me a grin. “I’m really great.” He frowned then. "Sorry, I shouldn't be telling you all of this."

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