Twelfth Moon (25 page)

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Authors: Lori Villarreal

BOOK: Twelfth Moon
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Jaelene rubbed her palms over Jonah’s soft fur. He continued to thrash, panting harshly. “Why did I not see this?” she said absently.

Cadence was confused. “Are you talking about Itsá, or Jonah?”
“Oh, I’ve known of Itsá since I was a child.”
That was a surprising revelation. “And Jonah?” Cadence prompted.

“I don’t understand it. For some reason, the knowledge of his transformation was kept from me, as well as Itsá’s deadly touch.” Jaelene sounded incredibly sad about that last part.

How odd that Ba'cho had been dreaming of Jaelene for a hundred years, and now to learn that Jaelene had experienced visions of Itsá since she was child. The three of them were obviously connected somehow – in a big way.

“He’s the first male to ever become the Pantere,” Cadence said. “What can it mean?”

“It means the spell has changed – the rules have changed. You and Jonah are the first male and female shape-shifters to mate. Your offspring will be a new generation of Pantera.”

Before Cadence could respond, Ba'cho burst through the doorway. He dropped to his knees close to Jonah, who was now wheezing with every labored breath.

That could not be a good sign.

Ba'cho’s gaze shifted to Jaelene. His admiration of her beauty was evident in the flash of desire in his dark eyes. Used to such regard, Jaelene ignored him, rose to her feet, and moved out of his way. Kara, having followed Ba'cho into the room, now stood in the shadows. She made a noise of disgust. Ba'cho glanced in her direction, his expression like that of a parent about to reprimand a recalcitrant child, but he said nothing.

Kara said nothing. She stood with her arms crossed, eyes narrowed, glaring at Ba'cho.

What was going on between those two?

Ba'cho turned his attention back to Jonah. He retrieved the same stone he’d used to cure Cadence when Itsá had touched her, placing it on the panther’s forehead. He began to chant and before long, Jonah’s breathing eased. When it looked as though Jonah was completely free of Itsá’s poison, Ba'cho again spoke in his language.

Instantly, Jonah returned to his human form. He sat up, his long legs sprawled out in front of him. He quickly covered his groin with his hands as best he could, but not before Kara and Jaelene squeaked in tandem from the eyeful they received. Ba'cho grinned as Kara covered her eyes, and Jaelene, keeping her gaze averted, moved to grab a quilt that was draped over the back of a rocking chair. Without looking at him, she tossed the quilt in Jonah’s direction.

Feeling a sudden rush of jubilation, Cadence let out a burst of laughter.

Everyone turned to stare at her. When Jonah stood, one hand holding the colorful patchwork quilt draped around his hips, she laughed even harder. She wasn’t sure why she found the situation so funny, especially after everything she’d been through, not to mention the fact that Jonah could have died. But it felt so good to be alive! Jonah had come back for her. The implication of that in itself filled her with utter joy. And he was alive and
, thanks to Ba'cho’s help.

Every moment that passed since Jonah had arrived, Cadence felt herself growing stronger, the power of their bond flowing through her veins, revitalizing her.

“Who was that and what the hell just happened?” Jonah growled, his expression stormy.

Cadence ceased her laughing to explain. “That was Itsá. When you came into contact with him, you were poisoned. His touch causes extreme pain and eventually death.”

“The pain part I can believe,” Jonah said dryly. “But why am I not dead?”
“Ba'cho cured you with his special stone,” Cadence answered.
Jonah turned toward Ba'cho. “I won’t even ask what that means, but thank you.”
Ba'cho dipped his head in acceptance of Jonah’s thanks. “For Ndołkah to live, so must you.”
Jonah looked perturbed, but grudgingly admitted, “I’m beginning to understand more about that, at least.”
“Why does Itsá keep appearing?” Cadence asked Ba'cho. “What does he want with me?”
“It is not you,” Ba'cho replied. “It is your sister he wants.”
Everyone turned toward Jaelene, who seemed unaffected by Ba'cho’s pronouncement.
“He knows she’s the only one who can help us,” Ba'cho explained, his gaze fixed on Jaelene.
“Well, he can’t have her,” Kara said defiantly.
“If all of you don’t mind,” Jonah broke in, “I’d like to be alone with Cadence.”
“Yes, I think proper introductions can wait until morning,” Cadence said with a slight smile.
Ba'cho’s grin showed his amusement at Jonah’s request. Jaelene looked distracted by her own inner thoughts.

Kara scowled in disapproval. “We’re not leaving Cadence alone with you,” she said darkly. “Especially in your current—” She waved a hand to indicate Jonah’s lack of clothing, “—state of

Jaelene blinked, apparently snapping out of her musings. “They’re bonded, Kara,” she said, taking her sister’s arm and pulling her from the room. “They belong together. Let’s leave them alone, shall we?”

Ba'cho turned to Kara. “One as young as you would not understand a man’s nature to mate with his woman and his woman’s willingness to allow him to enter her body.”

Kara gasped loudly, her face turning red.

,” Jaelene reprimanded softly, linking her arm with Kara’s in a protective gesture, “that was completely inappropriate and you know it.” Without waiting for a response, she ushered Kara from the room.

“There is nothing wrong with stating the truth,” Ba'cho said, his tone unrepentant.

Cadence stifled a chuckle, instead saying sternly, “Yes, but Kara is young – and she’s innocent.” She added with emphasis, “
And she’s my baby sister.

“My apologies, Ndołkah,” Ba'cho said, his voice softening with respect.

“Just be careful with her,” Cadence warned. “She’s very passionate about protecting those she loves.”

Ba'cho’s eyes glinted with an odd light, and then it was gone as quickly as it appeared. “Your human form will hold for several hours,” he said to Jonah. “After that, you will return to having difficulty maintaining it.” His gaze shifted to Cadence. “You will need to teach him how to control his new gift.”

Jonah snorted.
“I will,” Cadence said.
Ba'cho nodded politely and left the room.
They were finally alone again.

Cadence tossed aside the blanket, leapt from the bed, and rushed into Jonah’s arms. They tightened around her. “What are you doing?” he said into her hair. “Not long ago, you were near death. You should be resting.”

“I’ve rested enough, I think.” Cadence rose up on her toes and lifted her hands, sliding them over his shoulders, savoring the contours of hard muscle over satin skin. Her nipples spiked as they made contact with his naked chest, the thin cloth of her nightgown the only thing separating them. She could feel the distinct ridge of his manhood pressing just above the juncture of her thighs. “Besides, I’m much better now.” She strained to catch her breath. “Since you returned to me, my health has improved, and I’ve grown stronger.”

Her heart was pounding, her breathing became heavier, and her skin grew hot enough to serve as tinder for a fire. She was already wet and ready for him – to join with her one true mate. She wanted to raise the hem of her nightgown and climb his big body so she could seat herself on the swollen crown of his shaft. She would ride him up and down until they both cried out in ecstasy.

“I’m sorry, Hellcat,” he said low, “that I was the cause of your pain.”
“You didn’t know,” Cadence whispered.
He nuzzled her neck and inhaled deeply. “Mmm, you smell…good.”
Jonah felt like growling, his feral instincts rising to the surface.

Take her!

It was a primal command.

His newly acquired senses purred in a state of heightened awareness, luxuriating in her nearness. He wanted to taste her, to lick every inch of her delectable skin, devour her. He wanted to put his mark on her, so every other male would know
she belonged to him

He pressed his hips into hers and groaned. His mouth found the side of her neck and he sucked – hard – bringing blood to the surface. She gasped, and then moaned huskily, rubbing herself more fully against him. Filled with male satisfaction at the results, which was a deep red bruise, he ran his tongue slowly over the spot, licking her heated skin.

His cock, which was already hard enough to pound a fence post into the ground, hardened even more as she increased the pressure of her hips. A burst of savage lust slammed through his veins and all he wanted was to get inside her – to thrust like an animal – in and out of her hot, wet core.

His ears pricked. He could hear the blood rushing through her veins, felt her quickened heartbeat. Her pulse beat in tandem with his and he could smell the musky scent of her arousal. Unable to wait another minute to have her, he grasped the collar of her nightgown and ripped. The sound of fabric rending echoed in the room as he tore the garment from her body. He tossed the tattered pieces aside, and then removed the quilt from around his hips. His hands gripped her waist and he lifted her. Her lovely thighs opened and rode his hips while her hands clamped onto his shoulders. Her green eyes were glowing and he wondered if his did as well. “Your eyes,” he said thickly. “They’re glowing.”

“Yes,” she panted. “They do that, remember?”

“What about mine?”

She gazed at him, all the love and desire there for him to see. “They shimmer like liquid silver in the moonlight,” she said with awe in her voice. Her hands slid to the back of his neck, pulling him to her. “I love you so much, Jonah.” She kissed him, her mouth hot and wet, her lips full and supple as they moved over his. With a low groan, he slipped his tongue in and she sucked it.

He did growl, then, deep and low, before tearing his mouth from hers. “Put me inside you –

Immediately, she obeyed, lowering one hand to reach between them. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, placing it at her opening so the swollen tip was just inside. She sank onto him, encasing him in her exquisite heat. She threw back her head and moaned, exposing the slender column of her neck. The mark he’d given her stood out bright as a berry against the creamy expanse of skin. He licked it, his tongue gliding slowly, languorously, up her throat to the underside of her chin. She tasted as sweet as the fruit the mark resembled.

His hands moved to her bottom and he lifted her, pulling his cock out slowly, and then just as slowly, slid home until he was fully embedded. He groaned, his lips trailing along the side of her neck, and then he opened his mouth and nibbled, feeling her pulse beat strongly. His tongue passed over his top teeth and he discovered two sharp points, like fangs. Instinctively, he scraped them lightly over her skin – not to hurt, not to puncture, but to pleasure her.

She gasped in response, her body shivering.
“Do you like that?” he rasped.
“Yes!” she cried breathily.
He did it again, running the pointed ends of his teeth along her neck.
“Oh! You’re still in human form, yet your teeth – I never knew that could happen.”

“Didn’t you say I was the first man to become a panther?” Jonah murmured against her neck. “Maybe it’s something that happens only to the male when mating.” As he spoke, his teeth lightly grazed her skin, making her coo with pleasure.

“I think you may be right. It’s delicious.”

delicious.” Holding her firmly in place, he tilted his hips and thrust. His voice low and guttural, he said, “Ride me, Hellcat.”

Then she was lifting herself and driving back down on his cock. She repeated the movements, over and over, riding him like a bucking bronco, her thighs gripping him tightly. The rapture of her heat surrounding him, gliding along his length, nearly drove him to his knees.

He moved to the bed, lowering her to the mattress without losing their connection, and took control, pumping into her with powerful strokes. He brought is knees up under her thighs, spreading them farther apart. She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him the best angle for the deepest penetration, and then her hands were around his neck, pulling their bodies together.

They were both slick with sweat, her breasts sliding against his chest, the friction sensitizing his skin. Their heavy breaths echoed in the room as he continued to pound into her like a rutting bull.

The small bit of human consciousness that still remained in some remote region of his brain had him wondering if he was being too rough. His tightly held control was slipping and he didn’t want to hurt her. Then he realized she was right there with him, clawing at his back, probably drawing blood.

He didn’t care.

He thrust with a wild urgency he’d never felt before. The need to conquer, to dominate, to lay claim, was uppermost in his currently primitive state of mind.

Cadence clutched his shoulders, his back, digging her nails in. She bit his neck, her hips matching his hard rhythm, mindless with mad desire and animal lust for as much of Jonah as she could get.

“Let it go,” he rasped in her ear.

He pounded into her relentlessly, giving her no quarter, until she came apart, gasping, blinded by the brilliance of a thousand stars. Jonah buried his face in the curve of her shoulder and thrust one last time, sinking to the hilt. He stiffened and she felt his cock expand and pulse as he came with his own gasps, bathing her canal with his seed.

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