Tweedledum and Tweedledee (2 page)

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Authors: Willow Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #International Mystery & Crime

BOOK: Tweedledum and Tweedledee
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"Oh come on. Cheer up," she said and gave me an elbow in the side. "Maya is with her father. She'll be fine."

"I know. I just miss her. That's all. She's been living with her father for a month now and I can't stand it. I miss her."

My mother nodded. Her face was still scarred heavily from the hot coffee that had been thrown in her face two months ago. But somehow, I thought she looked better this way. At least she looked real. The doctors had taken skin from her thigh and put it on her face and, to be honest, they had done a really good job. She had been depressed about it for a couple of weeks after the incident, so my dad had decided to take all of us on a cruise for Easter. I guess he hoped it would cheer her up a little.

Victor had ten days off from school. The cruise was twelve days, so I had taken him out for a couple more days. The school told me they didn't mind. I guess they still had their trouble with him. I had gotten a lot of help the past few weeks from Ole Knudsen, who had started working with Victor, but even he found it hard to really get inside of Victor and know what was going on. He was going to continue trying, but he told me it might take a long time.

"When are we there?" Sophia's oldest son Christoffer asked.

I had brought him on the trip with us. Since Maya didn't want to come, I had given him her ticket. I thought it would be good for Victor to have someone else there with him. To have another child to hang out with. Christoffer was almost two years older than Victor and a really sweet boy. I thought he might be able to somehow get Victor out of his shell.

"I know you miss Maya. But she needs her space right now," my mother said. "It's a lot for her to take in. Let her go for a little while and she'll be back before you know it. You're her mother and that will never change."

"I just hope Michael is treating her well. He wasn't exactly thrilled about the thought of her living with him all of a sudden. Especially not after I told him the truth. He is still angry with me and suddenly saw no reason why he should have Maya living with him if he
wasn't even her real father
. It broke my heart that he could feel that way. He is the only father Maya has ever known. I really wanted her to come on this cruise with us, but she doesn't even want to talk to me. I just hope she's alright, you know? I mean she had to start a new school and everything. It's a lot for her right now."

"Maya will be fine," my dad said. "She's a big girl. And we're going to have a great time on this cruise, aren't we Victor?"

Victor was sitting next to him on the mini-bus. He didn't answer, but kept staring out the window. He hadn't been doing very well ever since the bank incident and I was very worried about him. He hardly spoke anymore to any of us and he was more closed up than ever. It was like he chose to stay in his own world because it was safer. I couldn't blame him. Every now and then, I wished I could simply disappear into a world of my own as well. Especially when I was around my mom and dad lately. I was thrilled that they were back together and trying to make it work. That was truly amazing, but they had started acting like teenagers in love and it was getting slightly nauseating. They were constantly kissing and touching each other, my mom sitting on my dad's lap, giggling like a schoolgirl. It was sweet in the beginning, but now I was kind of getting tired of it.

It was nice to get out of the house, though, and I was glad my dad invited us along. I would have liked to bring Morten as well, but he couldn't get the time off from the police station. Part of me felt that he wasn't too eager to go anyway, so I didn't push for him to come. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with me and my family, but he told me he didn't like sailing that much. He got seasick really easily and he didn't like the idea of being in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea without being able to get to land when he wanted to. It was too claustrophobic for him.

"I, for one, can't wait to see our suite onboard," my dad said and looked lovingly at my mom.

She giggled. "Oh Bengt. You're so naughty."

"How's that naughty?" I asked annoyed. "I'm looking forward to seeing my suite as well."

My mother shrugged. "Well you know…"

"Thank you. I don't want to know. I want to enjoy my vacation without thinking about what the two of you are doing in there."

The taxi-bus stopped and the driver told us we had arrived. I looked out the window and saw the enormous ship anchored at the quay. I don't think I’d ever seen anything like it.

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"I know," my dad said. "Isn't she a beauty? The Crystal Bliss known quite simply as the very best cruise ship in the world. It has won several awards for its luxury. Celebrities from all over Europe travel on this baby."

"This must have been expensive, Dad?" I asked, as we got out of the mini-bus and I could see the ship’s complete size. It was a beauty.

"Well nothing but the best for the people I love, right?" he said.



April 2014

us penthouse suites. I could hardly believe my eyes when I realized it. It was quite overwhelming. I knew the price for one of those was around twelve thousand Euros. I couldn't believe my dad had paid that much. I guess he was just happy to have my mother back and wanted her to know it. He wanted her to never miss Pedro or the life she led in Spain again. And my dad had a lot of money. He still had his dental clinic outside of Copenhagen and he did very well as far as I knew. Plus, he did a little extra on the side. There was a great need for dentists, since there was only one on the island and he needed all the help he could get. So the local dentist had contacted my dad once he learned that he had moved there and asked him if he could help out a little with the acute patients. It wasn't for the money, but it kept him busy and he loved helping people out. That's why he went into the dental business in the first place, he kept telling me.

A cabin-boy showed us to our suite where we were going to spend the next twelve days. He smiled when he unlocked the door and saw the expression on my face. The view was…I wanted to say spectacular, but that somehow wasn't enough.

"Magnifico, si?" the cabin-boy said, with his cute very white smile.

Victor was hiding behind me. Christoffer walked right in like he owned the place. "Wow," he exclaimed. "This is nice!"

"That it sure is," I said and walked towards the big windows with views of the ocean reaching as far as I could see. The sun was about to set and painted the sky in many different tones of orange. The cabin-boy put my suitcase down in the entrance. I gave him a tip and he left. Victor walked across the light carpet. He stopped in front of something hanging on the wall above the mini-bar. I chuckled. The fire axe. Of course that was something he’d like to look at. The expensive suite with the great view and art on the walls didn't matter much, but the axe fascinated him. I continued through the glass doors into the living room.

"Oh my. There is a huge flat screen TV in here, Vic. And a great couch." I sat down and felt the sofa. It was perfect. I sank right into it. I chuckled as I threw a glance around the living room. I told Christoffer the small bedroom to the right was his. Victor and I were going to sleep together in the master bedroom. That way, Christoffer could have some privacy when he wanted it. He found his bed and threw his suitcase on it.

"I could get used to living like this, what do you say Victor? It's really nice, huh? And look at the view. We're on the top floor of the ship, buddy. We can see everything from here. And there’s a balcony. We can sit out here and eat if we want to. Order food to our room and enjoy it out here while we sail across the Mediterranean Sea. You know we're going all the way to Istanbul in Turkey, right?"

He didn't answer. I knew he wouldn't. But it was okay. I knew he heard me. I smiled and looked at him. He hadn't spoken at all to Christoffer on the trip here. Maybe it was a bad idea, after all, to bring someone else. Maybe Victor really needed my attention and some alone-time with his mother. Well, I couldn't change it now. Besides, I enjoyed Christoffer's company.

Christoffer walked up next to me. He stared out the big windows. "Thank you so much for bringing me here," he said. "I’ve never been on a cruise before. I’ve actually never left the island before."

I smiled. "I know. You just enjoy it, okay?"

"Oh, I will."


I looked at him and enjoyed the expression on his face. He was such a good boy. Having five children, Sophia never had the money to give him an experience like this. I was glad to be able to give it to him.

"How long is there till the ship leaves the quay?" Christoffer asked.

"Not long. Half an hour maybe?" I said.

"Please tell me when. I don't want to miss it. I think I'll have to catch up on some reading while we wait. My teacher told us to read Lewis Carroll's
Through the Looking-Glass…
you know, the story of Alice in Wonderland over Easter break, so I better get started."

"Of course. I'll let you know."

Christoffer smiled. He had a very pretty face. "Great. Thanks. And thanks again for bringing me here."

"No problem. Just enjoy."

"I definitely will."

Christoffer went into his bedroom and closed the door. He was so polite. To be frank, he was my favorite among Sophia's children. He was always taking care of his younger siblings. It was good for him to get treated a little for once.

Maya was going to be so jealous once I started posting pictures on Facebook of this place. She was going to regret saying no. At least I hoped she would. I picked up my phone and took a series of pictures of the suite and posted them right away. Victor still hadn't moved. I walked to him into the bedroom and sat next to him on the bed.

"Don't you want to go out on the balcony and have a look?" I asked.

He still didn't move.

I drew in a deep breath. "You miss her too, don't you? I guess we both do. But we'll have to get by for a little while without her. She'll be back. At least, I hope she will. Oh God, Victor. What if she doesn't come back?"

I paused. "No, you're right. Of course she will. We're her family. She'll be back. Of course she will."

I felt tears build up in my eyes, but refused to cry. "Look at your old mom, tearing up because her daughter is growing up, huh?" I sniffled and got up. The ship suddenly made a loud noise. "Did you hear that, buddy? That's the horn. Do you think we're setting off to sea now? Come. Let's get out on the balcony."

I walked through the glass door. Victor followed me reluctantly. The ship started moving. I looked at Victor. "Do you want to go wave to people down at the quay? Yeah, let's do that. Come."

"Why?" Victor asked. "We don't know any of them."

"Let's do it anyway. It'll be fun."

"No it won't."

"Don't be so boring, Victor."

I knocked on the door to Christoffer's room.

"The ship is sailing now. We're going out to wave; do you want to come?"

Christoffer opened the door and jumped out. "I'd love to."

We walked fast towards the door. Victor followed me very closely. In the hallway, we met my mom and dad. They were holding hands and wearing big smiles.

"We're leaving now," my dad said.

"I know."

We followed the stream of people and entered a big deck with a huge pool area. Victor, Christoffer and I found a spot by the railing. Christoffer and I waved to the people down at the quay while the ship slowly maneuvered out of the port. Victor just stared at them, holding on tight to the railing.

"Wow," Christoffer exclaimed. "Look at how small the people are. And look at the view. I can see all of Rome in the distance. I've always wanted to see Rome. I would love to see the Colosseum."

I patted him on the head. "You will one day."

A man standing next to me on the other side was wearing a long coat and a hat. I found it strange, since it was still very hot outside.

"Cute boys you have there," he said. "How old are they?"

"Victor is eight," I said with a smile. "Turning nine next month. It's his first time on a cruise."

"He’s big for an eight-year old, then," the man said.

"Well, we're Scandinavian. We’re very tall. Well, except for me," I said and laughed.

The man didn't laugh. He stared at Victor. It felt a little uncomfortable.

"And the other one?"

"Christoffer is ten. It's his first time on a cruise too."

"Ah, ten is a wonderful age," the man said. "What a beautiful face."

I touched Christoffer's curly hair and pulled him closer. "Yes, he is a pretty boy. Going to crush a lot of hearts in a few years."

"Probably," the man said and lifted his hat gently. "Enjoy your cruise,"

I followed him with my eyes as he disappeared into the waving and cheering crowd. When I turned to look again, the quay and the people were nothing but a distant memory.



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the stairs towards his cabin on the lower deck. He was running late. Deedee hated it when he was late.

The man opened the door and closed it behind him. He took off the coat and put it on a hanger.

"What took you so long?" the voice said.

"I'm sorry Deedee. But I was held up. I'm sorry."

Deedee snorted angrily.

"I brought you pasta. Linguine. You love Linguine," the man said.

Deedee growled. "Ai Frutti di Mare?"

"Just the way you like it. And I brought you wine."

Finally, Deedee was content. They ate in deep silence. The man was sweating and had hardly any appetite.

"I think you're coming down with a fever," Deedee said. "You're burning up."

"I know," the man said and wiped sweat off his forehead. "It's just the infection in the wound. It's nothing. I have antibiotics. It'll be fine. Don't worry."

"I don't," Deedee said. "I can't worry about you. I have enough of worries of my own."

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