Turn Towards the Sun (45 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Domenico

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun
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I burst into tears again.
He scoops me up into his arms and walks to the bedroom, then lays me on the bed.

“Just a little longer Ava.” He whispers.

I sniff.
“For what?”

“For the best day of
our lives



“Yes, bring it this
way.” I wake to t
he sound of Francesca’s throaty voice.

I blink at the clock. It’s only seven.
What is it with these
In the bathroom, I
quickly brush my teeth and restrain my wild hair. I throw on some clothes to go see what’s going on.

“Buon giorno Ava.” Francesca directs
men carrying furniture down the hall opposite from the master bedroom. “The last room on the left.” She turns to me. “Yes, sorry to wake you but there is so much to do today

“No problem Checca. What’s going on? Where’s Enzo?”

“Enzo is running errands. The men are delivering the furniture for the guest suite.”

Suite? I walk down the hall to check it out.
realize I’ve just stepped into a small apartment. There’s a sitting area, small kitchenette, a full master with en suite bathroom and huge French doors leading out onto a private patio. Men are setting up the
and the sitting room is already outfitted. Unbelievable.

“Yes, this will work for your friend, no?”

t will. Thank you.” Cassie is going to flip.

thank me. It’s my pleasure for my new sister
.” She squeezes me tight again.
Who knew the little Italian
firecracker was so sentimental?


“In here.”

Enzo walks in and looks around smiling. “Perfetto Checca.” He kisses his sister on both cheeks.

“You like it amore?” He kisses my cheek.

“Of course. Cassie will love it too.”

“I’m pleased. Come with me Ava.”

We walk back to the living room that seems a mile away from the suite while Francesca finishes
the room with linens and accessories.

“Before everyone gets here and thin
gs start getting crazy, I want
to give you something.” He hands me a small box.
I open it to find a beautiful rose gold ring.

“Let me put it on you.” He takes my right hand and slides the ring on my
finger. I’m still staring at it.

“Do you see what it is? It’s our initials intertwined, like the cards you gave me. Every time you look at your hand
I want you to see how connected we are. The wedding ring is my commitment to you, but this ring is to show you we are one now, and we can never be separated. My heart doesn’t beat without yours.”

I don’t know what to say.

“I have another surprise.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the front door. He swings the door open and in front of me is a cherry red Fiat 500.

“Enzo!” It’s so
and it’s mine.

“Oh Enzo I love it. Love it!” I run and jump in the driver’s seat, putting my forehead against the steering wheel. Tears of pure joy run down my cheeks. Enzo kneels down beside me.

“I’m so glad you’re happy. I live for your happiness Ava.”

“I can’t even stand how happy I am. I feel like I might burst.” I’m practically hyperventilating.

brushes tears off my cheeks. “Tell me you’re mine Ava. You’ll always be mine.”

“Don’t you know Enzo? I am yours, I always will be. And you are mine.”

I am.” He rests his head against my thigh
for a moment, then laughs.
“Bella it’s hot out here. Let’s go inside.”

Francesca stands in the doorway smiling as we walk back inside.


“What time will they be here
?” Enzo pours
coffee for me as I finish sliding on my shoes.

“Their plane lands in three hours. We have plenty of time Mr. Early Bird.”

“Well then, we should dance.” He presses play on the stereo, filling the room with Italian music.

“Enzo, it’s so early.”

“It’s not.” He pulls me up from the couch and starts swaying back and forth, moving my hips with his hands.
I can’t help but give into it.

“Bella Ava, la bellissima, ti amo tanto tanto.”
He whispers as we move to the music.

“I love you too Enzo, so much.”

“Andiamo? We’ll get some breakfast first, no?”

We should go to
that breakfast place you took us before.”

“As you wish.”

I enjoy these times with Enzo when everything seems so normal. But each normal moment with him is still extraordinary. He takes the smallest gestures or words and raises them beyond my expectations. The simple act of dancing in the morning, or the way he knows just how much cream and sugar I like in my coffee, the opening of doors, and how he guides me through a crowd by holding the small of my back. His feelings for me are expressed like poetry. The intensity he carries for his work is equally present in his love for me. It’s amazing.

“What are you thinking about amore?”
Enzo interrupts my private musings as we drive to breakfast.

“Just how wonderful you are. And how amazing my life is now.”

“It makes me happy to hear that.” He kisses my hand.
“I’m sorry but I have to make a few calls while we eat. Just finishing some loose ends.”

“It doesn’t bother me. You do whatever work you need to do.”

“That’s another thing I love about you.
ou aren’t needy for my attention. I believe I’m more in need of you
than you are

hat isn’t true. I need you. I feel so secure in your love though, that you don’t have to pay constant attention to me. In fact, I feel as though you are still paying attention to me, even when you work. It’s very comforting.”

and I melt. “You do have my attention. Work is the distraction now that I have you. Pancakes amore?”

I laugh. “I guess you know me huh?”

“I think I do. There is more to learn though.”

“We have our whole lives to

I eat my meal while Enzo makes his calls. I really do love watching him work. That commanding presence that first caught my attention changes his demeanor. With me, he’s soft, gentle, and sweet. But when he’s working, he’s tough, demanding, and confident. It’s a turn on for sure.

He hangs up his phone.
“We should get going amore. Your friends will be here soon.”

I nod and stand up to leave. Enzo drives quickly to the airport. As we walk in, I reach over and grab his hand, planting a quick kiss on it.

“What was that for?” Enzo smiles at me.

“Just some love for my man.” I grin back.


Cassie’s voice
across the crow
ded airport. I see Chris first,
his tall lean frame moving easily through the morning travelers
. Cassie bounces
alongside him.

“Thanks for coming you two.” I rub Chris’ arm.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Cassie smiles.

Enzo and Chris shake hands
and then drag us chatting girls to the car.

Enzo goes back into Prince Charming mode. “We hope you find the accommodations suitable. We are both so pleased you could be here for this event.”

Cassie shoots me a look. “Enzo, dude, you have to loosen up around me. I’m practically your sister now. Quit being so formal.” The spell has been broken.

My eyes widen as I see something I’ve never seen before, a blushing Enzo.

wait for his response.
he breaks into laughter.

“Cassandra, you are absolutely right. I’ll do my best to loosen up, as you say.” He grabs my hand and swings it as we head back to the car.

“Where’s the fancy driver?” Cassie nudges Enzo as we climb into t
he car

“Grayson is taking some much needed time off to attend a family reunion.” 

“Oh. I thought we were just being regular.” I wink at him and am rewarded with his brilliant smile.

“Is anyone hungry?” Enzo asks Cassie and Chris.

“Nah I ate a Cinnabon the size of my head in the airport and Chris lives on coffee until noon.” Cassie’s signature cackle fills the car. I wonder if Chris ever gets the opportunity to speak for himself with her around, but it doesn’t seem t
o matter.
His gaze is locked on
the beauty that is Cassie.

“Okay Ava, tell me what you have planned so far.”
Cassie asks.

“We have the catering all planned and Genevieve
our wedding planner
is handling the rest.”

“Do you have your dress picked out yet?” Cassie asks.

“I think so. We’ll go and try it on. Then we still need to get the dresses finalized for you and the other girls. The men need to be fitted for the
we need to make hair and makeup appointments.

“So what do you need me to do?”

“I need your opinion and support and to do all these things with me.”

“Oh opinions. Yea I have plenty of those.” She laughs. “What are your color schemes?”

“Yellow and brown with some cream.”

“Sounds pretty. Hey Enzo, you guys got any wine back at the house?”

“We do, several varieties.”

“Good. I’m gonna need my thinking juice.”

Enzo laughs and we all join him. Cassie is
but I love the girl.

We drive through the iron gates and pull up in front of the house.

“I don’t remember it being so big, but I guess I saw it at night the first time.” Cassie says.

nod. “It was also unfinished at the time.
There’s been landscaping and a lot of details added since you were here last.
Enzo had it all done while we were in Italy.”

“It’s still not decorated
but we’ll get to it
.” Enzo grabs Cassie’s suitcase.

“Come on Cass.” I take her hand and pull her into the house.

“This is our room?” Cassie roams around the guest suite. “Ava this is incredible.”

“I know. This is my life now Cass.”

“Cha-ching!” Cassie giggles
collapses on the sofa in her room.

“You’re so stupid sometimes Cass.”

“Yea but you love me.”


“So Ava, I have a surprise for you.”

What’s up?”

“We’re moving here.”

I didn’t hear her correctly. I just
at her.

“Did you hear me? Chris and I are moving to Phoenix. Next month. I need to see my girl more often.”

I burst into tears.

Cassie jumps up and wraps her arms around me.
“Stop being a cry baby.” She teases.

I rush back into the living room, pulling Cassie behind me.

“Enzo, Cassie and Chris are moving to Arizona next month.”

Chris and Enzo sit
calmly on the
and I can tell I have interrupted a conversation.

“Yes I heard. Wonderful news. I was just telling Chris that we’ll be happy to help them get
and they can stay here in the meantime. Certainly the house is big enough, no?”

I nod happily. Cassie smiles at Enzo as she sinks into Chris’ lap.

“I have a question though.” Cassie says. “When the hell is it going to stop being so fucking hot around here?”

“Ah Cassie, I missed you.” We all start laughing.

“Amore, here’s an announcement about the wedding.” Enzo hands me the lifestyle page of the Arizona Republic.

Cassie takes it
from me
and reads aloud.
“After weeks of speculation, famed wedding designer Genevieve announced today that she is indeed handling the upcoming Milano/Bradshaw Wedding. The event is Saturday, October 20 at a private location. Genevieve refused to comment on details of the event including Miss Bradshaw’s dress choice, insisting on maintaining the privacy of her client. Genevieve has this to say
about the upcoming

I could not be more thrilled that Mr. Milano and Miss Bradshaw place their trust in me
for this joyous occasion.’
Wow, the whole city is interested in your
It’s like a dream
.” Cassie sighs.

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