Tumbleweed Weddings (44 page)

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Authors: Donna Robinson

BOOK: Tumbleweed Weddings
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But what about Poe?

She loved his strength of character, the way he encouraged her, the funny things he said. She loved his Christian principles and humble attitude. And he loved her—the real Tonya. He knew her inmost thoughts and desires, unlike Murray. But how did she know Poe was the one for her when she was developing feelings for someone else?

There was only one thing to do—she
discover Poe’s identity.

Murray reread Tonya’s sentences.
She hadn’t guessed. That was rather amazing, considering all the hints she’d had.

Poising his fingers over the keyboard, he hesitated. Maybe he should take advantage of talking about Murray and find out what she really thought about him.

I’m glad you had a good time with Mrs. Twichell. I was wondering—do you really, really like Murray? Is there anything about him you don’t like?

He sat back. This would be enlightening.

If you’re jealous, don’t be. He cracks his knuckles

Murray raised his eyebrows.

That bothers you?


Why? Cause it makes his knuckles big? (haha)

It makes him seem arrogant

Murray fell back in his seat. Arrogant? Cracking his knuckles was a sign of self-confidence. At least that’s how he always felt. He’d better change the subject before she brought up something he didn’t want to hear.

Hmm … interesting. Now, tell me your hidden thoughts. What are you contemplating right now?

Figuring it would take her a few minutes to write back, he entered the kitchen, rummaged around in the fridge, and found a can of cola. He carried it back to the computer and took a swig.

He almost choked when Tonya’s IM appeared.

Poe, you MUST tell me who you are. NOW! I’ve waited patiently, and patience is not my virtue. WHO ARE YOU?

“Great,” he muttered.

Standing, Murray walked to the window and gazed out at his snowy front yard. The skies were clear and several stars winked at him. “Lord, I love Tonya and want to marry her. I know You gave me peace about our relationship, but I’m still scared.”

As strange as it seemed, Poe had become a problem in Murray’s developing relationship with Tonya. She wanted Poe, not him. It seemed she had built this fantasy man up to godlike proportions. When she found out he was Murray, she would be disappointed.

He slipped back into his seat at the computer.

Give me a couple days to pray about it, OK?

Just thinking about revealing his identity made Murray’s palms sweat.

On Sunday afternoon, Tonya walked down the stairs from her second-floor bedroom. Hopefully she could find some luncheon meat in the refrigerator to make a sandwich before she attended the evening church service. She glanced at her cast. Maybe Mom could help her make the sandwich. It was hard to do anything with one hand.

Murray, dressed in his green patrol uniform, walked through the living room on his way to the front door. “Hi, Tonya.”

“Murray, what are you doing—” She stopped. Murray was right—she always asked him that question. “Never mind.”

He grinned. “Your dad had a computer problem. Didn’t you know I was over here?”

“No.” She finished walking down the stairs.

“Uh, Tonya …” Taking a couple of steps back, he positioned himself in front of her. “I got a couple tickets to the Cheyenne Playhouse for Tuesday night. Want to go with me?”

A date with Murray Twichell? What about Poe? If she kept spending time with Murray, she might put her heart in grave danger—as far as Poe was concerned. “I don’t know, Murray. I’d really like to, but I feel an obligation to Poe. He’s my soul mate, after all.”

“Oh.” Murray looked down. “Um, I didn’t want to mention this, but Poe gave me the tickets.” He met her eyes. “He asked me to take you to this play for him.”

“What?” Tonya’s ire rose, along with her voice. “Why doesn’t he just ask me out himself, for goodness’ sake?”

Murray shrugged. “He’s a big chicken.”

“Aargh!” Her right hand curled into a fist. “What is wrong with that man? I wish he would just tell me who he is.”

“Give him time. Now how about that play on Tuesday? It’s
Singing in the Rain.”

Tonya’s lips parted as her anger dissipated. “Really? That’s one of my favorites.” She sighed. If Poe wouldn’t take her out, it would serve him right if she dated someone else. “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Great!” Murray brought his hands together like he did when he cracked his knuckles, but then his hands dropped to his sides. “I forgot, you don’t like me doing that.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Poe told you?”

“Uh, yeah. We’re good friends, remember?”

Her anger seeped back—against Poe! Why was he telling Murray things that she had told him in confidence?

Murray opened the front door. “I’ll pick you up around six thirty Tuesday evening, okay?”

“Sure.” She waited for the door to close behind him, then sank down to the second stair. What was the big deal about Poe not revealing himself? And why was he sharing their private correspondence with Murray? Didn’t he know Murray liked her romantically? After all, he was asking her on dates, not wearing aftershave because it made her sneeze, not cracking his knuckles because she didn’t want him to… .

Tonya sighed. Murray was just too nice.

On Monday night, Tonya was completely ready for bed as she IMed with Poe. She decided to test the truth about the squeaky wheel getting the oil. Every evening she would bug Poe and nag at him, no matter how long it took, until he agreed to reveal his identity.

Still waiting, Poe. When am I going to meet you?

Uh, well, let’s see. Tomorrow’s out. How about never? Is never good for you?

NO! I want to meet you ASAP. Who R U?

OK. I once heard a preacher say, “faith takes risks,” and I guess it’s time for the big reveal. I’ll take you up on dinner with your family

She almost jumped out of her seat.

Woo-hoo! I can’t believe it!

Yeah, well, you might be singing a different tune once you meet me. I hope you’re not disappointed

They kept IMing, and a decision was reached. Poe had other plans for Tuesday night, and he was working on Wednesday. But Thursday night was free, so he would reveal himself then. Tonya invited him over for dinner with the Brandt family that evening.

Now Tonya wished she didn’t have to go out with Murray tomorrow night, but she wasn’t about to stand him up. One more date with Murray, and then Poe would be hers forever.

Murray drove his SUV up the Brandts’ drive on Tuesday night at the end of their date. It was now after midnight. On the way home, all Tonya could talk about was the play and how great it was. He enjoyed the animated conversation. Now she was quiet, probably tired from the late hour, but he didn’t want her to fall asleep.

“Um, Tonya, I heard that Poe plans to reveal himself on Thursday.”

She turned a smile on him. “Yep. He’s coming over for dinner with the family.”

“The entire family?” He could just imagine a huge family reunion with all her sisters and brothers gaping at him. Sweat broke out on his hands as he drove.

“No, just my parents and Derek.” She held up her broken arm. “Since I’m not working right now, Mom and I will take all day Thursday to get ready. I’m planning to make my brownies for dessert.” She grinned at him. “You know—Tonya’s Terrific Brownies?”

“That’s great.” His hands started sticking to the steering wheel.

“I’m so excited.” She gave a little laugh. “Can you imagine? I’ll finally discover who’s been writing to me all this time.”

“Yeah, if he doesn’t chicken out.”

“He’d better not!” Tonya leaned toward him. “Keep his feet to the fire, okay, Murray?”

. That’s what it would feel like. He wiped his left hand on his pants.

Parking the SUV, he glanced at the house. The porch light was on, but besides that the house looked dark. Probably Jake, Yvette, and Derek were all in bed. “I’ll get your door, Tonya.”

Together they walked up the three steps to the porch. Murray’s mind was still on the big unveiling. What if Tonya rejected him?

That would be a true identity crisis!

She opened the front door, then turned to him. “Thanks so much, Murray. I loved that play.”

“Yeah, me, too. Thanks for going with me.”

“Bye!” Leaning toward him, she brushed a quick kiss along his jawline, then ran into the house.

His eyes widened. “Tonya! Come back here!” If he had known that kiss was coming, he would have grabbed her and kissed her back—on the mouth!

He heard her laugh on the other side of the closed door.

“Tonya!” He wanted to shout her name at the top of his lungs, but he might wake up the rest of the household.

With a sigh, he trudged back to his car. Thursday would come way too soon.

Tonya lightly ran up the stairs, then entered her bedroom on tiptoe. What had gotten into her? She had kissed Murray Twichell! But she had to admit that the beard under his skin fascinated her. As the evening wore on, she watched it grow darker. She couldn’t resist seeing if his skin was as scratchy under her lips as it looked.

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