Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4)
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in other words, we’re going to trespass? I like it,” Angus crowed.

we’re neighbors. We’re checking on it.”

has the better idea, Angus.”

finally found ourselves in the ski boat and heading around and into the cove.
Amadeus wasn’t kidding. The place was big. But that’s how outsiders, especially
from California, did. They came in and built these huge ‘vacation homes’ and
then used them perhaps a half dozen times before they either sat or went on the

it’s a monstrosity,” Angus said.

on, let’s see if we can get inside,” I caught myself saying. “If we can’t, we
can at least get a good look at what the rest of the place looks like.”

beached the boat, tied her up, and walked up to the house. It was pretty much a
construction zone. No walkways or anything had been poured. The structure,
while big, wasn’t as huge as it looked from the water. Having found a door open
on the side of the house, we decided to take a closer look. The place was
pretty much a shell. It appeared whoever was building it, took it as far as
drying it in.

This is a major project,” I said.

don’t even know how you’d go about purchasing something like this. You’d have
to have a construction loan,” Angus interjected.

can get Zara to ask her friend Tina. She’s a real estate agent on the island.
If it’s not officially up for sale, she may still know what’s going on.”

idea,” I replied. “I think we need to head back anyway. It looks like rain is
about to set in.”

barely got back to the boathouse when the bottom fell out. Smartly, Amadeus
phoned Zara and let her know we were headed into the studio since we were all
wet. He knew how to stay just on the fringes of her good side. He also told her
we’d order a pizza if she’d let us know when it arrived. There was some
conversation about the house.

we settled in, raiding baby brother’s stash of t-shirts from a long ago tour.
Angus ransacked the refrigerator for beer, and we all kicked back, barefooted
and somewhat dry.

What’s going on with you?” I asked since Amadeus had never really made it clear
why Angus was visiting.

as exciting as what you’ve got going on. Ashley and the girls went to some sort
of retreat. I got bored, so decided I’d bug baby brother.”

thought you were asked to join that oldies tour?” I opened my beer. I took a
long swig waiting on his answer.

am. It doesn’t start back up for two months. It’ll be the fall installment.”

always enjoyed those tours,” Amadeus replied.

Just show up and sing my two or three numbers and that’s about it. A few
interviews here and there. Easy.”

You going to go back out?”

told you, I plan on getting in the studio soon. Get a CD cut. I’ll evaluate
things once it’s out. I’m not foolish enough to think I can do a ninety-day

but you wouldn’t have to do that. You were on fire that night you were on stage
with Ethan. I haven’t seen you that stoked performing in a long time,” Angus
drawled. He was baiting me for something else. I know the brat’s tactics.

figure it out. What’s been the response so far to Ethan signing to a virgin
record label?”

A?” I shook my head. “The response has been great, overwhelming in fact. I’m
still sorting through the emails that have come in.”

you deserve it. This has been your dream for quite a while. I see only good
things coming your way.”

jeez, you two. Can you cut the sentiments? Do I need to cue the violins? Don’t
pat him on the back too much, A. He might just get a bigger head than he
already has,” Angus said.

knew we were going to be fine. This was new to all of us. But still the same. I
took another long swallow off my brew. “I wonder what Dad would say if he saw the
three of us now?”

think he’d be damn proud,” Angus replied. “Especially of you, Dame. You’ve come
a long way these past few years. No one thought you’d be sitting here with three
songs on the charts and a fledgling company. You’ve overcome a debilitating
stroke, a nasty divorce, and lived through it all. Better than before. Yeah, he’s
looking down from wherever, proud as an English peacock.”

thought I was going to tear up. Never expected that from my annoying brother.

right, Dame. Plus, you’ve raised two smart, grounded daughters who have
brilliant futures ahead of them,” A added.

enough, you two. Thanks though. I mean it.”

stood up and wandered to the refrigerator. “We may need to make a run. Unless
you don’t mind something stronger?”

to worry. All we need to do is get my cooler out of the trunk of my car.
Destiny’s car, actually.”

your SUV?” I asked.

got it. Hers is in the shop. It needed brakes and a couple of other minor
things, so figured now was as good a time as any.”

we’ll grab it when the pizza arrives.”

Dame, are you seeing anyone now that Alana is out of the picture?” Amadeus
inquired oh so innocently.

been out of the picture for quite some time. Ever since she stormed out of here
that day. To answer your question, no I’m not seeing anyone. Haven’t exactly
had time, nor the desire at the moment.”

about Beth, Ethan’s mom? You two were obviously an item way back when. You sure
there isn’t something smoldering now?” Angus snorted.

was back in high school. She disappeared, remember? Then, I met Julia, and we
all know how that ended. She’s made a good life for herself and Ethan. There’s
nothing there.”

liar, pants on fire! There sure the hell is, but I’m not sharing it with either
one of you.

you say so, Dame,” Amadeus drawled.

do.” Hell, what’s going on with these two? I came out here to discuss all these
changes that are happening because usually I can. A and Zara listen, make
suggestions. These two are acting almost jealous. Envious. It’s not like they
can’t join me. I’ve offered.

the way the afternoon went. The evening ended early when the power went out. We
huddled around the fireplace, swapping stories and just being brothers.




first thing I awoke to was a little hand on my eyelid, trying to force it open.

Dame, open your eye. Daddy says get up.”

lay there trying to figure how I was going to get up out of this bed with a
bare ass and only a t-shirt on. I felt her crawl up on the bed, sitting on top
of me.

Dame, are you awake?”

threw my eyes open, startling her into a fit of laughter like only a four year
old can muster.

awake now, you varmint. Is it still storming out, Elizabeth?”

still stormin’,” she replied, nodding her head very seriously. “You have to
stay. Uncle Angus too. Bad storm.”

I’m awake. Go tell your daddy I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

said I have to go with you.”

geez, Amadeus. Really?

okay. I’ll be right down, okay.”

She crossed her arms, sitting up on me, right on my soon to bust bladder. A
thought crossed my mind. It would be a mean trick to play, but if I didn’t get
this young’un off of me and out of the room... “Elizabeth, you want to know who
my girlfriend is?”

got her attention. Everything else was forgotten. The answer I wanted to give
her would only get me in hot water with Zara, so I quickly chose another.


why don’t you get down off the bed first, okay?”

eagerly scampered down to receive her news. Yeah, brother, it didn’t take much
for you to get your daughter to do your dirty work.

your girlfriend’s name, Uncle Dame?”

Cindy Suckme. Can you remember that, Elizabeth?”

huh. Cindy Suckme. Cindy Suckme, Cindy Suckme.” She grinned, clapping her
hands. “Can I tell Daddy?”

Go tell your daddy and your uncle. I know they’re waiting downstairs for you.”

squealed and scampered off, singing the fictitious name I’d given her. That’ll
teach them to send a child to do their dirty work.

groaned and rolled out of the bed, pulling my jeans on as I headed toward the

short time later, I joined everyone downstairs. Whatever conversation was going
on ceased when I appeared. Uh oh. Zara wasn’t around, but the two lugs who
called themselves my brothers were sitting in front of a newly built fire,
sipping coffee.

I hedged. “I see the storm hasn’t let up.”

Suckme? Really?” Amadeus scowled.

was trying his best not to laugh, but it didn’t do any good. “You should have
been here man. She came running in here screeching ‘Cindy Suckme, Cindy Suckme,
Cindy Suckme.’ It was priceless.”

didn’t think so. Damn Dame, I don’t know why you’re being so secretive about
this bitch. We all know who she is, so just spill. Now, because of your
cuteness with Elizabeth, Zara’s going to rip me a new one when you guys leave.”

Okay, baby
brother, time to put you in your place. Time to lose the attitude. Just because
you’re a mega rock star, doesn’t mean that crap is going to fly with me when it’s
just us.
“Amadeus, time to put a lid on it, or you’ll find yourself with your head
permanently stuck up your ass. Don’t think I’m not capable of doing it, either.
When I’m ready to share, I’ll share. I told you both last night the whole thing
is new, and we are trying to figure things out. I asked you to respect my
wishes. But you just have to push. If it’s not Angus, it’s you. So just shut
the fuck up. The subject is off limits the remainder of whatever time I have to
spend here.”

about then, Zara came running down the stairs faster than anyone I’d ever seen.
She wasn’t happy either. “Okay, all three of you. Shut up! I’m trying to get
Wolfgang down for a nap. He’s teething, and had me up most of the night. Alone,
because my husband decided to party late. Drop the subject, you two. Damien
obviously isn’t ready to share this part of his life right now. At least
respect his wishes.”

Beth Asher,” Amadeus said softly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. He
pulled out a piece of paper. A photo of Beth and me. Taken from the water.
Paparazzi. The day I drove over to talk in more detail with Beth and Ethan. We
were sharing a first kiss. Ethan had gone inside to take a phone call from one
of his band mates about the upcoming tour. “Amazing what you can find on the
internet. You really ought to try googling yourself, Dame.”

fucking bastard! I ought to—” I stopped, turned, and walked to the windows,
looking instead out at the waves and grey sky.

I heard Angus say. “Beth? Really?”

Beth!” I shrieked. Then, looking at Amadeus, I carried on, “Are you fucking
happy now?”

felt Zara’s hand on my arm. She carried a cup of coffee in the other. “Damien,
calm down. If you want to share with us, fine. If you don’t, we’ll all respect
your wishes. Isn’t that right, boys?”

took the mug from her and tried to muster a smile. She was trying to be my
protector, and I had to love her for it. “Thanks, Zara.”

back over to the two idiots who called themselves my brothers, I sucked in a
breath. “That was the first kiss we ever shared since she walked back into my
life. There’s obviously something there for her too. She asked me if we could
wait until after Ethan left to talk about it. I agreed. So there really isn’t
anything to it, but if I have any say in the matter, there will be.”

think that’s wonderful, Dame,” Zara said softly. “I think you’re both going
about it in the right manner.”

do too. I worry about her in that house. Though it was a wonderful thing for
Ethan to do, I think perhaps Bainbridge isn’t the place. There’s no fence, no
security, and the paparazzi are brazen as hell.”

there’s a lot more boat traffic there, making it easy for the paparazzi. Can’t
a fence be built, or is there some rule there not to?” Amadeus asked.

it’s a tourist trap for sure, and I’m not sure what the rule is on fences. I
know they’re really big on leaving things as natural as possible.”

was that so hard?” Angus chuckled.

didn’t want to say anything until we’ve had some time to figure things out. But
if that photo is on the internet, it’s only a matter of time until the girls
see it.”

Ethan,” Amadeus replied.

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