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Authors: Toni Aleo

Trying to Score (65 page)

BOOK: Trying to Score
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“Oh Lucas, don’t do that. Everything is going to be fine,” she pleaded, leaning against the door. “He loves you.”
“Whatever, did you tell Fallon yet?”
She slowly shook her head. “I’m going too, though.”
Lucas nodded. “Alright, we’ll I’m going to bed.”
“Okay, good night.”

“Night,” he said. He then pushed the door open and slowly shut it behind him as his eyes adjusted to the dark. He toed out of his sneakers as his fingers made quick work of the button of his shorts. After pushing them down, he pulled his shirt off and started for the bed. Fallon lay on her stomach, breathing deeply as Lucas slowly crawled into the bed. She didn’t stir, not even when he pulled the covers off her. When he saw she only wore a pair of panties, his dick went hard instantly. He slid his hands up her thighs, taking a hold of the thin cotton panties and pulling them down. He waited for her to stop him, but she didn’t even move.

Lucas had forgotten how hard she slept and smiled at the memories of waking her up just like this. He slowly moved between her legs and sat back on his haunches. He bit down on his lip to suppress the groan that threatened to come out from the sight of her perfectly shaped ass. He moved his hands along the two beautiful cheeks of her luscious bottom, loving the feel of her in his hand. Lucas then took a hold of her hips and pulled up, meeting his hot flesh against hers. She came like a rag doll until she woke up. She pushed her hands down so that she was up on all fours before looking back at Lucas.

Lucas laughed. “Shh, you’ll wake someone up.”
She looked at him incredulously. “What the hell are you doin’!” she asked in a whisper.

Lucas gave her a cocky grin. “Giving you a surprise,” he said before pushing inside her. Lucas’ eyes fell shut at the tightness of her while Fallon fell into the bed, face first, with her ass still in his hands. He slid out of her, and then back to the hilt with a smack. She took a hold of the bedding and brought it to her face, but he could still hear her cries of pleasure. It fueled him to go faster and he started to pound into her. With every thrust, his thighs met hers with a loud slap and Lucas’ balls where already drawing up, but Fallon hadn’t come yet.

Lucas pulled out of her, and flipped her over to her back. She looked down at him with a shocked look on her face before he lowered his mouth to between her legs. He ran his tongue up her swollen center before dipping his tongue inside her and flicking it along her clit. The blankets moved underneath him and he had to stop himself from grinning so he could continue the assault his tongue was doing. Fallon let out a loud muffled scream as her body shook under his mouth when she came. Lucas grinned as he moved his hand along his mouth while looking down at her beautiful naked body. He reached up, removing the blanket from her face before lifting her legs over his shoulders, and sliding inside of her. She was hotter and wetter this time. A low growl left his lips as his fingers bit into her thighs. She bit down on her bottom lip, looking up at him as he moved in and out of her. Her hands came up to his biceps and her nails bit into them as he continued to pound into her. When her body started to squeeze his again, he knew he was a goner. He moved his face to the side, biting into her calf as he exploded inside of her.

Lucas collapsed on top of her, his breathing matching hers as she ran her hands up his sweaty back to his face. She moved his face up, and kissed his mouth before dropping her hands to the bed.

“Goodness me,” she gasped out. “You bit me!”
Lucas chuckled against her throat, still drawing in deep breaths. “Yeah, sorry about that, but hey.”
“Good morning.”


Fallon had a little more pep in her step than usual that next morning. After lying in bed with Lucas all morning and taking the hottest shower imaginable, Fallon was convinced she would be tired but she wasn’t. She was excited to see Lucas, and she couldn’t wait to see why he had brought her to the arena so early in the morning. As she made her way up the steps of the Luther Arena, a happy little smile stayed on her lips.

Fallon hoped that Lucas liked the pink sheath dress and black thigh high boots she had on since he had gotten them for her. She was sure he wouldn’t remember but she hoped he at least thought she was hot. When she entered the area, the first thing she saw was the ad for Rocky Top Wines above the ticket booths. She smiled, feeling on top of the world. Everything was so great at that moment. Aiden was healthy (minus one broken arm) and he was happy. Audrey seemed better and she had assured Fallon that things were great between her and the douche. Work was spectacular and she wasn’t going to let the fact that Elli hadn’t e-mailed her back in three days bother her. She was probably thinking it over, and it would all be fine.

Fallon just knew it would.

When she turned the corner and saw Lucas leaning against the wall, looking too damn sexy for words, a bright grin came over her face. Above everything else, they were great. She had thought she loved Lucas more than anything when they were younger, but it had nothing on the way she felt for him now. Just looking at him made her heart skip a beat and her stomach fill with butterflies. When he gave her that cocky grin of his, she swore she couldn’t breathe.

How did this happen again? How did she fall so head over heels for him all over again? It wasn’t an easy ride but they had made it, and boy was she glad. Lucas moved away from the wall and wrapped her up in his arms, kissing her lavishly while his hands scrunched up the back of her dress.

“Mm,” he said as they parted, “I like this dress.”
Fallon gave him a bashful grin. “Good, you bought it.”
“You think I don’t know that?” he asked with a grin.
Fallon laughed. “You don’t!” she accused.
Lucas laughed as he wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to his side. “So you caught me.”

Fallon giggled happily before wrapping her arms around his middle. He leaned down and kissed her nose before bringing his hand up to cup her face ever so lightly. She smiled up at him and said, “So why am I here?”

He nodded his head to the side. “Turn around.”

Fallon looked behind her but didn’t see anything. The only thing behind her was a chain-gated store that had been closed for almost three seasons. She knew this because this and four other units were the units she was looking at for the wine cellar. Fallon looked back up at Lucas, confused. “Huh?”

“You don’t see that?” he asked, pointing back behind her. She turned around and started for the gate. When she got closer, she saw a little pink post-it note. She reached for it and brought it up to her face to see that it was his handwriting. It wasn’t clear or perfect but it was his, and she loved his handwriting. After deciphering each word, tears sprang to her eyes as she read the words again:

Fallon’s wine cellar.

Fallon’s hand came up to her mouth before she turned quickly to see Lucas holding up a pair of keys. She shook her head as the tears started to fall.

“I don’t understand,” she gasped.

“It’s simple really,” Lucas said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I contacted Mrs. Adler about getting this spot for the special woman in my life. She informed me that you had actually sent her an e-mail that morning and that she was still deciding. I told her not to think anymore, to just let me lease the space for the next five years instead of the one year you proposed. When she asked me why she should do that for me, you know what I said?”

Fallon shook her head, tears streaming down her face as he held her eyes with his. “I said that I wanted to be a part of her dream, and since she is so damn smart and does everything on her own, this is the only way I can be.”

Fallon hiccupped a sob as she ran to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard against his lips. His arms came around her waist and picked her up as he deepened the kiss. When they parted, she place three kisses against his lips before smiling down at him. “I wouldn’t want this any other way than with you by my side.”

Lucas closed his eyes, leaning his head against her. “Good because I’m not going anywhere, baby girl.”
Fallon shook her head before looking over at the space that was going to be her cellar. “I can’t believe you did this.”
When she glanced back at Lucas, he was smiling at her, “It’s what you do for someone you love.”
“A five-year lease is a whole lotta of love,” she joked.
Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “I have a lifetime of love, just for you, baby.”

Fallon gave him a loving smile and she knew this was the moment. Fallon’s heart felt as if it was going to explode as she gazed into his eyes. She took in a deep breath and then said, “I lo...”

“So what do we think?!”

Fallon looked over at the person that interrupted their moment. Elli stood in a cute yellow sundress and matching yellow pumps. Her smile was brighter than her dress but for once, Fallon wasn’t happy to see her. She would never get this moment back, and she hated that Elli had interrupted it.

“I think she’s happy,” Lucas answered, grinning over at Fallon. She looked deep into his eyes, moving her hands along her cheeks to catch her happy tears. He gave her a grin before leaning up and kissing her nose.

Fallon nodded and then looked over at Elli. “I’m beyond it.”

“So you really love it?” Lucas asked.

Fallon looked over at him from her spot on the couch. After spending the morning going over paperwork with Elli, Fallon decided to skip work and come home to be with Lucas. They were both dog tired but Fallon couldn’t go to sleep. She wanted to spend all her time with him, and sleep could wait. She took a hold of his hand and smiled.

“I do Lucas, thank you so much.”
He smiled. “Good,” he said running his thumb along her hand, “so I’m just going to throw this out there.”
Fallon raised an eyebrow as she smiled. “What?”

Lucas ran his tongue along his lips and Fallon took in a sharp breath as lust took over her body. She sure did love that tongue of his. Lucas grinned down at her as he threw one of her legs over behind his back so that he could lie down on top of her. His hard body pressed down into her soft one but she didn’t mind. She welcomed it.

“I’m pretty sure,” he said running his lips down her jaw. It was hypnotic and her eyes fell shut as he moved them back up to her mouth, “that you were going to tell me you loved me outside your new wine cellar.”

Fallon’s eyes shot open to see him grinning down at her. She scoffed as she smiled. “You’ll never know.”
He chuckled. “Oh come on, say it. Just whisper it.”
“Noooo,” she complained, “I want to say it when you don’t expect it!”
Lucas laughed. “So you are not denying it.”
Fallon shrugged her shoulders. “I ain’t saying nothing.”
Lucas let out a frustrated breath. “You are being difficult.”
“You’ll be okay,” she giggled. “So anyways, when’s Tate coming by?”
“In a little while,” Lucas pouted but Fallon ignored him.
“Hmmm, you know I wish he was older. Him and Audrey would be so cute together.”
Lucas looked away, taking in a breath. “Yeah.”
“You know, maybe we can find someone for her, then she’ll leave the douche!”
Lucas nodded, still not looking at her. “Has she talked about him?”

Fallon shrugged her shoulders. “She tells me that they are great,” Fallon said with disdain in her voice. “It makes me sick, ‘cause I want to know who he is so I can kill him.”

Fallon looked up at him. “What?”
Lucas looked down at her. “Nothing, I was just thinking about who would be good for her.”

Fallon suspected her was lying, but why would he do that? He wouldn’t lie to her, they were solid and everything was perfect so she smiled before saying, “I was thinking number 15, he is hot!”

Lucas glared. “Anderson?’
“Sure, the blonde-haired guy. Total hottie. Audrey will love him.”
Lucas laughed. “He’s a player.”
“Aren’t all hockey players?”
Lucas pinned her with a look before saying, “I’m not, and neither is Adler, Welch, or Titov.”
“That’s ‘cause y’all are blessed with hot females in your lives. Anderson just needs a hot chick, and my sister is that.”
Lucas smiled, “I’ll talk to him.”
“Yay! You’re the best.”
He gave her a sad smile. “Obviously not, since you won’t tell me you love me,” he complained.

Fallon started to laugh. “Oh hush,” she said with a flick of the hand, “and tell me how you are going to win these next two games so that we can lay in bed together until you leave again.”

“Shh!” Lucas exclaimed, “You’ll jinx us.”

Fallon laughed, wrapping her arms around her neck and kissing him deeply. When they parted she flashed him the biggest grin ever and then said, “I can’t jinx the best team in the NHL!”

Fallon had jinxed them.

After beating the Wild in their home arena, they came to Nashville with guns blazing and shut the Assassins out. It was extremely embarrassing. Not only was the arena sold out, but Aiden and Fallon had come to the watch the game. Lucas hated losing, but he loathed losing in front of the two people he loved.

Lucas came out of the player’s exit to see Fallon and Aiden waiting for him. Aiden looked adorable in his number #22 jersey and his Assassins ball cap. It made him feel good to see his number on his boy, but when he looked up at Fallon, he no longer felt good. Lucas felt great. She wore a pair of tight jeans with his old Sharks jersey, her shoes matching the turquoise of the jersey and her hair in a pretty side braid. She looked spectacular, and even with the loss he couldn’t help the grin that came over his face.

Aiden came running towards him and jumped into his arms, wrapping his little arms around Lucas’ neck.
“You lost,” he stated.
“I know. Sucks huh?”
“Yeah, I told Mom it was her fault for wearing that jersey instead of an Assassins one.”
BOOK: Trying to Score
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