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Authors: Toni Aleo

Trying to Score (26 page)

BOOK: Trying to Score
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“I know what you’re doing, and it isn’t cute!” she accused with her finger pointed at him. The chairs were high, so he was the same height as she was as she stood beside him.

Lucas laughed as he brought his water to his lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Yes you do! Bringing a girl here when you knew I was gonna be here with Chase.”
“Oh Coach Dweeb is here?” Lucas said looking past her. “Wanna sit together?”
“Hell no! I want you to leave!” she screeched, making him laugh harder.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Fallon’s face scrunched up before she stomped her foot and turned to head back to the table.

“It’s crazy that I still think you are hot even when you’re acting like a two-year-old,” he called out at her as she headed back to her table. She ignored him as she sat down, putting a forgiving smile on her face for Chase.

“Sorry, I saw someone I knew,” Fallon said. She picked up another fry and brought it her lips.
“It’s fine,” Chase said with a little bit of an attitude, not that she cared.
When an announcer came over the speakers introducing the act for the night, Fallon turned a little to look at the stage.
“The singer tonight is supposed to be pretty good,” Chase said.

Fallon nodded her head but then her eyes went wide. Lucas’ date strolled onto the stage with her guitar and two other guys beside her. As they all sat, Fallon looked over at Lucas to see him grinning at her. Fallon’s gazed locked with his as his date started singing the most beautiful song ever. When Lucas got up and started toward her, his eyes never leaving hers, her breathing picked up.

What was he doing?

“Hey there, Coach,”

Fallon looked up at Lucas with her eyes wide as Coach Dweeb looked over at him questioningly. Lucas wasn’t paying too much attention to the coach, he had eyes only for Fallon. Like always, she looked beautiful. She wore a tight cream colored dress that brought out the bronze color of her skin. The heels she wore had little naughty bows tying them together and Lucas wanted nothing more than to take them off of her.

With his teeth.
“Do I know you?” Coach Dweeb asked.
“Not really, but I’m a friend of Fallon’s and I want to dance with her. You don’t mind, do you?”

Fallon blinked twice as she took a deep breath. Coach looked over at Fallon before looking back up at Lucas. “I’ll bring her right back, just one song.”

Coach cleared his throat before nodding at Fallon. “It’s up to her.”
Lucas laughed/ “Okay then, come on baby girl.”
“I’m not dancing with you,” Fallon said once she found her voice. Lucas laughed again before looking back over at the coach.
“Did she tell you who I am?”

“Okay, let’s go,” Fallon said, getting up and pushing him to the dance floor. “Asshole,” she muttered. Lucas couldn’t help the grin on his face. He should have been angry with the fact that she didn’t want to tell people who he was, but he figured that it was probably for the best until Aiden knew. Lucas smiled up at Misty as she started a new song. She smiled back as Lucas took Fallon into his arms. She didn’t come willingly and tried to back up a couple of times, but Lucas wouldn’t let her get far. He loved the feel of her body against his too much to let her put distance between them. There had been distance between them for years and now that she was within his reach, distance wasn’t going to be an issue anymore.

“Isn’t this nice?” he whispered as he looked down at her.
Fallon looked up, annoyance all over her face. “It will be nice when I can get back to my date.”
Lucas chuckled. “We both know you don’t want to be with him. You don’t even listen to him when he talks.”
Fallon narrowed her eyes. “And how do you know that?”
A smirk came across Lucas’ face. “Baby, don’t you know that when you are anywhere beside me I’m watching you?”
Fallon rolled her eyes as she looked up at the stage. “Aren’t you supposed to be watching your date?”

“She isn’t my date, she’s Levi’s cousin. I’ve known her for years. She asked me to come down to watch her sing and to have some dinner.”

Lucas swore relief came across her face, but Fallon being who she was, she hid it quickly. “Don’t matter to me.”
“Sure it doesn’t,” he teased.
“Can I go now without you going and telling Chase about me and you?” she asked as she looked over at Chase.
“Why? What the hell do you want?” she asked as she brought her eyes up to his.

“Just to hold you,” he said sincerely. He had missed the feel of her in his arms so much and wanted to bask in the feel of her. Even with her snotty attitude he couldn’t help but notice how his body responded to hers. He wondered if she felt the same heat, if she was as wet as he was hard. God, he wanted her.

They moved to the music for a moment before he said, “Maybe you could give me a little kiss.” Lucas was just teasing her, but all it did was pissed her off. Her eyes narrowed as she moved out of his arms.

“First, I am not the kind of woman to be on a date with one man and kiss another right in front him. And for two, fuck you for thinking I am. Don’t get us confused Lucas, you’re the cheater,” she sneered before stomping off toward her table. Lucas stood in the middle of the dance floor watching as she told Chase something before heading towards the exit.

“Shit,” Lucas said as he dug his hands into the pocket of his slacks.

Lucas needed to reevaluate his plans because something wasn’t working. Fallon should have already been naked by now and in his arms, not fighting with him and cussing him out. He had apologized, and he had gotten her gifts. He had done everything he could think of. What the hell was he doing wrong? As Misty sang, Lucas started to doubt himself. What if Fallon wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t want anything to do with him? Maybe she didn’t feel what he did? Maybe he should just get to know his kid and leave her alone.

Lucas stood there watching Misty as couples danced around him. A slow grin came across his face and he chuckled to himself because Fallon did want him. Even if she didn’t want to, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Lucas was going to know his son and by God, he was going to get Fallon. No matter what, because he still loved her.

And always would.

Chapter 16

Fallon could still feel Lucas’ arms around her well into the next day. Fallon hadn’t slept a wink the night before as she kept replaying Lucas’ words over and over again in her mind.

I just want to hold you.

How many times had she heard him say that before? A day didn’t pass without him saying it to her when they were together, and Lord how she had loved hearing those words. She loved being held by Lucas, loved the feeling of being in his strong arms and he didn’t fail to impress last night. His arms held her close to his chest, where she felt his strong heartbeat against her breast while the sweetest song played in the background.

It was the same song that she had been playing over and over again throughout the day. She couldn’t get the moment they shared out of her mind and playing the song wasn’t helping the situation any, but she needed it. As the girl sang about needing a hero, Fallon thought about Lucas’ breath along her cheek as her eyes drifted shut. The thought did nothing but make her nipples hard against her silk blouse and wet between her thighs.

Damn, she needed to get laid.

Maybe she could rethink Chase — he would be an easy lay. The only problem with that was that there was no way on God’s green earth she could get naked with him. He was too skinny, no muscle. She liked to be manhandled in bed, and unfortunately the only man to ever do that was Lucas. Everyone else was so gentle, so sweet and Fallon didn’t like that. Sometimes, yes, but most of the time she liked it rough. The feel of a man biting her lip, or throat. Or throwing her against a wall to fuck the hell out of her. Yes, please sign her up! That was what she liked, and Lucas had done it since day one.

I don’t usually do this,” Fallon said breathlessly between kisses as they climbed up the stairs to his house.

I know,” Lucas said before taking her lip in between his teeth and biting softly, “but aren’t you glad you are?”

Lucas picked her up, bracing her against the back door with his pelvis as he used his other hand to rip off her panties. “Oh yes,” she gasped as her cupped her ass in his hand, pressing his rock-hard dick into her soft wet center. He took her mouth with his again while wrapping an arm around her so he could hold her as the door opened.

Fallon’s mouth was too busy with his to look around his house as he carried her quickly to his bedroom in a hot frenzy. When they reached the bedroom, he threw her on the bed with a grin on his face. She looked up at him from under her eyelashes with lust pouring from her pores. He reached for her boots, throwing each one of his shoulder, the grin still in place. Fallon unbutton her jean skirt, and he yanked it down, his eyes going dark at the sight of her bare center.

Damn, you are gorgeous,” he whispered before running his hands up her thighs and teasing her with his thumbs. “I could eat you up for days.”

Fallon pulled her tank over her head, throwing it across the room as her breasts sat bra-free for his viewing pleasure. “You are trying to kill me,” he whispered against her hip. Her giggles filled the room but stopped when he bit her hip. Fallon watched as he swirled his tongue along her hip and she took in a sharp breath when he opened her thighs. He glanced up at her through half lidded eyes before taking her whole in his mouth.

Fallon’s quiet moans filled the large room as Lucas took her on a rollercoaster of pleasure. He took her to the point of almost screaming then all of sudden quit, changing the speed and direction of his tongue. She was mindless with pleasure and she wanted more, and she wanted it now. Her hands slid down her body, feeling the sweat that started to perspire on her before moving her hands into his hair. Lucas started to go faster, his tongue moving in
ways that was only imaginable to Fallon before. His fingers bit into thighs as her fingers dug into his scalp. When she finally hit her climax, she felt like she exploded into a thousand pieces.

Lucas sat up with a satisfied grin on his beautiful mouth, before wiping it with the back of his hand. Fallon lay totally spent as he removed his clothes. Her eyes traveled down his amazing body, his well-defined abs, then back up to the hair that dusted his chest. Underneath the hair was a sexy tattoo that said something she couldn’t see from the angle she laid at. He was covered in tattoos and Fallon had the desire to run her tongue along each one.

Especially the gun along his hip that pointed straight to his extremely large dick.

Fallon took in a sharp breath since she was pretty sure that thing was not going to fit. She had been with boys before, but now she was about to fucked by a man, and she dripped with desired at the thought. Lucas took his bottom lip in between his teeth as he looked over her flushed body. His gaze made her feel like the sexiest girl in the world, and when he pulled her by her ankles to the end of the bed, she swore she almost came. His bed was high from the ground, and her center was at the perfect height for him to push right into her while standing. He didn’t wait, he didn’t even warn her. He pushed into her.

Lights went off behind Fallon’s eyelids as he slammed into her, taking everything he wanted. His fingers held her hips in his hands as he slammed in her with passion-filled grunts. It hurt, but it was a good hurt and Fallon found herself wrapping her legs around his waist.

Open your eyes,” Lucas demanded. Fallon couldn’t help but do as he asked. When her gaze locked with his, a smirk formed on his swollen mouth as he continued to plunge deeply inside her. Her climax was building again and Fallon couldn’t believe it. She had never came twice during sex, and it seemed as if Lucas wasn’t going to stop until she did. Lucas undid her legs from around his waist and pushed them up towards her head while lying against them, his glorious face alongside hers with his hands bracing him up. The change of position did it, and she came quickly as she screamed against his throat. The climax was intense, and when he groaned long and low in her ear with his own orgasm, she was convinced she came again.

They stayed liked that for a long time as their breathing regulated. When Lucas rolled off her, Fallon couldn’t do anything but lay there. She felt his hand grip hers, she opened her eyes and glanced over at his sweaty face. A smirk tugged at the side of her mouth.

God, I’m glad I came home with you,” she groaned out after a moment.

Lucas’ laughter filled the room as he gathered her into his strong arms. When his mouth came down on hers, she kissed him hard and long before he pulled back, smiling down at her. “And just think, we are just getting started, baby girl.”

“Oh God,” Fallon moaned. She dropped her face into her hands. She could have done without that nice little trip down memory lane. Now all she wanted was for Lucas to pin her down on the bed and have his way with her, not that she would ever let him. Look what happened last time. She had become so in love with him that nothing else mattered but Lucas. Now she was still heartbroken, lonely, and horny.

So, no sex with Lucas.
Nope, none…but no one said she couldn’t fantasize and torture herself with ‘what ifs?’
And that was what she was gonna do until she found someone to take her mind off him.
Rob’s voice made Fallon jump in surprise as she tried to control her breathing. “Shit Rob, you scared the crap out of me.”
Rob’s giggles filled the room before he said, “Eleanor Adler is here to see you.”
Ah! Shit!
“Oh, okay, send her in.”

Damn it, why was Elli here? They didn’t have a meeting and she hadn’t heard from Elli in days. Fallon slid her shoes on as she shut her MP3 player off and fixed things around her desk. The door opened and Elli came in with Shelli on her hip.

BOOK: Trying to Score
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