Read Try Me Online

Authors: Diane Alberts

Tags: #Romance, #best friend's sister, #tattoos, #take a chance series, #reunited lovers, #military romance, #milspouse, #diane alberts, #cheap kindle books, #bad boys, #Las Vegas, #Camp Pendleton, #entangled ever afters, #older brother's best friend, #novellas, #: marines, #contemporary romance

Try Me (9 page)

BOOK: Try Me
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“Erica, love, I’m trying hard to be good.”

“No one asked you to.”

She rose on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. She plundered him greedily, with a heat and hunger he’d never known she possessed beneath that delicate skin. By the time she drew back he was panting, taut and burning and ready. But it was the emotion in her eyes that set him alight—a warmth that he hoped might be the first sparks of love.

“I won’t regret it,” she said. “I promise.”

When she kissed him again, he surrendered with a tortured groan. The last of his restraint dissolved, leaving nothing but her. He crushed her lips to his and swept her against his body. Her shirt rode up to her breasts. She reached between them to tug it down, but he caught her wrists.

“You don’t have to hide yourself from me.”

Slowly, he backed her toward the bed and pushed her down. Her legs cradled him as he stretched himself over her and drank in every inch of her, sprawled so lovely beneath him.

Leaning down, he nipped her earlobe. “Let me love you,” he whispered. “All of you.”

He trailed kisses along her jaw, until he finally found her mouth. She was ready for him, and her tongue dueled with his the moment their mouths met. She dragged her fingers through his hair and moved restlessly beneath him. His hands explored her body, discovering every soft, flowing curve, every sensitive place that made her shudder and twist. When he cupped her breast, she whimpered and arched her back. His body screamed at him to hurry, to take what she offered so freely. Strip her naked. Plunge inside.

He’d never made love to a woman before. Sex was one thing. This was different. This was the woman he loved, and he wanted to do it right. He broke free of her embrace and tore his shirt over his head, then stripped out of his jeans. She watched him, that damnably sexy lower lip caught between her teeth again, her eyes liquid with desire. He devoured her parted lips, her dilated eyes, and imprinted them on his memory. He would carry this moment with him forever.

“God, you’re perfect,” she whispered, cheeks flushed.

Her outstretched hand invited him. Irresistible. He shed his boxers and slid back onto the bed. His body covered hers, and he rested his weight against the sweet fragility of her as he kissed her until she was panting, wet lips open for him. Her clothing teased against his naked skin, utterly maddening. He wanted to rip it from her body and leave every glorious inch naked to his touch, but not yet. No matter her eagerness, he didn’t want to push her too hard, too fast.

His erection brushed her inner thigh, and his hips jerked. He ached for the tight heat of her, but distracted himself by worshipping her body. His lips claimed her throat, and his teeth marked every inch of it as his with taunting, gentle bites that left her tossing her head, crying out in sharp little gasps. His fingers traced over her stomach through her shirt, and rose to cup her breasts again. His thumbs teased her nipples through the fabric, and she writhed.

“Jeremy,” she whimpered.

“Not yet, love,” he said, and kissed her again. Slower. Deeper. Loving her mouth with obsessive focus, exploring every inch of her while his fingers teased her clothing away. She arched her hips as he drew her shorts off and peeled her panties down. But when he went for her shirt, she froze.

“Wait,” she gasped, stiff beneath him. “Turn out the lights.”

“No.” He brushed his mouth to hers and tightened his grip on the shirt. He tasted her tears. He knew she had a hard time letting go, but if he didn’t show her now, she would never believe him. “Trust me. You’re beautiful.”

“No.” She shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

He met her eyes. “You are. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”

Her smile was watery through her tears. “When you say it, I almost believe it.”

His heart wrenched in his chest. He traced his thumb over her lower lip and kissed away her tears, then coaxed her hands away from their death grip on the shirt. “One day,” he said, “you won’t need me to say it for you to know it’s true. But until then, I’ll show you as many times as you need.” He slipped his hand beneath the shirt and rested it against the bare skin of her stomach; she sucked in a breath. “If you really don’t want me to do this, I’ll stop. But seeing your scars won’t change how I feel about you. It didn’t make me leave before, and it won’t make me leave now.”

Her eyes locked on his. Her shaking fingers touched his cheek. The combination of fear and adoration in her eyes nearly ripped him apart. “Okay,” she said.

More than fear and adoration…he realized there was trust there. Trust in him. Trust that he would never hurt her. Trust no one else had ever given him. He smiled.

He would give her everything he could in return.

He lifted the shirt inch by inch. His lips followed the fabric, trailing kisses up to her scarred stomach. He’d expected her to close her eyes, but she watched his face without flinching. Each kiss brought him closer to her breast, until he took the warm peak of her nipple into his mouth and caressed it with the tip of his tongue.

She cried out and buried her fingers in his hair. Tears streaked down her face, yet she arched and moaned in pleasure as he showed her just how much he loved her body. He loved her with his lips, with his tongue, with gentle nips and nibbles, leaving nothing untouched. There was no part of her he didn’t adore, and no part of her he didn’t taste.

It took the last of his shredded self-control to pull away, panting, long enough put on a condom. She grasped at his hips and dug her fingernails into his skin.

“Jeremy,” she pleaded, and tugged him closer. “Now.”

He took a steadying breath and kissed her. As her tongue caressed his mouth, he thrust fully into her. She enveloped him in lustrous, gliding heat, the wet fire of her stroking him until he groaned. She couldn’t have fit him more perfectly. She was amazing.

She was his.

“I—I can’t go slow,” he gritted out through his teeth. Need left his body taut, and so very ready. He’d planned on languid, unhurried lovemaking, but he didn’t think he could hold back any longer.

“Then don’t,” she panted. She arched against him, scratching her nails down his back.

His mind stopped working. His body, his desire, his consuming need for her took over. Only she could give him this pleasure. He drove into her. She rose to meet him, wanton and wild. He met her every demand, wildness for wildness, madness for madness, kiss for kiss, passion for passion.

Pleasure mounted in a cresting surge, and he matched the rhythm of her body until she tensed. With a sighing, shuddering cry, she peaked, tightening around him in convulsing waves, her body trembling, her skin glistening with sweat. Her slickness poured over him, and he filled her again and again until bliss spread through his body and melted him.

He collapsed atop her, heart racing, and held her close. It was long moments before he could speak, before he could even move. He pushed himself up on shaking arms.

“Holy shit,” he breathed. “You’re amazing.”

She blushed. A shy smile crept across her lips. “It’s my best kept secret.”

He burst into laughter. God, he couldn’t imagine no longer having her in his life. He’d never planned much for the future, but now he saw one with her. One that would give him a reason to fight, a reason to survive, so he could come home to her waiting arms.

“Brat,” he murmured, and leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose—then finally kissed that dimple that had teased him for so long. “Keep it a secret. I don’t want anyone else stealing you away.”

The warmth in her eyes left him breathless. “You don’t have to worry about that. You weren’t the only one with a crush.”

“So you finally admit I was right?”

“This one time.
time. Don’t get used to it. It won’t happen again.” She trailed a fingertip over his arm. “Everyone knows I’m always right.”

That one light touch was enough to rouse him again. If he wasn’t careful, she’d kill him. He sank down against her and buried his face in her throat, breathing in the scent of her warm skin. The scent of her pleasure. The scent of both of them, together.

“Why did you run away?” he asked, brushing his lips over her neck. “When I told you, the first time.”

She laughed. “Because I thought you’d slept with my brother’s wife! What did you think I’d do? And you were drunk. And I was scared. I’d loved you for so long, and there you were, telling me you loved me too. I didn’t know whether to believe you or run screaming.”

“So you ran screaming.”

“I could have sworn ‘Captain Obvious’ was my job description.”

He could have kicked himself. He was such a fool. Of course she wouldn’t throw herself into his arms three minutes after he’d told her Tommy had beaten the shit out of him for sleeping with his wife. Maybe Tommy hadn’t hit his younger self hard
, if he was that much of a dumbass.

Then the full meaning of her words struck him. “Wait. You loved me? That wasn’t just something Tommy said?”

“Can my brother not keep
secret?” She slumped beneath him. “Yes. I did. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped. I couldn’t even bring myself to care when my fiancé left, because he wasn’t you. I thought I loved him, but…I couldn’t. Not like I loved you.”

She loved him. She really, honestly loved him. Jeremy pressed his cheek to her hair and crushed her close against him.

She groaned. “Can’t. Breathe.”

He relaxed his grip a fraction and kissed her temple. “If you can talk, you can breathe, love.”

She glowered at him. “Oh, shut up.” Then she colored. “No, don’t. Say it again.”

“If you can talk, you can breathe?”

“No. The other part. The part where you called me…”

“…love,” he finished, and smiled when she dropped her eyes, lashes sweeping down. She was so achingly, perfectly beautiful. Every scar. Every nervous little gesture. Everything about her, from the way she compressed her lips when she was angry to the way her nails bit into his back when she cried out his name in the heights of passion. “My love. Now, and always.”

She hid her face against his shoulder. “Now you’re just embarrassing me. Shut.

“I don’t think you’re embarrassed. I think you like it…love.”

With a growl, she shoved him off, then straddled him. Her eyes shone. Her hair framed her face in a lustrous tangle of chocolate. “I’ll make you shut up, if you won’t do it on your own. And trust me, you won’t be able to handle my methods.”

“Try me,” he said, and rolled his hips against her.

She gasped, then slid down his body and kissed a path to his hips. Her lips were like silk on his skin. Her fingers caressed his erection, making him throb and stealing his breath.

“I will,” she said. “Trust me, I will.”

He bit back a moan. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

“Possibly. And it’s entirely possible I might love you, too.”

Then her lips closed around him, and he lost the ability to speak.

She was right. She knew just how to shut him up.

Chapter Seven

Erica stretched and smiled up at the ceiling. The past three days had been amazing. Jeremy hadn’t left her side for longer than it took to shower and eat. Every night, he’d held her in his arms. They’d talked for hours, about everything. What had happened when they’d been apart. Their families. The life they wanted to make together.

And every morning he told her how beautiful she was, and made love to her in the rising sunlight.

It was entirely unfair that soon he’d have to return to base, hours away—and not long after that, he’d be away on deployment again. It hurt to think she wouldn’t see him every day, or feel his skin against hers while she slept. Her smile faded. She ran her hand over the empty place in the bed. If only he could move here, and stay with her. But the military didn’t work that way. Jeremy still had three years on this tour, and no plans to leave the Marines.

He was a career soldier, and proud of it. She was proud of him, of everything he fought for. But what did it mean for them? She’d deploy with him in a heartbeat, follow him anywhere he meant to go. She loved him, had always loved him. But it was too soon. Too fast.

Jeremy sauntered into the bedroom carrying two cups of coffee. “In case you were wondering, yes, I also provide valet service.”

She forced a smile and sat up. She couldn’t let him know she was worried. Not when they had so little time left together. “Thank you,” she said, taking a mug.

His gaze roamed over her face. “What’s wrong? You look upset.”

She sighed. Damn the man for knowing her so well, right down to her false smiles. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just so…happy.”

He quirked a brow. “And that upsets you…?”

“You’re leaving.” She swallowed hard. “I’ll miss you here.”

“I’ll miss you, too.” He kissed her forehead and settled at her side. “We’ll make it work, though. My weekends are always open.”

She nodded. “I can make mine work.”

“Or…” He locked those scorching eyes on her. “When you’re ready, we could look into you coming out with me.”

“When I’m ready?” she replied with an uneasy laugh. “What about you? Don’t you have to be ready, too?”

“I’ve been ready to spend my life with you for years.” He set his coffee down, took hers, and set it on the nightstand. He slid his body over hers, pressing her down into the bed with his deliciously hot weight. His fingers laced with hers and held them pinned to either side of her shoulders. “I’ve just been waiting for you to feel the same. When you’re ready, so am I. I want to have it all. Marriage, kids, crappy base housing.” He grinned. “I want all of that, but only with you.”

BOOK: Try Me
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