Truth vs Falsehood (72 page)

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Knott, S. F. 2004. “Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA.” University of VA.
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Kongtrul, D. 2004. “Realizing Guiltlessness.”
Tricycle: Buddhist Review
54, Winter. (Guilt is egoistic, regret and selflessness lead to transcendence.)
Koppin, A. “The Sad Results of Appeasement.”
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Arizona Republic
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Krauthammer, C. 2004. “Arafat’s Only Legacy Was Poison.”
Washington Post Writers Group
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Lacayo, R. 2003. “The View from Abroad.”
, 4 August.
Lacayo, R., and J. Stein. 2004. “Winners and Losers.”
10 November. (Political outside players: winners Ann Coulter, John O’Neill, Richard Land, Matt Daniels; losers George Soros, Michel Moore, Al Franken, “More-oh” Wes Boyd, and Joan Blades.)
Lacqueur, W. 2004. “World of Terror.”
National Geographic
, November, 72-84. (Who and where they are.)
—. 2001.
History of Terrorism
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LaFare, K. 2004. “A Classic Opportunity—Will the Next Mozart Please Stand Up?”
Arizona Republic
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Lambert, S. C. 2004. “Pop Tart Exhibits Crudeness.”
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Landay, J. S., and J. Huhnhenn. 2004. “Committee Slams CIA for ‘Group Think’ Intel.”
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—. 1996. “Noam Chomsky on Anarchism.”
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Arizona Republic
, 21 December. (“Intelligent Design” more scientific. No supportive evidence such as “missing links” for Darwin’s theory).
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24 July. (Massachusetts Atty. General Report.)
Lawrence, Brother. [1666.] 1999
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Leary, M. 2004. “Get Over Yourself.”
Psychology Today
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LeDoux, J. 1998.
The Emotional Brain
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Leep, S. 2004. “Porn.”
Philadelphia Trumpet
, November. ( 10,000 porn movies per year; Hollywood produces only 400 movies per year. Negative effects include psychological, social, and moral on marriage and children.)
Lehmann, C. 2004. “American Psychiatric Assn. Opposes Execution of Juveniles.”
Psychiatric News
39:16, 20 August. (Cites 8th Amendment ban; adolescents lack maturity.)
—. 2004. “Young Brains Don’t Distinguish Real from Televised Violence.”
Psychiatric News
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Lehr, H. A. 1994. “Vitamin C Halts Damage from Cigarette Smoke.”
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Leicester, J. 2004. “‘We Want the Truth,’ Madrid Crowd Chants.”
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. 14 March.
Leland, J. 2004.
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Lemonick, M. 2004. “The Hobbits of the South Pacific.”
, 1 November. (Discovery of Homo floresiensis, diminutive-sized race near Bali.)
Lemonick, M., and A. Dorfman. 2003. “The 160,000 Year-old Man.”
, 23 June, 56.
Lemonick, M., and J. Nash. 2004. “Cosmic Conundrum.”
, 29 November. (Theories of origin of the universe.)
Leo, J. 2004. “The Loudmouth Emmys.”
U. S. News & World Report
, 6 December. (Celebrity malevolence and grossness.)
—. 2004. “What Now, Democrats?”
U. S. News & World Report
, 15 November. (Secularist, anti-religious Far-Left agenda a loser agenda.)
—. 2004. “When Churches Head Left”
U. S. News & World Report
, 18 October.
Leonard, D. 2004. “Nightmare on Madison Avenue.”
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Leopold, E. 2004. “Saddam Bought Off Countries and People with Oil.”
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Levering, R., and M. Moskowitz. 2004. “The 100 Best Companies to Work for.”
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Levinson, P. 2004. “Teach How to Think Critically.” Interview.
O’Reilly Factor
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Lewis, J. R. 2001.
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Lienhard, J. H. 2003.
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Limbacher, C. 2002. “Torricelli Principles.”
Livingstone, I. 2005 “Stress and the Brain.”
Physician’s Health Update
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Lodmell, D., and B. Lodmell. 2004.
The Lawsuit Lottery: The Hijacking of Justice in America.
Phoenix, Ariz.: World Connection Publishing.
Long, G. 2004.
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Lopez, G. 2004.
Why You Crying?
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Lynch, A. 1999.
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Lyotard, J. 1984.
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MacDonald, B. 2004. “Launch into Power.”
Philadelphia Trumpet
. January, 5-7. (China.)
MacDonald, H. 2004.
The Burden of Bad Ideas: How Modern Intellectuals Misshape Our Society.
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MacDonald, J. 2004. “Today’s Culture Less Frills, Tastes Lousy…Morality in Short Supply.”
Arizona Republic
, 14 June.
MacEachern, D. 2004. “Media continue waltz on one foot.”
Arizona Republic
, 19 December. (Eighteen of 20 major media rated biased to the Left by university study.)
—. 2004. “Don’t Know Nothin’ ‘Bout Birthin’ No Stereotypes.”
Arizona Republic
, 21 November. (Leftist professor attacks Condolezza Rice and Colin Powell with racial stereotypes.)
—. 2004. “Anyone Have a Spare Conspiracy Theory?”
Arizona Republic
, 26 September. (Trilateral Commission, etc.)
—. 2004. “Knocking Discipline into a Cocked Hat.”
Arizona Republic
. 21 March.
MacKay, C. [1841] 2003.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
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Mackey, C. 2004. “Tree of Self-Defeat and Tree of Self-Actualization.”
Mackey, G., and G. Miller. 2004
. The Interrogators: Inside the Secret War Against al-Qaeda
. New York: Little, Brown.
—. “The Tree of Self-Understanding.”
. (Adapted from Mother Teresa’s
A Simple Path
Mackin, P., and A. H. Young. 2004. “The Role of Cortisol and Depression.”
Psychiatric Times
, May.
MacPachorn, D. 2004. “Election Paranoia on the Left.”
Arizona Republic
, 11 July. (Bush won votes legally.)
Madigen, C. M., ed. 2004. “Perspectives in Instant History: The Week.”
Chicago Tribune
, 11 April.
Maehan, T. R. 2004.
The Liberty Option
. Exeter, U.K.: Imprint Academic.
Malkin, M. 2004. “Philippines Message Clear-We Lied.”
Creators Syndicate
, 15 July. (Appeasement of Islamic terrorists.)
Malone, R. 2004. “Superpower Under Siege.”
Philadelphia Trumpet
. February, 5-10.
Manji, I. 2004.
The Trouble with Islam
. New York: St. Martin’s Press Marcuse, H.1972.
Counterrevolution and Revolt
. Boston: Beacon Press. (Political/social Marxism.)
—. 1969. “Repressive Tolerance” in
A Critique of Pure Tolerance
, Wolff, R., et al. Boston: Beacon Press.
—. 1967.
One Dimensional Man: Studies in The Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
. Boston: Beacon Press.
Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud
. Boston: Beacon Press. (Politicized version of Freud.)
Margasak, L. 2004. “Pentagon Pays $100 Million for Unused Airline Tickets.”
Arizona Republic
, 9 June.

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