Truth vs Falsehood (64 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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Science remains relatively unsullied, but operationally, it has been limited primarily to the Newtonian paradigm. So, the true seekers of truth rediscovered the pristine teachings that had been at the core of the peaceful societies of the Ancient East—the nondualistic pathways to the truths of Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism as taught by the great teachers and
of the great yogis. This led to the resurgence of interest in mysticism and its goal as Self-realization. While Western cultures traditionally had been focused on transcendent divinity, the East focused on the discovery of divinity immanent as the source of Existence itself. The rediscovery of a new paradigm of reality that transcended the limitations of the intellect or blind faith became progressively more appealing. In addition, the inner pathway was accessible to all, well documented, and nonregimented.

The core of all the ancient teachings was to transcend the limitations of the ego and its belief systems, which are the basis of the illusions that are the distortions of truth consequent to the dualistic structure of the ego. Thus Enlightenment has become the leading focus for investigation and effort as demonstrated by the great current interest in the self-improvement movement, as well as the Cultural Creatives who collectively eschew violence, contention, and controversy. They instead seek truth through inner transformation and fulfillment to the realization of the Oneness of all life.

The straightest way to Enlightenment is by transcending the limitation of the ego/mind by dedication to verified truth itself. This process is suitable for modern humankind and devoid of conflict with science or religion.

When mankind, in frustration or disillusionment, moved from faith in the unseen to faith in the linear world of science, new hope arose, reinforced by the very tangible and visible benefits of trust and faith in the linear, external world of ego perception. But then, the very same process resulted in giving priority and power to the content of consciousness rather than to the unseen power of consciousness itself, by which content could be realized and recognized. The power was in the Light and not in the details of what was illuminated. The linear is also limitation and thus prone to error by virtue of the intrinsic defect of misidentifying perception as reality.

To transcend the linear to the nonlinear is the way of the mystic—the pathway of nonduality—to realize the inner light of consciousness itself, the True Immortal Self. Everyone trusts the inner sense of reality or capacity to ‘know’ that underlies all experiencing and witnessing, no matter what the content. The content of mind thinks, but only the nonlinear field ‘knows’, or how else would it be possible to know what is being thought?

Because everyone actually lives in the experiential at every moment, the Source of the capacity to know or experience is close at hand and is itself pristine. Everyone experiences that they are continuously ‘experiencing’, no matter what the ever-changing content might be.

The earliest function of the evolution of consciousness was basic survival. Then came sensation and acquisition, and then relationship and emotion. Next came an interest in learning, knowing, growing, and expanding the fields of knowledge, including knowledge of the personal self, motivation, and psychology, and then curiosity arose about how we know and what is intrinsic and the source of life. Next came the question of existence as life or its corollary, life versus existence, which brought forth knowledge of Divinity/Creator/God as transcendent (conceptual) or Divinity as experiential and Immanent. Transcendent is religion, experiential is spiritual. The way of the mystic transcends belief and confirms its underlying Reality. It eliminates all doubt as the Knower and the Known coalesce as Self.

Everyone is already a mystic and innately attracted to Enlightenment, whether they are aware of it or not. It is an extension of the qualities of learning and curiosity, which are innate to the mind. Thus, the pathway to “Devotional Nonduality” is open to everyone and has no requirement other than the capacity for inner honesty and the willingness to align with verifiable truth and follow it to its Source. The natural and straightest way to Enlightenment has been discussed in the books
The Eye of the I
I: Reality and Subjectivity
, and will be more specifically described in the forthcoming books,
Transcending The Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment
, and
Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!


Change page #s

A. Calibration of Levels of Truth of the Chapters

B. Map of the Scale of Consciousness

C. How to Calibrate the Levels of Consciousness

D. Calibrations of Movies

E. Index of Calibration Tables and Illustrations

F. References

Appendix A
Calibration of Levels of Truth of the Chapters

Explanatory Note

As would be expected, Sections I and III, which are devoted to the nature of truth itself and to spiritual truth, calibrate the highest. Section II, which deals with problematic and social issues, reflects worldly error and illusions as viewed from the impersonal nonlinearity represented by the calibration levels of 600 and over. Despite the duality section (II) with “worldly issues,” the book overall is still at 935, which compares acceptably with the range of previous books
(Power vs. Force
, 850;
The Eye of the I
, 980, and
I: Reality and Subjectivity
, 999.8).

Section I What is Truth?




1 Historical Perspective




The Science of Truth




Truth as Enigma: The Challenge and the Struggle




The Evolution of Consciousness




The Essential Structure of Truth




Manifestation versus Causality: Creation Versus Evolution




The Physiology of Truth




Fact Versus Fiction: Reality and Illusion


Section II Practical Applications




Social Structure and Functional Truth








The Downside of Society




Problematic Issues


Section III Truth and the World




Truth: The Pathway to Freedom




Countries and Politics




Truth and War


Section IV Higher Consciousness and Truth




Religion and Truth




Spiritual Truth




Summary and Resolution


The Book
Truth vs. Falsehood


Appendix B

Map of the Scale of Consciousness

Insert Map attached from email to Laura

God-view Self-view Level Log Emotion Process

Self Is Enlightenment 700-1,000 Ineffable Pure Consciousness
All-being Perfect Peace 600 Bliss Illumination
One Complete Joy 540 Serenity Transfiguration
Loving Benign Love 500 Reverence Revelation
Wise Meaningful Reason 400 Understanding Abstraction
Merciful Harmonious Acceptance 350 Forgiveness Transcendence
Inspiring Hopeful Willingness 310 Optimism Intention
Enabling Satisfactory Neutrality 250 Trust Release
Permitting Feasible Courage 200 Affirmation Empowerment
Indifferent Demanding Pride 175 Scorn Inflation
Vengeful Antagonistic Anger 150 Hate Aggression
Denying Disappointing Desire 125 Craving Enslavement
Punitive Frightening Fear 100 Anxiety Withdrawal
Uncaring Tragic Grief 75 Regret Despondency
Condemning Hopeless Apathy, hatred 50 Despair Abdication
Vindictive Evil Guilt 30 Blame Destruction
Despising Hateful Shame 20 Humiliation Elimination

Above 200
: Levels of Truth

Below 200
: Levels of Falsehood

Appendix C

How to Calibrate the Levels of Consciousness

General Information

The energy field of consciousness is infinite in dimension. Specific levels correlate with human consciousness and have been calibrated from ‘1’ to ‘1,000’. (See Appendix B: Map of the Scale of Consciousness.) These energy fields reflect and dominate human consciousness.

Everything in the universe radiates a specific frequency or minute energy field that remains in the field of consciousness permanently. Thus, every person or being that ever lived and anything about them, including any event, thought, deed, feeling, or attitude, is recorded forever and can be retrieved at any time in the present or the future.


The muscle-testing response is a simple “yes” or “not yes” (no) response to a specific stimulus. It is usually done by the subject holding out an extended arm and the tester pressing down on the wrist of the extended arm, using two fingers and light pressure. Usually the subject holds a substance to be tested over their solar plexus with the other hand. The tester says to the test subject, “Resist,” and if the substance being tested is beneficial to the subject, the arm will be strong. If it is not beneficial or it has an adverse effect, the arm will go weak. The response is very quick and brief.

It is important to note that the intention, as well as both the tester and the one being tested, must calibrate over 200 in order to obtain accurate responses.

Experience from online discussion groups has shown that many students obtain inaccurate results. Further research shows that at calibration 200, there is still a thirty-percent chance of error. The higher the levels of consciousness of the test team, the more accurate are the results. The best attitude is one of clinical detachment, posing a statement with the prefix statement, “In the name of the highest good, ______ calibrates as true. Over 100. Over 200,” etc. The contextualization “in the highest good” increases accuracy because it transcends self-serving personal interest and motives.

For many years, the test was thought to be a local response of the body’s acupuncture or immune system. Later research, however, has revealed that the response is not a local response to the body at all, but instead is a general response of consciousness itself to the energy of a substance or a statement. That which is true, beneficial, or pro-life gives a positive response that stems from the impersonal field of consciousness, which is present in everyone living. This positive response is indicated by the body’s musculature going strong. There is also an associated pupillary response (the eyes dilate with falsity and constrict to truth) as well as alterations in brain function as revealed by magnetic imaging. (For convenience, the deltoid muscle is usually the one best used as an indicator muscle; however, any of the muscles of the body can be used.)

Before a question (in the form of a statement) is presented, it is necessary to qualify ‘permission’
; that is, state, “I have permission to ask about what I am holding in mind.” (Yes/No) Or, “This calibration serves the highest good.”

If a statement is false or a substance is injurious, the muscles go weak quickly in response to the command, “Resist.” This indicates the stimulus is negative, untrue, anti-life, or the answer is “no.” The response is fast and brief in duration. The body will then rapidly recover and return to normal muscle tension.

There are three ways of doing the testing. The one that is used in research and also most generally used requires two people: the tester and the test subject. A quiet setting is preferred, with no background music. The test subject closes their eyes.
The tester must phrase the ‘question’ to be asked in the form of a
The statement can then be answered as “yes” or “no” by the muscle response. For instance, the
form would be to ask, “Is this a healthy horse?” The correct form is to make the statement, “This horse is healthy,” or its corollary, “This horse is sick.”

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