Truth vs Falsehood (3 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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Over many centuries, the greatest minds of history have struggled with the problem of defining truth and the inability to decisively validate the credibility of its purported expressions.
The Great Books of the Western World
collectively calibrate at the intellectual range of consciousness level 460.

Science itself (calibration level in the 400s), which has survived relatively intact and unscathed by the assaults on truth, has had its own internal dissentions of which the philosophic implications of the Heisenberg ‘uncertainty principle’ have been the focus in the last few decades. This, in turn, has led to the awareness that no major advance in science can occur without a further understanding of the nature of consciousness itself.

As a result of the progressive evolution and advancement of the level of consciousness of mankind over the centuries, the decisive discovery was made during the late 1970s, and continued to develop on up to the present time, of how to actually tell truth from falsehood for the first time in the history of mankind. Although the fundamental physiological tool upon which it is based seems deceptively simplistic, like the advent of the telescope, it opened up a whole new universe of discovery. Because the test utilized the response of the universal energy fields of consciousness, the truth or falsehood of any statement about anything anywhere in time or space could be instantly discovered. In addition, it was revealed that there were calibratable levels of truth and that each, in turn, identified energy levels that dominated human consciousness.

Each identifiable, calibratable level of consciousness defines a range of options and possibilities as well as limitations. A new era of human knowledge has begun and has already brought about the discovery of an enormous amount of crucial and significant information of great importance to mankind. This has resulted in a recontextualization of the nature of the human experience in its manifold expressions. The implications, as will be seen, are profound.

The modern world is confronted with the complexities of integrating rapidly advancing technology, cultural and social ideological conflict, and the ambiguities of morality, ethics, religion, and spirituality, which have to be integrated with the demands of survival, war, and economic changes. Added to this has been amplification via the all-pervasive media, which are themselves a focus of debate.

The missing element throughout history, as well as in the modern world, is that humanity has had no means of truly and objectively discerning truth from falsehood. Thus, society itself is unsupported by verifiable validity in its multitudinous expressions. It is therefore of considerable interest and potential benefit that a means of discerning not only truth but also relative degrees of truth has developed.

This presentation of a new, clinical ‘Science of Truth’ is therefore dedicated to the progress of humanity and the relief of suffering, which is the consequence of the advance in understanding the nature of consciousness in its pristine, pure expression as well as during ordinary life and its vicissitudes.


We are grateful for the input of the thousands of students, fellow researchers, members of study groups, and readers of the prior published works devoted to consciousness research, spirituality, and Truth. We are also grateful for the many organizations that have sponsored major lecture presentations and to the many audiences that have been most generous with their enthusiasm and support.

Special thanks go to Brock Hereford, J.D., for his assistance with research, which was also contributed to by the editor, Sonia M. Martin, M.A., who patiently went through a dozen revisions of the manuscript. Special thanks also go to Betty Bruckner, Nikko Hansen, Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kallenbach, and Gloria Grose for their contributions to the lectures and travel. Appreciation is also expressed for the patient efforts of the office staff in handling numerous requests and communications.

Sincere appreciation and gratitude are due the Peer Review Committee members for their feedback, suggestions, and timely responses: William Bartlett, Rev. Toni Boehm, Rev. Marj Britt, Brett Fontenot, Nikko Hansen, Rev. Dr. Robert H. Henderson, Sarah Humphrey, Ron Maehl, Paul Newton, Tom Whitney, Ralph Yager, Jarred Yaron, and Tom Zender.

It has also been my good fortune to have at my side a wonderful wife, co-worker, and helpmate, Susan, who has been a mainstay of research as well as associate at the many lecture presentations. She did over 7,000 calibrations for just this work alone, plus thousands of others devoted to intensive research projects around the clock, seven days a week, for years. Her own one-on-one teaching has been warmly received by the many hundreds who have experienced her warmth and personal interest.

All gratitude is due to the inspiration of the Presence of Divinity whose effulgence radiates forth to the world as the All Present Eternal Source of All that Exists, the formless out of which form is the actualized Infinite Potentiality of the ongoingness of Creation.

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

March 2005


Interest in verifiable truth and its concordant reality is currently intense and constitutes the very core of discussions of current domestic and world events. This has caused a worldwide reassessment of basic ethical, spiritual, and religious values, with their implications for morality as well as survival on every level of current life. All discussions subtly or overtly imply a basic underlying standard of responsibility and accountability. Concomitantly, with the rise in ethical discussion, spiritual information itself is currently accelerating and expanding at an exponential rate due to the catalytic effect of recent advances in the overall level of human consciousness, as well as revelations emanating from research into the nature of consciousness.

Consciousness is the unlimited, omnipresent, universal energy field, carrier wave, and reservoir of all information available in the universe. More importantly, it is the very essence and substrate of the capacity to know or experience. Even more critically, consciousness is the irreducible, primary quality of all existence (calibration level 1,000).

In the 1990s, it was discovered that consciousness itself was not just an ineffable mystery or hypothetical postulate but was indeed an identifiable and concretely definable, calibratable reality that reflected a concordance of multiple levels of increasing truth, power, and influence. It was also discovered that humans were attuned to a specific level of consciousness by virtue of a combination of inherited propensity plus the consequence of choices made by the will over long periods of time.

Consciousness research revealed that these invisible, stratified energy levels dominate populations as well as individuals by the phenomenon of entrainment via ‘attractor fields’ (Hawkins, 1995). The effect of each level of consciousness is identifiable by characteristics such as predominant emotional or psychological attitudes and capacities as well as brain physiology, world view, spiritual beliefs, philosophy, and creative potentialities. Each level also reflects a range of possibilities as well as limitations of choice or decision.

These levels can be demonstrated on a scale (logarithmic) of 1 to 1,000, where the number ‘1’ indicates the lowest level of consciousness of life (bacteria) and ‘1,000’ the highest level attainable by humans (the Great Avatars). The calibrated scale is readily applicable to the overall human experience as is demonstrated by the now relatively well-known Map of Consciousness (Hawkins, 1995, 2000, 2003), which is in use worldwide and spreading rapidly as a quick, easy method of discerning truth from falsehood about anything in a matter of seconds (see Appendix B).

The book,
Power vs. Force
(Hawkins, 1995) gives a complete, in-depth discussion of the various levels of consciousness denoted on the Map, which can be briefly summarized as follows:

All life emanates an invisible energy within the all-encompassing general field of consciousness itself, which is primordial to life. The field is permanent, infinite, and all-inclusive in dimension and exists independently yet is inclusive of time, space, and location. The field records (imprints) all aspects of life in minute detail. This track is a permanent recording that is quickly and easily retrieved by the simple, few-second technique of testing changes in muscle strength in response to a stimulus, such as simply making a statement or envisioning a substance, object, person, or location. That which is ‘true’ is recognized by the field of consciousness and thereby energizes the muscle to resist the challenge of an applied pressure. That which is ‘not true’ is not recognized by the field of consciousness and thereby does not energize the muscle to resist the challenge of applied pressure. Consciousness instantly discerns truth from ‘falsehood’ (i.e., the absence of truth), and even uncannily detects the degree of truth.

On the Map of Consciousness, energies that calibrate over 200 indicate ‘true’ and those below 200 are ‘false’ (i.e., ‘not true’). The scale represents a recapitulation of degrees of evolution, from the most primitive to the most evolved. The lowest are most animal-like and include the negative emotions. The positive emotions start out at calibration level 200 and move on up to reason and intellect in the 400s, and then to love at 500, and unconditional love at 540. The rare, enlightened states start at 600 and over. Each level has definite, identifiable characteristics that are unmistakable and concordant with the totality of human experience universally.

The discovery that the truth can be known instantly about anything and everything, anywhere in time or space, resulted in the emergence and continuing development of numerous research study groups worldwide. Needless to say, the discovery of an instant technique that, in effect, “sees all and knows all” opens the door to endless investigation and exciting inquiry in a world in which frustration and impatience about the availability of verifiable truth is a predominant and overwhelming theme. All investigators find the basic concepts and simple technique exciting and a new adventure that leads to remarkable and often astonishing discoveries as well as the satisfaction of the subjective progression of the questioner’s own level of consciousness. (See Appendix C.)

As will become quickly apparent, even a cursory inspection of the Map of Consciousness quickly recontextualizes the totality of all human experience and provides a common base of reference with extensive implications as well as clarifications.

Map of The Scale of Consciousness

Insert current Powerpoint map from H-R attach. via email

The fields of consciousness denote levels of the evolution of consciousness and represent calibratable power or force in a manner comparable or analogous to the physical world and the electromagnetic spectrum of a progressive range of frequencies. The higher levels of calibrated consciousness showed a rapid increase in frequencies that required the construction of a logarithmic rather than an arithmetic scale to facilitate their mathematical range and denotations.

As in the physical domain, each identifiable level has its own inherent qualities, with both limits and constraints intrinsic to the field. This progression of levels of observation and their concordant appearance is in general agreement with advances in the other fields of scientific discovery. The densest levels were measured and described by Newtonian physics. Scientific discovery then progressed beyond differential calculus to the more advanced understanding of quantum mechanics, subparticle physics, nonlinear dynamics, the currently evolving ‘M-theory’, and other basic energy theories.

The elucidation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle was pivotal in its discovery that consciousness itself has a profound effect on the submicroscopic substratum of the observable, measurable universe. Intention itself became recognized as instrumental to the appearance of events.

Rupert Sheldrake (Sheldrake, 1981) formulated the principle that form occurs first within the field of consciousness, so that ‘morphogenic’ patterns plus intention are essential to activating potentiality into actuality. Current ‘string theory’ postulates that the ultimate substratum of all that exists in the universe consists of a universal energy, so all that can be said to exist arises out of a common substrate. The possibility of the transformation from potentiality to actuality is provided by the infinite power of the primordial substrate of all existence, which alone has the power to transform the unmanifest into the realm of the manifest (cal. level 1,000).

The universe is now defined as an interactive wholeness of myriad energy fields of infinite, potentially differing frequencies merely awaiting the influence of the introduction of intention plus form. Thus, we now have a means by which to describe and understand the easily identifiable principle that Creation and Evolution are actually one and the same process (cal. level 1,000), which will be elucidated later.

While at first glance, all these discoveries may seem to be irrelevant to everyday life, in practice, major advances in the understanding of the essential nature of the universe and the evolution of consciousness profoundly facilitate secular as well as spiritual awareness and the comprehension of physical and spiritual evolution. It is no longer necessary to forsake reason, intelligence, and rationality to grasp the reality of nonlinear, invisible influences that advance one’s own understanding and final realization of the ultimate reality underlying that characteristic of consciousness termed ‘subjectivity’.

Consciousness research is of great pragmatic value not only to the scientist but also to all of society in its myriad expressions, from the arts to business, commerce, politics, international relations, diplomacy, and the prevention of war. Additionally, this new arena of discovery has wide applications in every area of research, including methodology and theory.

To the intellectual, the discoveries are exciting and fascinating, and their philosophic implications are profound. Definitive resolutions to ages-old impasses and enigmas of humankind are now clearly apparent.

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