Truth and Humility (24 page)

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Authors: J. A. Dennam

BOOK: Truth and Humility
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Did she really just hit him?  Twice?  Sympathetic “ooh’s” trickled through the yard indicating she had.

This time he knew better than to wait and his hand reached out, snatched her wrist as it came around for another dogged shot at putting him down.

“Would you stop!” he shouted, and in answer her other fist swung out.  He caught that one, too, having done this a few times.  Fighting was one of his strengths...but not with a woman, dammit.  A quick glance told him his crew had no interest in interfering, in fact was about to break out the popcorn.  Lowering his voice he hissed, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

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Danny bared her teeth, her rage coming out in radiant waves.  She jerked her hands free, rubbed her aching knuckles.  “I know what you’re up to you evil
, and I won’t let you get away with it!”

“Danny, just calm down…”

“Olive branch my ass.  Distraction from work,
my ass!  You are a liar and a fake, Cahill!”

“What are you talking about?”  Their audience didn’t seem so important to him anymore...until she turned around to address them.

Loudly, so she could drive her point home, she yelled, “I want all of you to know,
whoever’s spying for my brother, that I did
sleep with this man!”

Instantly Austin snatched her by the upper arm and forced her into a fast dash for the office.  Danny was out of control and if he wanted answers, he’d have to regain control of her.  As they marched, she continued to hurl insults at him a mile long.  If her hell-and-glory appearance didn’t stop production, her mouth surely did.

The door flung open.  Sue dropped the phone.

“Get out!” Austin yelled.

One look at Danny, fuming, disheveled, manhandled, Sue wondered if she should.  But one look at Austin...


Without another word, she placed the receiver in the cradle and obediently vacated the room.

The door slammed shut behind her.

Back in the yard, Frank eyed the evicted assistant who stared shell-shocked at the closed door.  He elbowed the new kid beside him.

“Two-to-one odds, Boss gets lucky.”


Austin slowly turned toward the furious woman behind him.  “
, Danny!” he barked, clearly at a loss.  “Do we need to do this again?”

Her finger singled him out.  “And we’ll keep doing it as long as you fight dirty, Cahill!  How dare you put me in your bed...
  Then leave me there with


“You sick…
son-of-a-bitch!  Derek was absolutely right about you!  You’ll do
to get back at him! 
”  Her voice lowered in a mocking impression of what he’d said the night before.  “Take a chance, Danny, that’s what your good at.”  Eyes blazing she mocked her brother.  “Well,
Rimshot please, because the joke’s on me, isn’t it you rotten pig!”

Slowly, reservedly, Austin slid the hardhat from his head, let it drop to the floor and advanced a step.  Danny instantly became wary of the danger and backed up to keep the distance.

His voice was like a splash of cold water.  “Tell me something, Danny…when you woke up this morning, did you notice that my side of the bed was untouched?”

“I was on your side!  I could smell you!”  But she wasn’t talking now, he was.

“And did you consider the possibility that you removed your own clothes thinking you were headed to your own bed?”

“That’s impossible!”

“Are you absolutely sure?  Because I watched you do it.”  Her look called him a liar.  “Marched yourself right across the hall in your pretty pink panties and crawled right in.”  He knew at the time she’d been asleep on her feet.  He also discovered that toothpaste didn’t go down the windpipe too well.

She opened her mouth to protest, but her wheels turned for a moment, worked up another time when she’d put herself to bed in a similar, sleep-hazy fashion.  Exhaustion was what did it to her, but no way in hell would she confuse Austin’s bed for hers...would she?

As the first seed of doubt crept into her countenance, he continued to back her through the door of his office, “
that’s true,” she said hesitantly, “why did you lock the library to keep me from getting to my clothes?”

“You see that’s something I didn’t do, either.  In fact, I left that room open to you. 
to you...
you...and nobody else.”

Oh, God.  She believed him.  After all, Ruth had been up there...Austin’s sister could have locked the library door.  But Danny had been too bushwhacked to ask the woman.

Dread seeped in as the impact asrary of what she’d just done hit home.  Acted on impulse, through blind rage, and thusly caused far more damage than anything Torsten could have.

Austin saw it hit her like a cast-iron pan.  Too late.  He’d passed the boiling point long ago and continued to strategically steer her toward the chair.  “And while you were working yourself up into this...riotous rage of yours, did you even consider where
slept last night?  Well, it sure as hell wasn’t in my room because I now had to somehow deal with this image burned into my retina of your half-naked ass warming my sheets.”  The backs of her knees hit the chair and she came to a startling stop.  “So, to be a gentleman, of course, I spent the entire night in this
, tying one on in order to drown the urge to climb into
bed with you!”

Since his close proximity didn’t put her down, he reached out, gave her a push.  As her butt hit the seat, her eyes flared with some kind of lingering indignation.  Was he impressed by that?  Maybe a little.  Turned on?  More than he’d ever been in his life.

Before she could attempt an upheaval, he effectively boxed her in, placed his hands on the edge of the desk behind her, trapped her between two very large, jumping biceps.

“So, now that we’re ‘communicating,’ mind telling me why you felt you could march onto
yard looking like
,” his hot gaze slid down and up the length of her, “with the intent to inflict bodily harm and announce very loudly to my crew that you had just spent the night in my bed?”

Her eyes were wide, filled with a heady mixture of anger and humility.  “I was trying to set things straight.  Torsten saw me, your
saw me!”

“Oh, I see.  There were witnesses to this big conspiracy.  And instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, you jumped right behind your brother.  As always.  Assumed I had an evil agenda behind my very
attempt at a truce.”

Her voice came out small.  “Truce?”

“Now, if I had a
agenda in mind, I would have taken you up on your tantalizing offer Friday night.”

“I was drugged!”  To her horror, it came out a panicked shriek.

One eyebrow cocked in challenge.  “Or...I could have thrown you do th slwn in the showers yesterday and had my way with you then.”

Danny balled her fists, flinched as his indignant face hovered over hers.  “I was messed up and you knew it.”  Pathetic.

Maybe so, but you wanted me every bit as much as I wanted you, regardless of drugs or trauma.  You don’t think I know that?  You don’t think I sense it every time we’re together or think about it when we’re not?”  He was getting angrier by the second.  “But your brother stops by, throws a bunch of agenda crap in your face and you’ve been itching for a fight ever since!  Well, fuck that!”

Suddenly he dipped way low and his hot breath warmed her parted lips.  “If I’m such a liar and a fake, then why shouldn’t I just take what I want?”

Crouching, his shoulders seemed to double in size.  There was no room for thought, not when his larger-than-life body consumed every inch of space around her.  Blood pumped in crazy patterns through her system and she picked up his heat, his scent...the sexual energy that arced between them more now than ever.  She needed to look away.  At anything but the challenge in those dark, turbulent eyes...

“And if you’re worried about it, stop me.” 
But you can’t.  I can see it.
  “Go ahead and stop me.  Because if you don’t, you know as well as I

Oh, but the decision had already been made.  Time to let her stop him was something he was unable to offer her because he was tired of the games, tired of waiting.

Austin heard her sharp intake of breath, cut off by the demanding pressure of his mouth.  No weak-hearted attempt could have stopped him if she tried. 
her lips were beneath his again, just as responsive and hungry as his.

For her it was the first taste of him and her mouth opened wide when his tongue insisted.  He was ravaging her, taking what he wanted...but, by God, she wanted it, too. 

Closer.  He needed her closer.  They were fighting for the same air, both starved of oxygen, but he plundered deeper.  Not enough.

His arm snaked around her middle and he roughly yanked her up so he could feel her body against his.  She gasped at the violence of it, but was clinging to him with equal vehemence.

Oh, God, he was so demanding, so hungry.  They were arched over the chair, her back bowing over his arm and her head fell back.  Air!

Frantic with need, Austin kicked the vacated chair away, sprawled her out on his desk.  There was barely enough room and anything close by, including the nameplate, was swept aside.  Now, with the support of the flat surface beneath her, Danny th   Twas able to meet his mouth again.  But this time she was the one pushing back with the force of her need.

This time he was the one breaking away for much needed air.  He took her earlobe between his teeth, at the same time ground his pelvis against hers in slow, forceful strokes.  Her audible breaths were laced with shock, desperation.

“You better figure out what you want fast, Bennett,” he rumbled, “because this is happening whether we like it or not.”

You mean she still had a choice?

Feeding a mean streak, she pushed at him hard, let him think for a hair’s breadth that she might change her mind.  Didn’t work.  His eyes told her the decision was no longer hers to make.  Good.  “Shut up, Cahill,” she breathed, and clawed at the row of snaps covering his chest.  They ripped open, exposing a hairless, tanned display of muscles that stoked the raging inferno between her legs.

He straightened only long enough to shrug out of the denim shirt, then immediately attacked hers.  The need to see her was so intense, he had to tame the urge to tear.  As she soaked in the sight of his powerfully built torso, she lifted for him, raised her arms.  He yanked so fast, the pink cotton fell apart.

Damn, but he didn’t mean to do that.  Fuck if he cared.

Soon her bra straps were down by her waist and his eyes drank in the sight of her exposed breasts.  So firm and ripe, begging to be suckled...perfect in every way.  Tan lines indicated she’d spent a long hot day outdoors in a cropped strappy thing that he’d kill to see her in.  The thought others had stoked a jealous fire like none he’d ever contended with before.  Then there was the bruise...a painfully huge rainbow of color that covered much of her right side.

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