Read Trusting Love Online

Authors: Billi Jean

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Trusting Love (6 page)

BOOK: Trusting Love
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“Sure thing, but you’re pretty bashed up. I know the juice does a great number on recovery, but you need both bullets out. And if I took the—”

“And I’ll get that taken care of as soon as you haul the boys down to the second location,” Robert said, tightening his grip on his pistol. The small hairs on the back of his neck shivered warning him he was in danger, whether from Walters or from the men on snowmobiles wasn’t clear. One thing was. He wasn’t going to that second location if he got worse. He hoped he didn’t get worse, but if he did, he wasn’t trusting Walters with his life.

The one person he would was also the one person he shouldn’t go to. Kristen. Just thinking her name had his breathing get worked up. He’d known when he’d come on this mission that she was a temptation he had to avoid. For one, she thought he was dead. But more than that was that no matter how much he wanted to see her, he knew better than to go.

She might be my only choice

The rapid-fire thoughts were fast, but not quick enough to stop him from aching to see her again.

Walters helped him focus by smacking him on his unhurt shoulder. “That’s a deal. Coronas on you, huh?”

“Always, right?” Robert replied automatically although he’d never tipped a glass with the other man.

Walters nodded and, with one more glance around the area, took off up the hill, while Robert did the same, only down and in the direction of the small cabin they were using ten miles across country from where he was right now. It was also in the direction of Kristen’s home.

The snow had already accumulated at least ten inches since they’d started this mission, but he kept on, assessing the area for pursuit from both the men on snowmobiles, and now Walters to keep his mind off the one woman he’d never been able to forget

After an hour, he paused for a drink from a stream and ate a protein and iron rich snack he’d stowed in his cargo pants. His blood loss was still higher than it should’ve been, but he rested for a few minutes to ease his body, and check his compass for his location.

He was still on track. So far so good. He’d got the flash drive and knew where the other copies were, but he had a feeling this wasn’t going to be over so easily. Not nearly so easily.

The kid had been lying, for one. But what about?

Then there was Sonya to consider and now a new player—the mysterious European buyer. And Walters.

He had to keep going.

Quitting just isn’t part of the deal. Not any longer.

Now just to get his depleted body back to working properly again and not lose course in the snowstorm and end up dead, or worse, at Kristen’s place.


Chapter Three




“How the hell did you manage to shoot me, again?” Eric demanded, hissing between his teeth when the doctor pressed down on his wound. They were in an underground, in his opinion wicked cool compound run by a man he’d follow anywhere—called Duke. The state-of-the-art equipment, top of the line accommodations, and endless luxuries looked better than any glitter-painted strip club dancer he’d ever screwed senseless.

“I told you you were in the way, Walters.”

Eric glanced at Sonya and narrowed his eyes. She paced to the other side of the clinic’s small hospital room, seemingly unconcerned with his anger, or with the fact that she’d nearly killed him. Two inches to the left and his day would have ended completely differently.

“Why were you there, by the way? Wasn’t the plan to snatch the flash drive, the kid and hit it without leaving McNeil alive?” she asked, sounding bored of him, the mission, and everything about the newer, higher paying team they’d joined.

Duke was wealthy. He was so rich he was invisible in the stratosphere. Within ten minutes of meeting him for the first time, Eric had found a man he could follow—anywhere. Within an hour, Duke had promised him things he hadn’t realised anyone could guess he wanted. One of those things tossed her red hair over her shoulder and turned to give him an annoyed glance for not answering her. He imagined her doing that right before he tossed her over his knee, shoved her pants down, then gave her butt a spanking so hard she’d have trouble sitting for days. Then, oh, yeah, man, then he’d let her up as far as her knees to suck his cock with her sexy lips. She’d have her mascara running down her face with her tears and try her best to please him because he’d let her know that she’d be head down again if she didn’t with her ass blistered.

Soon, he consoled himself. Soon he’d fuck over everyone he’d ever known for more money than Donald Trump dreamed of making. Then maybe all of the years of working his butt off with little more than getting his tip wet with high class call girls would come to an end. Finally he’d be discovered for the killing machine he was. Duke, with his money and connections, would have his loyalty completely and, in return, he’d have Sonya in his bed and anywhere else he wanted her until he tired of her. Just thinking of introducing her to her new life as his willing sex slave made his spine tingle with the need to beat-off.

But that would have to wait. So would his lessons with Sonya. First he needed to accomplish everything Duke set out for him. Not a problem really but to ensure his place in this new team, he needed to get the job done right.

“Things were complicated. Tazz knew way too much for one. How is that, that he knew so much about where the meet was and who was at the house?”

She shrugged a slender shoulder not taking her eyes off her nails. She had probably chipped one when she shot him.

“How would I know what Robert McNeil knows and doesn’t know?”

He considered her answer, feeling it out for honesty, and found nothing but the same uninterested and slightly tired-of-it-all attitude she always wore. He’d seen her fight, though. He’d even faced her on the training mats. After, he’d had to use two women to get off the steam Sonya had built up.

The intern working on his arm poked him with the damn freezing instruments of his once more and Eric shoved him off.

“Enough, I’ll heal. I always do. Let’s go.” He gathered his clothes, leaving his shirt off so Sonya could see the damage and all the work he put into keeping his body in top shape.

“You are healed anyway, sir. I just needed to ensure you had no infection or lingering damage.”

“I’m good to go, kid. Thanks,” he said, grinning when the skinny doctor blinked and nodded. He quickly left the room and Eric turned to face Sonya.

She barely glanced at him. Didn’t matter. One big turn-on was a woman who needed his kind of lessons.

“What now, babe?”

“Now we check in with Duke and find out what we’re going to do to clean this up.”

“Sure thing. The storm will pass and when it does, we get what we want. We always do, right?”

Sonya gave him a flat stare for that, not even admiring his perfect eight pack or dipping lower to the ten inches of big cock outlined under his jeans.

“Right. Always,” she said finally and walked out ahead of him.

He followed with an eye on her ass under the skin-tight black stretch pants she wore. He doubted she wore panties. He’d fantasised about her not wearing any when he bent her over his knee and spanked her creamy white curves.

He’d got off playing the Dom to women that looked like Sonya since he’d met her a few months before. Now she was within his sphere and he wasn’t going to have to fantasise much longer. Oh, he’d heard she didn’t do BDSM. But what woman who fought like her, talked like her, and had endured what rumour said she’d survived didn’t need a harsher, more demanding sexual encounter from a man? Or just the firm hand of a man who knew what he wanted. Sometimes, he knew, that was all it took—letting them know what he wanted and how to provide it.

No way was she into the four-eyed bookish professors he’d heard about. She only needed to be guided properly, shown how hot she could come from the dominance he’d assert over her to really know what she’d been missing. His cock flooded and hardened to the point of needing him to adjust it to the side just thinking of tying her face down and plugging her ass. Women loved it and always came back for seconds. Hell, he knew all he had to do was pick one out of the hundred odd numbers from his phone and he’d have his Sonya replacement waiting for him. But he wasn’t leaving the compound. Not when he was this close to scoring more money than he’d make in his lifetime elsewhere.

Sonya paused halfway down the brightly lit hall to speak to another doctor and he scanned the area for the blonde nurse he’d seen when they’d entered the compound’s medical facilities. She’d do for now. But soon, he told himself, eyes back on the way Sonya’s ass was shaped into the perfect heart, he’d have Sonya.

She turned back to him and he widened his legs to give the pulsing hard-on more room in his jeans. Most women took in his bulge, even soft, and fell all over themselves to suck his cock. Sonya didn’t even glance down and he knew his rod pressed up and over his hip on display for anyone within ten feet of him.

“Storm’s going to last for days, possibly the rest of the week,” she muttered. “Duke is out but we’re to see him first thing when he returns.”

“That’s fine with me. Just have them give me a call on my cell when he’s back.” He caught her arm when she turned to go and pulled her right up to his bare chest. Her eyes widened, revealing more of the intense striations of green and brown in her hazel eyes. The lush curves of her big jugs pillowed up for him in her low cut top, and he took the time to admire the view before he met her eyes. “But before that, I want to know exactly what went down at DeRoy’s. I don’t like getting shot, babe.”

She tilted her head and pursed her lips in a sigh. The way she did that made his cock jerk under his jeans, rubbing the head roughly against the fabric because, like all real men, he went commando style.

If Sonya felt the eager jerk, she didn’t indicate it. “I bet you do,” she purred, running a hand down his chest to right above the ten inches of power bar he had in his jeans. He narrowed his eyes and hissed out a breath between his teeth at how good her fingers felt.

“But I already told you, surfer boy”—she caressed her hand back up his chest to right below his jugular—“everything there is to know about what went down. And for the record? I don’t mix business with pleasure.” With that she pressed on his throat until he let her arm go.

She stepped back and finally eyed his body. He didn’t hide his erection. Hell, he locked his knees and jutted his hips upward to showcase the thick rod.

“Like what you see, babe? All you have to do is ask and it’s all yours,” he told her with a rough laugh. There was always a bit more to it than that, but he’d save that surprise for later.

“Mmm, well, while impressive, you’re simply not my type, handsome.”

Damn he loved how she played hard to get especially when he knew sooner or later he’d have her on her knees, crying for what she now denied.

“I bet if you gave me a ride, you’d change that mind of yours, babe.”

She laughed softly and blew him a kiss and a wink. “I just might, I just might.”

He let her walk away, watching the slow rise and fall of each ass cheek as she went. The black leather high heel boots made his mouth water, but anticipation, he knew, always made the sex so much better. Although, he scanned the hallway for the big-titted blonde, right now sex was required.

He found her at the nurse’s desk, looking bored and eying her dark purple polish much the way Sonya had been examining her red nails. She was a blonde, not a redhead, but she had fuck-me lips and a smile that matched the promise in her blue eyes. The jugs she had under her tight white uniform were just what the doctor ordered.

She eyed him with enough interest to make his body break out in a flush of anticipated release.

“Can I help you, sir?” she asked and there was so much in that soft spoken question that he smiled.

“Aw, I like that,
.” Her blue eyes flared with interest and he leaned in closer making a show of reading her name tag “I think we can help each other, Mindy, that is, if you know how to follow orders.”

“Oh?” She set her nail file down and gave him one hell of a hot smile. She was beautiful, clearly a woman who took some care of herself. She might even work out to be more than a quick fuck if he was snowed in with her for days, maybe weeks. Her sharp gaze dipped down to his chest then to his hips and attention focused on the package under his jeans. “Orders sound interesting.”

“Sir,” he reminded her.

. Mmm, that does fit, doesn’t it?” she asked catching his line so quickly he knew he’d hit gold. The build-up from the drugs made sex necessary and right now, as much as he liked to teach a woman her place, he needed to fuck like nobody’s business.

“We can make sure it fits, babe, don’t worry your pretty little head over that.” He bent and breathed in her flowery perfume, making sure to exhale along her throat. She shivered.

She’d do.

For now.


Chapter Four




Kristen finished up the last of the chores just as the icy wind picked up and the freezing temperatures dropped to something a great deal colder. The horses were fed and their water full. She’d shovelled enough snow off the path to her small barn to make it easier to keep up with even if it snowed all night. Her Jeep was tucked in, ready to go if things cleared early. By the heavy clouds and dense snowfall, things were not slowing down any time soon.

“So much for only a few feet, huh, Rowdy?”

Rowdy wagged his tail, tired out from corralling the new barn kittens more than helping her with the blizzard preparations. He’d been beside himself when Kit Kat had left her three-week-old kittens to have some alone time, possibly hunting for her dinner. The kittens had escaped their stall by squeezing under the door and each time they did, Rowdy would bark and carefully pick them up and jump over the top of the stall door to place the kitten back where he thought it belonged. He’d done this, until in complete doggie frustration he’d parked himself inside the stall. When Kristen had peeked, he’d had four kittens snuggled up asleep all over him. If she’d had to guess he’d looked sheepishly happy with the situation. He’d still given Kit Kat his version of hell for leaving the kittens when she’d come back to her stall.

BOOK: Trusting Love
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