Trust Me (Beggar's Choice #2) (21 page)

BOOK: Trust Me (Beggar's Choice #2)
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I turn around and blink at the
owner because he is absolutely gorgeous, big and built with jet black hair and
dark chocolate brown eyes. His muscled arms are covered in tattoos and when he
smiles his teeth are even and white. He currently has Sid in an affectionate
headlock ruffling his hair like he’s his little brother, which I suppose may
feel like it because this must be Charlie’s best friend. “Fuck man,” he booms
with a broad East London accent. “It’s good to see you mate. You’re looking
fucking well and Charlie says you fucked off that whore Leah and got yourself a
brand new bird.” I blush bright red. Silence falls and he grimaces. “Tell me
that’s true because this is going to be one fucking awkward session if you’ve brought
Leah with you.”

Sid shakes his head and looks at
Charlie. “You’ve got a fucking mouth bigger than the Channel Tunnel, Charlie.”

“I can’t help it,” Charlie says
indignantly. “He’s just got this way of getting things out of me.”

“Is it called asking you a
question Charlie, because honestly that’s all it takes sometimes? He hardly
needs to break out the thumbscrews.”

Charlie smirks and the giant hugs
Sid again. “It’s good to see you clean man. I don’t think the place could
survive another visit like last time.” Everyone laughs but I see Sid’s ears

“What happened?” I ask, curiosity
winning over shyness.

The big man comes towards me.
“Last time he was here he was so stoned he fell over and took out two chairs
before falling through the curtain into the piercing room, where he landed on a
bird getting her clit pierced.”

Bram breaks into laughter. “Right
between her legs,” he shouts and goes to fist bump Sid who just stares at him.
“What?” Bram asks in an injured voice. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

“Well hello beautiful.” The big
man draws my attention back to him and I swear his voice is like fucking
treacle. It’s so deep and rich. “Who’s this?” he asks and Sid’s grin fades.

“Mine,” he says in a loud voice.

I am open mouthed at this and
gape at him before saying, “Oh my God Sid!”

“What?” he asks in a puzzled

“You can’t go round saying things
like that.”

“I can and I will.” He prowls over
and draws me to his side with a challenging look at the man. “This is Finn. He
is a total whore who doesn’t respect women, so totally not your type of person
Nell, what with all your feminist leanings.”

There’s a roar of laughter and I
say indignantly. “It was
Sid. All I said was that I
could carry my own bags.” Sid kisses my head, but although he’s laughing
there’s something serious about the way that he’s eyeballing Finn, who in turn
just examines him curiously before turning to Charlie and nodding as if in
confirmation at something. Charlie smiles and then pulls him into a hug and the
awkward moment is lost.

We settle down to discuss
tattoos. There’s only Bram and I that are getting tattooed so Finn takes him
off first while I look at some pictures. Seth has decided that he’s getting
some sort of piercing and is looking at some books. I lean over and then gasp
and start laughing. “Oh my God!”

He laughs out loud and turns the
book to me. “Fancy a read Nell?” 

“Fucking hell there are actual
penises in that book,” I squeak and he, Sid and Charlie laugh out loud. I laugh
again when I examine the pictures. “This is like for penises,” I
finally say meditatively and they all turn to stare at me. “You know, all these
pretty little pictures of penises lined up. All we need is a little bit of
description about them like this one has a good sense of humour, likes dogs
etc.” There’s silence for a second and then the men burst out laughing and Sid
hugs me and kisses my hair while snorting out loud.

“Will Lucy approve?” Charlie asks
Seth and he shrugs.

“Probably not, she doesn’t
approve of much.”

“It’s supposed to heighten sexual
pleasure.” I read from an article in the book that I’ve now commandeered. “I
say go for it babe.” He laughs and blows a kiss at me and looking up I see Sid
staring at me. “What?” I ask in a low voice, but he just kisses my nose.

“I’ve never met a woman like you
before,” he says quietly.

“What - beautiful, witty and sexually
a queen amongst women?” I laugh, making a snooty face to make him laugh and
then point back at the book. “Ooh that’s a pretty one.” He snorts and looks

“No thanks. Looking at other
men’s junk isn’t really my thing.”

“Your loss,” I smirk and he takes
the book off me and pretends to hit me with it.

“I just meant that you’re so easy
going and funny. You get on with the boys like you’ve always been with us,
rather than making drama and causing scenes and trying to make me jealous all
the time.”

I look at him searchingly. “Wow
Sid you really know how to pick them,” but he just smiles and shrugs.

Seth is taken off by a very
pretty but belligerent looking woman to get his piercing, and finally Bram
appears, shrugging his jacket back on. “What did you get?” I ask eagerly.

“Mind your own business,” he
says, tapping me on the nose.

“No really, what did you get?”
Mabe asks curiously.

“I’m not telling.” He looks
slightly shifty.

“I’ll see it when you’re on
stage,” I say comfortingly.

“Fucking hope not,” Finn says and
lets out a boom of laughter. Bram ignores our questioning and moves away to
pay, and Finn turns to me. “Now for the highlight of my evening,” he says
charmingly. “Please tell me that you want a tattoo in the same place as Bram.”
Sid instantly stiffens and I hear Bram shout ‘fuck off’.

I smile but I’m feeling quite
nervous now. “I don’t think Bram and I want the same thing.”

“Come on then babe. Come into my
parlour.” I’m amazed that as I get up he runs his hand caressingly down my
neck. “Beautiful skin,” he says in a low voice. “I’m looking forward to putting
my mark on this.” There’s an explosion of movement next to us and Sid is
suddenly in Finn’s face, all signs of their previous friendliness gone.

“Fuck off,” he says in a low
menacing voice. “I know what message you’re sending me and I hear it loud and
clear, but you’re not involving her
.” Finn is silent and Sid leans
forward. “Do you understand me?” he asks in a harsh voice.

I see Finn look over his shoulder
at Charlie who stands up holding his hand out to Finn. “It was a long time ago.
Don’t do this mate.”

The atmosphere has shifted and I
hesitate, not sure that I want to proceed, but Finn suddenly relaxes. “It
wasn’t you,” he says to Sid. “I know that and I’d never do it back to you.
Surely you know that by now. I was just messing with you.”

Sid suddenly looks almost
ashamed. “If I could go back,” he starts and then shrugs. “I wouldn’t do it,
but you know what I was like then Finn. I was so fucked up and I know it’s no excuse
but it is the reason. Just know that I would never do that to you now.”

The two men look at each other
and suddenly the atmosphere changes and Finn pulls Sid into a tight hug.
“Understood,” he mutters.

I bend down to get my bag and
whisper to Mabe. “What the fuck?”

She darts a look at Charlie. “Sid
fucked Finn’s girlfriend,” she whispers.

“Oh shit!”

“It was ages ago and he forgave
him for it, but obviously there was still a
bit of ill feeling.”
She lowers her voice even more. “I don’t even think they were exclusive but it
breaks the man code so …” She shrugs.

I look up and Sid is staring at
me almost as if waiting for me to judge him, and I remember what he said about
regretting things and hurting people. The difference is that I know him now, not
then, and what I know is good, so I smile cheerfully and moving to him I throw
my arm around his waist and lean into him. “I’m a bit nervous,” I say in a
normal voice. “Will you come in with me?”

For a second I see his head tip
back and he breathes out a long breath and then he bends his head and gives me
a hard, close mouthed kiss. “Let’s get my girl tatted up.”


We emerge into the darkness of
Amsterdam on our own, the others having moved on to another bar. We’d been
invited but Sid had made our excuses without even looking at me. He’d been as
distant while I got my tattoo, as he’d been when I first met him. All
conversation was met with a vague answer and despite holding on tight to me,
the only real sign of emotion had been when I’d had to raise my skirt and
unroll my hold up down my leg, when his eyes had dilated and he’d taken a sharp
breath. Other than that he’d been cool, even when I’d asked for a tulip on my
foot and said it was because I wanted a memory of the Keukenhof Gardens.

We stand outside and the light
within blinks out, leaving us in the soupy darkness between street lights. I
put out my foot considering it. I can’t see it but I love my tattoo. It’s a
beautiful, big, pink and white striped, blowsy tulip on my left foot whose stem
and leaves curve around my ankle. “You haven’t said much about my tattoo…Jesus
Christ!” The latter is because he turns to me and grabbing my hand he pulls me
into the dark alley that runs by the side of the shop. Backing me into the wall
he presses into me, grabs my head and his mouth falls on me and I’m instantly
lost, instantly drenched. He wastes no time parting my lips and thrusting his
tongue inside and I moan, sending out my own to tangle with his. We kiss wildly
and I feel a cool breeze as he inches up my dress and runs his rough, calloused
fingertips over the bare skin of my thighs.

He pulls his head back and we
pant into each other’s mouths as his hands reach higher until he finds my
knickers which he proceeds to rip away. The snap of the knicker elastic sounds
like a gunshot in the silence between us, and he raises his eyebrow at me
almost in challenge. Responding without even thinking about it, I defiantly
reach the hem of my dress and pull it up, exposing myself to him.

He stares for a second and then
he groans in a guttural sigh. “Fuuck Nelly!” he whispers and then surges into
me pushing me into the brick of the wall, putting his hand momentarily behind
my head to stop me hurting myself. Obeying the direction of his hands I jump up
and he catches me, wrapping my legs around him and taking my mouth again. We
rub against each other, panting breaths and low moans the only sounds that we

I know that we’re only a few feet
from the road and it’s quite possible that we’re going to be disturbed, but for
once in my life I don’t care. My only thought, my only wish is that this
beautiful, troubled man will be inside me, and as if reading my mind he reaches
between us and fumbles with his zip. The metallic sound echoes and he freezes
for a second. “Nell?” he asks questioningly, his voice a harsh, painful rasp of
sound. Instead of answering I pull his head back to me and he kisses me wildly,
thrusting his tongue inside my mouth, mimicking the action that I hope he’s
going to make inside me soon. He reaches into his back pocket and fumbles for
what I hope to God is a condom, and seconds later my wish is granted as I hear
the wrapper tear open and the snap of rubber, and feel him cant his hips away
to slide it on.

Seconds later he’s back at me his
lips almost bruising in their ferocity, and I’m almost shocked as he tilts my
pelvis and pushes his way into me without any further ceremony. I inhale
sharply. I’m very wet but he’s huge, and I haven’t done this in a long time.
Hearing me he pauses and waits for me to adjust. We’re both panting harshly and
I can feel his cock twitching inside me, but he waits patiently, his muscles
like stone against me. I can feel myself softening around him and I move
experimentally and we both groan.

“Ready?” he asks in a choked pant
and I nod, incapable of speech. “This is going to be quick,” he warns me and I
nod pushing my hands up his neck and tangling my fingers in the silky hair at
his nape. We’re both sweating, our bodies totally clothed apart from where he’s
inside me and the thought is unexpectedly erotic, visualizing his cock forcing
its way inside me while we stand in an alley feet away from people.

I tighten my legs around him and
he starts to really thrust inside me. His movements are powerful and I can feel
the muscles in his backside moving as he powers inside me. “Nell you’re so
fucking wet,” he pants. “I can feel you all over me.” I moan and we kiss wildly
listening to the liquid sounds of our sex in the dim darkness. It isn’t long
before I can feel the tightening in my pussy and I gasp. Tearing my mouth away
and letting out a choked shriek that is beyond my control to stop I come and
come, the spasms tearing through me. He tenses and utters a guttural grunt and
I feel his cock jerk inside me and the warmth as he fills the condom.

Seconds pass and we stay as we
are, loose limbed with fulfilment. I could stay here forever, feeling him
strong within the circle of my arms and legs. He utters a short moan that
sounds like a pleased lion and rubs his head against me. Finally he stirs.
“Alright baby?” he asks in a hoarse, low voice which makes me shiver, and
incredibly I feel warmth between my legs again. I gasp slightly and feel his
cock stiffen inside me again. I wriggle and he chuckles and then stuns me by
slapping my arse. “Don’t be surprised. I’m going to fuck you all night,” he
says over my gasp of indignation. At this I moan and he laughs breathlessly.
“Don’t make that noise for fuck’s sake Nelly. We can’t do this again here.
We’re lucky as fuck that we never got caught.”

As if on cue a door closes on the
street and a dark figure passes by the top of the alley. “Night you crazy
kids,” comes the smooth voice of Finn and I groan in mortification.

“Do you think he heard anything?”
I whisper and incredibly he laughs, throwing his head back. “What?”

“I can’t believe that we just got
caught by him. When I’m with you it’s like I’ve regressed to when I was

I nuzzle against him, relishing
the sweet smell of him which is more intense now that it’s mixed with the smell
of sex. “Let’s just hope that you’ve got that fifteen year old’s stamina,” I
whisper, biting his jaw lightly and he shivers slightly pushing into me, but
then he pulls back and eases out of me holding the condom firmly. We both groan
at the feeling of him leaving me, and after dealing with the condom he grabs me
and kisses me ravenously.

“All night,” he promises me. “Now
get your arse back to the hotel Miss Slater.” Minutes later he flags down a
taxi and I squeal as he tackles me onto the seat and kisses me breathless.
“Hotel Waldorf Astoria,” he shouts to the driver who laughs and pulls off

When we get to the hotel he tows
me through the lobby holding my hand firmly, and steadfastly ignoring the women
hanging around waiting. He summons the lift with an impatient jab of the button
and I laugh. He looks at me querying. “In a hurry?” I ask demurely and giggle
as he pulls me close.

“Yes I fucking am,” he whispers.
“I’m going to take you upstairs and then I’m planning to take my time with
you.” I gulp, feeling my laughter die away but it resurrects itself inside me
in a fizz of fireworks that warm my blood and make me instantly wet. He watches
me, his eyes dilating instantly. “Yes,” he whispers, and his voice is now a
guttural drawl. We stand silently close together but not touching. It’s almost
as if we know that if we so much as touch we’ll tear into each other, and we
won’t pay any attention to anyone that could be around us.

The lift arrives and we get in,
Sid punching the button for what is obviously his floor. I look at him out of
the corner of my eye, the silence giving me time to think. Have we made a
mistake? I don’t know, and in fact my only certainty at this moment is that I
want to do it again and again. I feel so alive, all the blood and cells in my
body crackling and bubbling, and I have never felt such a connection and an
awareness of someone else’s body before.

As if sensing my thoughts he
looks sideways down at me and our eyes tangle. Finally he reaches down, and tangling
his fingers with mine he pulls my hand up to his mouth. He kisses my fingers
and then pulls my palm against his cheek. I hold on, feeling the rough bristles
of his stubble tickle my skin and watch as he closes his eyes and nestles into
my touch. For a second he looks so vulnerable that I just want to hold him and
hug him tight. He’s a big, strong man but I just want to protect him. He opens
his eyes and I instantly clear my expression. With everything that he’s said so
far I know that he won’t want to see my expression which mirrors my feelings.
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly. “Do you regret it?”

“Why would I regret it?”

He smiles ruefully and a touch
bitterly. “Nell, I just fucked you against a wall in clear view of anyone who
happened to go by. I didn’t even have the control to get you somewhere private
the first time. Why wouldn’t you regret it sweetheart?”

“Well I don’t.” He raises his
eyebrows sceptically. “Don’t do that eyebrow thing,” I add sharply.

“What eyebrow thing?”

“Where you look at me as if I
don’t know my own mind. I do know it and all I can say is that I came harder
than I ever have in my life. If you can do that against a brick wall in public,
I’m anxious to see what you can do when you’ve got time and a bed at your
disposal.” I gasp as he moves suddenly, pushing me into the mirrored wall of
the lift and kissing me so hard I know that my lips will be bruised, but I
relax against him loving his strength and the smell of him.

We kiss wildly until he pulls
away and buries his head in my neck panting. “Okay,” he mutters. “You’re fine.
You have a mind of your own. I see that now.”

I snigger and ruffle his hair. “I
do and my mind says show me your bedroom Sidney.”

He raises his head and I gulp at
the carnal expression on his face. “I’m going to show you more than that Nell.”
The lift dings and the doors open and we move down the hallway, the thick
carpet muffling our footsteps. We don’t speak but he raises his hand the action
somehow deliberate, and rests it against the nape of my neck, his touch almost
burning me. He leaves it there even when scanning his card over the lock.

The door clicks open and he
ushers me into the room his hand falling away as he leaves me standing there
while he moves around the room turning lamps on until it’s lit with a warm
glow. I look around distractedly while he does this, noticing the squashy
settees in the living room and the fact that an open door into another room
reveals a long table and chairs that must seat twelve people.

“Big suite,” I say, clearing my
throat to remove the huskiness. He looks at the dining room and smiles.

“It’s the best suite. There’s a
library and a butler as well, but the main drawback is that the other fuckers
are always in here.” I smile but then gulp as he takes my hand and leads me
into an airy bedroom with an enormous half tester bed in mahogany with masses
of pillows heaped high. A dim part of me notices that as he switches the
bedside lamps on he’s also watching me like a cheetah that’s about to pounce on
its prey, but the rest of my mind is occupied with how smoothly he moves, the
muscles in his body coiling and relaxing and the veins in his forearms and
hands prominent under his golden skin. Already I can feel moisture flooding
inside me and dampening my inner thighs, which intensifies when he straightens
up and just stands there looking at me.

He stares at me for ages running
his eyes up and down my body, seemingly itemising every inch of my body, and
it’s glaringly obvious that he’s extremely experienced. The silence lengthens
and I would feel awkward and alone in this attraction if I couldn’t see how
hard he’s begun to breathe and how his hands tremble. Finally he closes his
eyes and sighs. When he opens them again I can hardly see any blue, the pupils
have dilated so much, and he says just one word in a harsh rasp. “Strip.”

I gulp. “What about you?” I ask
and wince as even I can hear the nervousness in my voice.

He smiles at me and it’s almost
out of place in this charged moment because it’s so tender. “You always have to
be different love. How about we do it together an item at a time?” I smile at
him and kick off one of my shoes and he utters a staccato laugh. “Okay,” he
says drawing out the syllables. “We’re doing it that way are we?” and he kicks
off one of his own. We take off item by item, slowly drawing it out, the only
soundtrack our altered breathing and the odd catch in his throat.

Finally we’re left standing, me
in just my hold ups and him in his tight, navy blue boxer briefs showing a
formidable erection, and I take a moment to admire him. He’s so beautiful, his
tawny skin golden in the lamplight stretched tight over his body and his
tattoos glowing. He’s a big man but there’s no bulk to him at all. His
shoulders are wide and muscled, his chest broad and then his body narrows into
the classic runner’s shape, all lean ropy muscles leading to a flat stomach,
sharp hipbones and the definite v of his pelvic muscles. His legs are long and
hairy, and again I can see his runner’s physique because they’re heavily muscled.

I become aware that he’s staring
just as closely at me, but for once in my life I have no inclination to cover
myself. Instead I stand proudly letting him look his fill. He smiles a brief
lift of one side of his mouth. “Come here,” he says in a deep rasp and
everything south of my navel clenches tight, and I feel my nipples tighten hard
so they’re standing out proudly. He groans low in his throat and putting out
his hand he draws me close to him, both of us moaning as we collapse into each
other feeling us skin on skin for the first time. He’s all immense warmth and
hair roughened skin and he twists slightly rubbing his chest against my breasts
until I call out sharply and he raises his head and I gasp as I see his face
which is full of carnality.

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