Trust Me (79 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

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stretched her feet out on the bench seat, kicking her shoes off and wiggling her toes. She had the chance to see an entirely different side of Creighton that she found irresistible and intriguing. He was a great uncle, a wonderful brother and a very loving son and she felt extremely lucky to be a part of his life. She knew in her heart that he would make a wonderful father and she was more than eager to help him get to that point in his life.

s childhood room was at the front of the house, to the right side of the covered porch. It looked out onto the property he had purchased next door and the tree Miriam mentioned in her book was still there, making Sandra think about how easily she had climbed up it and seduced him as his parents slept three doors away.

sighed, laying her head back against the pillow at the end of the bench and smiled again. She could imagine Creighton as a child growing up here; free and happy and loved. The sound of the front door closing brought her out of her state of nostalgia and she opened her eyes, glancing out the open window to see Andrew sit down on the bottom step of the porch. He lit a cigarette and looked out onto the night, laughter still echoing from the family as the games had adjourned back inside. A moment later the door shut again and the tall frame of Creighton sat down next to his brother, refusing the cigarette he was offered.

Sandra,” Andrew began, his voice drifting up through the open window. “She’s quite a looker.”

she is,” Creighton answered.

a lucky man, Cray. Finding a girl your family loves and one who fits in so easily, is rare. You’ll want to hold on tight to that one.”

plan on doing just that,” Creighton assured his brother.

are sure you really want to live in that place?” Andrew said a few moments later, and Sandra knew he was referring to their newly purchased house.

It’s large enough for a family, close to mum and dad so I can keep an eye on them and Sandra is a country girl; she fits in here.”

family, eh? Something you’re not telling us?” Creighton chuckled.

aren’t getting married because she’s pregnant, if that’s what you mean. However, I wouldn’t mind it. Sandra is a great girl and I can’t wait to start a family with her. It’s not like we’re preventing it from happening or anything like that, so when it happens, we won’t be disappointed.”

least the practicing is good?”

good.” Both brothers laughed while Sandra sat in the darkness of the room, a deep blush burning her cheeks. “It seems like you’re getting on well enough with her sister, Cathy.”

really quite a girl,” Andrew answered. “She’s smart and beautiful, not as well developed as Sandra, but nice nevertheless. I think I could enjoy getting to know her.”

a thorn in my side, but she’s Sandra’s sister so I’ll be nice to her.”

didn’t have anything bad to say when we were talking earlier.”

don’t know that it’s so much me as it is her sister. Cathy has always kept Sandra in the shadows and now that she’s developed a voice and an opinion, I don’t know if Cathy is able to handle it. She had a pretty bad experience a few years back with an Italian and she’s afraid for Sandra. She loves her, but I think she’s a little intimidated by her.”

would you say that?” Andrew drew a deep breath of his cigarette and the smoke filtered up to the open window, making Sandra crinkle her nose against it; thankful that Creighton didn’t smoke…at least she didn’t think he did.

is the athletic one, the quiet one, the one who milks the cows and bathes the dog. Cathy is the one who stays inside, polishing her nails and talking to friends. They are as different as night and day.”

sounds like my kind of girl,” Andrew said.

wanted to speak with you about something other than the girls,” Creighton said a few moments later. “Sandra and I met up with Miriam the other day.”


written a book and we’re in it. She talks about her first sexual encounters.”

much does she talk about?” Andrew said in a very hushed tone.

of it, more than I ever knew. Oddly enough, it appears she shagged just about every bloke in the county, including you.” The two were quiet for a few minutes as they considered the past and how to broach the next subject.

watched you sneak into that old barn with her for weeks,” Andrew began softly. “At first I thought it was amusing; you were young and shy, never really had much to do with the girls, so fooling around with her was a joke. But then I heard the blokes at school talking about her, how cute she was and everyone wanted to shag her, but you were the one doing it. I guess I got jealous.”

way she described your encounter with her, she practically admitted that you raped her.”

suppose I did. I’m not proud it, Cray. It was only the one time and I felt sick afterward. Hell, it took me nearly a year before I could even look at a girl in a sexual manner. I just wanted to confront her, warn her not to hurt you, but one thing led to another and it just happened. She had a really revealing blouse on and once I touched her, I lost control, but she acted like she really enjoyed it, you know? The rougher I got the more she liked it. I couldn’t believe that she came so easily. She just kept begging me to go deeper, harder and punish her. She was one messed up git.”

does like it rough; she's really into bondage and whips.”

knew she was sick.”

said you threw her in the dirt and threatened to go to her father if she said anything to me.” Andrew fell silent again for a few strained moments before he continued.

don’t think you ever understood how envious I was of you,” he admitted. “You were much stronger than I could ever hope to be. You were athletic, handsome, well-liked by everyone. More than anything I was afraid of what you might do if you found out I shagged your girlfriend.”

wasn’t my girlfriend,” Creighton said with an exasperated tone and Sandra smiled remembering how much he had denied the obvious, even to her.

Andrew said in a tone that said he didn’t believe the denial, either. “Anyway, that night I went to the pub with the Parker twins to forget what happened and after a couple of drinks, I started talking. Next thing I know, the tramp was shagging every bloke she could get her hands on. She just couldn’t get enough. Everyone was talking about her, talking about the things she wanted them to do, the way she would sneak around in the locker room and shag anyone and everyone who was there. She was a true whore, even shagging teachers in order to pass her classes.”

titled her book,
A Sex Maniac’s Journal
,” Creighton said. “When she first showed me into her barn, she admitted to masturbating several times a day, but I figured she was just curious about her body. Later, I realized she couldn’t get enough; she had such an insatiable appetite for sex and I always wondered if I was enough for her. Now I know I wasn’t. Did you know she loved to get off with raw ears of corn?”

Andrew said causing his brother to laugh. “Thanks a lot Creighton. I’ll never be able to eat another piece of corn and not think about that.”

a problem.”

did you keep shagging her after she started in with the rest of the blokes?” Andrew asked a moment later.

never knew what she was doing. It wasn’t until that bloody book I realized I wasn’t the only one shagging her.”

way?” Andrew said shock and disbelieve echoed in his voice.

true. She hid it quite well from me. I must have been the local joke,” Creighton said, causing Sandra to frown.

you kidding? After that old bastard nearly killed you, every bloke around was terrified it would happen to him too. They admired your stamina and ability to survive; everyone thought you were just another of her conquests; nobody knew you had real feelings for her. It was while you were in hospital, that the guys she had been shagging started vandalizing the place. They were too afraid to confront the bastard personally, so they started throwing rocks at him, breaking his windows, running off his livestock, messing with his car, that sort of thing. He quickly had enough of it and left.”

always wondered why he left so soon.”

and Derek told him if you died, he wouldn’t live long enough to make it to jail and they weren’t the only ones who felt that way. Every neighbor we had threatened the same thing. You were much admired around here, you know? Still are for that fact matter. He ran out of fear, in the middle of the night. He left everything behind in his haste and had movers pack up his junk a few weeks later. Dad got the police involved, but they weren’t going to press charges until they knew the extent of your condition. I think dad was hoping to get his hands on the son of a bitch instead, but he left too quick.”

glad it never went to those lengths,” Creighton said softly.

really sorry about everything, Cray,” Andrew said a few silent moments later. “I don’t really know why I went to her. I guess I was just jealous that you got her and I didn’t. I mean, you had everything going for you, hell you still do, just look at Sandra. She’s gorgeous and polite and has a killer body.”

unlike dad’s old chair, she has my initials on her, so back off.” Andrew laughed at this, causing Creighton to join in as Sandra continued to listen in silence, blushing.

know; it's because of her, I had to courage to talk to you about all this,” Creighton said a few moments later. “I was really worried that people were laughing behind my back. Sandra made me realize that things weren’t as bad as I thought.”

a unique girl. I hope someday I can find someone like her.”

you already have,” Creighton said with a soft chuckle. “She does have that sister of hers.”

and she’s quite a looker.

for it,” Creighton answered eagerly. “It will keep her off our backs.”

do what I can, little brother.”



bid Creighton good night just after midnight as the house began to wind down. They stepped out on the front porch and waited while Derek and Kristine carried their sleeping children home, followed behind by Andrew and Cathy, who stepped to the front walkway, talking silently for a few minutes before he kissed her good night; much more passionately than Sandra would have anticipated.

how did it go?” she asked after Cathy retired to the house, leaving them alone on the porch.

was much as you had thought,” he told her, his arms around her as they snuggled on the wicker settee, looking across the field to their new house. “Nobody knew I was shagging Miriam until her father caught us.”

Not as bad as you thought.”

GPA shines again,” he teased kissing her temple. “Since I did you that favor, it’s time for payment.”

what did you have in mind? You’re spending the night at your brother’s.” Sandra smiled, knowing full well he had other plans in mind than sleeping.

ye of little faith, my queen,” he whispered against her ear. “Our love shall prevail; just leave the bedroom window unlocked.” Sandra giggled, realizing what the man had in mind. Creighton kissed her hard and passionately, but all too briefly before turning and leaving her. She stood on the porch for several long moments and watched as Creighton walked away, down the walkway to the home next door. He turned and waved, though he was barely a shadow by this time, causing her to giggle softly, waving back.

occupants of the home had retired, leaving a small light on in the entry that provided safety from stubbed toes in the night. Sandra walked into the house, turning to shut the door and glanced across the distance to the house Creighton had purchased and frowned. She looked at it closely, blinking several times. For a moment, she thought she had seen a shadow move across the porch, but as she strained to look through the darkness, she saw nothing out of the ordinary; no signs of intruders, no vehicles and no lights. She quickly dismissed it and locked the door, hurrying back up to Creighton’s childhood bedroom.

stepped out of the bedroom across the hallway as Sandra opened the door, smiling cheerfully to her.

you tired, or can we talk?” she whispered.

come on in,” Sandra answered, stepping aside as her sister walked through. She walked over the window and unlocked it, opening it a little before sitting down on the double size bed, crossing her legs.

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