Read Trust Me Online

Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

Trust Me (13 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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The feeling quickly came alive again as his tongue began to dance with hers, waking all of her senses with a dizzy sensation. She was not sure what was going to happen, but she found her legs spreading further apart, his fingers returning to the wet opening between her legs, thrusting deeper into her, the palm of his hand pressing against that spot, that small wonderful spot that he had given birth of womanhood to. He rubbed and pressed, rubbed and pressed, again and again. She could feel it, the need, the desire, swirling around the room, floating on the title wave of passion. She wanted it, that incredible whirlpool of release and she moaned into his mouth as he rolled her back onto the bed, pushing her legs further apart, settling between them. He moved his fingers out of her again and began to pinch and massage the nub of her desire.

“Are you ready?” he asked her gently, leaning up on his elbows above her and she opened her eyes. She looked at the expression on his face and realized this was it, her last chance to say no, but instinctively she nodded. A relieved smile twisted the corners of Creighton’s lips and he leaned down, placing one last kiss on her lips. She felt the tip of his hard, moist manhood pressed against her and she gasped. It was so much larger than his fingers had been and a moment of fear began to echo through her, causing her to tense beneath him.

“Trust me?” he asked against her lips, as though he could read her mind and there was something in his soft voice that made her realize she did trust him.

“Yes,” she whispered, feeling the warmth press against her harder.

“Look at me,” he said with whispered words. “I want to watch you.” Sandra blushed as she stared into his eyes, feeling warm and protected. The hard tip of his desire pressed against her harder. With a small push, it broke through and the tip was thrust into the small tight opening, causing her to gasp.

“Breathe,” he told her. “Take a deep breath and let it out.” She did as he instructed; she exhaled and slowly filled her lungs with the sweet musky scent of him. With a quick, almost savage action, he thrust deep into her in one fluent movement, his teeth clenched as their eyes locked and she cried out in a mixture of a moan and a sob. He stilled for a moment as her eyes shut tightly. Damn, that hurt, she thought.

“Breathe, my love,” he told her with a soft kiss to her forehead and she realized she was holding her breath. She exhaled and felt the tension slowly release as her body adjusted to the fullness of him. “Ready?” he asked again and she nodded, looking back into his eyes. He frowned slightly, wiping away the tear the slid down her cheek. With excruciating slowness, he moved out of her then quickly thrust back in. She gasped as he pulled out slowly, thrusting hard yet again. It was a rhythm he continued and after a few moments she began to expect it, feeling the heat build around him. As he continued his agonizing actions, she could feel him grow even thicker and she began to moan. It was the second most incredible thing she had experienced that night.

His pace began to increase and she could feel the need burning to life again, the now familiar dizzy sensation controlling her senses. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, panting at the exquisite sensations that surrounded her lower regions. A moment later and her world began to explode and she found herself clutching him to her breast, as he lay against her. His pace slowed slightly, allowing her to come down from her euphoria before he reached down and lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist, bringing an even deeper contact between them.

Creighton began his hard thrusting again, more quickly and more demanding and after a few insane moments he stilled inside her, his deep primal growl echoed through the quiet room and she smiled. Sandra lifted her hips into him intending to tease him, but he grabbed her tighter and began thrusting again, deeper, harder until she moaned loudly. It was a sensation so overpowering and she felt the explosion erupt inside her again, clinging to him, her nails digging into his shoulders.

A few moments passed before they collapsed into each other, panting for air their hearts pounding a wild rhythm against each other. Sandra drew a deep breath, trying to steady herself, listening to the soft rumble of the man’s chuckle as he rolled off of her, stretching out beside her. She opened her eyes to see him staring down at her with a gentle smile and blushed.

“Thank you,” he whispered kissing the tip of her nose. She frowned staring at him when he winked. “My present was definitely worth opening early.” She blushed and he pulled her into a warm embrace. “You do realize however, you’ve totally ruined my surprise for tomorrow.”

“How?” she asked and looked into his relaxed expression.

“I was planning on taking the yacht out to the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and spending the entire day making love to you.” She smiled again, snuggling her head closer to his moist chest.

“So what’s stopping you?”

“I wanted your first time to be memorable,” he chastised her. “But you were far too eager. How many people do you know have made love for the first time in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea”

“How many people do you know make love with an incredible man, after a day of parasailing and water-skiing? I will remember this day…all of it…. the rest of my life.”

“So you enjoyed yourself? Today I mean, not just tonight?” She nodded and smiled into his chest, yawning deeply as she wrapped herself in his embrace.

“Wait until my sister hears everything that’s happened,” she said sleepily. “She’s going to shit a brick!”



A warm sensation touched her cheek and Sandra frowned, stretching deeply, rolling to her back; her eyes refusing to open. She moaned at the sensation of many sore muscles coming awake; her legs ached, her back was stiff and there was something that twinged at the junction between her legs. Then she remembered the day before; the parasailing, the water-skiing, the museum and the incredible night she spent in Creighton’s arms and she smiled. She heard the soft warm chuckle vibrating close to her ear and felt the warmth of his lips brush her neck, causing the familiar blush to creep up her neck.

“Do you know how beautiful you are in the morning?” he asked her against her ear, his tongue softly tracing the contour of her earlobe. “Are you sore?” Sandra blushed and nodded softly, causing him to chuckle again, her eyes remaining closed. “I think the best thing for that would be a little exercise. We need to work out your tenderness, while you work on my stiffness.” Sandra’s blush deepened, and he laughed openly in the silent room.

“If I didn’t have other plans for you today, I’d come back to bed and take advantage of your willingness.”

“Who said I was willing?” she asked, refusing to open her eyes.

“That bottom you’ve been pushing against me the past five minutes says you’re more than willing. Now, are you going to sleep the day away, or do I have to give you a reason to wake up?” Sandra giggled softly, rolling onto her side again and pulled the covers up to her chin, snuggling deeper into the blankets. Creighton laughed again, pulling her back toward his chest.

“As tempting and inviting as you are, my love, you can’t stay in bed, not yet at least. Last night spoiled my idea of our first time, but I won’t be cheated out of the rest of my plans. Get up and come eat. We’ll be anchoring soon and I want you fed and ready for what I have in mind.” She rolled over reluctantly and opened her eyes, staring at the handsome man behind her.

“Are you regretting last night?” she asked him with a frown and watched a strange emotion cross through his deep eyes.

“I will never regret last night and I won’t allow you to either. What happened between us was magical. I may have had another idea in mind, but it was nothing compared to what happened. Now get up and come eat.” He kissed the tip of her nose before walking to the end of the bed, yanking the covers off her in one fluid movement. She screeched and threw a pillow at him, listening to his deep laughter as he dodged the object.

“Don’t shower yet,” he told her as he reached in his dresser drawer and tossed her a light blue tee-shirt. “You’ll have time after breakfast. Now get a move on unless you want me to drag up on deck completely starkers.” She smiled behind him as he left the room, allowing her time to dress in private. Playing with a man in the morning was a new experience for her and she was eager for it to continue.

Sandra slipped the shirt across her head and turned to find her panties. Her clothes had been picked up and placed on a chair near the side of the bed, her shoes tucked underneath, but her panties were not with them. She pulled the blankets back and searched the bed, under the bed, even the adjoining bathroom, but they were nowhere to be found. She couldn’t go up on deck without panties, but realization quickly began to filter into her mind and she smiled wickedly. That was exactly what he wanted her to do; he had her panties or had hidden them and wanted her to go without them.

She went into the bathroom with the intent to brush her hair, but before she could find a comb or brush she heard her phone ringing from somewhere in the bedroom. Sandra went in search of it, recognizing Cathy’s personal ring. Creighton must have brought her purse in from the deck and she found her phone along with it on his dresser.

“Sandy, you didn’t call me yesterday, how did your date go?” Sandra giggled at the excited tone in her sister’s voice.

“It was amazing Cathy and I have a ton of pictures to show you.”

“So what happened? Tell me everything.” She blushed; she had no intention of telling her

“Well, we had supper on Creighton’s yacht,” she told her and smiled again as her sister gasped on the other end of the phone. “And yesterday we went parasailing and water-skiing and we went to the Matisse Museum in Nice. It has been the most amazing twenty-four hours of my life.”

“That sounds great, but parasailing? Water-skiing? Okay, who are you and what did you do with my sister?” Cathy laughed and Sandra had no choice but to join in with her.

“So what plans does Mr. Wonderful have for you today? Climbing Mount Everest, perhaps?”

“I have no idea,” she answered honestly. “He said he has a full day planned for us, but he won’t tell me what. It’s a surprise.”

“Well I’m glad you’re having fun. By the way, where are you? I called the hotel when you didn’t answer your phone this morning and they said you weren’t there.” Sandra blushed deeply. She didn’t know how to tell her sister that she spent the night making love with the greatest, sexiest man she had ever laid eyes on.

“That’s because I’m not at the hotel. Creighton woke me up earlier and we’re having breakfast on his yacht.” That sounded innocent enough, right? They continued to talk for a few more minutes, before Sandra assured her sister she would call when she got a chance, hung up and returned to the bathroom.

She found a brush in the vanity drawer and quickly smoothed it through her long brown hair. Next to the sink was a clean washcloth, a new toothbrush still in the package and a stick of deodorant. She quickly made use of the items and glanced up into the shining green eyes that looked back at her through the mirror’s reflection. She looked a bit red, but she wasn’t sure if that was from the sunburn or the result of not wearing panties. She had a small bruise on her collarbone and she frowned inspecting it. She didn’t remember getting injured, but when she looked at it closer, she saw the color build up beneath her delicate flesh. She recognized what it really was; it was from
. She had seen one on Cathy once and thought Nana was going to have a heart attack when she saw it.

Sandra returned to the bedroom, replaced her phone in her purse and glanced down at the bed. She frowned at the dried blood, a tell-tail sign of her gift to Creighton. With a shy smile, she tugged the hem of the shirt a little lower and tried not to look embarrassed as she hurried out of the room. She found Creighton sitting at the dining table on the uppermost deck, talking on his cell phone. With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Sandra walked toward him; thankful that his shirt was so much longer than her torso as she sat in the one and only vacant chair beside him.
There were a number of platters on the table; eggs, bacon, sausage, crepes, pastries and fresh fruit awaited her. She looked around unable to decide what to choose first and opted to think about it over a glass of orange juice.

Creighton didn’t acknowledge her presence and continued to speak…she thought it was Italian…over the phone but he didn’t look at all happy. His face looked tense, his jaw clenched and an irritated frown pulled his brows together while he listened silently for several minutes, before speaking again.

After nearly fifteen minutes, he snapped the phone shut and sat it on the table with a hard thump, reaching for his coffee cup. He lifted it to his lips and frowned as he realized the contents are cold. Creighton stood up and walked to the railing of the ship, dumping it out into the water. He leaned against the railing, his back to Sandra, not saying a word. The spray of salt water could be felt through the breeze as the yacht traveled to its new destination. The feelings radiating from the man were not pleasant ones and she was unsure how to react to him. Deciding to do as he said earlier, she filled a plate with food and slowly began to eat. It was really quite delicious; however, it was almost tasteless with the overwhelming tension bouncing across the deck.

Sandra cleared her throat and ventured to speak, but before she had a chance, Creighton returned to the table, sitting back in his seat silently. He flicked his napkin and placed it across his knee before taking the pot of coffee and refilled his now empty mug. He reached for the plate of pastries in front of her and without hesitation she pushed it out of his reach. He turned and frowned at her, but she choose to continue eating, ignoring him completely. She reached for her glass of juice and took a long drink, hoping to calm her nerves and hide her smile.

BOOK: Trust Me
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