Trust Me (10 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Trust Me
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The driver opens the door for me, and with my suitcase in hand, he escorts me to my apartment door.
It’s good to be home.
I barely make it through the front door when I hear Sam bouncing up the stairs.

Engulfing me in a big hug, she squeezes me tight. “Hey, stranger. I hope you found what you were looking for.” She pushes me back at an arm’s length, and she eyes me speculatively.

“I did, Sam. I really, really did. It’s a little surreal how I did, but I can’t remember the last time I felt like this.” The genuine happiness in my voice rings true, and I’m smiling that cheesy smile.

“You seem like you again.” She brings me back in for another hug.

I know my withdrawal from the world had her stressed out with worry. She is the reason I made it through the last year.

Pulling back from the hug, I notice Sam’s pink sorority shirt. “Did you get approved?”

“Yes, we did. We are an official sorority. We’ve been cleaning out an old place that they are going to let us use as the official house.” She gives me a fist bump, then twirls, and does some jumping thing.

“Woohoo! I knew you would get approved.” I cannot help but join in on the dance as we prance about laughing.

Suddenly, she stops and grabs me by the shoulders. She takes me to the chocolate leather couch. “All right, enough about me and the sorority. Spill, Allison.” She has that no-nonsense look, and she is ready for all the details.

I start slowly, mainly just to annoy her, and I draw out the words. “I met a guy.”

She slaps my leg playfully. “Allison, do not pretend you don’t know exactly what I want to know. Details. Now. Pronto.”

“Yes, mother.” Her arched eyebrow spurs me to continue. “His name is Damien. He’s twenty-eight, works in real estate, and actually lives in Atlanta. He’s gorgeous. I mean, gor-ge-ous. He makes me feel…I don’t know…special and wanted and cherished. I actually ran into him while I was taking pictures on the beach. It feels like one of those movies where fate brings two people together, and it just clicks.”

“Do you think he’s the one? Are you ready for that step?”

My heart falters at her statement. “Geez, Sam, we’ve only been together for less than a week. Marriage is a little soon, don’t you think?”

She picks up one of the pillows from the couch and throws it at me. “Not marriage, crazy. Your V-card. You know, where the P goes into the V and pops the C?”

She hasn’t been a virgin since high school, and the hand gestures are completely unnecessary. I throw a pillow back at her as I burst into a fit of giggles.

“I do. The moment I see him, it’s like the entire world disappears.”

“Yep, it’ll be gone next week.”

I give a dreamy sigh, and she smacks me with the pillow again.

“What’s his last name?”


“What did you just say?”

“Wales. Why?”

“Holy shit, Allison. Where’s your phone? I left mine in the car.” She starts snapping her fingers at me, signaling for me to give the phone to her immediately.

Clutching it to my chest, I question, “Why?”

“Because I think you are dating the North Carolina football team owner I’m always bitching about because he’s taking the talent away from my teams. He inherited the team from his grandfather two years ago, and he has built them into an unstoppable force. They’re expected to win the Super Bowl this year. I want to pull up his picture and see if it’s him. Sweetie, if it is, you’re dating a billionaire.”

The color drains from my face. “He said he does real estate and other investments. Sam, I’m so out of my league.” My blood simmers as I feel like he played with words versus just being straightforward about it. My phone beeps. “It’s him. Hold on. I’ll find out.”

Damien: How did it go with Sam?

Me: Enlightening.

Damien: Okay, I’ll bite. Enlightening how?

Me: I now know what the “other investments” are. You own a football team?

Damien: Let’s talk this evening.

Me: Why did you not tell me?

Damien: Let’s talk.

Me: This is not a game, Damien. I am not a game.

I throw my phone on the table and lean back, putting my arms over my face. Under my arm, I mumble to Sam, “I guess you’ve figured out that you were right.”

“Yes, but why are you upset?”

“Because, Sam, he intentionally kept something a secret…or he evaded…or I don’t know. He didn’t share when he was asked. I’ve been spilling my guts to him on everything he asks me. I mean, I’ve been really forthcoming. I just have to think.”

My phone starts ringing, and I just stare at it.

“Allison, are you not going to answer that?”

I let it go to voice mail, and then it starts ringing again.

“I just need a second to process.”

It goes to voice mail again.

“Just pick up your damn phone and ask him. You process too much.”

When it rings again, I look at it as I wonder what I’m even going to say.

“Fine, I’ll answer it,” Sam says, grabbing the phone.

She connects the call before I can get it back from her. “Hey, this is Sam, Allison’s friend. Yes, she’s right here. I’m not sure if that is a good idea. I think you know why. Before I help you, I want to know something first. Is this a game to you, Damien? Because Allison is like a sister to me, and if you hurt her, I swear I’ll hunt you down and cut off all protruding parts you hold dear,
? Okay, give me five minutes, and one of us will call you back. Okay…chill out. This is your doing.” She disconnects the call.

Curiosity gets the best of me as Sam just sits there and stares at me. She knows me way too well, and I fold like a cheap suit.

“What did he say?”

“Allison, you need to call him back. I think he really likes you, honey. I can hear it in his voice.”

“I was going to call. I just needed a minute to think about how to handle it. This has all happened so fast.”

“It has, but when it’s right, it’s right. Do you know how funny it is that you’re dating a sports guy?” She’s smiling and trying to suppress a laugh, but it causes her to snort slightly. She thrusts the phone into my hand. “Call him. I have a feeling you guys are going to be on the phone for a while.” She winks. “Call me tomorrow.”

“Okay. Thanks, Sam. You’re the best. I missed you.”

She gives me a hug. “You’d do the same for me. I missed you, too. Next time, you’re taking me with you.” With that, she leaves.

I make my way back to my room, put on my most comfortable pajamas, and crawl under the blankets.
There is no reason why I can’t do this under my covers.
I pick up my phone and call Damien.

He answers on the first ring. “Alli?” He sounds a tad panicked.

“Yes, it’s me.”

He lets out a long breath. “I should have been more transparent when I answered you. Why did you ignore my phone calls?” His voice is soothing.

“I just needed to think. I’ve been honest with you about everything, and I don’t like the evasiveness or double standards. Why did you not tell me?”

I hear a sound of what I assume is his chair moving.

He responds, “I fucked up. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to overwhelm you. You were about to get on a plane, and it just didn’t seem like the right time. I am not playing any games, I swear. I just found you. I’m not letting go of you. No way in hell am I going to let that happen. I will finish up early tomorrow morning and then fly home to see you tomorrow night. Does that work? Tuesday is too far. I can’t be away from you for that long.”

“Yes, I would like that very much. Tomorrow is a huge improvement. Sports of all things? Ugh, really?” The disgust in my voice is clear.

He chuckles. “A good majority of people pay decent money to watch sports.”

“If you say so. Were you an athlete?”

“Nothing major. My grandfather owned the team, and I inherited it upon his death. Per his will, I wasn’t eligible to take over fully until I turned twenty-six, so I’ve only had it for a couple of years now. As I was growing up, he groomed me to take it over one day.” He takes a deep breath. “Are we okay now?”

“Yes. Just please be straight with me. I need to believe that what you say and what you do are true. We have to trust each other.”

“I can do that, baby.” He sighs. “Fuck, I miss you. It’s going to be hard to sleep without you in my arms.”

I miss him, too—more than I care to admit out loud. I giggle. “Just hug a pillow and pretend. It’s not like we did anything else. Next time we see each other, do you think you’ll be able to keep me up?” I bite my lip at my overly flirtatious line, and then I smile to myself.

All of a sudden, his voice becomes deep and rough. “Is that a challenge?”

“I hope so.” My voice is barely above a whisper.

Something shifts in the background on his end as if he’s standing. His voice becomes serious. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? I can’t see your face, and I don’t want to misunderstand this.”

I’m nervous because I have no idea what to do, but my body seems to take over as it knows exactly what it wants. My answer is certain as I softly say, “Yes.”

He inhales a deep breath. “Alli, it’s taking every bit of restraint for me not to fly up to you tonight. I swear, we are going to be good, baby.”

“I know.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll let you know what time I’ll be there, and I’ll meet you wherever. Do you have any plans yet?”

“No, I was going to catch up with Sam. Other than that, I’m free.”

“Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow. Sleep well and stay safe until I can get to you.”

“I’ll try. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Looking in my closet, I have no idea what to wear to the bar we are going to with Sam’s new sorority this evening. My nerves are on edge because Damien will be meeting Sam. Plus, I can’t forget that tonight could be the night I lose my virginity. I keep staring into my closet, hoping something pops out and says,
I’m the outfit to wear on your big night.

Thankfully, my phone rings, allowing me to stall this task. “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s Sam. I was wondering if you would mind if Brad drove us tonight. His Tahoe will hold nine of us. Then, we can all ride together to the Hitchin’ Post.”

All the girls at the sorority must be getting ready because it’s absolute chaos in the background.

“Sounds good.” Deep down, it disappoints me that Sam and I won’t be able to talk on the way there, but I know we’ll have plenty of time later.

“We’ll swing by to pick you up on the way out of town in about two hours,” Sam says.

“Great. Oh hey, Sam?”


“Please don’t make a big deal about Damien. I kind of want him to take the lead with where this is going, okay?”

“My lips are sealed. Ooh la la, do I need to tell you how the P fits in the V?” She starts making kissing noises into the phone.

“Ha-ha, funny, and no, biotch! I had sex education back in junior high. I think I’m covered, but thanks.”

“Just making sure. I wouldn’t want to fail you as your best friend.” She lets out a little laugh before continuing on a more serious note. “Are you still planning on going home this weekend to talk to my parents and to go on the interview on Monday morning?”

“Yes, I haven’t told Damien yet, but I am continuing forward with my plans. The magazine wants to interview me in Homerville for whatever reason, so I’m going to stay with your parents until Tuesday morning. Originally, he wasn’t going to be home until Tuesday, so it just didn’t occur to me to share.”

“I’m glad. Gotta go. There’s a crisis downstairs. Bye, girl.”

“Okay, see you soon.” I hang up the phone.

She probably has to stop some girl from pulling another girl’s hair because of some trivial thing.

My little reprieve from finding an outfit for tonight is over.
Ugh, I need something fun and flirty.
Still not finding what I want, I decide to text Damien to again postpone this horrific task at hand. I haven’t heard from him since this morning, and I’ve got a reason now to text him without seeming clingy.

Me: Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting you. A group of us are going out tonight if you still wanted to meet up. We’ll be at a place called the Hitchin’ Post, just outside of Atlanta.

Damien: You are never a bother. When will you be there?

Me: In about three hours.

Damien: I’ll see you there. How are you getting there?

Me: In one of Sam’s friend’s SUV.

Damien: Which friend?

Me: Brad. And a bunch of girls will be with us.

Damien: Do you know this guy?

Me: Yes. You have nothing to worry about.

Damien: Stay safe.

Me: Yes, sir!

My insides warm from thinking about Damien being jealous of another man even though I have no interest in anyone else.
I probably need to tell him about Sam’s out-of-town friend, who will be staying with me while he’s visiting next month since he can’t stay at the sorority house.

After looking through my closet a million times, I finally decide on a sleeveless, knee-length turquoise dress that sets off my blue-green eyes. I add a dark chocolate belt, matching brown cowboy boots, and thick silver jewelry to set it off. My hair is done up into a French twist with a few strands hanging down, strategically framing my face.
There. Not bad.
At least Damien will know that I own something besides yoga pants and swimsuits.

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