Read True Riders Online

Authors: Catherine Hapka

True Riders (13 page)

BOOK: True Riders
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Brooke wasn't quite sure how to react to that. “Oh. Um, congratulations?”

“Thanks. But listen, that means I can't make it to your show after all,” Adam continued quickly. “Sorry. But we've got an important practice on Saturday, and obviously I have to be there.”

“Obviously.” Brooke tried not to sound sarcastic, though she didn't quite succeed.

Adam didn't seem to notice. He babbled on for a couple more minutes about his new team uniform and some upcoming game, then said good-bye and hung up, leaving Brooke standing there with the phone in her hand and no idea what to do now.

That night at dinner Brooke couldn't do more than pick at her fish. Luckily, her parents didn't notice, since the twins wouldn't stop talking about the birthday party they were invited to on Saturday.

“And Owen has a pool with a slide!” Ethan said excitedly for about the fifth time. “And
diving boards!”

“Just remember, it's way too cold to swim these days,” Brooke's mother said, spearing another forkful of creamed spinach. “But maybe Owen will have another party next summer, hmm?”

“We won't have time to swim anyway,” Emma put in. “We'll be too busy riding Foxy.”

That got Brooke's attention. She couldn't believe the twins still thought they were taking her pony to some random kiddie party! Especially after her bucking fit. Not that Brooke had told her parents about that—she was afraid that if they knew, they'd forbid her from taking the pony to the show that weekend.

Then again, Brooke wasn't even sure she wanted to go anymore. She'd been brooding about it nonstop, trying to figure out what to do. At first she'd assumed that Adam backing out meant she was out too.

But then she'd remembered that he'd already signed her up. Besides, she'd told the other Pony Posters about it, and Kiersten was planning to come watch her ride. . . .

It all just seemed too complicated. Maybe she should tell the twins to go ahead and take Foxy to that party; then she wouldn't have any choice but to back out of the show.

But her mother was already pointing her fork at each twin in turn. “That's enough about the pony rides,” she said sternly. “I explained this to you two earlier, remember? Foxy is Brooke's pony, and she's nice enough to share her with you sometimes. But that doesn't mean you can loan her out to all your friends. Especially without checking with your father and me first.”

“That's right,” Brooke's stepfather added, looking up from his food. He winked at Brooke. “Don't worry, Brookie. Your show plans are safe—for
birthday party, anyway!”

Brooke forced a smile as both her parents chuckled. She was glad that they were taking her side for once. But now she almost wished they wouldn't. It would make her decision a lot easier.

By the time she'd finished helping with the dishes, Brooke had made up her mind to cancel. What was the point of going to the show without Adam? It had all been his idea in the first place anyway. If her parents asked why she wasn't going, she'd just tell them that Foxy was lame—it wasn't as if they'd be able to tell the difference.

She went upstairs and logged on to the Internet, trying to recall the name of the stable where the show was being held. Maybe there was a way to cancel online; if not, at least she could write down the phone number so she could call first thing tomorrow.

When she saw the Pony Post icon on her desktop, she couldn't resist clicking on it before she searched for the farm. She wanted to let her friends know right away what was going on.

There were several new messages since she'd last checked in.

Brooke! I just saw your note about Foxy bucking. Wowowow! She's such a good girl, I bet you were surprised! No wonder you came off, you were probably too shocked to react, lol! Srsly tho, hope you're feeling OK. And don't be mad at Foxy girl—u know she still luvs u!!!!!

Hi again! I was thinking about u during dinner, B. If u ask me (not that u did, lol!) u rly need to stand up to yr parents about the pony ride thing. If it's getting F this upset to have yr lil sibs ride, well, maybe they shouldn't be riding until she's older? Or at least not so often.

Or at least not right before a show. Nina's right, you could talk to your folks again. Maybe that would help?

It couldn't hurt, right?

“You don't know my parents,” Brooke muttered as she read. Then she blinked, realizing that both Nina and Haley had posted within the past few minutes. She started typing fast.

Are u guys still here?

The responses came one after the other.

I'm here! Hi B!

Me too!

Brooke smiled, instantly feeling less alone. She opened another text box.

Doesn't matter much anymore about the pony ride thing. B/c I found out Adam can't make the show after all. He can't even come over tmw and help me practice. I was just going to look up the farm website to cancel. O well, maybe Foxy & I aren't meant to do horse shows just yet. . . .

She posted, then opened a search engine while she waited for her friends to answer. But she'd barely had time to type in her search terms when responses from both her friends popped up.

Are u sure u want to cancel?

O no, u should totally still go!!! So what if A can't come? U and Foxy could still have fun!!!

Brooke was surprised by their reactions. Okay, maybe Haley wouldn't hesitate to go to a show by herself if she had to. She was that serious about her riding. But Nina, too?

I don't think it's a good idea to go by myself. Esp. after getting bucked off today!!!

Once again her friends' responses came almost immediately.

I'm sure that was a fluke. She's never done it before, right?

You and Foxy have a great bond. One bad moment doesn't change that.

Maybe u can just ride over to the show and warm up, see how it goes? If Foxy is too nervous, u can scratch. But if she's being good, u can enter a class or two and take it from there.

That's a great idea, H! What do u think, B? Maybe one of yr other friends could go with for moral support, even if they're not into horses?

Brooke appreciated the pep talk, but it wasn't working. Why drag one of her other friends along just to watch her be nervous—and maybe get bucked off again? She was starting to type a response when another post suddenly appeared beneath the others.

Hey, I'm here too! Are we all rly here at the same time?

Nvr mind that—B, u don't have to show alone, and u don't even need to bring a non horsey pal! U should get that new girl to come!! What's her name again?

Kristin or something, right? Fab idea, Mads!

Ya, she was going to come watch anyway, right? And she sounds super experienced at riding and showing and stuff. Maddie, u r a genius!!!

I try! So how about it, B?

Brooke chewed her lower lip, thinking about Maddie's suggestion. Could it work? Maybe—but wouldn't it be kind of weird to ask Kiersten to do something like that when they'd really just met?

Besides, bond or not, I don't know if I can forget about that buck between now and Saturday,
she thought, her gaze wandering toward the window, even though it was getting too dark to see Foxy out there by now.
I'll just be nervous the whole time, and that won't be good for either of us.

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she tried to figure out how to explain that to her Pony Post friends. They were all so bold and brave in their own ways. She knew they meant well, but this time maybe they just couldn't quite understand how she was feeling.

Noticing her battered copy of
Misty of Chincoteague
lying on the bedside table, she reached over and grabbed it. She'd dreamed of having her own special Chincoteague pony for so long, and up until now Foxy had been everything she could have wished for and more.

If I quit now, will I ever have the nerve to do a show with her?
she wondered, running her fingers over the image of Misty.
Or will I be stuck riding in my own backyard forever? Not that there's anything wrong with that. . . .

She sighed and turned back to the computer, staring at the screen and wondering what she should do.


cold but clear, a perfect late autumn day. Brooke fed Foxy her breakfast as usual and then puttered around the people part of the barn while the mare ate. After a few minutes Brooke went to check on her.

“All done, Foxy?” she murmured, checking the bucket and then burying her fingers in the pony's shaggy chestnut coat. “Betcha want to go out and run around the pasture today, maybe take a nap with the drafts later . . .”

The pony snorted, lifting her head at a sound Brooke couldn't hear. A moment later a smiling face appeared at the half door.

“Hey,” Kiersten said breathlessly. “Sorry I'm a little late. I borrowed my brother's mountain bike, and it turns out there's all kinds of gears and stuff on it that I had no idea how to work.” She laughed. “I might be able to get a pony over a course of jumps, but I thought I wasn't going to make it down the driveway on that thing!”

Brooke laughed too. “It's okay,” she said. “You're not even late; Foxy just finished eating.”

“Cool.” Kiersten let herself into the pony part of the barn and gave the pony a pat. “Hi again, Foxy. Still as cute as ever, I see!”

Brooke smiled, feeling nervous and excited all at the same time. She still wasn't sure whether she'd made the right decision, but it was too late to change her mind now. Her Pony Post friends had finally convinced her to at least talk to Kiersten about the show. Brooke had gone downstairs to ask her mother for help finding Kiersten's phone number, and when Mrs. Rhodes had heard Kiersten's last name, it turned out she'd sold the Ellises their new house and had their number in her cell.

BOOK: True Riders
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