True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (13 page)

BOOK: True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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She gazed to the side of the road. As they passed a connecting path, a man astride a horse caught her attention. The way he held himself looked familiar, but it was the way his sandy-blond hair curled around his head that made her want to laugh.

Lord Edward Carlton looked as dashing now as he did a few years ago. During that particular visit with her parents, Lord Edward had tried to court her. She refused him quite openly. But at the time, she’d been treating everyone with disdain.

His gaze met hers and he slowed his horse. A bushy eyebrow rose as his attention swept over her. She gasped and prayed he wouldn’t want to come and talk. But when his gaze shifted from her to Andrew, his smile widened and he urged his horse in her direction.

Squeezing her eyes closed, she cursed under her breath. He’d definitely ask about her
What kind of story could
make-up now?

“Miss Juliana,” he called.

With a groan, she looked at him again, much closer than before. Letting out a sigh of defeat, she displayed a practiced smile and gave him a small wave. “Lord Edward. How good it is to see you again.”

Andrew stopped the buggy. She dared glance his way, and he’d narrowed his gaze at Edward. It looked as if he had a practiced smile also.

When Edward drew near, she tapped Andrew on the arm.
“Andrew, dear.
I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine.” She looked at Edward. “Lord Edward, meet my husband, Mr. Andrew Lawrence.”

Lord Carlton tipped his hat. “So I suppose you’re not a
any longer, Juliana. I’d heard through the gossip mills that Juliana Beaumont had captured a husband. Like the others, I couldn’t believe it, but now I’m happy to say how wrong I was.”

Juliana forced a chuckle. “Yes. As you can see, I am very happily married, and you may call me Mrs. Lawrence.”

Andrew gave a slight bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet my wife’s friends.”

Edward turned his big brown eyes back to Juliana. His grin widened. “I cannot wait to catch up during your birthday ball.”

“Just as I cannot wait.”
She fisted her hand in the folds of her skirt while she tightened her grip on her parasol.

“But I am happy to have run into you,
Mrs. Lawrence

She didn’t like his tone of voice, but she didn’t blame him for being so cynical. She was rather harsh with him last time they talked.

“Indeed?” she asked. “Why?”

His posture relaxed slightly while in the saddle. His shoulders didn’t appear as wide. “I was privileged to see your sister the other day.”


“Yes. She has certainly matured since I saw her last.”

Juliana laughed. “Well, Lord Edward, two years is a long time, which is how long I’ve heard you’ve been out of London.”

“Indeed. But since I’m back, I was hoping to further my acquaintance with Miss Madeline at your party.”

She bit her tongue, trying not to laugh out loud. He couldn’t be serious. Lord Edward had created quite a seedy reputation during the past couple of years, so she’d heard. Why the sudden interest in a girl who wasn’t even out of the schoolroom?
Very curious.

Juliana flipped her hand. “I’m certain that can be arranged. I shall introduce you at my birthday ball.”

Edward tipped his hat. “I’d be much obliged, Mrs. Lawrence.” He nodded to Andrew. “And I hope to further our acquaintance also. I’m very interested in hearing how you came to capture our dear Juliana’s hand.”

Andrew laughed, which sounded forced. “It’s quite a story, and I’ll be happy to talk about it. That is—” he winked at Juliana, “—as long as my wife agrees.”

“But of course, my dear. I have nothing to hide.” She scooted next to Andrew and slipped her arm around his, cuddling closer as she smiled wide.

“Then I shall look forward to it.” Edward straightened his shoulders. “Good day to both of you.”

“And a good day to you,” Juliana replied.

Silence lasted only a couple of minutes as Lord Edward rode off, then Andrew’s chuckle broke it. Juliana looked at him. “What?”

“Now would be a good time to give me a big kiss.” He grinned.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re incorrigible.”

He laughed. “I presume he was one of your former adoring beau’s?”

She scowled.
“Absolutely not.
He tried, but I turned away his advances.”

I believe.
Poor man.
You probably ruined him for good.”

“I did no such thing. In fact, after I’d left to go to
, I’d heard what scandals he’d created, and I’m most grateful I had the intelligence to turn him away.”

His grin disappeared. “Then why did you give him permission to call upon Madeline?”

“I didn’t.”

“You practically did.”

She blew out an irritated breath. “That was all for show, Andrew. I doubt with Lord Edward’s reputation, he has little interest in a young girl like my sister.”

Andrew clicked his tongue and urged the horses forward. “Whether you want to admit it or not, your sister looks quite mature for her age. I’m certain when she starts wearing gowns made for women—instead of for girls—she will catch the eye of many eligible men.”

Juliana couldn’t stop the laugh from blurting out.
“Until they feel the brunt of her spoiled, selfish temper.”

He glanced at her and arched an eyebrow. “Strange. She said that about you the other day.”

Pain, like jagged edges of a piece of glass, cut through to her heart. Apparently, her sister’s opinion of her hadn’t changed. Then again, Juliana really hadn’t done anything to change it.

She nodded. “
has every right to think the worst in me. I wasn’t a very nice sister.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “But that will soon change. I’ll prove to
that I’m not the girl who tormented her as a child.”

Andrew placed his hand on her knee and squeezed. “It makes my heart glad to hear you say that. From all the terrible things I’ve heard about you, I’m relieved to know you are not that woman any longer.”

“I’m not, Andrew.” She swallowed the lump of emotion. “I didn’t like the girl I once was, and during our visit here, I’ll show everyone how I have changed.”

He winked. “That’s pleases me to hear you say. When you smile, you are a very beautiful woman.”

Her heart fluttered, and she enjoyed the rush of pleasure that surged through her from his words. She had no right to feel this way, but this time she decided not to stop it. Besides, it would make their ride a little more enjoyable, because now a charming smile graced his face.
More than she should enjoy.

Then again...what would it hurt to enjoy Andrew if just for a few weeks more? She might as well live life to the fullest. And she couldn’t think of a better way to do it than with a handsome, charming man.

* * * *

“Isn’t it a lovely day?” Juliana smiled wide as she walked beside Pearl down the stone footpaths towards a milliner shop.

Pearl tilted her head as she peered at Juliana beneath the brim of her bonnet.

“Lass, what has ye so chipper this fine afternoon? Lately,
been so kind tae everyone, and ye walk with a bounce in

Juliana’s cheeks burned, and she resisted the urge to place her hands there to hide the blush. Was it that obvious? Strange she would feel this way every time she thought about Andrew. But in these last couple of days, she couldn’t wait to be near him. She couldn’t wait to dress in her prettiest frock and style her hair to perfection just to see the heated sparkle in his eyes.
And especially, to hear his kind compliments.

She shrugged and winked at Pearl. “Perhaps it’s the company I’m currently with.”

“Oh posh!”
Pearl rolled her eyes.

Clasping her hands against her middle, Juliana breathed in a deep breath. “Or perhaps it’s because everything is going so well. Soon I’ll have my inheritance and I’ll be able to return to Scotland and pay off

It’ll be a grand day when she’ll be free of those people.”

“Everything will return to normal once again.”

Have ye forgotten one thing?”

Juliana glanced at Pearl. “What’s that?”

“What about Mr. Dean?”

He hadn’t been far from Juliana’s mind, and she wasn’t surprised to have Pearl mention him. Juliana had thought about this, too, and there was only one conclusion. “After we return and I pay Mr. Dean what I’d promised, he’ll have enough money to move on. He will not have to work for us again.”

“Very true, lassie.”

Trying not to think of why there was suddenly a pain in her heart from thinking about Andrew being out of her life, Juliana focused on the shop ahead, and the people bustling by. Just as they neared the front door, a man walked out, bumping into her, which knocked her off balance. She stumbled and reached to grab the door, when his strong hands circled her arms to hold her aright.

Startling blue eyes captured her attention before his worried expression turned into a smile. “Miss Juliana? Is that you?”

She stepped out of his grasp and assessed the man who did look oddly familiar. While composing herself, she scrambled through her memory until she found his identity. As a lad, Gregg Fielding had been the kindest boy she’d known. Although he’d always been considered handsome, she favored his older brother did the other girls her age.

“Gregg Fielding?” She laughed, taking in his tall frame, broad shoulders and muscular build—nothing like the boy she remembered. “I almost did not recognize you.”

He chuckled with a twinkle in his blue eyes. “I almost did not recognize you either. In fact, if I hadn’t had my mind on other things, I would have just walked right past.”

“Indeed? Even after bumping into me? That would have been very ill-mannered of you.”

He threw back his head and laughed, then looked at her wearing a wide smile. “Forgive me, Miss Juliana. I will withdraw my comment, because no sane man could pass you without stopping to feast his eyes on such loveliness.”

“Oh, Mr. Fielding.
Still the flatterer, I see.”

He slipped his hand into hers, lifted her fingers to his mouth and brushed his lips across her skin. When his gaze met hers again, he grinned. “But of course, my dear. I do have a reputation to uphold.”

She held back a laugh. Gregg had a reputation? Both he and his older brother, Nicholas Fielding, had always been perfect gentlemen. What had happened to Gregg to make him this way?

A year ago, she’d received a letter from her father, updating her on the goings on around Town. He’d mentioned Gregg’s uncle had been betrothed to a very young woman, but was now married to Gregg’s oldest brother, Nick. But there was no mention of Gregg.

Arching her brow, she cocked her head.
“Very intriguing, Mr. Fielding.
I’ll admit, you have me curious.”

“But why?”

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