True Fate (9 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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Nia slowed and pulled into a small fenced in
parking lot. Across the street was a little restaurant. As he opened the door
the amazing smells of what was sure to be a good breakfast assaulted his
senses. Nia grabbed her phone and yanked out her Visa that he wasn't going to
let her use from her wallet. She stuffed both items into separate pockets. She
removed her hoodie and threw it in her bag.


your stuff so we can put it in the trunk." Nia told him, while getting her
messenger bag and throwing her chargers, wallet and MP3 player inside. She
popped the trunk and they put their stuff inside. Nia hit the lock button on
her keys till her car honked.


"So why the trunk?", Aaron asked as she
started walking out of the fence and looked both ways as some cars went by. He
followed close behind.


"Oh, someone is less likely to smash up my
baby if there's nothing to 'quick sell' lying around." Shrugging her
shoulders Nia said it like it was common sense known by all.


started to cross the street and Aaron placed his hand protectively on the small
of her back again. He could feel her warmth through her thin, black Reading
Rocks t-shirt.
'Was she shivering?’
he thought to himself swearing he
felt her tremble.


Aaron opened the door for her and he was
overwhelmed by the amazing smells. His mouth watered as the hostess came up,
speaking only Spanish. That was a skill he lacked, Spanish. He was never really
good at it. Nia spoke to her in English but obviously understood her just fine.


They sat at a table close to the kitchen. It was
a simple restaurant with simple white walls a light wood bar that was
definitely a full bar tucked in a nook off to the side. There was a mirror
along the longest wall in the place and TV's with Spanish and English programs going


The hostess set down their menus and it was hard
to decide what to get. With Nia's help he ordered a traditional Mexican
breakfast... The chips and salsa were so good. He was sure he had never tasted
food like this before and he made sure to tell her so. The conversation was
great again they laughed and talked about food experiences and movies.


He was finding himself shocked again by Nia when
she said she liked chic flicks but loved action movies. Thinking to himself
that there must be a catch. Drinks were ordered, a coke and an horchata
whatever that was because Nia insisted. She got the same. It only got awkward a
few times when one would notice the other staring. The air between them seemed
to spark and sizzle but neither acknowledged the occurrence.


Perhaps she was feeling what he was after knowing
each other such a short time. He just wasn't ready to ask.
'Maybe closer to
the end of the day. Maybe.'


His laugh mesmerized her as he said he loved the
food. Nia was happy he was happy.


"So, I have a question.” Nia asked then bit
her lip.


"Ask away.” Aaron replied happily.


"I have loads of ideas and great places to
go. I just wanted to know what types of sights you want to see. Also is there
anything you are opposed to?" His lips quirked into that half smile she
was starting to love to see.


"I am pretty much up for anything just lead
the way." It was Nia's turn to smile then.


Excusing himself from the table, Aaron made his
way to the restroom, he caught the waitress by the door and gave her his credit
card. Returning rather quickly and getting it back on the way to the table. Nia
was finishing up her drink and getting another horchata to go.


"This is really good.” he said motioning to
the odd drink.


"Yea I love it. It's a comfort thing for me
but it's not good everywhere they make it. I always taste it first.” Nia said.


Aaron smiled he really did love to hear Nia go on
and on. He thought it was cute. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."


The waitress returned and asked if they needed
anything else, Nia asked, "Can I get the check, please?" But the
waitress just smiled, "It is already paid senora." Nia stared at the
waitress who left the table saying, "Have a nice day.” in a thick accented


Nia looked at Aaron, "How...”


He interrupted, "You are showing me around
but I insist on paying, it wouldn't be a date otherwise."


,' Nia thought,
'He's a gentlemen.
And it is a date!'
Her excitement bubbled in her chest and she
packed it back down.


Nia blushed s
he didn't protest and it's not because she didn't want to pay because she
would have. "Thank you.” she said.


Aaron was satisfied with that and glad she didn't


They grabbed their stuff out of the trunk and got
in the car making their way out of
'Little Mexico'.
They were headed
towards downtown when curiosity got the better of Aaron, "Where to now?”
he asked clicking his seatbelt into place.


"It's a surprise." she said simply,
giving nothing else away


Nia loved seeing Aaron's confusion and knowing he
was wondering. They pulled into the parking lot next to a mall downtown that
she loved.


Aaron said, "I've been here for drinks with
clients, not that I drink."


He didn't care where they were going really, he
was just glad for the time they had together. They crossed the street and went
into the mall. She had a grin she looked very cute wearing.


Nia was certain he hadn't been where they were
going though. She made her way to what looked like an employee only hallway and
started walking down it. They walked side by side with silly smiles going back
and forth between them. She distracted him passing the signs so he wouldn't see
where they were really going by asking questions.


"How do feel about museums?” Aaron thought
for a moment then said, "I like them mostly. I've been to the Natural
History Museum and that Butterfly Exhibit thing." He told her.


"Do you think you would like to go to the
Museum of Fine Arts?" she asked truly curious.


"With you? Yes.” he answered glancing at her
sideways and she laughed.


“What does that mean? You wouldn’t like the place
without my company?” She asked him.


“I like the museum and yes I think anywhere with
you would be great.” He said coolly though clearly embarrassed. She rewarded
him with a timid smile that nearly took his breath away.


Once they started heading at a downward angle he
took in the surroundings more. They had to go down three different sets of
stairs in a narrow corridor, clearly descending.
"Okay. Where are we going?" Aaron
asked looking slightly worried.


"Well there are tunnels all underneath downtown
and there's all kinds of stuff down here. We just descended twenty feet below
the surface and there's seven point five miles of tunnels down here!” Nia said


Aaron's eyes went wide as they walked into a
large part of the tunnel revealing a restaurant, a doctor’s office and places
to shop. "This is really cool!” Aaron said with excitement. They got ice
cream from McDonald's and went into some shops. They talked a lot and bought
some Houston Tunnels souvenirs. They killed about three hours in the tunnels
and were walking pretty focused on each other now.


Breaking the silence first Aaron gulped then
spoke softly, "Nia, I am glad you bumped into me. I just feel like I am
supposed to know you. I can't describe it right but I don't want this,” he said
motioning between the two of them, "to end. I appreciate you taking the
time to show me around. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to get to know you
better and be close to you as much as possible. I hope that doesn’t sound weird
because I’m pretty sure I have never wanted anything more."


Their walking slowed as Nia’s eyes glistened. He
searched her eyes and she smiled a dazzling smile just for him, "Aaron, I
feel pretty much the same. Connected to you somehow, I just... it's all
happening so fast. You know? It's like I
to know you, everything about you, good and bad. If I sound crazy right now I'm
really sorry."


Quickly closing the space between them Aaron was
so close Nia could feel his warm breath on her face. He wiped his thumb across
her cheek drying tears she wasn't aware had escaped her eyes. She
uncontrollably rested her cheek in his hand and leaned into it. "I feel
like I've known you my whole life, Nia. I promise you there's no angle and
definitely no pressure. This just feels so right.” he said gently moving the
hand cupping her cheek.


Nia closed her eyes turning her face in his hand
and brushing her lips gently on his palm. Electricity, there was no other way
to describe what was sparking between them. It sizzled and pulsed through them
like a heartbeat. Aaron let go of her face, she was looking down shyly now as
he lifted her chin and moved in closer. Nia knew what was coming and she happily
closed the distance to the sweetest moment of her life.


Time stood still for the kiss neither of them would
soon forget. Aaron’s hands tangled in her hair as she placed her hands on his
chest. It wasn't rushed, it was slow and full of everything they had been
feeling for the last twenty four hours. Nia’s blood pounded in her ears as
Aaron’s scent enveloped her. Her pulse quickened in time with his, longing and
electric buzzing between them. It was amazing and comfortable, Nia opened her
eyes and tugged on his bottom lip before pulling away slowly. It made her blush
to act so brave, she hadn’t been
like most girls her age.


Backing their faces away from each other slowly
just enough to breathe, he rested his forehead on hers slowly caressing her
cheek and reaching for her hand.
'Surrounded with Nia.'
he thought as
his head swam with delight.


Their eyes met and they both smiled. "I'm
sorry if you weren't ready for that." Aaron said apologetically, realizing
he may have overstepped his bounds. Nia put her free hand on his abdomen and
moved it up to his chest where she laid her head. She could feel him shudder as
she breathed deep taking in his smell. Whatever that was she found it


He wrapped his arms around her tightly with his
face buried in her hair. "I was more than ready for that.” she said moving
her arms around his waist. She could've stayed there forever, lost in Aaron, it
was so comfortable in his arms.


Aaron was on fire from head to toe but in the
best way he could have been. It was like Nia was being branded on his soul.
There's no way he could let this be their last day together. He had to find a
slow pace so he didn't scare her, but he knew that this was what he wanted.
What he's been missing. He felt whole with her, complete. Something he hasn't
felt since his mom died. Nia was pulling away and it brought him out of his


"Come on, let's go." She said as he
released her slowly and nodded.


Nia's heart soared, she had no doubt in that moment
that this is how it was supposed to be. They belonged to each other or
something like that. That's why they are both so comfortable with this, there
just wasn’t any other explanation. Aaron lifted her hand and kissed it. Nia
blushed beautifully. He could get lost forever in those eyes, she had no idea
how much he already cared for her. And he had no clue that the feeling was
mutual but he knew that it was dangerous to risk going too quickly. He'd wait
however long he had to. He knew taking it slow was going to be their best
chance at a real relationship.


Just then the lights flickered causing them to
snap back to reality. A moment later the lights went out completely. Nia
pressed closer to Aaron as he put his arm protectively around her. There was a
glimmer in the darkness and he quickly put Nia behind him.

A girl with deep red hair dressed all in black
was walking towards them, her braid swinging around her shoulder as she rushed
towards them. She was the first thing they saw when the lights flickered back


It was dimmer than before but brightening by the
second. She was looking straight at them and when she reached them she spoke
quickly her grey eyes piercing. "You two need to come with me, now!"
The urgency in her voice was apparent to both of them. Aaron pulled Nia beside
him and narrowed his eyes at the girl who was trying to get them to follow.

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