True Confessions (10 page)

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Authors: Electa Rome Parks

BOOK: True Confessions
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Drake was cool. He actually kept pushing his fingers in and out of my womanhood. Ever so slowly. In and out. Deeper. Slowly.

“Yes?” He pushed in.

“Mr. Collins, I wanted to remind you that I’m leaving early today.” It was Drake’s secretary.

“See you Monday. Have a great weekend, Brenda.” He pulled out. His fingers were glistening with my wetness.

“You too.”

“I will,” he said, inserting another finger, now four. He had me moving up and down to his finger motion as he took me to yet another orgasm while he coaxed me through.

“Yeah. That’s it. Let yourself go. That’s my girl,” he whispered. “Tell me you love the way I make your pussy feel.”

I lay back against the desktop, half on, half off, totally exhausted. Waiting for my breathing to return to normal. My chest rapidly heaving up and down.

“Tell me,” he whispered near my ear. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” His warm breath tickled my ear. I shivered in anticipation over his skillful fingers.

“I love the way you make me feel,” I said in a monotone voice.

Drake laughed and said, “I know you do. You are so wet right now. Dripping. You enjoy me eating your pussy? Don’t you?”

I remained silent. His fingers were still inside me, moving, teasing me.

“Let me hear you say pussy.”

“Nooo,” I squealed in horror.

“Come on,” he said, moving his fingers around a bit, exploring. Opening me up.

As another spasm shook my body, I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“Just say, ‘I want you to eat my pussy again, Drake,’ and I’ll leave you alone.”

He leaned in closer. Whispered in my ear, “Say, ‘Shove your tongue up my wet pussy and make me come.’”

I couldn’t say it. He laughed and pulled out his fingers. He held up his index finger, showing it to me, which was drenched with my wetness.

“I bet you’ve never tasted yourself, either, have you?”

He didn’t wait for an answer. “Come here,” he stated, guiding his finger into my mouth before I could protest

“Lick it off.” His eyes held mine. Waiting for me to comply.

I didn’t move.

Drake pushed his fingers back inside me and pulled out.

“Lick it off, Kennedy.”

He gently opened my mouth with his fingers, and I did what he told me. I proceeded to taste myself.

“That’s right. Get it all,” he demanded, using his free hand to play with my pussy some more, gently squeezing my clit.

“I’m going to enjoy turning you out,” he whispered as he caressed my face.


“Nothing, baby. Nothing.”

With a big smile on my face, I left his office fifteen minutes later. Drake had my home and cell numbers, home address, and confirmation for a date on Saturday evening.

Chapter 12

“Hello, Kennedy Logan speaking.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Save it, save it. Girl, what’s going on? You got a minute? I’m seriously stressing on my end. What are you doing?”

It was Taylor. As usual, she was going a mile a minute, showed no signs of stalling, and I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

“Working,” I replied sarcastically.

“I’m so glad you’re back at work because your mother wouldn’t let me within one hundred feet of you. I think she set up guard duty next to your phone. I get the impression she thinks I’m a bad influence on you or something.”

“Taylor, be for real. You know Mother loves you like a second daughter. She is always asking about you and how you’re doing.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have known it the way she has treated me the last couple of weeks. Every time I called, you were always busy or resting, according to her. I didn’t feel the love. Not at all. I couldn’t get through on your cell; it kept going straight into voice mail.”

“I lost my cell phone and haven’t replaced it yet.”

“You need to purchase another one. And soon.”

“Taylor, you know how Mother is, and I didn’t know she was screening my calls. I thought I hadn’t heard from you because you were out of town on business.”

“Well, now you know. Plus, when has being out of town ever stopped me from calling you?”

“True. Well, I apologize.”

“Plus, I’m mad at you. I had to go to the club by myself that night you promised you would hang out.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve had so much on my mind that I completely forgot all about that,” I lied.

“I know you forgot. Of course, when I called to remind you, your mother wouldn’t put me through. Said you were resting and still not feeling well.”

“Did she?”

“Yes, K.”


“Kennedy, what’s going on? For real. Be straight with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean just what I asked, what’s really going on? Why did you stay out from work this long? And why has Mrs. Logan moved in with you and is acting like your personal bodyguard? What or who does she have to protect you from?”

“Taylor, I’ve already told you what happened. Mother was nursing me back from the flu. Even now, my body hasn’t fully recovered. I’m always tired and I’ve lost weight.” I wondered silently, how did you inform your best friend that you almost overdosed on prescription pills because of a man?

“Kennedy, come on now. This is me you’re talking to and I know how you act when you try to lie.”


“You are not very good at it.”

To calm down, I breathed deeply from my nose. “Taylor, I don’t feel like talking about this right now. Okay?” I felt a headache coming on.

“Knowing what a private person you are, I’m going to respect your request, but soon you gotta let me know what’s going on.”

“Yeah, soon.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Taylor said with determination in her voice.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Whatever, my ass. I am. I’m always in your corner and don’t you forget that. That’s why I’m your best friend.”

“I know.”

“Anyway, I’m supposed to be on a self-imposed twenty-minute break. My coworkers have gotten on my last damn nerve; everybody is tripping, so I had to take a breather. I’m gonna have to go, but I have to know one thing,” Taylor said in a whisper.


“Have you seen him yet?”

“Seen who?”

“K, what is wrong with you today? Who do you think? Drake.”

“You know we broke up. I wish you’d stop worrying about me and Drake with your nosey self. No, I haven’t seen him and I’m not looking for him, either.”

“I’m not nosey.”

“Yes, you are. You are the nosiest person I know besides Mother.”

“Well, I’m in good company,” she laughed.


“K, you’ll have to see him eventually. For God’s sake, you work for the same company and department. I still can’t believe you of all people got caught up in an office romance. They never work out.”

“That’s right. Pour more salt on my wounds.”

“I’m sorry, but you’re usually so practical about everything. This romance was so uncharacteristic of you.”

“I guess Drake was very persuasive.”

“Just don’t let him sweet-talk you, change your mind, and draw you back into his life and his bed. His dick is not gold. If it is, break me off a piece so that I can cash it in.”

“I won’t, Mother. Now stop bugging me.”

“Kennedy, I know you and you didn’t stop loving that man overnight. You don’t give your love away frivolously. You’re vulnerable right now and Drake realizes that. So, be wary of that slimy snake in the grass.”

“I will. I promise. Now, enough.”

“Drake doesn’t deserve you.”

“That’s what you and Mother keep telling me,” I cited.

“It’s true. You’re too good for him. You always were and always will be.”

I didn’t respond one way or the other.


“I’m here.”

“K, I have to run; we have our weekly team meeting in a few minutes. I’ll talk to you later. Maybe we can do lunch one day this week and play catch-up.”

“Cool. Let me know because I have something I want to ask you,” I answered as we said our good-byes and hung up. My mind was reeling back to what Taylor had said: the exact same thing Drake had stated what seemed like eons ago. I would have to see him sooner or later. Hopefully, it would be later, much later. Like when hell froze over.

Until glancing down at my watch, I didn’t realize how late it was, and I hadn’t eaten lunch. It was already one thirty. That explained why my stomach was growling like an angry bear and doing double somersaults. I opened my bottom desk drawer and pulled out my crinkled brown paper bag that contained a ham and cheese sandwich, a pickle, chips, and bottled water. Not exciting, but it’d do to quench the hungries. I knew I should have listened to Mother and taken some leftovers from last night’s dinner of lasagna, French bread, and salad.

I had been back at work for almost a week now and was just going through the motions. It was a good thing that I knew my job backward and forward because my mind wasn’t in it. Mother had hinted that maybe I should go back to school for my master’s degree; she said that she’d provide for me financially, and I wouldn’t have to work. She even suggested that I could move back in with her to save on expenses. No way.

My first day back, my manager was glad to see my return, as she promptly handed me a laundry list of tasks to complete. Thankfully, not too many questions were asked regarding my absence. Everyone pretty much accepted my story about the flu and me needing some time off due to a family emergency. My workload hadn’t diminished in my absence, so the workweek flew by quickly.

Most of the managers on the sixth floor were out and about servicing regional accounts. Many of my coworkers were complaining because they weren’t able to get in touch with certain managers, due to their travel. Drake was one of them. I said a silent prayer because I knew I wasn’t strong enough to face him just yet. Still, since I didn’t know when he’d return from out-of-town travel, I played it careful by staying close to my floor and in the safe haven of my cubicle.

Today, I was going to take my lunch and eat in an empty office around the corner from my space. It offered privacy and got me off the open floor. I needed to relax and free my mind. It had been awhile since I had last written in my journal and I wanted to vent. It did help to see everything in black and white. It put life into perspective. I couldn’t believe I was writing down these things I did, but I had to accept partial blame because Drake didn’t place a gun to my head.

Dear Journal,

After Drake turned me out orally, it was on. My body had never felt that way before. And we hadn’t even had actual sexual intercourse. Imagine that. Yes, I was already whipped.

When I came in Drake’s office chair from just his mouth and fingers, I was like, “Damn.” I jumped at the chance to see him over the weekend and find out more about this exciting, mysterious, and sexy man.

Our first date was beyond unbelievable. I felt like Cinderella at the ball with her black Prince Charming in tow. If I didn’t think I was in lust with the man before, by the end of our first date I knew that I definitely was seeing stars and hearing sweet violins playing our song; I was sprung. A night out on the town turned into a two-day date. That was one thing I would learn about Drake, he never did anything halfway. He did everything in a big, dramatic way. Drake was very passionate about everything: his career, his hobbies, his woman.

I thought we were simply going out to the movies and then dinner. Therefore, I dressed in a nice but casual dress and heels. We ended up going to an early dinner out in Buckhead, catching a play at the Fox Theater, and capping the night off by going for a horse-and-carriage ride through Midtown. It was magical. It was perfect. Then to top off all that excitement and my natural high, Drake had reserved a room for us at the Georgian Terrace Hotel, directly across from the Fox Theater. I was totally speechless.

I just adored this man who was able to so easily take control of any given situation. Drake was a man who took charge, and that excited me in the beginning. I noticed the envious looks women gave me when I went out with him. I didn’t care; Drake was my man. And I was his woman…or so I thought.

Our room came complete with a Jacuzzi, king-sized bed, colorful flowers, expensive champagne, and a great view of the city. Drake didn’t forget anything; he attended to the smallest of details. That was impressive. Of course, I hadn’t packed an overnight bag, but he came prepared. The man was amazing. He had secretly packed a small suitcase for both of us that he had hidden in the trunk of his car. He purchased a toothbrush, toothpaste, and other essentials. He even purchased a sexy purple teddy, his favorite color, for me to sleep in. Not that it stayed on very long.

That night, Drake and I ordered room service after deciding to have a midnight snack of assorted cheese and crackers, and we sipped on chilled champagne. Drake gave what I thought was a heartfelt toast to having me in his life. Afterward, he didn’t rush to get me in bed or attempt to get intimate with me. We actually cuddled on the cozy bed and talked. With my head on his stomach, I learned quite a bit about his upbringing.

He had been given a lot on a silver platter. Don’t get me wrong. He worked hard for everything he received, but his parents owned a sports apparel manufacturing plant in Los Angeles. Money wasn’t an issue for him. He grew up with his mother, father, one sister, and a brother. He attended private schools, excelled academically and in sports, and dated girls from affluent families. His family even owned a summer home. After graduating from college and working for the family-owned business for a few years, he wanted to branch out on his own for a change. Be his own man. Test his wings. He had heard so much about Atlanta that it was his first choice.

Literally, as the sun was rising over the city, we made the most delicious, sweetest love. Slow and easy. I felt Drake down to my soul. He made me understand and appreciate the meaning of feeling like a woman. With every touch, I grew to crave him. He made love to my entire body, mind, and soul. Drake didn’t rush; he reveled in loving and caressing every inch of me. He asked what felt good. He watched to gauge my reaction to things he did to me. Drake wanted to possess me. I wanted him to love me. And love and possession don’t mix….

By Saturday morning we were so tired that we slept, wrapped in each other’s arms, until almost noon. I never imagined being so safe and protected. After I woke up to tender kisses, we made love two more times, took our showers, and had a light lunch in one of the restaurants downstairs. The salmon salad with iced tea was excellent. After checkout, we weren’t ready to part company, so we rode out to Lenox Mall and shopped for a couple of hours. We giggled, held hands, and French kissed like two teenagers. Drake bought me a gorgeous Coach bag. It didn’t matter that the price tag was almost $2,000; he didn’t bat an eye at the price. When he declared that he had to have his woman dressed to the nines, I beamed because I knew he was claiming me as his woman. He had already claimed and tamed my pussy.

Yeah, that was the best date ever. It was perfect. Unfortunately, Drake wasn’t. Not by a long shot. However, it took months for me to discover that tidbit of information. That revelation would have saved me so much heartache and pain. Looking back, the signs were there. Hindsight is twenty-twenty.


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