True Colors (10 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

BOOK: True Colors
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Eric pulled me around campus for the next hour, working my brain and eyes until they were aching. By six o’clock, I’d managed to read and unread eight more people. I saw nothing sinister, just little secrets, and it was refreshing to find that at least one of those eight had nothing to hide. It gave me hope in humanity, if only for a moment.

As a thank you, I took Eric out to dinner. He wasn’t happy at all about me paying, but I could be stubborn when I wanted to be. He then told me the only place he wanted to eat was In-N-Out Burger. I thought that was a lie and he was just trying to save me spending too much on him, but he was telling the truth. So we sat at In-N-Out Burger dining on fries animal style and juicy, beef burgers.

I slurped up the last of my vanilla shake, making a ridiculous noise. Biting my lips together, I pushed the cup away from me, willing my cheeks not to turn red yet again.

Eric grinned. “So, you feeling better?” He wiped his hands on a napkin and balled it up.

“Definitely. Thank you.”

He shook his head. “You can really stop saying that now. I think you’re up to about forty thank yous. It’s getting kind of old.”

My nose wrinkled and I rubbed a hand over my face. He just laughed at me, but when I looked up, his smile was missing. His serious expression made me swallow.

Dropping the balled up napkin, he reached for me, drawing soft patterns over the back of my hand with his forefinger. “Caity, can you promise me something?”

“Sure.” With that voice, I’d promise him anything.

“Now that you know how to control it, don’t read me.”

My insides clenched. This was why I didn’t want to tell people. They wouldn’t be themselves around me if they knew... I went to pull my hand away, but he grabbed it before I could.

“I’ll always tell you the truth, I promise. So don’t read me, okay? I want us to be ourselves around each other and if I think you might be reading me then I know I'm gonna act weird. I feel privileged that you've told me this stuff and I don't want you to ever worry that I'll hide anything from you, so you don't have to worry about reading me. Does that make sense?" His warm, hazel eyes flickered with bashful concern and I had to nod.

"It might still happen without me meaning to, but I'll trust you, Eric. I promise."

He met my shaky smile with a beaming one of his own. I didn’t even have to read him right now. What he was showing me was pure honesty and my insides buzzed with that euphoric giddiness I always got when I was around him. Except now, it was running on overdrive.


I practically floated to school the next morning. Eric and I had parted ways shortly after dinner. He hadn’t kissed me goodbye or anything (like he even would!), but he’d hugged me tight and told me to keep him posted. He even took my phone and programmed his number in. It would remain to be seen if I’d ever have the guts to call him. I’d respond in a heartbeat, but to actually initiate? Scary!

I took my time walking to my locker. This time I kept my head up and took in those around me. It was an effort, but I held on to those first glimpses and managed to resist the layers from falling away. It helped that most of the people I chatted to were friends so I remembered what they looked like normally. I knew I’d still have the occasional slip-up and spot stuff I didn’t want to see, but I felt like the more I practiced, the more I could do it.

It was a triumphant feeling and I would be eternally grateful to Eric.


Le sigh.

“What are you smiling about?” Stella’s voice was sharp. I could see what sounded like annoyance was actually hurt and I had to quickly work to put her normal face back together. “Caitlyn? What is your problem?”

Okay, so I obviously needed to work on my concentrating face. I shook my head and smiled. “Nothing. I’m good.” I squeezed her arm and looked her in the eye. “I’m really good. Sorry for being so weird the last couple of days, I’ve just been struggling with this headache.”

“Still? Have you seen a doctor?”

I hesitated, then grinned. “I saw one after school yesterday...and I’m already starting to feel better.”

“Good.” Stella looked exasperated. “Because I was getting really over you.”

“Thanks.” My droll look elicited a cheeky giggle from Stella and she threaded her arm through mine and hauled me to U.S. History. That was our favorite subject together. Mr. Winright was such a boring and unobservant teacher, we ended up passing notes and fooling around most of the time. It was fun.

The day progressed easily. I kept practicing and it did get easier. I couldn’t block out everything, but I knew eventually I could. The cafeteria at lunch got a bit too much for me, so I left early making up an excuse about needing to finish up some homework. I got a bunch of weird and disbelieving looks, but I didn’t care. I needed a breather. And in all honesty, I could use a little extra study time. Work was piling up. With SATs less than three months away, the pressure was on. I still had some big assignments ahead of me too. I couldn’t afford to slack off.

No one else in my group seemed overly fazed. I was either a dumbass or a super slow worker.

Probably a combination of both, dumbass.
I snickered at my self-deprecating joke, knowing it wasn’t true. I wasn’t the smartest kid at school, but I knew I’d do okay, especially if I didn’t slack off. I cringed when I thought of how little Stella was doing. Surely she’d start to freak about her grades soon. I’d no doubt get sucked into a last minute study-fest, cramming for SATs until the early hours of the morning.

The corridor was pretty empty as I walked to my locker. It was a pleasant relief. I nearly made it all the way there without a single interaction, but then I heard Libby’s sweet titter and I couldn’t help looking. I peered down the adjacent corridor and spotted her leaning against her locker. Her face was practically shining and it wasn’t hard to figure out why.

Carter Hanson was leaning over her with a charming smile.


What the hell was Carter doing chatting up Libby? Not to be mean about Libby, but she was hardly in his league. I couldn’t help myself, I ducked around the corner and played spy.

“So I was thinking, maybe you could join me.” Carter ran his finger down Libby’s cheek. Her body was quivering as she gazed at him with a nervous smile.

The layers fell away before I could stop them. I was too intrigued to fight it...and the intrigue quickly morphed to concern.

Carter’s gaze wasn’t leering; if anything, he actually looked a little reluctant to be doing what he was doing. It wasn’t until the reluctance fell away that I noticed the malicious gaze beneath it. What was he up to?

“Liam’s parties are always the best and he’s having it at Indie’s place, which is, you know, a mansion. We’ll have a great time.”

“I’d love to come.”

My insides hitched as I studied Libby’s face. She was ecstatic that Carter was even talking to her, let alone inviting her to a party. Part of her couldn’t believe it was true, but it was being overridden by her desperate need for acceptance. Her slight fear was shunted aside by a dreamlike euphoria.

I got it. I mean Carter was hot. Liam’s parties were amazing, if not a little overwhelming, and Libby had never been invited to anything like this before. She always tried to tag along, but I’d never seen her at a Liam Donovan party. Whether she chickened out at the last minute or was turned away at the door, I didn’t know. Judging from the current look on her face, she’d be chickening out over her dead body. With Carter taking her rather than showing up on her own, it would be a given.

The question was, why was Carter taking her? What did he really want?

The black gleam in his eyes scared me. He was up to something, and although Libby and I weren’t super-close, there was no way I wanted to see her get hurt. She was a sweetie and didn’t deserve whatever Carter and his friends had planned. I knew him well enough to know he wasn’t working alone.

I had to do something about it.

Swallowing back my nerves, I approached Libby’s locker just as Carter was walking away. I figured Libby would be the easier one to talk to. If I tried to call Carter on anything, he’d probably tell me to go screw myself. He was on the basketball team with Chase and Sean. A bunch of good-looking guys who thought they ruled the school. Most girls swooned...just like I had. Spotting Chase’s true feelings had helped stunt my deluded admiration.

“Hey Libby.” I kept my voice light and casual, not wanting to scare her.

“Oh, hey Caitlyn.”

Her smile was nearly blinding.

“Did I just see Carter Hanson ask you out?” It was really unlike me to get straight to the point. I had dancing around the bush down to an art form, but the bell was about to ring and I knew if I went for small talk I’d lose my nerve altogether.

“Yeah,” Libby breathed. “He’s taking me to Liam’s party on Friday. Everyone’s going there after the game.”

It was pretty standard. Friday night basketball was often followed up with some sort of event - normally to celebrate the win, sometimes to blow off steam. I knew Stella would drag me along this Friday. She never missed Liam’s parties. He was a bit of a legend at this school. He and his girlfriend Indie were the couple that everyone wanted to be like.

“That’s cool.” I nodded. “But um...”
How did I say this?

I glanced at Libby’s expression, she was nervous about what I was going to say, in spite of her smile.

“I don’t want to sound rude or anything, I just wanted to make sure you’re comfortable going with Carter.”

“What do you mean?” Her nerves were picking up big time. I had to get this out quickly.

“Well, he’s not really...I mean you guys don’t really hang out much. Don’t you think it’s weird that he’s suddenly asking you out?”

“What are you saying?” Nerves were being replaced with anger. It was a jittery anger fueled by her underlying insecurity and I really didn’t like it, but how could I not say something?

“Libby, I don’t know if you were aware of this, but when he was talking to you, he looked kind of...untrustworthy. I can’t help wondering if he’s up to something. I’m worried you might get hurt.”

“Worried? You’re worried about me? Really?”

Shame crept over me. She was right. I’d never given a rat’s ass before. I’d always just stayed quiet as my friends made her feel like pond scum. She’d have to be blind not to see through their plastic smiles. You didn’t need any kind of super power to pick up the
get lost
vibes that radiated off them whenever Libby was around.

“You know what, Caitlyn, I think you’re jealous.”

“Of what?”

“Carter liking me. I know you and Chase broke up and now you’re probably on the prowl for someone new.”

On the prowl? Was she kidding me right now? That was so not my style.

“Libby, I’m not trying to take Carter off you. I don’t even like that. I’m just not sure if he’s being honest with you.”

I was sure. I was 100 percent freaking sure, but I couldn’t say that to her.

Libby’s face bunched up tight, her obvious and hidden emotions blending together. I tried to put back the layers, not wanting to see how much I hurt her. I finally managed to settle on an indignant anger, which wasn’t exactly fun to look at either.

“You know what, Caitlyn. You can have any guy you want. You hang with Stella and Indie and all the cool girls, so it’s not hard for you. Why would you want to take this from me?”

“I’m not trying to—”

“Guys like Carter never acknowledge my existence so when one finally does, I’m not going to reject it. Why can’t you just be happy for me?”

“I’m sorry. I just—”

“Stay out of my business.” Libby shouldered past me before I could say anything else. I didn’t bother chasing her. I’d probably end up doing more harm than good.

Damn it!

Blocking people out was so much easier. I didn’t want to get involved with this drama!

With my mood fully blackened, I headed to my locker. The hallways were now crowded again and I worked overtime making sure to put layers back on every single person’s face. I didn’t want to see another damn thing!

Chapter 11

By the end of the week I was blocking out everything. I was surprised by how quickly I’d managed to get a handle on my power. It felt good. I was in control again and I was determined to keep it that way.

The basketball game went well with an easy victory against Santa Monica High. Micah, the star player, who also happened to be my biology lab partner, had been on fire as usual, pretty much winning Pali High the game. Stella and I followed the revellers to Indie’s house in my car. She was planning on getting plastered tonight and asked me to be the designated driver. I was more than happy to do it. I still hadn’t really acquired a taste for alcohol and only drank it when I absolutely had to. Tonight I had the best excuse in the world.

We bustled into the party, knocking shoulders with the crowd. Indie Swanson was the daughter of Dominic Swanson, big time movie producer. They lived in a palatial mansion and now that her older brother, Maverick, was at a college in Texas, Indie basically had the house to herself. Her father was away shooting yet another film and the live-in house-keeper was so passive, she basically let Indie do whatever she liked. I had heard that Liam, Indie’s boyfriend, slept over most nights. They were like living together. Some girls thought it was so romantic. I still hadn’t decided what I thought.

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