Trouble (16 page)

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Authors: Sasha Whte

BOOK: Trouble
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Neither of them spoke. She didn’t want to talk. She didn’t want to know what had happened to his marriage, or what his ex-wife was doing there. All she wanted was to make his tension disappear, and make them both feel very, very good.
Her fingers lifted and she started to unbutton her blouse. “I wanted to show you one of my designs. It’s a few years old, but I think you’ll like it just the same.”
His eyes turned to molten chocolate as he held her stare. He didn’t watch her fingers or look at the slowly appearing nakedness; his focus was on her.
And it revved her engine into high gear in no time flat.
Her blouse dropped to the floor with her skirt only a split second behind it. Feet shoulder width apart, she stood proud, dressed in a pink satin push-up bra that barely held her breasts, and a matching garter belt and stockings that framed the blond nest of her curls like a picture.
She licked her lips and boldly met his gaze. “Do you like?”
He stood and prowled toward her. When he was inches away, his breath whispering across her lips, he cupped her head in both hands and slammed his mouth down on hers.
It was as if all they couldn’t say to each other was put into that kiss. Mouths opened and his tongue delved and dominated while his hands held her still and she surrendered.
Every bone in her body melted under the heat of passion as he took what she offered freely. He stepped forward, walking her backward until she hit the wall and the full length of his body pressed against her. Pinning her there and holding her upright under his onslaught.
Samair clutched at his shoulders and whimpered. He released her mouth and dragged his lips across her jaw and down her neck while his hands slid over her shoulders, down her arms, to her waist. One hand skimmed up her rib cage to cup a breast for his traveling lips while the other continued down, over her belly, until he was dipping between her thighs.
A moan slid from her throat as she arched into his hands. Hot blood pounded through her veins on its way to her sex. Val tugged the edge of her bra and sucked a rigid nipple into his mouth at the same time a long finger traced the length of her slit. “Please,” she begged.
The finger skimmed across her wetness again and he lifted his head. He looked down into her eyes. “Please what?”
She opened her mouth but no words came out. Her chest rose and fell as she panted and her hips pressed forward, wordlessly telling him what she wanted. What she needed.
His fingers tickled over her pussy, lightly brushing her clit and disappearing. “Tell me,” he demanded. “Tell me what you want.”
“Touch me.” She pushed the words out between gasps for more oxygen.
As soon as the words left her lips, his hand cupped her core and a finger entered her body. He rocked his hand, the palm rubbing against her clit while another finger joined the first and she whimpered again. Using his teeth, he tugged the edge of her bra over her other breast and sucked that nipple into his mouth.
There was no gentleness as he suckled at her. His teeth worried the rigid tip and his hand rocked against her with strength and purpose. Suddenly, pleasure ripped through her and she cried out, clutching at Val and bucking against him as her insides clenched and she came.
Before she could recover, Val unzipped his pants, wedged his hips between her legs, grabbed her hands and pinned them to the wall above her head. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and entered her with one swift thrust.
Chest to chest, belly to belly, he held both her wrists in one hand and hooked her leg over his hip with the other. They both groaned at the deeper penetration.
He cupped her ass and Samair lifted her other leg and hooked her heels together behind his back. “Yes,” he grunted. His hips pumped and his cock shafted in and out, hitting her deep, and chasing passionate sounds from her with every stroke.
Pressure built rapidly and she tightened her inner muscles, wrenching a groan from Val. His hand tightened on her ass, holding her still as he picked up speed and fucked her harder. He bent his knees and angled deeper, hitting her pleasure spot and making her cry out. Her body tensed and she went over the edge into another orgasm, pleasure extending from her sex to every nerve center in her body. Her orgasm set off Val’s and he bit her neck as a guttural cry escaped from him.
Minutes later he released her wrists and her arms went around him. She rubbed his back and shoulders with one hand while the other stroked his hair, keeping his head at her shoulder as they both caught their breath.
Slowly, his hand left her ass and he lowered her so her feet touched the floor. He eased away and straightened her bra, carefully tucking her breasts back in before bending to kiss each satin-covered tip.
Samair raised a hand and cupped his cheek. He met her gaze and they both smiled.
“I like the lingerie,” he said with a straight face.
She laughed softly and nodded. Things were good.
n general, Samair wouldn’t want to live anywhere but Vancouver, but there were certainly days when it sucked. Days when it felt like the rain would never let up.
Whatever Val’s reason for letting her do a show at Risqué, Samair wasn’t going to question it again. It didn’t really matter what the reason was. What mattered was this was her chance to launch Trouble in a way that could really make a difference.
The night before she’d spent some time on the computer looking at fetish websites, as well as lingerie ones. Her designs were unique, but not out of this world, and to make them work for what had become the Fetish and Fantasy show, the right material for each piece was essential.
So far, leather, PVC, and various types of lace were on her list, but not everything was making it into her basket. Prices were high and she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to get everything she needed.
Panic was starting to get a grip when her phone rang. She snatched it out of her pocket before the second peal could sound. While she enjoyed the convenience of cell phones, and knew it was a smart thing to have one, she hated the sound of them ringing in public.
“Hello,” she said without checking the caller ID.
“Samair,” a voice singsonged. “I’ve been looking for you.” Remembering that she now gave out business cards with her cell phone number, she refrained from snapping. Instead, she rolled her eyes and focused on the bolt of netting in front of her. “How can I help you?”
“Well, for starters you can tell me why my favorite salesgirl isn’t at Rosa’s anymore, or why her house phone has been disconnected, and why I had to read on a flyer that my girl is having a fashion show!”
“Ginger?” A grin split Samair’s face. “Oh my God, it’s great to hear your voice! How are you?”
“I’m fantastic as always. And it seems like you are, too. Fetish and Fantasy show, hmmm. You are
of surprises.”
Samair quickly walked out the front door of the fabric warehouse to stand outside and talk. The rain had turned to a light drizzle so she stayed under the door awning.
Ginger had been her coworker at Rosa’s for years. When Samair was working part-time in college, Ginger was the full-time girl. She’d quit just before Bethany got pregnant and left, and while she’d drop by and say hi to Samair every now and then, Samair had never really thought of her as a close friend.
But there was no denying the sound of Ginger’s voice hit a certain button for her. “Things change. Rosa’s place sucked without you and Bethany, and the opportunity for the show came at just the right time, so I went for it. Or I should say I’m trying to go for it.”
“What do you mean
? If I remember correctly that word isn’t part of your vocabulary.”
“Well, starting up this design label was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, and while I do have a savings, it’s nowhere near as much as it should be.”
“Ohhh. Money issues huh, doll?”
There was a rustling sound and Ginger’s voice faded behind running water. “Ginger?”
“I’m here, sorry. Had to rinse this film or I’d lose it.”
Samair felt like an idiot. Here she’d been going on about herself and she’d never even thought to ask how Ginger’s new business was going. It seemed like everyone wanted to work for themselves these days. “How’s the photography going?”
“Doing good. Life is good.”
“Still with Jason, eh?” Samair laughed.
“Yeah, the man o’ my dreams. Listen, hun, I have to run right now but I had to track you down and tell you Bethany and I are coming to your show. We wouldn’t miss it for the world. If you need anything, anything at all, you call, okay?”
Emotion clogged Samair’s throat. “I will.”
“And Samair . . .”
“One thing I learned when starting up my business was that if you have a decent limit on your credit card, which I know you do, a lot of places will let you set up a business account to pay monthly,
you can barter for discounts.”
“Thank you.”
Samair hung up the phone and had to stand outside for a few extra minutes. When she’d walked in on Kevin and Lisa, she’d thought she had no friends left other than Joey, who she’d slowly turned away from over the years. But the phone call from Ginger was proof that she had been wrong.
Sometimes being wrong was a beautiful thing.
oll over,” Samair commanded.
A dark eyebrow winged upward. “You said on my back.”
“And now I’ve changed my mind.” She climbed off the bed. “You’d better be on your front when I return.”
Samair went straight for the front room where she’d left her backpack when she’d arrived earlier that night. Or morning. Whatever. She’d been working day and night on her designs and when she’d glanced at the clock to see it was almost two in the morning and she was still wide awake, she’d made her first booty call ever.
Val had picked her up after closing the club, and taken her home with him. As soon as they’d walked in the door, Val had taken complete control, stripped her naked, and bent her over for a good hard fuck that had left them both breathless.
Now it was her turn.
Shaking her head, she picked up the bag she was always leaving in his hallway and headed back to the bedroom. She’d come prepared to make her fantasy a reality, but she’d been so distracted by Val himself that she’d forgotten her plan.
Focused on what she’d wanted all along, when she got back to the bedroom she was happy to see Val had rolled over and folded his arms under his chin. She dropped her bag on the foot of the bed and started rooting through it.
She poured some of the coconut oil she’d brought with her into her hands, rubbed them together to heat it, and straddled his hips. Val’s head was cradled on his arms, his hair spread out and his eyes closed. He smiled when she leaned forward and brushed his hair out of the way, but he didn’t open his eyes.
With long, smooth strokes she spread the oil over his back and shoulders. She started with a light soothing touch, spreading the oil and enjoying the feel of his muscles softening beneath her touch.
“That’s it,” she murmured as she worked. “Relax for me, baby. I just want to get to know your body better. You seem to know mine extraordinarily well and turnabout is fair play.”
“Just remember you said that,” he growled.
She laughed. He was relaxing, and she was loving the freedom of touching wherever she wanted. Tenderness welled inside her as she worked the tension out of his neck, then started down his back, digging her fingers into the muscles between his shoulders. Val wasn’t a big muscle-bound guy. He was long and lean, with a layer of tight strength throughout. Lethal—that’s what he was.
Sliding lower, she worked the middle of his back. Then she was on his ass. God, what an ass. Tight and firm and completely biteable.
She put a little more oil in her hands and started to massage his buttocks. His legs shifted beneath her as she kneaded and squeezed. Remembering what he’d done to her that night in the private party room, she spread his cheeks and ran an oiled thumb over his puckered anus.
A seductive groan echoed through the room and he shivered. Excitement flared deep in her belly and she passed her thumb over the area again before quickly moving down to his thigh.
He hadn’t told her to stop. He even seemed to like the sensation her light touch had caused, but she’d felt the slight tensing of his body when she’d touched him the second time. She massaged his left leg, working her thumbs into the muscles of his thigh and continuing down his lightly furred calf. When she touched his foot, he silently jerked it out of her reach.
“Are you ticklish?” Her delight evident in her voice, she reached for his foot again.
Again he jerked it out of her hand the second her fingers touched the bottom of his foot. A growl sounded from the top of the bed and she giggled. “Okay, okay, I won’t touch your feet.”
She started at his thigh again and massaged the back of his right leg before getting him to turn over. Slowly she worked her way back up his body, pleased to see that while his muscles had become pliant under her hands, his cock stood strong and proud.
She glanced up to see him watching her. With a sultry smile she opened her mouth and took him deep. Feeling the throb of hot blood flowing through him against her tongue ripped a sigh of satisfaction from her throat. He felt so good there, tasted so good. She closed her eyes, intent on taking her time.
One hand cupped his balls and fondled them while she licked the length of his shaft. Her lips formed a tight circle over the smooth head, and she sucked, using her mouth, her tongue, and her hand to stroke his length all at once. There was no urgency, just a languorous loving that felt completely right

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